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Trump Says ByteDance Can't Keep Control of TikTok in Oracle Deal ( 93

President Donald Trump said he might rescind his tentative blessing for a deal between Oracle and ByteDance to create a new U.S.-based TikTok service, casting doubt on the agreement as Chinese state media signaled reluctance in Beijing. From a report: Speaking in an interview on Fox News on Monday, Trump said he wouldn't approve the deal if the Chinese company retains control of TikTok. However, he also indicated that he expected Chinese influence to be diluted by a future public offering of the new company. "They will have nothing to do with it, and if they do, we just won't make the deal," Trump said, referring to ByteDance, which owns TikTok. "It's going to be controlled, totally controlled by Oracle, and I guess they're going public and they're buying out the rest of it -- they're buying out a lot, and if we find that they don't have total control then we're not going to approve the deal." Shortly after Trump's comments, Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the China state-affiliated Global Times, tweeted that Beijing would likely reject the deal "because the agreement would endanger China's national security, interests and dignity."
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Trump Says ByteDance Can't Keep Control of TikTok in Oracle Deal

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  • by Mr. Dollar Ton ( 5495648 ) on Monday September 21, 2020 @12:03PM (#60527962)

    Completely arbitrary "deals", brokered by government officials.

    "Free market" is only "free" when it suits the ruling class, but the propaganda is deafening.

    • Go ahead. Keep repeating that false equivalence between the U.S. and China.

      China is ruled by a cruel, violent, murderous, genocidal totalitarian regime. People there have no choice but to suffer and die.

      The U.S. is a democracy. A highly disfunctional one, but a democracy nonetheless. If it happens that a ruthless psychopath manages to rise to power, at least there is a chance that he'll get kicked out four years later. No such chance in China.

      I used to make excuses for people like you who kept defending the

      • by Mr. Dollar Ton ( 5495648 ) on Monday September 21, 2020 @12:22PM (#60528034)

        False equivalence? LOL.

        China is ruled by a cruel, violent, murderous, genocidal totalitarian regime.

        So is the US. You can count just the number of victims of the illegal wars US fought in the 21st century and compare it to that of China. It will be fairly close.

        The U.S. is a democracy.

        No. The US is an oligarchy. The driver of the US politics is big business. The manipulation of the populace that happens in the US is on par with that in China, if not worse.

        If China is in some ways like 1984, the US is not too far from the Brave New world.

        who kept defending the Chinese regime

        I don't defend the Chinese regime. I think your country is no less evil than China.

        And you're a little bootlicking enabler of that evil, so fuck off with your pretense of moral high ground.

        • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

          by cb88 ( 1410145 )
          I can't disagree with you because we have no value for life here, not any more than china we just candy coat it better than they do.
          • I can't disagree with you because we have no value for life here, not any more than china we just candy coat it better than they do.

            Blah blah. We have kids in cages and just now there's an ICE detention center in GA where, apparently, someone was too happy cutting uteruses off women in detention.

            Sorry, we don't have a soapbox anymore from where to bitch about China's ugly record. #wearethebaddies

            And forget that we are a democracy. Turtle Mitch is rushing to replace the vacancy left by RBG's passing despite his own precedent circa 2016 and that most people would prefer to wait for whoever gets elected to replace her.

            That doesn't h

            • by cb88 ( 1410145 )
              We as in US citizens do not have kids in cages... that is the result of bad decision making by parents of children illegally crossing the boarders without documentation. Illegal aliens entering the USA are not "we". It is also to protect the kids until whoever they are with (as they may actually be a trafficker can be identified). Also many of those US CBP guys down there are of Mexican decent... its not like they are racist against thier own race as some people claim.
        • Seems to me as a outsider that Americans seem to be brainwashed with the word Freedom without really kowing what it is. You guys have no real freedom there. You are slaves to large corporations more than i would say any other people in the world. (Atleast the developed world) And you are so happy about it because you have been fed a steady diet of freedom and patriotism propaganda since infancy. And if you dont own a passport or have spent any meaningfull time abroad your opinion is worth as much as a bag o
        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by farble1670 ( 803356 )

          You can count just the number of victims of the illegal wars US fought in the 21st century and compare it to that of China.

          So... what's your thinking here. Everyone gets their chance at genocide? The world should sit back and let China exterminate Uyghurs, because it's happened in the past? China still has their "Commit genocide for free!" card?

          History is important because it helps you avoid repeating mistakes, not because it excuses them today.

          • No, don't be an idiot. The point isn't that nothing should be done about China. The point is that when Trump starts talking about about China (where his hats and suits are made, where Ivanka's clothing is made, etc.) he's engaging in empty posturing from a position which definitely does not coincide with the moral high ground. Trump doesn't give one fuck about human rights abuses in China, and neither does the US government. We put children in concentration camps, we force-sterilize prisoners, we gaslight o

            • No, don't be an idiot.

              How's that working for you in life? Winning a lot of folks over to your ideas?

              The point is that when Trump starts talking about about China

              Got it. What Trump is doing is good, but since he has motives, it makes it bad.

              We put children in concentration camps

              Oh please. I think you'd better report back to your handler Mr. Wang you current efforts to divide the capitalist pig Americans have failed. I'm actually glad you wrote this. Now I know I'm either dealing with a nutjob or a paid troll and I can quit trying to make sense of you.

              • No, don't be an idiot.

                How's that working for you in life? Winning a lot of folks over to your ideas?

                There's no winning with idiots.

                The point is that when Trump starts talking about about China

                Got it. What Trump is doing is good, but since he has motives, it makes it bad.

                Wrong. What Trump is doing is not good. He's doing it in a way that shits all over the whole notion of law and trade agreements. If I had meant what Trump was doing was good, I'd have said that. But I'd have to be a staggering dumbfuck to believe it.

                We put children in concentration camps

                [...] Now I know I'm either dealing with a nutjob or a paid troll and I can quit trying to make sense of you.

                As stated before, you're a fucking idiot. What does an idiot like you think that we should call it when we take children away from their parents and keep them in cages with emergency blankets to keep them warm? Why do you think the

        • No. The US is an oligarchy. The driver of the US politics is big business.

          Our democracy is given an air of legitimacy by the fact that it's technically possible to ascend to the ruling class if you beat the odds. When you start interpreting America's principles as designed to make citizens more accepting of their places in the social hierarchy, rather than trying to remedy some of the more grievous inequalities inherent to a social hierarchy, it all starts making a lot more sense.

          Or, to use that quote from Harry Potter, "you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it."

      • by jythie ( 914043 )
        and this addresses the problem of government officials shaking down a foreign company so that their buddies can make a buck how?
      • by Gimric ( 110667 )

        But when the US overthrows democratically elected governments they are doing it with good intentions? Who's swallowed the propaganda now? This isn't an either/or situation, you can dislike the actions of both the US AND China.

        • Democratically elected like in Iraq, Afghanistan, ...? You can dislike the actions of both, as you say. You can also draw a line between the two, because they are not the same.
      • by dwater ( 72834 )

        > China is ruled by a cruel, violent, murderous, genocidal totalitarian regime. People there have no choice but to suffer and die.

        No, it is not. It has a government made up 90 million Chinese people. It has several aspects of democracy built into it.

        The US government is dysfunctional, and its democracy useless and ineffective, if it is a democracy at all. It's basically controlled by big business and the power of the people is negligible.

        The chance of a ruthless psychopath rising to power in the Chinese

    • No difference between US and China.

      There is large difference. CCP China is really just Nazi Germany with Stalinist USSR flair.

      • No difference between US and China.

        There is large difference. CCP China is really just Nazi Germany with Stalinist USSR flair.

        Not really, what matters is the level of authoritarianism and the US is rapidly catching up with China on that point. On the bright side, the US has pretty much left China in the dust when it comes to 'dear leader' worship.

    • Absolute freedom can enable the very forces which destroy free societies: []

      Politics or not, the US has drawn a line. Some rail against Trump and shout politics, others rip into Facebook for lobbying. Regardless of what is done, people like you will scream bloody murder anytime something isn't allowed in a "free" society.

      I do think the optics would have been better with an outright ban, but then some subset of the populace would be screaming about how TikTok lost profi
    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      This is not totally without merit. When Trump got elected, China all of the sudden gave him some dubious copyrights. Now the Tik Tok deal was a go until Trump admitted that the 5 billion dollar bribe was not legal and Bytedance said it knew nothing about it.
    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Yeah, the free market crowd always seems to have SOME reason why it is not interference when it is something they want, but is interference when it might limit their interests... which seems to be the general theme of the "FREEDOM" crowd. 'I want my freedom to do unto others, but damn it law and order when other might do unto me!'
    • by necro81 ( 917438 )

      but the propaganda is deafening.

      That was supposed to be propaganda coming from his mouth? It was so incoherent, I wasn't sure what to make of it.

  • Developers! Developers! Developers!

  • .... ever been a president that publicly waffles as much as Trump?

    Honest question.

    • .... ever been a president that publicly waffles as much as Trump?

      Honest question.

      James Buchanan?

    • by dwater ( 72834 )

      I think the waffle is on the prompter...and he reads it verbatim :)

      • Based on how long it takes him to form sentences when reading of a card I think the one thing which is truly certain is that Trump is unable to read from a prompter. It goes waay to fast for him.

  • My gosh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bumblebees ( 1262534 ) on Monday September 21, 2020 @12:29PM (#60528082)
    One would think that that man would have more important things to think about. Like the 200k dead americans and a raging virus epidemy, hughe forest fires and well just about everything else...
    • Re:My gosh (Score:5, Insightful)

      by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Monday September 21, 2020 @12:46PM (#60528162) Journal
      He's too busy sending out tweets every few minutes to do real work. At least when he's not siphoning taxpayer money and giving it to his criminal friends.

      Besides, he doesn't want to cause panic by reminding people he's let over 200K people die on his watch because he failed not only to take action, but actively went out of his way to impede action.
    • One would think that that man would have more important things to think about

      He's got a lot of things on his mind.

      Such as the $5 billion education fund [] he claims will be part of the TikTok deal - money which will be used to teach American children their country's "real history".

      I'm really curious to know what this "real history" is... maybe the Founding Fathers actually founded QAnon.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      The most important thing is his re-election campaign and acting like the strong man with a Chinese company is part of it.

    • Not just yet, but even with games being played to lower the death toll, we'll hit the approximately 250,000 deaths needed to lower the average by the end of this year.

      Maybe we'll hit it before the election and see if that fact gets reported...

  • by JoeyRox ( 2711699 ) on Monday September 21, 2020 @12:35PM (#60528114)
    You just got a 4 year lesson on what type of moron it takes to bankrupt a business where customers literally hand you their money for almost nothing in return.
  • These nefarious companies that track user data and even make shadow profiles about people who are not yet users, and endanger national security should be shut down.

    Wait? What? Trump isn't talking about Facebook?

  • So it's normal that it sucks, they all do.

  • And java 7 update 128 as a plugin. Not 127, not 129 but 128. The applet will load and but require you to take an Oracle training course and a consultant come to your home for only $999 and an additional $250,000 if you want to host content with more consulting fees and a project manager for your Tik Tock videos.

  • China decided to steal Facebook from the US like this.

    Then again, they would do everyone a favor, but still, this is some new level of abuse of power.

    The sad part is, we the plebs are the ones that will go first, when the nukes start landing on all places.

If it's worth doing, it's worth doing for money.
