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Facebook Won't Accept New Ads The Week Before The Election -- But Older Ads With Lies Are Still OK (buzzfeednews.com) 240

Facebook will stop accepting political advertising in the United States a week before Election Day on Nov. 3, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced in a post on Thursday. From a report: But the social network will continue showing users all political ads that candidates or political action committees buy before that day, and continue to let these groups adjust who they target. Candidates for political office will also still be able to run ads containing lies. In Thursday's announcement, Zuckerberg claimed he was putting in the one-week ban on new ads prior to the election because he was "concerned" about the challenges people could face while voting. "I'm also worried that with our nation so divided and election results potentially taking days or even weeks to be finalized, there could be an increased risk of civil unrest across the country," Zuckerberg said. Social networks are facing increasing pressure to police political advertising on their platforms ahead of the US elections, and some critics have urged tech companies to stop running political ads altogether. Last year, Twitter banned all political advertising from its platform, and Google restricted micro-targeting of political ads on certain products.
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Facebook Won't Accept New Ads The Week Before The Election -- But Older Ads With Lies Are Still OK

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  • Sound Good (Score:5, Funny)

    by PDiddly ( 7030698 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @09:06AM (#60468986)

    Sounds good. If they remove all the ads with lies then they could finally go ad free!

    • Re:Sound Good (Score:4, Insightful)

      by bobbied ( 2522392 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @09:14AM (#60469018)

      Sounds good. If they remove all the ads with lies then they could finally go ad free!

      Just curious... Who is the arborator of what is a lie and what's not? How's that going to be fair?

      • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @10:05AM (#60469252)

        Who is the arborator of what is a lie and what's not?

        I would defer to Treebeard.

      • Re:Sound Good (Score:5, Insightful)

        by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @10:40AM (#60469400) Journal

        Who is the arborator of what is a lie and what's not?

        To those of you reading at home, I want you to think about the implications of the above question. If you have to ask, "what is truth?" then there's been a lot more damage done than we can even imagine.

        A goal of a certain segment of the ruling class has always been to make people disbelieve their own eyes and ears and sense of reason. The result was weaponized in 2016 and is going nuclear in 2020.

        • Interesting game. The only winning move is to not play.
          Don't want your sense of reality fucked with? Stay off 'social media' entirely. Read your news from multiple sources (NONE of them television news) and vigorously apply critical thinking skills to all of it. Do your own research if you're not sure about something. Consider sources when using the Internet for fact-finding and weed out the questionable ones. And so on.
          • Don't want your sense of reality fucked with? Stay off 'social media' entirely.

            That's a fact. Also, be careful about believing something because you really, really want it to be true.

        • Bull (Score:4, Interesting)

          by Ungrounded Lightning ( 62228 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @02:37PM (#60470324) Journal

          If you have to ask, "what is truth?" then there's been a lot more damage done than we can even imagine.

          Bull. And historically illiterate.

          You always have to ask "what is truth?" You have ALWAYS had to ask "what is truth?", for all of recorded history and no doubt before it. It's what thought is about. It's what religion is about. It's what the scientific method is about. It's what freedom of speech and of the press is about. It's what lobbying is about. It's what propaganda is about. It's what "yellow journalism" is about. It's what censorship is about.

          It's especially true in politics, because the "economy of negative values" creates perverse incentive structures that encourage all sorts of bad behavior. Lying (and all the other mind-bending propaganda techniques) to decision-makers to get the decision to come out in the liar's favor right at the top of the list.

          It takes many forms: Influencers lie to rulers and voters, to swing the power of the government to their benefit. Rulers lie to the ruled, to sucker them into peacefully going along with their edicts rather than evading them or fighting them. The press creates illusions, both to fool voters, but even more to fool the politicians, busy and surrounded by lies in their capitals, about what the voters want.

          What you're griping about is just business as usual. What's different lately isn't some increase in the prevalence of lies, omissions, and shaded meaning. It's that the Internet has let hordes of little guys expose us to a view of the inside of the sausage factory.

          • You always have to ask "what is truth?" You have ALWAYS had to ask "what is truth?",

            You misunderstand me. It's OK to discern truth. We're supposed to discern truth. The problem is that now we are being convinced by the ownership class that there is no such thing as truth.

        • Well the face palms also come up when someone asks "What if the truth disagrees with what I want?" Witness people who refuse to evacuate when fires, floods, and hurricanes are rushing in their direction.

          Now there's a whole lot in between truth and lies, stuff that can't really be quantified easily by mere mortals who don't have the benefit if seeing perfectly into the future. Such as which economic plan is better, candidate A's or candidate B's? There is no "truth" there that can be easily knowm, the mos

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Facebook uses a variety of organizations for fact checking, as well as in-house staff who have a list of well-established bullshit they can quickly flag such as Qanon conspiracies.

        It's highly imperfect and often makes mistakes, which is probably why they decided to just not even bother in the week before the election and ban all political ads.

        • I'd prefer that Facebook and all so-called 'social media' just die and go away because I believe it to be overall toxic and cancerous. But we're not there yet so I'll leave that on the table for the time being.
          'Social media' shouldn't accept ANY political ads at all. That would be the best policy. FFS it's 'social media' not 'political media'. I know they're shameless whores but FFS everything has to have limits.
      • Easy. If it's a political ad, then it it almost certainly contains a lie. The number of false positives world wide could be counted on one hand.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by geekmux ( 1040042 )

      Sounds good. If they remove all the ads with lies then they could finally go ad free!

      Advertising is not the problem with social media. It's the damn humans. And Farcebook, won't even remove the fucking dead ones, so that tells you just how much they "care" about solving this problem. Farcebook will become more an online cemetary than anything else soon, and yet we still give this dead platform, THIS much weight? Damn, humans are fucking stupid.

      Besides, on THIS point, I happen to agree with Zuck. IMHO, it's more important for the American public to understand which politicians would st

      • Sometimes I don't have the time and energy to analyze each candidate in a particular race, looking at both their stated positions and their record, and comparing the two. Also trying to determine if they actually understand the issues, if they understand why people take each position (especially understanding the concerns of people they disagree with).

        When I don't have time to do all that, it's normally pretty quick and easy to identify the big liars. Most races have at least one clear liar. So I can just

  • "Lies"? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Train0987 ( 1059246 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @09:06AM (#60468988)

    When did schools stop teaching the difference between objective and subjective?

    People are capable of determining what's a "lie" or not, we don't need Mark Zuckerburg doing that for us. We should also be allowed to infer what we will about anyone lying to us, we don't need to be "protected" from it like infants.

    • Re:"Lies"? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @09:17AM (#60469042)

      Your second sentence is a lie. We have people who think the earth is flat with a giant ice wall around the edges. We have people who think 5G radio waves cause any number of ailments including covid. Before all the latest nonsense people were blaming windmills on their illnesses. The general public are morons who go about life barely aware of their own existence. There is a reason why the local news stations write their stories at a third grade level.

      That said I don't agree with social media being the gatekeepers of truth but things have devolved to such a state where it's become necessary, because people are just that dumb. Like wearing a mask has now become a political issue and not a health issue.

    • the kids that didn't get it are often just abandoned. Passed through the system for lack of resources. It's only the really rich private schools where they go out of their way to teach critical thinking. The last 50 years of funding cuts didn't help matters either.

      Folks keep railing against "useless" subjects like the Humanities. Thing is, the Humanities is where you teach critical thinking. Math & Science are way, way too complex a subject, and they're black & white. You're either right or wron
    • When did schools stop teaching the difference between objective and subjective?

      People are capable of determining what's a "lie" or not, we don't need Mark Zuckerburg doing that for us. We should also be allowed to infer what we will about anyone lying to us, we don't need to be "protected" from it like infants.

      If you think "we" is actually that smart, then you've done nothing but define why you are clearly a part of "we".

      If you're even half intelligent, you would realize the average person is a fucking idiot by comparison. This is exactly why idiots now look up to someone like Mark Zuckerberg as some kind of "educator" on defining truth and morality, as if Mr. "Dumb Fucks" is some kind of fucking savior for human ignorance. He literally got rich and famous off it.

    • by DogDude ( 805747 )
      People are capable of determining what's a "lie" or not

      No, they can't. That's why we have a president who paints his face orange every morning, and we have people running around with guns talking about "QAnon".
      • Are those the same people with guns running around burning things down based on the lie of systemic racism and the belief that the police can't wait to hunt down and kill black people?

        Two sides, same coin.

        It's always illuminating when folks like you preach to the rest of us about daring to question another people's appearance yet that's the first thing you criticize about Trump. Two sets of rules. That's what I oppose.

        • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

          by DogDude ( 805747 )
          Systemic racism is real. Statistics don't lie. People do, though. Please stop lying.
          • by OMBad ( 6965950 )
            What statistics prove systemic racism? Do all races suffer from systemic racism, or is it only one or two or six? Which ones? Amazing.
          • Statistics lie all the damn time. Correlation does not equal causation.

    • by thomn8r ( 635504 )

      People are capable of determining what's a "lie" or not

      Sadly, that is not true, and to claim such you're either fresh-out-of-the-womb naive or deliberately disingenuous.

    • by Ogive17 ( 691899 )
      Unfortunately - American have proven they can not tell the difference between truth and a lie. Just in the past two weeks I had a co-worker and one of my good friends from high school tell me that masks do not help at all. Both are educated (one an Ind. Engineer, the other a IT professional).

      They didn't say "the effectiveness of masks is debatable" but went straight to "they do nothing".

      We can't get out of our own way here in the US. Our culture of "I know more than everyone else" is bringing us dow
      • There are plenty of doctors who will tell you the same thing. An opinion - even if wrong - is not a lie.

        https://www.rcreader.com/comme... [rcreader.com]

      • Both are educated (one an Ind. Engineer, the other a IT professional). They didn't say "the effectiveness of masks is debatable" but went straight to "they do nothing".

        Yeah, my old boss was an IE, went on and on about the JFK assassination conspiracy, not a real critical thinker. He was constantly amazed I could be another stooopid liberal, he thought in black and white exclusively and selfishly. Money is their god, the other side doesn't matter for they are unclean, being right in mind was the all, conflicting facts were to be held in contempt or disbelieved (WITHOUT RESEARCHING BOTH SIDES OF AN ISSUE.) Certainty is absurd.

  • At this point, political ads are a source of entertainment so that's disappointing.

  • by derplord ( 7203610 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @09:12AM (#60469014)
    Slashdot now reposts stuff from Buzzfeed? Jesus christ, what has happened to this place?
  • that's Zuck and his friends through and through.

  • Post all of the lies in ads up until then election and then stop.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by dmay34 ( 6770232 ) on Thursday September 03, 2020 @09:23AM (#60469066)
    Facebook the business has a problem because it's most political users are it's very best users. They are the most addicted and spend the most time on the site. Facebook the business LOVES it's most political users because they are the most profitable.
  • This is what they do in Australia. It works well:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
  • Candidates for political office will also still be able to run ads containing lies

    Because: who determines what is truthful? Especially in political ads, the subject matter is almost entirely subjective. Also: the courts already provide recourse in the case of a genuine, unmistakable, malicious untruth.

    In fact, that's the problem with all of the "fact-checking" and general censorship on social media platforms. I follow two bloggers who regularly post things on Facebook, et al just to see what triggers censor

    • Because: who determines what is truthful? Especially in political ads, the subject matter is almost entirely subjective.

      Not really that subjective... For example, Trump has stated at least 150 times that he passed "Veterans Choice" [cnn.com] (and other sources) which was actually passed by President Obama in 2014 and sponsored by Bernie Sanders and John McCain [ three of Trumps favorite people :-) ]:

      In fact, former President Barack Obama signed the Choice program into law in 2014. The law, which allowed eligible veterans to be covered by the government for care provided by doctors outside the VA system, was a bipartisan initiative spearheaded by two senators Trump has repeatedly criticized, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and the late John McCain of Arizona.

      Now, Trump did sign the "Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act" in 2017, so maybe he's not lying, just confused and/or cognitively impaired. Either way, he walked out of the press conference when a reported called him on

      • by OMBad ( 6965950 )

        Now, Trump did sign the "Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act" in 2017, so maybe he's not lying, just confused and/or cognitively impaired.

        So maybe he isn't lying, because "Veterans Choice" sounds a hell of a lot like "Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act". But let's just have CNN jump all over him anyway. Do you guys not get it yet? Saying "Orange Man Bad" every 5 minutes does the exact opposite of what you think it does. Did you guys not read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" in Kindergarten? This is exactly why the term TDS was invented.

        • So maybe he isn't lying, because "Veterans Choice" sounds a hell of a lot like "Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act".

          Ya, but actual words matter and those bills aren't the same thing. I suspect he knows that but (again) wants to take credit for something done by another President and/or push the agenda that President Obama did nothing good for anyone/veterans. Or he's senile.

          • by OMBad ( 6965950 )
            You "suspect" he knows that? If someone came to me and asked if I signed a "Veterans Choice" bill instead of "Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act" and I would say yes too. Not everyone is autistic. Jesus Christ guys, save the "Orange Man Bad" stuff for when it actually matters.
    • by Ogive17 ( 691899 )
      The problem with political lies is that since just about every politician lies or stretches the truth, every candidate would be stuck in a judicial quagmire.

      It's better for them if they simply use the media to do their dirty work. More publicity than doing it in the court room.
  • I believe this Administration prefers the term Alternative Facts [wikipedia.org] ...

  • Facebook is selling ads! This is terrible. Someone save us!

    I have another theory....

    If your opponent can outspend you then a better strategy would be to attempt to limit the places they can use those resources.

  • When it comes to politics, the definition of "lies" blurs vastly. One may genuinely believe a claim is true and another opposition party person would call it a blatant lie. So how do we really know when a politician lies? We can only depend on our own analytical skills and verified facts. But sometimes even facts got verified and it's still wrong.
  • Simply post your most outrageous lies just before the deadline. Your opponent won't be able to respond.

  • Facebook is doing something better than they used to. It's not as good as many would prefer.

    Net result is improvement. We should be... outraged?

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]

    Simply put, not allowed to do any last-minute campaigning.

  • That would be the best policy. It's 'social media', not 'poiltical media'.
    Alternate idea: Allow people to have settings for what flavor of ads they get served, 'political ads' being opt-in only.
  • All ads are lies. If they weren't, they would be news items. Also, all news items are lies, as anyone can attest who has witnessed the event being "reported."

  • Wonder if New Knowledge are going to try some dodgy advertising bullshit using Russian advertising companies to try and sell their social media monitoring software to the US Government - like they did with the last election. Maybe they'll try a Chinese one this time? ...and you have to wonder, will the mainstream media fail to do any due diligence and just accept New Knowledge's Bullshit claims. ...and you have to wonder, will the DNC accept New Knowledge's bullshit claims without any due diligence?

    Then you

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