Twitter Labels Trump Tweet As 'Manipulated Media' (thehill.com) 404
Twitter has flagged a tweet from President Trump as containing "manipulated media" after the president tweeted a clip of a black toddler and a white toddler edited to include a CNN chyron reading "terrified todler[sic] runs from racist baby." The Hill reports: The initial video, which was widely circulated online long before the tweet, shows the two children running towards each other and embracing. It has been edited to include ominous background music and the fictitious CNN headline. The video reverts to the original clip midway through, cutting to a title reading "America is not the problem. Fake news is."
"This tweet has been labeled per our synthetic and manipulated media policy to give people more context," a Twitter spokesperson told The Hill. The tweet marks the third time the social media platform has flagged a tweet by the president.
"This tweet has been labeled per our synthetic and manipulated media policy to give people more context," a Twitter spokesperson told The Hill. The tweet marks the third time the social media platform has flagged a tweet by the president.
Faking fake news? (Score:5, Insightful)
If you have to make your argument that CNN is fake with fake evidence, that is an implicit admission that the real problem is CNN is too truthful for your tastes.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2, Insightful)
And suddenly the left somehow doesn't understand parody. Amazing.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Insightful)
“Oh shit, I got caught trying to throw mud at CNN with a faked video” is so far from “parody” it has its own laws of physics.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:5, Informative)
Literally nobody with half a brain would believe that it's a real CNN video. It does, however, use CNN's artistic style and framing as a critique of CNN's reporting style through deliberate exaggeration, which is the *definition* of what a parody is.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2, Flamebait)
Literally nobody with half a brain would believe that it's a real CNN video
Well it's a good litmus test for the user base here anyway. We can already see who the brain-dead ones are.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2)
Too late, I just linked The Onions Aunt Jemima article further down. Waiting for them to chime in praising Quaker Oats for their incredibly progressive selection of a new mascot.
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Re: Faking fake news? (Score:5, Funny)
most Trump supporters sadly do not have the necessary half a brain to differentiate between trump lies, trump jokes and trump truths. To them they are all just trump truths.
In all fairness, It takes a couple of news cycles for Trump himself to know what he meant by those things.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:5, Informative)
Trump is a demonstration of the limitation of release early, release often in a regimen that avoids testing or bugfixes.
Oi! I was referring to his tweets.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2)
Why or?
Remove the bs that makes the Trump supporter Comfortably Numb, then educate non-abusively so that at least some of those crazy diamonds can shine rather than be trapped with worms eating their brains.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Insightful)
Your reasonable explanation of parody is downmodded to oblivion, while others, including pure namecalling screeds, are upmodded.
Memes have humans defending them in their attempts to spread.
People, I throw down the gauntlet. Try to get back to discussion instead of being a cog in what amounts to echo chambers escaped into the wild, complete with censorship frameworks. It's bad enough there are state-sponsored and other large organizations doing this astroturfing, without capture of the common yokel, pressed into dutu on their behalf, unknowingly.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Interesting)
Literally nobody with half a brain would believe that it's a real CNN video.
So, you're saying about half of the voting public is going to believe it?
Reminds me of a story about Adlai Stevenson. Stevenson had a reputation as an intellectual. One of his supporters once said “you have the vote of every thinking person!” And Stevenson replied, “That’s not enough, we need a majority.”
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Insightful)
That's one of the reasons why "defund STEM" and "science is white and colonialist and must be cancelled" is now central to far left claims.
No, that's some bullshit you just made up.
Please provide some evidence that:
a) There's actually a cohesive far left.
b) Their central claim is that science is white and colonialist, and must be canceled.
When you need to make up a strawman to feel good about your viewpoints, you really should investigate why you hold those views in the first place.
Not left dogma [Re: Faking fake news?] (Score:4, Interesting)
That's one of the reasons why "defund STEM" and "science is white and colonialist and must be cancelled" is now central to far left claims.
I haven't seen this position from the left. Maybe twenty or thirty years ago, when deconstructionism was a vogue in some places.
Whether the left or the right is the pro-science party tends to vary with political trends. For the last twenty years or so, it's been the left that's pro-science, and the right anti-science. Bck in the Reagan era, it tended toward the opposite way.
That will undoubtably shift again one day, possibly after Charles Koch dies. (The right being anti-science was to a large extent a result of massively funded campaigns by the Koch brothers to try to discredit climate science).
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Whether the left or the right is the pro-science party tends to vary with political trends. For the last twenty years or so, it's been the left that's pro-science, and the right anti-science
The party of feelings over facts is NOT pro-science.
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Re: Faking fake news? (Score:5, Informative)
Either that or you just really, really suck at it. But feel free to regal me with tales of hilarious right wing comics like.... I gots nothing.
Dennis Leary? Adam Sandler? Tim Allen? Norm McDonald? Jeff Dunham? Jeff Foxworthy? Larry the Cable Guy?
You don't have to tell me that you've got nothing; we are all painfully aware.
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Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2)
I have no idea if they voted for Trump or not, but that was not the question which was posed. Pay attention.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2)
Comedy is subjective. I'm not a huge Jeff Dunham fan, but he's certainly far better than Lena Dunham, and there are hordes of screeching harpies who seem to find her hilarious. If you think you have an objective way to rank comedians I'd love to hear it (even if it is rather off-topic here).
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:3, Interesting)
Quick follow-up; I looked up Jeff Dunham on wikipedia and here is what it says:
"As of November 2009, he has sold over four million DVDs, an additional $7 million in merchandise sales,[4] and received more than 350 million hits on YouTube as of October 2009; his introduction of Achmed the Dead Terrorist in Spark of Insanity was ranked as the ninth most watched YouTube video at the time.[1] A Very Special Christmas Special was the most-watched telecast in Comedy Central history, with the DVD selling over 400,
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Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2)
The question said right-wing. For some of those, you'd have to be fairly far left for them to be on the right. As in off the road and into the landscape left.
None of which lean into politics (Score:4, Insightful)
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wtf is "the left"?
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2, Insightful)
wtf is "the left"?/quote.
An ancient classification for a specific type of political party, originating in the French National Assembly in the 1700s. Originally used to indicate revolutionary leanings, though in modern parlance it is more broadly used to indicate those who wish to change society whether through revolution or legislative means.
Also apparently a bunch of poopy-heads who can't tell the difference between a real video and parody unless twitter points it out to them.
The more you know!
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That would make the President part of "the left", what with all those executive orders he signs. Does he not think the video is a parody? He's definitely a poopy-head, don't disagree with you there.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Insightful)
So reality doesn't fit your dumb catch-all straw man or is this just how "the right" engages with the world now? All bluster, insults and misdirection to cover up the lack of any actual substance to your inane ranting. I guess I can't argue with the methodology, it's working a treat for the man in charge.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Informative)
Totalitarian movements are mass organizations of atomized, isolated individuals. Compared with all other parties and movements, their most conspicuous external characteristic is their demand for total, unrestricted, unconditioiial, and unalterable loyalty of the individual member. This demand is made by the leaders of totalitarian movements even before they seize power. It usually precedes the total organization of the country under their actual rule and it follows from the claim of their ideologies that their organization will encompass, in due course, the entire human race.
Such loyalty can be expected only from the completely isolated human being who, without any other social ties to family, friends, comrades, or even mere acquaintances, derives his sense of having a place in the world only from his belonging to a movement, his membership in the party. Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes of mind might naturally arise. The totalitarian movements, each in its own way, have done their utmost to get rid of the party programs which specified concrete content and which they inherited from earlier, nontotalitarian stages of development. No matter how radically ihcy might have been phrased, every definite political goal which does not simply assert or circumscribe the claim to world rule, every political program which deals with issues more specific than "ideological questions of importance for centuries" is an obstruction to totalitarianism. Hitler's greatest achievement in the organization of the Nazi movement, which he gradually built up from the obscure crackpot membership of a typically nationalistic little party, was that he unburdened the movement of the party's earlier program, not by changing or officially abolishing it, but simply by refusing to talk about it or discuss its points , whose relative moderateness of content and phraseology were very soon outdated.
Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism - Book 3: Totalitarianism
We are literally watching the Nazi playbook in action.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:5, Insightful)
Also, she reminds us that categorizing people by ridiculously irrelevant properties (such as by arguing the tired chestnut, "well, black people commit more crime!") is specifically racist.
If a Negro in a white community is considered a Negro and nothing else, he loses along with his right to equality that freedom of action which is specifically human; all his deeds are now explained as "necessary" consequences of some "Negro" qualities; he has become some specimen of an animal species, called man.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2)
The political spectrum is more often shown as two dimensional, rather than one dimensional, by any serious political theorist.
Although I tend to use 3+1. (Before anyone asks, that's not topologically the same as 4.)
Anyway, left tends to mean progressive, as opposed to conservative (right). It covers the full range from authoritarian to anarchistic, just as conservative does.
The midpoint should ideally be a perfect balance between these two modes of thought. So a centrist will pick and choose freely between
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:5, Insightful)
But even that's not correct. Left wing prioritises the interests of the collective where as right wing prioritises the interests of the individual. It's only in certain circumstances where left has become strongly associated with progressive and right with conservative. The Nazi's were extremely progressive, and extremely right wing. Conservatives in China or Vietnam are communists and so obviously left wing. And as you point out there are multiple scales at play here. Left vs right, conservative vs progressive, authoritarian vs libertarian. It barely scratches the surface of reality. The ultimate point being that these labels are often lacking in true substance. They're academic and really only have a place in a classroom or forum. Moreover they don't apply to people. No one person is purely "left". It's absurd. People have thousands of different, often quite conflicting ideas bouncing around inside their heads. We change our minds constantly and our actions very often don't match our inner beliefs. We're a bundle of confused and sometimes very random thoughts. Pinning that down to even a broad spectrum of political ideology is hopelessly inadequate. It's just easier. Easier to argue with and more importantly easier to dismiss. If someone can think of themselves "conservative" and someone they disagree with as "liberal" then they can just stop talking. No need to bother trying to figure out our differences when we can just write each other off with cheap labels.
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And suddenly the left somehow doesn't understand parody. Amazing.
No. You (pretend you?) don't understand parody.
Parody: A video which says "CMN" on a rainbow background, shows Don Lemon as an actual lemon and then does something like this. Except a parody wouldn't use a real CNN report in this way since that would disturb the joke. The report would probably show barney the dinosaur eating children. Probably linked to some actual videos of CNN reports which do something similar.
Lie: A video which uses the normal CNN logo and an actual actual news report but edits them s
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:3, Informative)
Thank you for proving that you really do not understand parody. Allow me to point you to a resource which can help:
https://www.theonion.com/quake... [theonion.com]
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Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2)
I see the problem now. Sorry. Good luck.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:2)
The Onion is not parody. The Onion is satire.
Thank you for demonstrating that you don't understand parody.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:5, Insightful)
It is amazing how much "parody" you can find on conservative social media sites these days You can continue to find it copied (without comment except how terrible the actions are) for months or years afterwards
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That's because the right wing has redefined parody to mean, "acting like I'm joking when I'm really serious," which is the polar opposite of, "acting serious when I'm really joking."
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:5, Informative)
And suddenly the left somehow doesn't understand parody. Amazing.
Interesting. GP postulates a thought experiment about the labelling of a news organisation. You straight away turn this into a left vs right political issue. Tell me, did you take the conversation in this direction because you are being paid to, or because are you committed to a political party like some kind of crazed devotee to a cult?
America's 2 party system is truly bizarre, not the parties themselves, but the public supporting them.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:3, Insightful)
Interesting. GP postulates a thought experiment about the labelling of a news organisation.
It wasn't a thought experiment; he implied (so bluntly that he may as well have stated it) that CNN is so truthful that the only way Trump can show them to be lying is by making up something they never said.
You straight away turn this into a left vs right political issue.
I didn't turn it into a left/right issue; the tweet was political from the start, and only became more so when twitter decided they needed to slap a "manipulated video" label on obvious parody.
Tell me, did you take the conversation in this direction because you are being paid to, or because are you committed to a political party like some kind of crazed devotee to a cult?
That's some strong projection there.
America's 2 party system is truly bizarre, not the parties themselves, but the public supporting them.
The important thing here is that you get to feel superior because yo
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Informative)
It's a manipulated video.
Accurate labels are useful.
And, no, it's not parody.
Here, I'll help.
Parody: an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
Satire: the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
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It's fu$%ing batshit insane is what it is.
Re: Faking fake news? (Score:4, Insightful)
Man those goalposts got moved so fast I swear I heard a sonic boom.
It's all Political Manipulation (Score:5, Insightful)
Every fucking political ad is "manipulated media"
Out of Context
Guilt by association
Even the fucking music is manipulation.
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I welcome this on all political advertising. I don't have time to fact check every emotionally manipulative statement. But sites need to open it up to moderated crowdsourcing if they're going to have anywhere near the capacity.
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Be careful tho, don't be so stupid as to believe on Trump is doing this shit.
Tweeted from: RealDonaldTrump
Are you an ignorant fool?
Re:It's all Political Manipulation (Score:5, Interesting)
While you are correct in a broad and general form. The american voting public can be manipulated rather easy. Therefore the extreme fake ad's are being targeted ( as this was the case ), then slowly as fact checking become better with sourcing, it will be more common.
It's going to be interesting. When politicians can no longer wag the tail of the dog.
Re: It's all Political Manipulation (Score:4, Interesting)
Sure, but claiming the clip is from CNN by faking the logo is on a whole other level. The examples you cite are no different from methods employed in TV shows to build suspense. I'm not saying it's appropriate in a political ad, but it's not nearly the same as the video in question.
And, of course, we're talking about the POTUS spreading it, he's not just some Super PAC. He's ostensibly one of the most powerful people in the world.
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News mostly stopped being news when it went to the 24 hour news cycle years ago... Now it's just clickbait headlines to sell ads, really more entertainment than news since news is boring.
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It's a meme. It's not meant to be an actual CNN headline...but to interpret it that way allows Twitter to censor, so of course they're going to take that angle. It's satire, an exaggeration for effect, and a good one too. Plus there's the fact that CNN got caught lying so many times that it's a meme in itself now. Here they are getting caught red-handed planting debate questions. [imgur.com] CNN cropped out the ISIS finger salute and Jihad scarf from the Fort Lauderdale attacker's picture. [i.redd.it] Sheriff asks media not t
Re:Faking fake news? (Score:4, Insightful)
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In their world, free speech becomes censorship when it's used to call them out on their lies.
They call actual censorship "kicking ass" as they high-five their fellow cosplayers.
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Well no, it is crated media. Clearly the intent was satire of CNN news reporting, the original was out there, no attempt to hide it, it inherently is a part of the creative work, a satirical expression of the way CNN reports the news. Calling it manipulated media is a huge lie, because it's intent was satirical and not factual. For it to become manipulated media, some one else has to edit the creative satirical media and make it look like something it was not. It clearly labels with the name of the creator
Parody (Score:3)
That's weird. The Onion's twitter feed is full of manipulated media, and I don't see a single tag on them.
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Re:Content (Score:5, Informative)
They're open about their manipulation for the purposes of parody, while other random accounts doing "the same thing" are attempting to pass off their manipulation as objective reality? So it's not actually "the same thing?"
But you knew that...
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So where is your problem with Twitter making it clear that it is manipulated media?
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Re:Faking fake news? (Score:5, Informative)
No sane person would believe that was actual CNN reporting and hence manipulated video.
There are plenty of insane people around. And Trump is pandering to them. Wake up and realise that you have a shameless racist as president. Don't make apologies. We know it wasn't meant as a joke.
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Wake up and realise that you have a shameless racist as president.
I've heard people say this, but I honestly have no idea what they are basing that claim on.
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Freedom of expression does not mean freedom to remain undisputed.
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There's nothing technical about it. You're wrong. And no I didn't just censor you by staying this fact.
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Great example of the anti-CNN conspiracy theory.
Your "planted debate questions" is just an email, presumably confirming the audience member's question and the exact phrasing because every debate pre-screens questions that way.
Your cropped ISIS fighter is probably not even cropped by CNN, that's just how images look on Twitter until you click on them to expand the full view.
Your vidme link is long dead. Maybe time to update your ancient copy/paste files.
I'm not a fan of CNN, I can't even watch it in this cou
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Quote: "It's a meme".
NO. It's NOT a meme. Why you "trumpists" just keep saying that ALL that spread out his mouth is "a meme" instead of facing the TRUTH?
He is NOT a President FOR ALL. He only cares about HIMSELF and his racists friends. And HE WILL DO ANYTHING to DESTROY whoever contradicts him.
Re:Faking fake news? (Score:5, Informative)
If you have to make your argument that CNN is fake with fake evidence, that is an implicit admission that the real problem is CNN is too truthful for your tastes.
With Trump and, to some extent, his Administration it's not actually about real/fake, truth/lie or fact/fiction it's about whether he personally likes what's being reported and if it makes him look good. He'll go after anyone/body that displeases him -- something even Fox News is learning. He would make a really good third-world dictator.
Re:Faking fake news? (Score:5, Funny)
He would make a really good third-world dictator.
Did he step down or something? I thought he was in charge of the USA?
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No, it just proves that one doesn't necessarily have to be a good orator or communicator to get a degree from an ivy league college in the US. Hopefully it demonstrates how one with sufficient resources that lacks sufficient ability to communicate [possibly other abilities] can graduate from there..
And I'm point at you Penn. WTF
Told You So a Month Ago (Score:2, Interesting)
If they thought [they] could get away with it, the social tech giants would just make their policy the same as the crazy knitting forum:
https://www.ravelry.com/conten... [ravelry.com] [ravelry.com]
New Policy: Do Not Post In Support of Trump or his Administration
The goal is simply to get as close to that policy as possible through ever broader and vaguer (and selectively-enforced) TOS language and obstructionism like this. It'll get much worse the closer we get to the election (like it already has).
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if we have mandatory social media "outages" right before election day . . . just for you peasants, of course, not media outlets or "aproved" users.
Are we the baddies? (Score:3, Insightful)
Nope, It's always Orange Man Bad this and "TDS" that. If you d
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Just look at Gab or OANN as examples.
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"Don't believe that every member of a group is as bad as it's worst 5 percent. If you do, you're probably among the worst 5 percent of whatever group you're in."
-- Scott Adams
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A Fox News link? (Score:3)
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So your problem is that social media companies do not support the single most destructive lunatic ever to disgrace the office of POTUS?
just for you peasants, of course, not media outlets or "aproved" users.
Interesting comment. Somehow implying that social media tries to control a narrative instead of say a Whitehouse who bans certain members of the press critical to Dear Leader, and actively supports "news" like ONN who only just stop short of fellating Dear Leader in the middle of a press conference.
Re:Told You So a Month Ago (Score:4, Informative)
Apologies that's OANN, ONN is The Onion and the key difference there is the latter doesn't pretend to be serious.
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You are truly fucked if a knitting forum is the free speech soapbox you need to keep your democracy functioning.
Fortunately it's just a random internet forum where the owner gets to make whatever rules they like, and is unlikely to play any significant role in the coming election except as a copy/paste spamming point for freeze peach warriors.
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
So lemme get this straight (Score:2)
Fake fake media labeled as fake. Is that right? More correctly, Twitter believes that fake fake media will be perceived as real fake media so they labeled the fake fake media as fake even though it's fake fake media--unless it's real fake media in which case Twitter was correct to label the real fake media fake, because real fake media is really, really fake.
In related news, Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
From the meme's creator... (Score:5, Interesting)
The guy who created it, @carpedonktum (whose twitter handle is obviously placed in the corner of the meme), specifically stated he (1) used the wrong font [twitter.com] and (2) misspelled toddler [twitter.com] because idiots would think it was real.
And yet there were still idiots... and those idiots were not the Trump supporters.
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That's why they have to wield the weapon of fascists - censorship.
What censorship? Was the tweet deleted? No? Just a comment saying that it's not a real CNN clip?
The right has gone full 1984. Free speech is censorship! Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. [time.com]
We're winning, folks. We're winning at their own game.
You're beyond reason. If you believe that, you're completely detached from reality. Conservatives, Christians, the elderly, even evangelicals are breaking away from Donnie at an alarming rate. We've seen endless high-profile defections this year, and a growing number in the past few weeks. Even Pat Robert
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Re: From the meme's creator... (Score:2)
That's pretty fucking amazing. Thanks.
Where is the story here? (Score:2)
It is indeed manipulated media, so in fact the labeling seems totally fine... although inessential since every single person on the planet has seen the original video and knows what the joke is.
Now the problem to my mind is, where are the labels on other media similarly altered for humorous effect... I mean if Twitter is inly labeling Trump content, that seems pretty problematic.
Re:Where is the story here? (Score:5, Insightful)
Our President should not be retweeting a video like that - I do not give a fuck what the intent of it was. What he does is totally unPresidential and is yet more evidence that he wants to divide this country even more.
And while the easily manipulated electorate is distracted by this horseshit, Trump has been rolling back regulations that keep our air and water clean, regulations that keep financial institutions from screwing us over again, and other regulations to prevent another economic meltdown - and everything the corporations and the very wealthy wants to our detriment. Because reducing regulations helps fatten the bottom lines of big business who donate a LOT of money to the Republicans and Trump.
Remember when... (Score:5, Insightful)
Remember when CNN et al cut the footage of Trump's visit to Japan to make him seem like a baffoon? The video cuts all the sections where he feeds the fish, and then only shows the Japanese PM gentlely feeding the fish, then a cut to Trump dumping the box in (it was only the remains of the box, following exactly what the PM did).
So clearly, Facebook, Twitter, et al, are going to ban that video for being directly manipulated. right? ...RIGHT?
And clearly CNN et al apologized for directly editing footage to smear a president. Right? ...RIIGHT?
Hate Trump's policies all you want. But nobody can even remotely, objectively, suggest that the media has been playing fair in its portrayal of the current president. How many body-shaming cycles of "small hands, he wears a wig, he paints his face"? Because everyone who is moderate can hear the screaming hypocrisy even with noise cancelling headphones and earplugs jammed into our heads.
Remember when they openly debated whether his child had AUTISM? That kid had to go to school after the entire nation (and world) publicly debated whether he was retarded. Imagine the kind of bullying that kid got. A child whose only crime was being born to someone the world hates.
Re:Remember when... (Score:5, Insightful)
But nobody can even remotely, objectively, suggest that the media has been playing fair in its portrayal of the current president.
Absolutely, and the same manipulation is evident in the media here in Europe. And it scares the hell out of me. Not because I like Trump (I don't), but because they could start doing the same to political candidates I might actually want to see elected. My views and those of most of our media do not align, and that's putting it mildly. Combine that with growing censorship and deplatforming on social media, and it will be increasingly hard to get alternative views and opinions out to a wide audience.
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Questioning his dollar store tan is not body shaming. Either POTUS is very very ill or for some bizarre reason he chooses to apply liquid tanning agent very poorly by himself rather than simply paying someone to do a good job of it. It speaks to his fragile mental state aside from anything else.
The small hands thing is body shaming, I'll give you that. Vanity Fair described him as a "short-fingered vulgarian" 30 years ago and we should move past it now.
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Interesting that you lump "The Media" into one word. Especially given the number of news agencies going out of their way to almost fellate the man publicly. You say the media and then come up with a couple of anecdotes from CNN. Hell Hannity would likely openly declare his live for the president were it not for his viewership bias towards homophobia.
I'm sure CNN doesn't give two shits about how fair to treat a POTUS who has on several occasions excluded them from a press conference.
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While I agree with you - the media has always done this - but hang on a sec:
How many body-shaming cycles of "small hands, he wears a wig, he paints his face"?
In my experience, zero. The only place I have ever heard the "orange man" thing is here on Slashdot, and always when someone is accusing someone else of having used it. It seems like a strawman to me. People accuse the media of calling Trump names, even if they never do it. I've never read a news story on CNN, The Guardian, The Hill, Fox, NPR, The New York Times, or the Wall Stree Journal, CNBC, or Bloomberg refer to any of thes
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How many body-shaming cycles of "small hands, he wears a wig, he paints his face"?
Umm, none of that is about body shaming, at all. If Trump were to shake them off with a little self-deprecation, no one would bother with those oddities. It's the fact that he's so obviously self-centered and thin-skinned that he gets upset and aggressively denies the obvious, that he's willing to blatantly lie about such trivialities, that is the point. Those are some pretty deep personality flaws, and they seriously call into question whether it's safe to put such power in the hands of someone like that.
Sounds familiar (Score:3)
If my memory serves me, various despots throughout history have used what we would call fake news to serve their purpose. Stalin's rule was rife with such manipulations such that he literally removed people from photos [history.com] or had people covered up by various, and obvious, means in movies.
Putin of course has taken this to a whole new level with today's digital technology. He has entire organizations devoted to pushing out fake news. In fact, early in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a story went around about a young girl who had been killed by Ukrainian shelling. It was all over Russian tv. After much searching for the story, journalists came to the conclusion the story was a lie. In fact, a BBC news team tracked down the original Russian news crew who reported on the supposed event and confronted them. In this video [youtube.com], the Russian crew literally says they were told to produce to the story.
That we have a so-called president adopting such tactics speaks volumes not only to his unsuitability for the office (so much for the Electoral College), it also shows how gullibly deluded his followers are. More than likely those uneducateds lapped up this video, some most likely even thought it was real and nodded their heads. If you think I'm kidding, try this on for size [imgur.com].
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The real issue is that if you are so unable to make decisions without following a party line, FUCK YOU.
Do you want Pelosi representing your view, or do you prefer the the other fucktard McConnell [when either of them aren't busy plastering their face with makeup or cleaning drool off of their tie].
Choose your poison.. not I.
Oh yea,, fuck you too,
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Why is our President even retweeting such a thing? Especially NOW when racial tensions are so high. That is NOT Presidential.
This is yet more evidence that Trump is actively trying to divide this country to hang on to power.
Another four years of his incompetence will cause so much damage to this country, I do not think it could ever be fixed. And if predictions about COVID sticking around for another couple of years, the complete lack of leadership and incompetence of Trump will cause many many more