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Google To Invest $10B in India ( 62

Google said today it'll invest about $10 billion in India over the next five to seven years. The company's CEO, Sundar Pichai, said that money will be divided into investment equity investments, partnerships, and operational, infrastructure, and ecosystem investments. Investments will focus on four main areas: Information access in Indian languages.
Building products for the Indian market.
Empowering local businesses.
Leveraging AI for good in areas such as agriculture and education.

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Google To Invest $10B in India

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  • Just a reminder (Score:5, Insightful)

    by LenKagetsu ( 6196102 ) on Monday July 13, 2020 @09:06AM (#60293264) [] [] []

    Google is more willing to throw mountains of money at this nation instead of paying their fair share of taxes without making excuses.

    • If they didn't pay what they legally owe, why doesn't the IRS do something about it?

      Or did they use a legal loophole that needs to be closed by congress?

      • Loopholes. Note how I didn't say "legally", I said "fair share".

        • True. Agree that all these mega rich individuals and companies get out of their share but want all the benefits.

          Makes me wish we could just scrap the whole income tax thing and just tax net worth:

          If your net worth is under $10M, no tax. Anything over $10M gets taxed at 1% per year, minus what you pay to foreign governments.
          Your tax form should list any items that you value at >$100k.
          Non-random audits. The chance of the audit goes up the higher your asset worth (so you'll get audited if you have a lot

        • What amount of their money is everyone else's "fair share"? Gonna start bitching about "muh roads!"?
    • by Chas ( 5144 )

      Define, for us, what a "fair share" is.

      And what criteria do you use to calculate this?

      • No matter what answer I give you'll just start lashing out, so no.

        • by Chas ( 5144 )

          Basically what you're saying is you don't *HAVE* an answer.

          And even if you did, it'd be completely arbitrary.

          Mostly because you simply do not understand the force involved in an economic system.

      • How about with not being regressive?

        Let's start by taxing the rich at least the same as the poor. Apple pays about 21% in corporate taxes, which is just under the bracket for $39,476 to $84,200, but they do it on $260,000,000,000 in income a year.

        Why exactly do the small fry pay a greater share of their income?

        • Since government won't ever change it, how about we abolish the stupid government and let people be free. I'd rather keep all my money instead of allowing government to steal a bunch from me to offset what they aren't stealing from someone else and using it to bomb brown people in sandy places...
          • by Chas ( 5144 )


            As nice as it'd be to get the government COMPLETELY out of my business, passing over to anarchy and eventual kleptocracy (See Communism), is not something to look forward to.

            Nor is having to hire security for every last business location.

        • by Chas ( 5144 )

          Because a business has a greater portion of its revenue heading back out in the form of rent/lease/mortgage for physical facilities, employees, materials, infrastructure, etc.

          They're generally making up revenue in quantity.

  • by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Monday July 13, 2020 @09:08AM (#60293270)

    That's 1 third of the amount that VW invested in the US justice system last year in one go.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      You can't just pump an unlimited amount of money into a country. It takes time to find things to invest in, to do due diligence, to agree terms and allow them to develop into something you can throw even more money at.

      $10bn is a pretty big initial investment and I'm sure many Indian stocks are down today off the back of this news.

      • It takes time to find things to invest in

        I'm sure many Indian stocks are down today off the back of this news

        See? It didn't take *that* much time!

    • by Anonymous Coward
      That was a small fine. Google has paid MUCH MORE to EU for nothing.
  • This and the use of tax havens demonstrates why Google is "all in" on political side opposing all forms of nationalism. If you remove the concept of United States as a nation, then tax cheating is just a question of accounting practices and outsourcing American jobs is just a question of global competition.
    • Nationalism is basically produced by the same part of the brain that peddles racism. Nationalism is essentially repackaged racism, and will 100% devolve into it. Liking people from your own tribe and nations isolating themselves is going to result in wars eventually. Not to mention nationalism is anti-freedom.

      Nationalism sucks in every country and will always result in war.

      • by javaman235 ( 461502 ) on Monday July 13, 2020 @11:14AM (#60293748)

        Gandhi was a nationalist and ethnocentrist. When the British empire left India, he declared there was no path for whites born in India to stay and become Indian, laying the foundation for ethnic conflict that lead to the split of Pakistan. Chinese are nationalist Han ethnostate, Russians are nationalist but less of an ethnostate, though leaning toward Christian in recent years. Most anti-colonial forces have been nationalist.

        Do you understand that the largest party in India is still rooted in this nationalism? []
        Do you understand Modi, though BJP is a member of RSS [] []

        India does not subscribe to the globalist ideologies they are here benefitting from.

        • If Gandhi was a nationalist, then he was an idiot too. Just because someone supposedly important or great was a nationalist doesn't mean I'm going to agree with it.

          • He was not an idiot, but more importantly he was not violent, he prevented war. But he was an Indian nationalist. There are 3 ways you can go, 1) colonialism where you take the fruits of others labors, 2) subjugation where others take the fruits of your labors, 3) nationalism where in equilibrium you take only the fruit of your own labor. India is right to be nationalist. Uk is on bipolar swing of colonialism, where now home country is losing its culture, and US is headed toward subjugation as well. Its not

            • Nationalism isn't about taking the fruit of your labor, it's about preventing people from interacting and trading with each other and blaming others for your situation.

        • India does not subscribe to the globalist ideologies they are here benefitting from.

          They wouldn't have let the Chinese insert their tentacles into their country if that were the case. Remember India used to invite the western tech companies in the past two decades before changing their course 6-4 years ago? What the current government is currently doing is embracing authoritarianism in the name of nationalism. Nationalism does not mean "destroying all of the foreign principles no matter whether it's good or bad". The current Indian government uses the twisted meaning of nationalism to und

        • FAKE NEWS!

          Gandhi specifically asked British to stay back. British citizens still own large parts of India, do you know you bitch-ass liar piece of shit? Large number of hotels and resorts in India are owned by british citizens who have never stepped foot in the country.

          On to Gandhi - he specifically asked British to stay because he wanted to retain the knowledge of how to run the system they setup in their 200 year old rule. British left because there wasn't much left to loot after WW2.

      • by sinij ( 911942 )

        Nationalism is basically produced by the same part of the brain that peddles racism.

        This is like saying "Sexuality is basically produced by the same part of the brain the encourages rape". So what? You have to establish causation for this argument to make any sense.

        Nationalism is essentially repackaged racism, and will 100% devolve into it.

        Citations please.

        Liking people from your own tribe and nations isolating themselves is going to result in wars eventually.

        This is absurd and demonstrably false. You are confusing isolationism with nationalism and then you assert without proof that isolationism leads to war, coaxing it in indeterminate "eventually". I guess if eventually is heat death of the universe, then maybe your statement could be true.

        Not to mention nationalism is anti-freedom.

        How so? What do you exact

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Anyone not having noticed this is the pattern when they get any hiring or authoritative position, has an issue with reality perception.

    But then, nowadays, there's exactly one form of discrimination that is socially acceptable.

  • Got to improve infrastructure so more H1B workers can displace and lower American salaries, buy American real estate, and funnel money back into India. Google gets obedient workers that they can deport at the first sign of insolence and Indians get more American jobs Iâ(TM)m sure if there were a draft they would remain and serve in the military too right?
  • We need indoor farming and synthetic protein/carbohydrate production. Outdoor farming takes up too much land, canâ(TM)t really be stacked. Food is made by energy turning carbon dioxide, nitrogen etc. into protein, carbs, and fiber. No reason we canâ(TM)t eventually totally synthesize those with much less surface area and cost than farming. Intermediate step would be to grow the major crops on multiple floors indoors with high efficiency lighting. After that only grow the essential part of the part

    • The description of your "Utopia" sounds to me like a World destroyed.
      • Really, a world where vast farmlands are returned back to wildlife is a world destroyed?

        • They won't be returned to wildlife, they will be used to build on, to accomodate even more people. The need for farmland is the only thing holding that back now.
    • We don't *need* vertical farming, and shouldn't rely on it or any other all-eggs-in-one-basket strategy to save the planet. But where it can run on predominately low-carbon energy (generally not in India []) and reasonably favorable economics, it's a welcome addition.

      Large strides can be made by just picking the low-hanging fruit of every category to reduce the negative impacts of agriculture. Some examples would be to:

      * Increase the practice of no-till farming [] to reduce soil erosion and decrease the release o

  • Sounds like another H1B sending money back to India.
  • Sir, I am a deposed Indian industrialist in Bangladore. I was deposed because I have a guaranteed honest scheme to make $100 billion, and other managers were jealous. But sir, with a partner in the USA like you I could bribe invest my way back into business again. All that is required from you sir to be my partner is a nominal good-faith contribution of $10 billion towards my bribe start-up costs. Sir, I am promising to you that you will not be needing to be involved in daily running, but be assured tha
  • Said absolutely no one, anywhere.

  • Harvesting data from 1,000,000,000 Indians to increase Googles' overall profits.
  • Google dropped "Don't be evil" as their mantra years ago. They hire a lot of people in America that are from India instead of employing people from America. More than 60% of the technology workers in Silicon Valley are from India or China (mostly India). []

    Now Google wants to invest 10 billion dollars in India "for good"? In this economy with millions of unemployed workers that is a real slap to the face to America. There is no other country in which Google could have happened,

"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
