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Facebook Violence Curbs Thwarted by Groups Using Code Words ( 289

An anonymous reader shares a report: When President Donald Trump urged Americans last month to "LIBERATE VIRGINIA" on Twitter, a private Facebook group named "Boogaloo Enthusiasts: CORONAPOCALYPSE" welcomed the tweet. "Did Trump just call for boogaloo?," one member wrote, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. "Well, you heard the man! Let's go bois," another responded. Membership in Facebook groups focused on violent anti-government uprisings in the U.S. has doubled in recent weeks as the coronavirus pandemic has spread and governments impose restrictions aimed at slowing the contagion.

To get their message across, these groups are exploiting loopholes in Facebook anti-violence policies -- using satire, code words and other tactics that mask their motives, according to experts who follow fringe groups on social media. One of the more common such phrases is "boogaloo," which can refer to a kind of music but more recently has come to describe a pending civil war. The boogaloo groups, and other extremist groups deploying similar tactics, pose yet another test for the Menlo Park, California-based social media giant, as it tries to strike a workable balance between allowing free discourse and curbing disinformation or those encouraging violence and law breaking.

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Facebook Violence Curbs Thwarted by Groups Using Code Words

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Bunch of really on-edge folks sitting around, expecting more government/government-proxy crackdowns, and then you start limiting speech. Definitely won't rile them up worse...
    • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:12AM (#60051842)

      There is no win-win.

      You have people, some with influential positions, posting incorrect and dangerous advice. We having a lot of people doing the equivalent of screaming fire in a crowded theater. This is on the edge of free speech tolerance, and sometimes past it.

      However I feel, that if you feel the need to Code your speech, you are probably saying something that is bad and you know it is bad.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:26AM (#60051912)

        you are probably saying something that is bad and you know it is bad

        --Xi Jinping

      • Anyone who calls themselves Boogaloo Enthusiasts: CORONAPOCALYPSE sounds like some goon that spends too much time on 4chan or some similar cesspool. This feels more like some kind of attempt at trolling by some kids that are unlikely to leave their basement let alone march on the state capital.
      • Facebook and Zuckerberg and his Millenial staff are obviously the right people to decide what "good" and "bad" speech are.

        I fully trust Zuck with my privacy. Why not trust him with my speech, too?
      • And if they think it is a real cover, those actually committing offenses, rather than just writing nonsense they won't do is private groups, will find it isn't. Governments have managed to track better codes than these types can come up with.

      • And encrypted messages are only used by scoundrels.

        Oh my how Slashdot has fallen.

      • We having a lot of people doing the equivalent of screaming fire in a crowded theater.

        No we aren't. No is being trampled because someone said "boogaloo" on the internet.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by cayenne8 ( 626475 )

        ...according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

        Giving merit to quotes from a very partisan and somewhat extremist group themselves, doesn't help matters a lot.

      • NO.

        If you need to say something, and feel the need for a anonymity, then it's a safe bet someone else has implied, or explicitly threatened, violence to curb your speech.

        Fuck no.

      • However I feel, that if you feel the need to Code your speech, you are probably saying something that is bad and you know it is bad.

        This is so true. But what I've always found funny about speaking in code, is how difficult it is to do without arising suspicion that you are in fact speaking in code.

        Like, If my kids were sitting at the dinner table having a normal conversation, and I asked them how their day was, if one of them were to lean into the other and say lightly, "The crow just landed in it's nest", I'd be in tears!

        But, I guess that's what I find so funny about it. I have to believe most people are probably pretty good at picki

        • by N1AK ( 864906 )

          I know it's not pleasant to run across a group filled with hate and angry people, but if you do succeed in knocking them off a public platform, you can bet they will find some other platform to connect with.

          I think the argument is that by getting them off massive platforms limits the casual readership which makes sense if your goal is to limit distribution of these views. I'm not entirely sure I buy into this being a good thing, although I do also understand that 30 years ago if you were advocating a racial

    • I must have missed them in the news.

      • I must have missed them in the news.

        The protests were not physically violent, but they were verbally violent. Many of the signs displayed harsh statements, some with incorrect grammar.

        • The protests were not physically violent, but they were verbally violent. Many of the signs displayed harsh statements, some with incorrect grammar.

          +1 Funny!

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Why isn't there a Northern Prosperity Anarchy Center?
  • Don't use Facebook (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Kohath ( 38547 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:06AM (#60051812)

    Censorship is a losing strategy. They won't be able to censor as much as they want and they'll alienate random Facebook users in the process.

    Facebook is a parasitic, exploitative platform. The algorithms promote and encourage the worst behavior because it attracts attention. Ad revenue follows attention. Everyone should stop using Facebook.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Censorship works reasonably well in China, the difference is that they have large numbers of humans working on the problem. Facebook is too cheap to employ people to censor so uses simple word matching which is easily bypassed.

      • You understand that censorship is a bad thing though right? Just checking.
        • Something can still be effective even though it’s bad. No one is going to argue the Stasi were ineffective.
          • I would argue that the Stasi were inefficient and only marginally effective. They could interfere with samizdat at a huge cost, but they couldn't shut it down.

        • I wouldn't bet on it. Censorship has gotten a lot of proponents in recent years, among those who benefit from its universal one-sidedness anyway.
        • You understand that large groups of morons destroying telecommunication equipment and planning civil war is a bad thing though right? Just checking.

          • What does that have to do with censorship? You know people are allowed to communicate. Even the stupid ones out destroying telecommunication equipment and planning civil war. Idiots exist. They do idiotic things. I understand this is facebook and not the government so freedom of speech isn't really the issue here. I get that. People are going to talk to each other. This isn't what facebook thinks it is. I'm sure there's some overlap but they haven't "cracked the code" on hate groups because they noticed som
          • Yeah, and you punish them when they do that. If there's direct evidence of a crime being planned, that can also be punished.
        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          It's not quite that black and white but certainly Chinese censorship is bad.

          The Chinese are more motivated, Facebook does it only to the extent required to ward off lawsuits and regulation.

          • You’ll have to indulge me on how it’s not quite that black and white.

            Whose face the boot is on shouldn’t influence whether or not you condone an action. It usually turns out that it doesn’t take long for the boot to end up on your own, and I have a feeling you won’t like it very much.
            • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

              Will I quite like censoring spam and revenge porn. The former I mostly outsource to Google.

              • Will I quite like censoring spam and revenge porn. The former I mostly outsource to Google.

                I don't disagree with you on the latter. If Facebook were only censoring revenge porn, this wouldn't be an issue. Conversely, I'm pretty sure Google allows you to turn off the spam filtering if you want, and even if they don't, you can have completely uncensored e-mail without losing access to e-mail itself by using other e-mail services, or rolling your own if you're sufficiently determined.

                The problem is that there's no such thing as 'unfiltered Facebook', where you could roll your own OpenFB server, get

            • You don't realise boots have good uses? Like when walking in muddy ground. Goshyour back and white world must be simpler.

        • I have to admit, free speech has lost its appeal in the past couple years.

          • I disagree strongly with that sentiment but if that's how you feel that's kind of sad.
          • Free speech isn't all beauty and roses. It can be very ugly and dirty. But that's the price you pay for freedom over security. There's lot of speech that I don't agree with and that I think is terrible, but people should be allowed to say it. To say otherwise means you don't actually believe in free speech, you believe in curated speech that meets your standards.
          • No, not really.

            No, in fact, not at all. Freedom of speech is at its most valuable when the words are ugly and the stakes are high.

          • I have to admit, free speech has lost its appeal in the past couple years.

            That's because you disagree with the speakers.

        • You understand that censorship is a bad thing though right? Just checking.

          It's not an absolute term. Not all censorship is bad. Most of it is actually. I'd say 95% of censorship shouldn't exist. But some of these toxic ass groups I've seen shouldn't be given any kind of platform. So there's no need to sit here and play the moral imperative or slippery slope angle. Some of these groups are just so bad they do not deserve free speech. Where the line in the sand that's drawn is a fight eternal, we will always debate about where in the sand to draw censorship. That's exactly

          • Not my feelings at all. I believe It's all bad. You let people say what they want to say and the chips fall where they may. I don't believe in shutting up people who I disagree with. It's as simple as that. The "shouting fire in a crowded theater" bit that's so often mentioned (and here I am doing it myself) is about where the line is. Consequences come from doing something like that if you do it and get caught and they should. If people in the crowd get a chance to kick your ass for that then more power to
        • You understand that the 1st amendment only protects you from government, not from private entities like facebook? Just checking.
      • By reasonably well, you mean, people who say the wrong things are dissapeared or imprisoned because there is no such thing as legally as freedom of speech or freedom of thought. More over communist generally view 'diversity' ( or at least the wrong kind of diversity) as a BAD thing because it tends to disrupt full contribution to the collective.

    • Censorship is a losing strategy. They won't be able to censor as much as they want and they'll alienate random Facebook users in the process

      I think people are missing the point here.

      Facebook is now way more than just the website Facebook and if it goes down in fire, Facebook the company will be just fine. They'll still draw as much blood out of Facebook the website as they can, but yeah, once it gets too toxic and the censorship drives everyone away, it won't really be any kind of significant loss.

      That is not "Oh no! What will they do when they have to censorship the fuck out of everyone!?" That is actually part of the plan. The idea is to

    • by leonbev ( 111395 )

      Yeah... there are other forums that will let you post whatever alt-right hate speech you want. Go post in one of those instead. Leave Facebook for its intended purpose in life... posting pictures of your kids for relatives who are too lazy to come and visit once in awhile.

  • Leetspeak on BBSes (Score:4, Interesting)

    by optikos ( 1187213 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:07AM (#60051820)
    Everyone did this on BBSes back in the 1970s and 1980s to sneak content in past the sysops.
  • by Evtim ( 1022085 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:08AM (#60051828)

    This must be the first time in history when people avoid attracting the attention of authorities by communicating in code.

    Thank goodness Facebook was not around during the communist regimes of old; all of us would have been in a Gulag!

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Train0987 ( 1059246 )

      How is it that Leftists are able to understand this code? Why are they the ones who always hear the secret white supremacist dog-whistles?

      It's almost as if that's just become a standard tactic of the Left to immediately brand any opinion they don't like as racist so they can poison any debate and dehumanize those who dare disagree with them about socialism.

      • Possibly for the same reaosn the right tries to use the "communist/socialist" killer phrase? It's not like the left is the only ones who try to derail communications by using terminating cliches.

        • When a major candidate from a major party is running for president for the second time and comes in close second after getting fucked by the party (AGAIN) who calls himself a socialist and is well known friend of the former Soviet communists, then using the words socialist/communist seems appropriate.
      • The white supremacists hear the codes. The difference is that they don't go spouting off to the media about what the codes are, because then they might have to come up with new ones.
  • Nadsat (Score:5, Funny)

    by bickerdyke ( 670000 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:13AM (#60051848)

    I viddy some malchik has the keeskhas to ask for a bit ofthe old in-and-out game and the ultra violence. That's really horrorshow.

  • This is ridiculous (Score:5, Insightful)

    by JudgeFurious ( 455868 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:20AM (#60051872)
    It's nothing but the latest version of a long-running "joke" from /k/. Boogaloo is used interchangeably with a bunch of other terms like time to go "innawoods" and "SHTF" or "When the zombie apocalypse comes". Is there some group of people in there "even weirder than your average /k/ommando" who thinks this means something more? Probably but no, there is not some kind of "boogaloo group" waiting to grab their AR's and go out the door to terrorize liberals. We mostly leave that to the Supreme Court.
    • by kaatochacha ( 651922 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @11:20AM (#60052160)

      This, exactly this. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad how every time someone comes up with an in joke, a certain segment of society deems it hate speech and demands it get shutdown. Like that OK symbol.
      The people doing this don't realize that they're being trolled by the ones who convinced them it was a real threat.

  • SPLC? (Score:3, Informative)

    by Train0987 ( 1059246 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:20AM (#60051876)

    The SPLC is a thoroughly discredited hate group. How does this make it to Slashdot???

    • Because Slashdot is also a discredited hate group, at least when it comes to politics.

    • by Toonol ( 1057698 )
      I don't know if they're a hate group, but they are certainly a discredited partisan attack group. Can't take any body seriously who takes them seriously.
  • YouTube people (Score:5, Insightful)

    by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:21AM (#60051878)
    People on YouTube use codewords for COVID-19 so they don't get de-monetized.
    • That has gotten pretty ridiculous. The pandemic affects pretty much all of daily life. Yet Youtubers have to completely avoid mentioning it or use vague phrases like "the current situation" so the almighty algorithm doesn't demonetize them.

      Covid is basically Voldemort. Life imitates art.

      • That’s hardly anything new. There’s a whole lot of words that get a video flagged and demonetized and it’s been that way for years. I don’t think YouTube really cares though.
        • The difference is, in my experience at least, some time ago it was basically just swear words. You "only" had to censor yourself to keep things family-friendly. Now you can't even mention worldwide recent events in passing.
  • by Sumguy2436 ( 6186944 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @10:25AM (#60051908)

    Wouldn't be another day ending in Y if there wasn't another call for censorship from the SPLC.

    Point at some memes and edgelords et voila, everyone protesting lockdowns is a fringe extremist far-right sympathizer who needs to be banned for the greater good. Complete with the usual "independent" research and oversight committees that just happen to be stacked with members from only one political side.

    • So your taking about the new Facebook supreme court then? Set up just in time to be ready for the 2020 election. It is a brilliant move, they can censor all they want and then blame their supreme court (that they hand picked) for the lopsided censorship.

    • Wouldn't be another day ending in Y if there wasn't another call for censorship

      People should quit facebook in protest

  • Of course that doesn't mean anything.
  • SPLC is a scam (Score:2, Informative)

    by linuxrunner ( 225041 )

    SPLC are scam artists. They were made as a scam by changing their name to look like another legit organization and rose to fame by defending a lady who received a mere 50K while they took in millions and didn't give a dime to her.

    They are a scam group that thrives off of hate.

    A little research shows what a scam they are and all their fundraising is done using hate.

  • Why does anyone ever quote them? The Southern Poverty Law Center is itself a hate group. They fulfill their own stated criteria for what defines one. They exist simply to intimidate and silence those they disagree with.

  • by AmazingRuss ( 555076 ) on Tuesday May 12, 2020 @11:37AM (#60052224)
    ... getting secret messages from the Twitter President, while munching tendies in mommas basement.

    This is the dumbest timeline.
  • Don't bother censoring the posts or restricting the use of particular words. Let them openly promote, discuss, and plan their acts of violence.

    That will make it much easier to obtain a conviction if (when) they follow through on those plans.

  • Electric boogaloo!

After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.
