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Twitter Engineers Replacing Racially Loaded Tech Terms Like 'Master,' 'Slave' (cnet.com) 350

For Regynald Augustin, a Black programmer at Twitter, the impetus for change arrived in an email last year with the phrase "automatic slave rekick." The words were just part of an engineering discussion about restarting a secondary process, but they prompted Augustin to start trying to change Twitter's use of words with racist connections. Augustin was used to seeing the term "slave" in technical contexts. "But with 'rekick' -- I was madder than I ever thought I'd be in the workplace," he said. From a report: First on his own and then joining forces with another engineer, Kevin Oliver, he helped spearhead an effort to replace terms like "master," "slave," "whitelist" and "blacklist" with words that didn't hearken back to oppressive parts of United States history and culture. He recounted his thoughts at the time: "This has to stop. This isn't cool. We have to change this now." No one expects that changing technical terms will end centuries of racial injustice. But some people at technology companies, including Oliver and Augustin at Twitter, are pressing for the changes that are within their reach. That includes the effort to replace racially fraught technology terms like "master" and "slave" that describe things like databases, software projects, camera flashes and hard drives. Managers at the social network formalized the two engineers' effort in January, endorsing work to address the issue systematically across the engineering division and expanding it to terms linked to discrimination on the basis of sex, age and disabilities -- replacing "man hours" and "sanity check," for example. Oliver and Augustin detailed the effort in an exclusive interview with CNET. Twitter is the latest company to make these changes. In recent weeks, scores of firms including JPMorgan GitHub, and developers of Python, Go, and Android have adopted similar measures.
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Twitter Engineers Replacing Racially Loaded Tech Terms Like 'Master,' 'Slave'

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  • by h33t l4x0r ( 4107715 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @07:10PM (#60259328)
    I always re-boot before I kick my slaves.
  • But, what if your slave likes it when you whip her into shape?

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      It's how you spawn child objects. This causes excessive interruption.

  • by Quakeulf ( 2650167 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @07:17PM (#60259348)
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Cipheron ( 4934805 )

      Is this really even a doublethink thing.

      The term "slave" and "master" in most contexts aren't even descriptive. A "master" IDE drive isn't controlling the "slave" IDE drive, that's just flavor text. Using neutral terminology such as "Primary" vs "Secondary" aren't *euphemisms* for master and slave, they're actually more descriptive of the actual relationship.

      Additionally "Controller" is a synonym for "Master", so for any situation in which you use "Master" then you should be able to swap in the term Control

      • While server-client works to a degree, it does not work for many protocols. Not that big of a deal to change, but it creates some ambiguity.

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @09:15PM (#60259688) Homepage

        Fine, but what do you do, with writing with black pencil on white paper, huh? huh? huh?

        Eventually you have to realise this is all bullshit political theatre. To divide workers and have them fighting amongst themselves whilst the bosses lord it over them.

        Where is the USA workers party, why do workers not have a voice, they are the majority. Why are idiot workers in America fighting over scraps, arguing about the COLOUR OF THE SKIN, man seppos be crazy and just full of it.

        Workers do not have a voice in America and you idiots about what you name stuff, this just stinks of corporate PR misdirection.

        • by ph1ll ( 587130 ) <ph1ll1phenry@yHO ... minus herbivore> on Saturday July 04, 2020 @03:05AM (#60260224)


          I asked my black boss whether we should also purge such terminology. Although he understood why others might find it offensive, he had no particular objection to the terms and told me to stand down.

          I get on with my boss (we've worked together in the past and he got me my current job) so we were comfortable chatting about it some more. It was clear he was much more concerned about how few black faces there were at board level than the term blacklist and master slave in our documentation.

          These press releases bragging off how 'woke' a corporation is about the language of technology is a distraction from the elephant in the room.

      • by nyet ( 19118 )

        Completely ignoring I2C

  • ... loaded. The words have meanings that have absolutely no connection to race. In fact, one has to deliberately choose to relate their usage to specific historical accounts where one race happened to get enslaved by another to even make any sort of connection between the terms and race, and this is actually just begging the question with regards to suggesting that there is any connection.
    • In fact, one has to deliberately choose to relate their usage to specific historical accounts where one race happened to get enslaved by another to even make any sort of connection between the terms and race

      Well, the word slavery does derive etymologically from the Slavic people. So using it to refer to any other race is technically cultural appropriation (and yes, I have heard at least one Slavic person complaining about this).

      • by mark-t ( 151149 )
        It is etymologically derived from that, but the modern dictionary definition of the word has no mention whatsoever of race.

        1. a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.

        No mention of a person's race.

        2. a person who works very hard without proper remuneration or appreciation.

        No mention of a person's race.

        3. a person who is excessively dependent upon or controlled by something.

        No mention of a person's race.

        4. a device, or part of one, directly controlled by another.

        No mention of

    • That's kind of disingenuous. If you're talking American English then the terminology slave/master within the *American* historical context is definitely that of black vs white. Sure the concept of masters and slaves is cross-cultural but it's being kind of deliberately obtuse to not get how that flies in American English, specifically.

    • "Write it on the blackboard."
      "Did you just call me a shitskin?"
      - From the books of things that never happened.

  • burying, hiding and forgetting the past. What a wonderful idea to ensure it never happens again.
  • we're doing it wrong (Score:5, Interesting)

    by GustovVonSteinberg ( 6461488 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @07:32PM (#60259390)
    We're doing it wrong. Every time we try to change language to help smooth out race relations, all it ends up doing is making people more sensitive and causes people go out looking for more stuff they can find that's offensive to them. We should be taking the opposite approach. Instead of trying to be less offensive we should try to be more offenseive. Tear that bandaid off. Get rid pronouns like he/she they/them and replace it with my niggas. Terms like Master will be replaced with crackers. White will be replaced with honkeys, black with negros. The more offensive the better. Eventually we'll all just get used to it and it'll be no big deal.
    • There's a comedian who sez replace the terms with cookie names. It's a funny routine. It's hard to get overly mad when someone calls you a fig newton.

    • Everyone needs to watch "Blazing Saddles" at least once per year - unedited, uncut.
  • Client / Server or Subscriber / Publisher is more descriptive anyways

    • Re:Client / Server (Score:5, Interesting)

      by SpankiMonki ( 3493987 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @08:00PM (#60259488)
      From TFA, here's some other terms they're changing:

      Twitter's engineering teams are working to change terms that touch on race, sex and ability, Oliver said. Terms and recommended replacements include:

      Whitelist becomes allowlist.
      Blacklist becomes denylist.
      Master/slave becomes leader/follower, primary/replica or primary/standby.
      Grandfathered becomes legacy status.
      Gendered pronouns (for example "guys") become folks, people, you all, y'all.
      Gendered pronouns (for example "he" or "his") become they or their.
      Man hours becomes person hours or engineer hours.
      Sanity check becomes quick check, confidence check or coherence check.
      Dummy value becomes placeholder value or sample value.

  • Being "In the red" means that you are losing money, and being "In the black" means you are making money. These are racially loaded terms.
  • by SirAstral ( 1349985 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @07:42PM (#60259416)

    If you are offended by something not meant to offend you, then you are a fool. If you are offended by something meant to offend you, then you are a greater fool, for you have played into the hands of your enemy!

    This is paraphrased from the one Brigham Young is attributed to having said.

    "He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool."

    If you are so shallow and fragile that you must destroy anything that causes you this kind of distress then you are listening too much to or being controlled by someone that does not have your best interests in mind. They are like a little demon in your your ear telling you that people are trash talking you when they are not even talking about you. It makes you mental! As we are currently seeing around the world.

    • by Frank Burly ( 4247955 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @09:17PM (#60259698)

      If you are offended by something not meant to offend you, then you are a fool.

      That is just dumb (no offense intended). Slavery was not intended to offend Black people, it was intended to enslave them for profit. Segregation was not meant to offend Black people, it was intended to keep them in their place (i.e. whether they bristled at their inferior status was beside the point).

      In the abstract I have no objection to using terms like Master/Slave, and when Slashdot had a similar story in 2004 or so, I thought it was ridiculous. But we have armed White people angrily defending statues honoring men who broke their oath to the Constitution, took up arms against the United States, and killed hundreds of thousands of American soldiers. We have a President who will veto any bill that renames a military base named after one of these traitors in defense of slavery. These explicitly White Supremacist gestures highlight what I hadn't considered in 2004: if America had delivered on its promise of equality, then there may have been enough black engineers at the get-go to have objected to terms like Master/Slave--or maybe in an equitable society they wouldn't have bothered.

      We still don't live in an America that consistently lives up to its ideals. As it stands, African Americans have to walk past monuments and serve on military bases named after men whose only accomplishment was a a treasonous, failed attempt to see them born in chains. So, given the work that America still has to do, I don't think wanting to eradicate all vestiges of white supremacy suggests any special fragility on their part.

      • This went entirely over your head.

        "We still don't live in an America that consistently lives up to its ideals. As it stands, African Americans have to walk past monuments and serve on military bases named after men whose only accomplishment was a a treasonous, failed attempt to see them born in chains. So, given the work that America still has to do, I don't think wanting to eradicate all vestiges of white supremacy suggests any special fragility on their part."

        This sounds more like the "victim" Olympics ra

        • I will tell you who all the racists are... all the groups on all sides that views everything through the lens of race.

          May I assume that your definition of "racist" includes Brigham Young, who believed that blacks would be servants in the afterlife, and complained:

          What we are trying to do to day is to make the Negro equal with us in all our privilege. My voice shall be against all the day long. I shall not consent for one moment I will will call them a counsel. I say I will not consent for one moment for you to lay a plan to bring a curse upon this people. I shall not be while I am here.

          Because if your definition excludes him, it is worthless.

          But if you think that Bringam Young is a racist, I have to wonder why you decided to quote him to make your point when he couldn't possibly have believed it--when he is an example of how racist ideology influences theoretically non-racial institutions for generations. Mormons didn't allow Black priests unt

  • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @07:44PM (#60259420)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @07:49PM (#60259438)
    Ok, pretend this effort succeeds and 50 years from now we've wiped master/slave from the common lexicon. It's replaced by leader/follower (what TFA says Twitter is doing).

    White supremacists can then deny slavery ever existed. They'll claim it was just leaders and followers. The black followers chose to serve their white leaders willingly, and could have left at any time if they didn't like their situation. And because master/slave was wiped from the lexicon, kids will only know of leader/follower which has been stretched to cover two different meanings. And white supremacists can exploit that by deliberately picking the wrong meaning.

    If there were alternate words with the same meaning (like negro and black - "negro" is just black in Spanish), I wouldn't really have a problem with it. But forcing a switch to inaccurate terminology solely for the sake of changing terminology carries the danger of your forced change not working out quite the way you expect. To learn from history, you have to be able to remember history - accurately.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by davecb ( 6526 )
      Let us first stop killing black persons. After that, clean up our language.
      • Whatever happened to multitasking? Or for that matter, multiprocessing? We are embarrassingly parallel...

        • Because petty things like this turn people against movements (and is probably on purpose). They look at it and think "These people are whining over that? Yeah I'm not supporting them anymore, fucking snowflakes".

      • How about we first get blacks to stop killing blacks. Blacks on black murder is 10x higher than any other ethic on same/different ethnic murder rates.
        A dozen blacks get killed in Chicago every day and it doesn't even make any of the MSM news, at least no the leftist MSM news.

    • You don't understand. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.
      • A word means exactly what I say it means, said the Caterpillar.
        • Don't you see that in the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible? Because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.
    • Humans have enslaved each other for our entire history. I don't think we'll forget the concept. Although, for sure, the terms are and will be misused. F'rinstance, many people think that (insert choice of government/economy/society) is slavery.

  • Make a big fuss over the NAMES of things, deflect everyone's attention to things that only sound like they will make a difference but don't cost you anything, and tell everyone you're only doing so to help "those people" who are so victimized they can't help themselves.

    Equal parts laziness, blame-shifting, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and condescension.

  • ..."race".

    Seriously, is slashdot going to create a goddamned post for each and every idiot that declares they're going to stop using the term "master" and "slave", so that we can all regurgitate the same shit that we said in the last post?

    But if you would like to see some intelligent people's opinion on race, check these folks out:

    Conservative Twins [youtube.com]
    Anthony Brian Logan [youtube.com]

    These folks are black, and have their heads on correctly. Since they're black, they get to say the things that white people are having to hol

  • What a Coincidence (Score:4, Informative)

    by CoolDiscoRex ( 5227177 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @08:09PM (#60259506) Homepage

    If one starts in the mid-80's, and compares black wealth and incarceration rates with the number of words which became taboo or modified (which some call "political correctness") ... what one finds is that "Political Correctness" has had absolutely no positive effect for black people, and in fact, correlates quite negatively with black well-being.

    Affluent whites, however, those most likely to champion these speech codes ... have done insanely well.

    Everyone else has suffered.

    What a coincidence.

    So, here we are. More hand-wringing over terms. This time it's master/slave in the context of computing.

    Gee, I wonder who will come out ahead after this one plays out?

    Poor minorities, I'm sure, since that's ... you know ... the intent.

    At least that's what we're told.

  • They should also remove the obviously racially loaded words like black, white, red, yellow, and green. While they are at it, other offensive words like big, small, fat, thin, tall, short, dwarf and giant should be considered for removal as well.
  • Wait until these shits get to movies and TV and entertainment?

    No more "Black Alert" on Star Trek: Discovery ?
    "Good Guys wear Black" , Men in Black, Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Black Hole, Black Beauty will be banned?
    Back in Black will be labeled a racist album?
    No more "Black Friday" sales?

  • Of all the words in the English language available to influential "progressives", they sometimes choose ones which reveal their hands, if ever so slightly.

    In particular, I'm speaking of the word that has become most associated with progressives for the last 20 years.


    What does it mean?

    tolerance | täl()rns |
    - the ability to accept or endure something/someone unpleasant or disliked, with forbearance

    So, modern day "progressives" quite vocally consider themselves tolerant of black people, gay

  • Isn't this old teck terminology for parallel ribbon drives? If anything I'd think whitelist and blacklist would be more heavily targeted since it's still actively used in tech these days.
  • Master/slave from the tech standpoint is gone because the technology that used it is gone.
    Back in the old days device interfaces were very limited. So you had hardware protocols that talked to the first device and that device would then communicate with a device hooked up to it. The 2nd device aka slave would pass the info back to the master and the master would pass it to the computer. In that case master/slave was needed.
    We no longer have that. for clustering master/slave does not make sense since
    • Quite a few non-obsolete technologies use the terms "master" and "slave." In car braking systems you have the "master cylinder." In the SPI bus you have signals called MISO (Master in slave out) and MOSI (Master out slave in). There are "bus masters" in various systems. There are systems that support "multi master" operation. Discussions of I2C also often refer to one device as "master" and others as "slave." (Just google I2C slave and you will see what I mean.) I think SMBus and I2C officially use host and

    • by nyet ( 19118 )

      I2C isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Stay in your lane, junior.

  • by Z80a ( 971949 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @09:39PM (#60259746)

    They also want to replace grandfathered to "legacy status", all sorts of gendered pronouns for stuff like "y'all", "Man hours" turns into "Person hours", Sanity check turns into "Confidence check", Dummy Value turns into "sample value"...
    It's not racism, its the whole social justice train of hell.

  • by mamba-mamba ( 445365 ) on Friday July 03, 2020 @09:42PM (#60259752)

    Master has multiple meanings. Are we going to just stop using words and phrases that include the word "master?" For example which of the following, if any, are acceptable?

    Master Chief in the Navy?
    Master Cylinder in braking system?
    Master Carpenter?
    Master Craftsman?
    Master Alarm?
    Master of my own fate?
    What about mastering a skill?
    Bus Master?
    I2C multi-master?
    SPI master and slave?

  • "automatic slave rekick" is really uncouth.

    even just 'rekick' is awkward. Hipsters and their Restless Leg Syndrome.

  • What's next, BDSM practitioners can no longer use "master" and "slave?"
  • Is the issue the particular word choice "Master", "Slave" which can be changed or the interaction between devices which it would be silly to change. It is often a good solution to have one piece of hardware or software completely control another. Its OK to call that something else, but we need to agree on a term that is not-offensive but which still indicates that interaction.

    I'm happy with a new term if we agree to use it widely enough to avoid confusion

  • Fuck these people.

  • by Beeftopia ( 1846720 ) on Saturday July 04, 2020 @01:05AM (#60260086)

    "The term slave has its origins in the word slav. The slavs, who inhabited a large part of Eastern Europe, were taken as slaves by the Muslims of Spain during the ninth century AD." [bbc.co.uk]

    I'm reminded of Helen Lovejoy [i.redd.it] on the Simpsons.

    I'm sure Yuri is breathing a sigh of relief, not having to constantly see the word slave.

  • by tiqui ( 1024021 ) on Saturday July 04, 2020 @02:58AM (#60260210)

    For most of the history of this planet, most people have had contact with slavery, and slaves have been of all colors, as have slave owners. At his very day, there are people who own slaves and people in slavery. It's not even accurate to say "well in AMERICA it was a black-and-white thing". Nope. As always, actual history matters here:

    One of the fhe first documented slave owners in what is now the United States was a black man named Anthony Johnson, and we know this because the records of a court case in the 1650s in which he fought to recover an escaped slave still exist (Johnson v. Parker, court of Northampton County). Oh, and some of the slaves this black man owned were white. Indeed, at the time when the US Civil War broke out there were black slave owners in the South (look it up, it's a historical fact). Do not misunderstand me: Slavery is atrocious, and unjustified in the modern world. Centuries ago it was often a way civilizations handled persons who incurred more debt than they could repay, or persons who were on the losing side in a war, but this history is being energetically erased in order to drive certain political projects, and civilization needs to reject this Orwellian erasure. We all need to learn from the past, not erase it.

    In truth, the vast majority of white people in the United States are descended from immigrants and the vast majority of them were poor people from Europe, NOT rich aristocrats. As a result, we can reasonably assume that most were probably the descendants of European peasants and if you could trace back far enough, probably many would have ancestors who were enslaved by some European leader or by some Roman. It'a also true that many Asian Americans, if we could trace their ancestry far enough back would encounter ancestors who were slaves in Asia. While it is true that many American blacks can trace their ancestry to slaves in America, it's also true that many (like Barack Obama) have no black American slave ancestors, but they may well have ancestors who were enslaved to other blacks on the African continent. It's also possible that many Americans who are black have ancestors who were slave owners in Africa, further possible that some of those ancestors sold other blacks into slavery. There may well be some Americans who have some ancestors who were slaves in America AND ancestors who owned slaves in Africa AND ancestors in Africa who sold other black people to white people. It's also true that as more people in America marry across racial lines, there will be more and more like Barack Obama who are black but have no black American slaves in their background but do have white slave owners in their ancestry, and without any rape or other barbarity being involved.

    Slavery is simply NOT a racial matter.

    The terms "master" and "slave" are used in many industries as a simple and universally-understood shorthand for a relationship between two entities --- like master and slave hydraulic cylinders (nearly every car has them for brake and clutches). These two words, when used together, have long been used in industrial and computing settings because they are useful efficient, descriptive, etc and NOT as some stupid way to make some descendant of a long-dead slave ancestor feel bad - if they had THAT function then we'd nearly all have been offended by them long ago. Of course "long ago" was not the 2020 election cycle where one party desperately needs as much chaos and racial strife as possible to knock somebody they hate out of the White House... All of this strife and "wokeness" will likely get worse all the way up to the November election.

The more cordial the buyer's secretary, the greater the odds that the competition already has the order.
