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About 3% of Starlink Satellites Have Failed So Far ( 165

According to Phys.Org, about 3% of SpaceX's Starlink satellites "have proven to be unresponsive and are no longer maneuvering in orbit, which could prove hazardous to other satellites and spacecraft in orbit." From the report: In order to prevent collisions in orbit, SpaceX equips its satellites with krypton Hall-effect thrusters (ion engines) to raise their orbit, maneuver in space and deorbit at the end of their lives. However, according to two recent notices SpaceX issued to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over the summer (mid-May and late June), several of their satellites have lost maneuvering capability since they were deployed. Unfortunately, the company did not provide enough information to indicate which of their satellites were affected. For this reason, astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) and the Chandra X-ray Center presented his own analysis of the satellites' orbital behavior to suggest which satellites have failed.

The analysis was posted on McDowell's website (Jonathan's Space Report), where he combined SpaceX's own data with U.S. government sources. From this, he determined that about 3% of satellites in the constellation have failed because they are no longer responding to commands. Naturally, some level of attrition is inevitable, and 3% is relatively low as failure rates go. But every satellite that is incapable of maneuvering due to problems with its communications or its propulsion system creates a collision hazard for other satellites and spacecraft. As McDowell told Business Insider: "I would say their failure rate is not egregious. It's not worse than anybody else's failure rates. The concern is that even a normal failure rate in such a huge constellation is going to end up with a lot of bad space junk."

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About 3% of Starlink Satellites Have Failed So Far

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  • by kupekhaize ( 220804 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @05:17AM (#60653362)

    IIRC, they need so many because they are at a lower orbit, and will drop out from normal friction far sooner then something in geosynchronous orbit.

    At geosync, part of the design is they go into a parking orbit which is actually higher when they are EOL. Starlink, as annoying as it may be for astronomers at the lower altitudes means they are going to get more friction, and without orbital corrections will deorbit sooner. Still annoying until they do, of course.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      they need so many because they are at a lower orbit

      Indeed, the low orbit (~500 km) necessitates a mega-constellation. From any given point on the earth, any satellite more than about 20 degrees away (as an angle from the center of the earth) will be beneath the horizon.

      And, to complicate matters, the ground terminals can probably only see to angles of +/-60 degrees from straight up* (without tilting the terminal), which means that only satellites within about 7 degrees (again, referenced to the center of the earth like latitude) can be "seen" by the ground

      • They said they were going to use a different, non phased antenna. Did they decide to go back to the phased one?

    • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @06:35AM (#60653546) Homepage

      It's also hugely erroneous to assume a constant failure rate, in a constantly improving line of mass-produced satellites.

      I noticed we've stopped talking about "SpaceX will destroy astronomy" FUD now that SpaceX has - as they said would - continue iterating their designs until the albedo was low enough to not create wash out patches of images if imaged at the worst times. So I guess it's inevitable that this will be the topic du jour for the next year or so...

      Collisions between dead satellites make up only 2,5% of fragmentation events and 11,6% of debris [] - and Starlink satellites are small. Starlink is not going to create an order of magnitude increase in debris generation even if they retain their current "meaningful-but-below-average" failure rate. Indeed, it's barely going to move the needle. NASA only requires a sub-10% rate [], and that's considered "optimistic". The above linked study uses an assumed 10% failure rate for Starlink and says "but it effectively creates a best-case scenario for the LEO environment so that the effects of Starlink can be more easily studied." 10% was assumed to be "best case". They then compared to other "potentially improved" failure rates As you can see in the graph on page 33 / figure 7, a 1% Starlink failure rate would be virtually indistinguishable from the no-Starlink baseline scenario, while a 5% Starlink failure rate is barely above it.

      But of course, people are going to spread this "OMG STRALINK IS GONNA CAUSE KESSLER SYNDROME!" nonsense far and wide. Luddites gotta luddite.

      • "Starlink satellites are small"

        yes, but space is big. Even trhe bit of space around the Earth where we orbit things, so small is so relative that it becomes irrelevant. Even a huge saturn-5 rocket is small in comparison to the space available in orbit, and yet even paint flecks are massively dangerous.

        I'm more concerned about the 3% figure over time - is this a "it either fails at first boot, or it works forever" type of failure, or is 3% failure rate something that we will see entire clusters of sats start

        • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @10:15AM (#60654140) Homepage

          1) The odds of a collision is proportional to the satellite's cross section, e.g., it's size.
          2) The amount of debris generated, and the size of the debris, is proportional to the size of the colliding spacecraft.
          3) Heavier, dense debris fragments take significantly longer to deorbit than light objects.

          When it comes to space collisions, size absolutely does matter.

          And again, there's no need for conjecture. I linked a research paper specifically about Starlink. Even at a 10% failure rate there's no Kessler syndrome - there's just a less -than-doubling increase in the amount of LEO debris. At a 5% failure rate, there's a less than 20% increase in LEO debris. At a 1% failure rate there's virtually no change in the amount of debris.

          It is not a problem.

        • Cheap, mass produced is SpaceX's specialty. That's why they have a Merlin engine on the F9 second stage, and will also have engine commonality in their upcoming Starship stages.

          But that has no effect on reliability. The Merlin engines have flown more orbital flights than any other rocket engine in history except the RD-107, with only a single engine-related failure (which did not affect the primary mission). As per the fine summary, the 3% satellite failure rate is about average for the industry. And the St

      • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

        You make some excellent points.

        Historically it is not a given that mass produced products constantly improve over time... certainly not by the metrics of outsiders. It is usually the case that maintaining or even reducing cost is the metric of 'improvement' for the company producing the products which generally carries with it a reduction in quality and increased failure. That 1% failure may well raise to 10% and be considered improvement if the cost is perceived to experience a net negative effect.

        • The odds of getting diagnostic data to determine which ones failed and why is going to be a bit tough if they aren't communicating and they'll be destroyed on re-entry. I can't imagine how this will help them iterate to a better design.

          • by Junta ( 36770 )

            Depends on the nature of the failure. If electronically it is responsive, but something mechanically 'sticks', then they may have telemetry showing what failed. It may be a bit more guesswork than being able to examine the mechanically stuck thing, but they at least know where to look and maybe make decisions to make something more robust if they know it is causing failures.

            • by Rei ( 128717 )

              As a general rule, most failures in spacecraft can be tracked to their cause or at least a rough idea of the cause. And if for some reason you're getting failures you can't determine the cause of, you can instrument subsequent spacecraft to send more diagnostic data that can help you pinpoint the cause when you get a failure.

              • by Junta ( 36770 )

                Yes, not as straightforward as being able to do a post-mortem, but particularly with such a large sample size they have lots of opportunity to get statistically significant failure data and fix and/or instrument to improve things generation to generation.

                I'm personally still not convinced on the practicality of the overall business of this method of internet service, but from a technology perspective I think there at least strategies are sound for data gathering and improvement.

      • by DaveV1.0 ( 203135 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @09:57AM (#60654088) Journal

        It's also hugely erroneous to assume a constant failure rate, in a constantly improving line of mass-produced satellite

        It's also hugely erroneous to assume a constantly improving line of mass-produced satellite when it is more cost effective to determine the cost of continually improving the MTBF for the satellites vs the minimum amount of time a satellite needs to last to return a decent profit.

        See the 80/20 rule.

        • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

          I don't remember the exact number or where I read it (one of their government filings, I believe), but I remember SpaceX recently boasting that they had gone some significant number of satellites with no failures (IIRC it was like two launches worth or something), indicating that their reliability was improving.

          It's worth noting that even if 3% of their satellites failed, that is not equal to the number of satellites that will fail on station without the ability to de-orbit. They launch to a lower parking o

    • IIRC, they need so many because they are at a lower orbit, and will drop out from normal friction far sooner then something in geosynchronous orbit.

      No, they need so many because they need HUGE bandwidth. Although, in a non-geostationary orbit, having a shitload of satellites *also* helps with antenna beams as a bonus.

    • by Hentes ( 2461350 )

      True, but debris isn't that much of a problem at geosynchronous orbit since the satellites are moving at a zero relative angular velocity, so there is little chance of them bumping into each other.

      • True, but debris isn't that much of a problem at geosynchronous orbit since the satellites are moving at a zero relative angular velocity, so there is little chance of them bumping into each other.

        Almost true. Once a GEO satelllite dies and stops stationkeeping, lunar perturbations and the non-sphericity of the Earth tugs it out of its spot, and satellites start drifting at non-negligible velocity.

        Unfortunately, what perturbations do NOT do is change the semimajor axis, the orbital altitude. So they stay at synchronous altitude, just not in synchronous position.

    • In the immortal words of Mr. Knight: "Telstar! Wow! Isn't that the satellite that's raining debris all over Europe?"

      • There is an aspect in Science Fiction that people seem to miss. The fact that it is fiction.
        The story plot that Modernization will bring doom on us all, is a very old story plot. This is the bases of many bible stories - modern ligature.

        Adam and Eve get attracted to knowledge and suffer.
        The folks who have created large powerful cities, have fallen, while the man of the land who rejected such city prosper.
        The use of Magic comes with consequences.
        Empires with advanced technologies are seen as daemons and mo

    • At the orbit they are in, all it would take would be a VERY tiny shove to reduce their orbital velocity enough to trigger a fairly rapid re-entry. Probably something even along the lines of the gas ejected by a single charge just larger than that present in a rifle cartridge might be enough. For future versions, although it would add a tiny bit of mass, it might not be bad to add an extra single shot, "suicide thruster" on a separate RF receiver, to be able to de-orbit misbehaving satellites.
    • by hAckz0r ( 989977 )

      part of the design is they go into a parking orbit which is actually higher when they are EOL.

      This kind of logic is exactly the opposite of what should be done. The spare satellites should be parked at a higher orbit where they can easily be maneuvered down into a place at a lower orbit whenever needed to fill a gap. Once a satellite is no longer useful or can not be communicated with then there should be a failsafe timer (dead-mans-switch) that will kick off an automatic deorbiting process. If you can't control the satellite it should deorbit itself. To deorbit properly all you need to do is somet

      • Interesting idea you have there. Now let's look at the math for the geostationary satellites you're complaining about.

        To put them into an end of life graveyard orbit, it requires a delta-v of about 11 meters per second. To actually deorbit them, it requires a delta-v of about 1500 meters per second. And if they had that delta-v available, they could use it for station keeping and continue to remain in service.

        So your idea really doesn't take into consideration reality.

        • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

          It doesn't take a delta-v of 1500 meters per second to de-orbit them because that would seem to largely ignore drag even at their operational altitude. A delta-v of 0 m/s will eventually result in a de-orbit, and any delta-v you spend on the task simply accelerates the timeline.

  • by GeLeTo ( 527660 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @05:21AM (#60653374)
    SpaceX satellites are on a very low orbit which will automatically decay in months if thrusters are not used, the sats will burn completely in the atmosphere.
    Also the article does not include a link to the report, I checked the last reports and there's no such info there. I won' be surprised to see that the planned retirement of the initial 60 experimental satellites is included in the 3% count.
    • by Oliver Heaviside ( 6159576 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @05:28AM (#60653388)
      Technically the article does mention the low orbits and that the dead satellites should naturally deorbit in 1-5 years. But it's in the very last paragraph almost as an afterthought, not earlier where it would put a dent in their sensational implications of Kessler syndrome...
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      It would be unusual if they completely burned up in the atmosphere. Disintegrated into very small parts perhaps, but completely consumed into vapour? Unlikely.

      Since they have lost control there is no way to control where they de-orbit. With the very large number of these satellites de-orbiting on a regular basis we will have to watch carefully to see what sort of pollution there is.

      • by jeti ( 105266 )
        The current version is designed to burn up as much as possible, but doesn't do so completely. SpaceX is trying to achieve that in future versions.
        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          I wonder what kind of liability insurance they have.

          They have submitted paperwork for over 30,000 satellites but it's not clear if that is on top of the 12,000 they already planned for. Anyway, say 30,000, 3% failure rate, that's 900 satellites in uncontrolled re-entry. Per 5 years, since that's the lifespan before they need to be replaced.

          3% might be a low estimate given the system is quite new. More will doubtless fail over time. Then again they might get more reliable.

          • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

            The 30,000 satellites is in addition to the initial 12,000.

        • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

          v0.9 was only 95% demisable. v1.0, which is every launch after the first, has been fully demisable. So they burn up completely.

      • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) *
        2/3rds of our planet is ocean though, so right off the bat you're starting with a less than 40% chance of a random de-orbit actually hitting something important.
        • People who are worried about getting hit by satellite debris haven't spent much time outside of a city.

          There is really a LOT of open space on the earth. Never mind the oceans.

          Remember when Taco Bell put a target in the ocean for Mir to hit? That was awesome. Free taco for every person on the planet if it hit. They even bought insurance in case it did. Best marketing ploy I've ever seen.

          • by hawk ( 1151 )

            Decades ago, I got a call from the FBI.

            It seems that after I formed a corporation for a client, it sold a million dollar policy for a hole-in-one at a golf tournament, or some such.

            Aside from not being licensed for such activity, it apparently just pocketed the premium.

            And someone got the hole in one . . .

            I'd had no contact with the client since the initial shareholder's meeting (more than half of these never came back at their second year meeting at the time . . .).

            hawk, esq.

    • At deployment yeah, they are deployed at below 400km, that will decay pretty fast if they suffer infant mortality. Once they reach target orbit of 550km though that will take quite many years to decay should they become uncontrollable, over a decade. But considering the number of satellites SpaceX launches to Starlink orbit anyway, I think any problems of the sort are quite solvable. It shouldn't be too hard to modify a starlink sat to a cleanup kamikaze and deploy it with the rest to deal with any dead sat
    • I won' be surprised to see that the planned retirement of the initial 60 experimental satellites is included in the 3% count.

      No, because most of those initial sats still respond to commands. TFA specifies satellites that cannot be controlled any more, not obsolete sats.

      • TFA specifies satellites that cannot be controlled any more, not obsolete sats.

        The article also uses the 3% number like it isn't speculation.

        • It's not speculation, he measured satellite orbits.
          These fall into 3 categories:

          1. orbit actively maintained against drag. These are operational sats.
          2. orbit being lowered by more than drag alone. These are obsolete sats still under active control.
          3. orbit predominantly influenced by drag. This is the 3% category. The only speculation is that these are all inoperative. Not a giant leap of imagination, IMO.

    • If the 3% non-responding satellites are described as failures, they won't count planned de-orbits of early experimental satellites. A crucial unknown is when and why they fail. If they fail by not responding after reaching space and their initial orbit requires boosting to stay in space, they wash out quickly and are not a long-term problem. If they fail when in final constellation orbit, they are failing on a busy pathway where there's plenty of company, so collisions may be more likely because they are sh
    • So, they are basically burning $250,000 to $500,000 every time a satellite burns up and the designed life if 4 years. In 2.5 years, they have burned somewhere between $450,000 and $900,000, not including the launch costs (~$750,000 for the 3%).
    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      It depends; your characterization is completely true of some of the satellites in question, less true of others.

      SpaceX plans to operate satellites in three different altitude bands: 340 km, 550 km and 1100 km. The lowest group will definitely de-orbit in a matter of months if not boosted, but the highest satellites might take years to deorbit naturally. For comparison, the ISS's orbit is at 410 km and decays at about 2km/month.

  • by imidan ( 559239 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @05:24AM (#60653380)
    Like the pollution we deposit on the planet to our own peril, the pollution we place in low Earth orbit can come back and bite us in the future. The Kessler Syndrome is a theory posited in the 70s by a guy at NASA who warned that due to collisions between uncontrollable space junk, LEO might fill up with a high-velocity, unpredictable debris field that would make safely launching spacecraft impossible and threaten the existence of anything we had in orbit. They scoffed at Kessler for years, but his theory was strongly reinforced by the collision of an old Iridium comm satellite and an old Russian military satellite. [] We have to take seriously the junk we put in orbit, because it can become fantastically dangerous up there, and if we continue to pollute LEO, we may not be able to go there anymore.
    • by Oliver Heaviside ( 6159576 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @05:39AM (#60653400)
      While Kessler Syndrome is indeed a real danger, it's substantially less of a danger at the orbital height of the Starlink satellites (~500 km). The collision you reference was just a bit higher (789 km), but the Russian satellite had been dead for about 14 years. In contrast, a dead Starlink satellite will deorbit in 1-5 years (according to the article, and I remember the SpaceX filings mentioning less than 5 years a couple years back when I read them).

      SpaceX had originally planned for their satellites to be higher (though I forget the exact orbital height), and they lowered the orbits in later filings to address the issue of space debris.
      • by imidan ( 559239 )
        I hope you're right that it's not a problem at that level. With 5 years potential deorbit time, a number of uncontrollable satellites, and 42,000 planned Starlink satellites, it seems like there's the potential for problems. Obviously, 500km orbit is a big place, so maybe it's nothing to worry about.
      • a dead Starlink satellite will deorbit in 1-5 years

        Hmm ... let's see ... (source: SpaceX application to the FCC [])

        To this end, SpaceX will implement an operations plan for the orderly de-orbit of satellites nearing the end of their useful lives (roughly five to seven years) at a rate far faster than is required under international standards. Satellites in the LEO Constellation will de-orbit by propulsively moving to a disposal orbit from which they will reenter the Earthâ(TM)s atmosphere within approximately one year after completion of their mission.

        Not the easiest thing to do when the satellite no longer responds to propulsion commands.

        Still, there will be natural orbit decay regardless, so let us assume 1-5 years. The problem is you'll have a steady state of the constellation where a certain percentage of satellites will be down in the process of de-orbiting at all times. Now, if you want a back of the envelope calculation of the percentage, after ~2.5 years the percentage of non-responsive

  • Is this more or less reliable than Musk's other bit of technology, Tesla cars?
    How often do Tesla cars need some non-trivial repair work in the first months of operation?

    The problem with satellites is you can't just get your service agency to lend the user another satellite while you swap out the drivetrain, like Tesla does with the cars that break down.

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      How often do Tesla cars need some non-trivial repair work in the first months of operation?

      Not often, according to customer satisfaction surveys. But when they do, it's a pretty simple matter to send a flatbed out and haul them to a garage for repairs.

      Oblig. bad car analogy: If even a fraction of 1% of the vehicles on a road stalled each year but then were abandoned in place, roads would become impassible pretty soon.

      • "Oblig. bad car analogy: If even a fraction of 1% of the vehicles on a road stalled each year but then were abandoned in place, roads would become impassible pretty soon."

        Indeed. Unfortunately, things in space tend to stay in space, for years to millennia, so it doesn't take a lot of breakdowns to clog things up. The ISS already has to dodge debris several times a year.

        • by PPH ( 736903 )

          tend to stay in space, for years to millennia

          Fortunately, Starlink is in LEO. So maybe 5 years to re-entry if no orbital adjustments are made. It'll be like that old car sitting on the shoulder with a red flag on it you've been passing for two weeks before it disappears.

    • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) *

      How often do Tesla cars need some non-trivial repair work in the first months of operation?

      Less than Jaguar, Aston Martin or Peugot?

      • You're expecting us to believe a Tesla is any bit as luxurious as those cars? Lets compare leather and trim, let's compare sound systems. Those are the kinds of things those cars sell for.
  • by mapkinase ( 958129 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @06:07AM (#60653462) Homepage Journal

    .. percentage of my failed builds in our automatic build system.

    From the other hand the build agents are cheaper than millions of dollars per each satellite.

    • by nasor ( 690345 )
      The exact cost of a starlink satellite is not publicly known, but spacex has stated that they are under $500k. It's definitely not millions per sat.
  • Bathtub Curve (Score:5, Informative)

    by v1 ( 525388 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @07:07AM (#60653608) Homepage Journal

    This is the start of what's called a "Bathtube Curve". check it out []

    Basically says that among a group of new items, you'll have an initially high failure rate as products with manufacturing defects and materrial flaws die early. Once these flawed units have dropped out of circulation, then follows a relatively long span of time with low failure rates and high product reliability. Some time later, as products approach their expected lifespan, you'll see failures sharply rise back up as they rapidly die of anticipated age-related degradation.

    • Where this does explain the 3% failure rate, it still doesn't bode well for SpaceX's reliability.

      I suppose, if you own the launch systems and are launching hundreds of these things, having a few of them fail is pretty much unavoidable, but if they don't drastically improve that 3% failure rate in future batches, it's going to impact their profit margin pretty significantly. The ISP business is one where you work in the margins and you have to carefully manage you cash flow. The infrastructure investment

      • by DavenH ( 1065780 )

        if they don't drastically improve that 3% failure rate in future batches, it's going to impact their profit margin pretty significantly.

        Quantify this please. How do you know their profit margin? The marginal cost of each satellite? The marginal launch cost? The taxable income is offset per lost satellite? How do you justify 3% being huge investment in infrastructure?

        Until you know the numbers, you're just making stuff up.

    • To reduce early failures in space they could run the satellites on earth for six months to burn them in and weed out most of the early failures. Hard drive manufacturers used to do a short burn in test before selling the units.

      Sadly doing something like that today is impossible because, well, greed.
      • by v1 ( 525388 )

        That's why they send up spares. We always have GPS spares in orbit, ready to take over. (we don't just launch another one when one breaks, to replace it, we launch to get another spare in station)

        With so many starlink sats, you can expect them to have enough for some redundancy.

        And they almost certainly did some "burn-in testing" on the sats, but there's just some things you can't easily test for, like problems induced by microgravity, unlucky solar radiation hits, and soforth. The high G's and vibration

        • by hawk ( 1151 )

          And vicious k'nids.

          You never can tell which kind of satellite they find tasty . . .

          hawk, apparently dating himself again.

    • I think it's rather "actual lifespan" instead of "expected lifespan"... Wouldn't be the first time HTOL wasn't enough to properly estimate what to expect, nor engineers missing aggravating conditions.
  • Couldn't they add a watchdog/suicide module with a standalone ion thruster that orients and de-orbits the sat when it doesn't get a refresh signal after some amount of time?

    • Effectively, they have just that. At the altitude they are using the air resistance is not negligible and over time will deorbit pretty much everything unless you add energy to keep the object in orbit. So, when one of their satellites goes inert, it's going to deorbit itself due to drag in reasonably short amounts of time.

    • No need for a thruster. They just need drag. There are some experimental designs which just pop out essentially a long streamer to increase air resistance.

  • This article is highly misleading and slanted towards sensationalism! First off, it's highly misleading to compare Starlink Satellites, in low orbit that deorbit in 1000km orbits don't deorbit, even in a million years. Second, for dead Starlink Satellites to be a danger to other Satellites, those other Satellites need to be in a similar or lower orbit than Starlink. Guess what? Practically all other Satellites orbit higher than Starlink will. So they physically can't collide. Your editor could and should
  • And an automated one.
    If the unit cannot get in contact with the control center anymore, automatically abort it and deorbit to self destruction.

  • If you look at McDowell's actual data, you'll see that later launches have lowered the initial orbit to a bit under 300km. Any Starlink satellites that fail immediately will drop out of orbit in months. The working ones use their ion thrusters to raise up to the operational orbit of 550km. []

    As others have noted, there have been substantial improvements to the design since the initial batch, so I'd expect the failure rate to decrease in later launches.

    - Necron69

  • Seems like the satellites should have a deadman's subsystem. If the satellites can't receive commands or the rest of the control systems are otherwise not responsive, the deadman's subsystem should be able to initiate de-orbit. Of course many failures would inhibit this, but for some classes of failure such as failure to communicate with the earth, this would "cleanup the junk" faster.

    • by ledow ( 319597 )

      If the system isn't capable of orienting itself to point at Earth and responding to a very particular signal to say even "I'm still here", what makes you think it's even capable of executing any such command, let alone manoeuvring, let alone know it's doing it in a safe direction that doesn't take out anything within range?

      You'll be lucky if it ever responds to a lack of contact, let alone responds in a way that safely de-orbits it rather than just shoots off into a tangential orbit straight into the path o

  • Beware of propaganda (Score:4, Interesting)

    by tiqui ( 1024021 ) on Tuesday October 27, 2020 @03:53PM (#60655598)

    First, I'll admit to being a fan of SpaceX, though not a fanboy of all things Musk. I'll also admit I have not had time to dig fully into the numbers in THIS story, but is smells a LOT like a previous one that claimed a particular failure rate for Starlink satellites - and that should strike anybody as odd, consider:

    1. When's the last time you heard anybody publicly complain about the failure rate of any product (and more particularly satellites) while not being a customer of said product?

    2. When's the last time you saw that same basic public complaint repeated? (and for SATELLITES? Really?)

    It's similar to all the articles about SpaceX rockets always blowing up and being unreliable - which were traced back to a lobbying firm for another aerospace company and were in papers commonly read by members o0f congress at a time when new space launch contracts were being discussed.

    Now, here's my reason for suspicion here: The last time we saw these same claims about Starlink satellite failure rates, they were being pumped by a competing US-based satellite operator (I'll not name here to avoid a "my team" vs "your team" devolution). The arguments last time mislead readers by merging several issues: They counted a bunch of early generation Starlinks that were always meant to be temporary and which were being intentionally de-orbited as "failed" Starlink satellites. They also distracted from a major design point of the Starlink constellation which was that most of the birds are in low orbits and each satellite is designed to de-orbit itself if it fails so that the constellation overall is far less likely to leave orbital debris of dead satellites than any other constellation ever launched. Counting satellites that fail in their primary mission, but then properly deorbit themselves, as designed, leaving no orbital hazard - and labeling them generically as "failed" has the effect of misleading people into believing Musk's constellation is "bad", dangerous, and polluting space. With any product there will be a failure rate, and with thousands of satellites, the Starlink constellation will have many even if it's only a 1% rate, so the constellation as a whole and the individual birds are all designed with that in mind. It's sad when competing companies who have done far less to mitigate such issues on their own systems play these PR games.

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
