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Trump Also Suspended from Snapchat and Twitch, Faces Content Restrictions on Pinterest and...TikTok? (msn.com) 403

Today MSN published an article listing "Every social media platform Donald Trump is banned from using (so far)."

Some excerpts: - Trump was suspended from Snapchat amid the riots on January 6, a spokesperson confirmed to The Hill...

- On January 7, Twitch, the Amazon-owned video live-streaming platform made popular by gamers, disabled Trump's account indefinitely...

- Though Trump does not have a Pinterest account, the image-sharing app has reportedly been limiting pro-Trump related topics since around November. For example, if you search "StoptheSteal," you will see the following message: "Pins about this topic often violate our community guidelines, so we're currently unable to show search results...."

- Oh, how the tables have turned. Remember when Trump tried to ban TikTok? Well, even though Trump does not have an account of his own, the video platform still found a way to limit his reach. On January 7, TikTok confirmed it would be removing videos of Trump's speeches believed to have incited violence at the Capitol. Furthermore, it is redirecting hashtags used by rioters like #stormthecapitol and #patriotparty to its community guidelines.

However, the company has not specified that it would ban Trump should he try to join the platform.

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Trump Also Suspended from Snapchat and Twitch, Faces Content Restrictions on Pinterest and...TikTok?

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  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @02:45AM (#60919064)

    I am glad to live in the USA where even the President can't just infringe on people's rights. A lot of people in foreign countries don't get how private companies can't be forced to do the will of the president. That's one of the great things about the USA, that no the president can't just use your company as their platform without your consent. Other nations are in awe. Other people are in envy. Can you imagine a company in any other country telling the president to fuck off? What would happen to a Russian version of twitter if they kicked Putin off? I for one are glad that we're in a nation that we can do that, and you should be too.

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @03:04AM (#60919138)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • That sounds like a setup publicity stunt.

        • No, more that there isn't much that happens in NZ, so things like this get more focus.
        • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

          by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @03:29AM (#60919236)
          Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by Tom ( 822 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @03:52AM (#60919332) Homepage Journal

          No, just pretty normal for smaller countries.

          I live in Austria. We've met both the prime minister and the president of Austria at balls (the dance party, not the round thing). No visible security, taking pictures with people, sitting at a table drinking coffee.

          Many top-level politicians in the smaller European countries have been seen walking their dog or buying bread in the local bakery, and I'm quite sure they go to restaurants and movie theatres or concerts the same way everyone else does. The owners might feel flattered to have them and might find a table with a bit more zeal, but there won't be none of the secret service showing up two weeks before to secure the place stuff that you get with the US president.

        • Not really. The NZ PM does not get followed around by media and secret service agents making a big scene in a fancy car. What happened was a person walked into a cafe and was turned away, someone pointed out it was the PM and it got picked up as a filler story on some newspaper.

          Unlike the USA we don't worship public officials (and I say "we" here as much of the rest of the world, not NZ specifically). I'm reminded of the G20 summit in Australia, 6 city blocks under complete lockdown in the southside at the

      • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @05:48AM (#60919610)

        Pretty much this. People from the US usually think the rest of the world is very backwards and very unenlightened compared to their "great" country. Here is news for you, US citizens: This is propaganda, fed to you to avoid actually introducing modern ideas in the US that quite a bit of the rest of the world has had for ages. It only works because the US is so large. But try to do a survey of what some US citizens say about other countries they went to for a while. Paints a pretty different picture.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by wileeam ( 7064233 )
      Are you glad to live in a place where private corporations are deciding what is right and what is wrong? Do you realize that, a divided nation, is exactly what Trump supporters, and what Trump represents, wanted?

      Until now there were some platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc) where people with different opinions could challenge each other. People could expose the blatant and absurd ideas of Trump supporters and his own, with facts and arguments.
      Now, you have a massive group of people that will create their
      • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @03:12AM (#60919174)

        Hahaha just like that "conservatives" are for a federal government usurping the rights of the private sector? Shows it was all a sham before.

        This is like when the equal opportunities act was passed "conservatives" claimed companies have a God given freedom to hire whomever they want. But now that companies are choosing to hire minorities over whites .. "conservatives" are suddenly against companies choosing to hire who they want. Apparently discrimination is suddenly wrong and the government should force companies not to discriminate.

        • by SuricouRaven ( 1897204 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @04:48AM (#60919448)

          You don't have to go that far back. The exact same struggle played out over gay rights. Remember how strongly conservatives pushed for a federal amendment to ban gay marriage back under Bush II? They didn't quite get it. They supported the Defense of Marriage act too, passed earlier. They loved federal control then! But when the situation changed, and federal law switched to *supporting* gay marriage? Then they suddenly became all about states rights and fighting federal tyranny on the issue.

      • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @03:16AM (#60919186)

        Hey aren't you the same idiots who said that companies should not be forced to sell cakes to gay people? Now you all are saying companies should be forced to carry hateful messages they don't agree with?

        I also remember you fools argued against Net Neutrality because companies should be able to choose what content their subscribers have access to.

      • People could expose the blatant and absurd ideas of Trump supporters and his own, with facts and arguments.

        They did. No one stayed silent. Here's a hint - Trump supporters don't care and never will care about facts or arguments.

        when he was pretty much defeated

        Defeated in the eyes of whom? Seems plenty of people were willing to risk arrest and the possibility of death, not to mention that they thought they were going to get to kill some traitors.

        When people are beyond listening and are willing to take any action, not just saying stupid things, then it's time to admit that it's already gone way past that.

        • I think you got it wrong.
          Just because Trump supporters (or Trump himself) aren't buying into facts and arguments, it doesn't mean you have the right to silence them.
          Doing so makes you no different than 'them' and some of their goals like the embarrassing events the world witnessed few days ago.

          This is not about convincing them into 'what it is right' or 'what it is wrong'. This is about presenting the facts and reasons for anyone else to make their own opinion, including themselves if they want to.

      • Until now there were some platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc) where people with different opinions could challenge each other. People could expose the blatant and absurd ideas of Trump supporters and his own, with facts and arguments.

        "I'm going on the internet to have my ideas changed", said no one, ever.

        People echo-chambered the fuck out of their beliefs on social media, and now the Trump side will have to find some new real estate for their circle jerks. Nothing new under the sun, here.

      • by Tom ( 822 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @04:03AM (#60919360) Homepage Journal

        Just when Trump was at the very end of everything, when he was pretty much defeated, you just created a martyr that will make his supporters angrier and claim a victimism that they obviously don't deserve but now will utilize.

        It's not that simple. There was a good article that I can't find again, which dissected how Trump can claim the election was stolen and people believe him.

        That's not as crazy as it seems at first. More people voted for him than in 2016. Yet this time the other guys won. Add the very, very clear bias of most of the media and online world against Trump, and if you want to believe it, it is quite easy to see something strange there. Mix in a few more ideas and a few actual mistakes and strange results that happen in every election, and you have enough there for people to doubt the whole process and feel betrayed.

        And let's be honest, he was NOT as soundly and clearly defeated as would have been necessary to overcome the divide in the american people that politicians from both sides have been fostering for decades. Maybe now some of these egomaniacs will see that what goes around, comes around.

        • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @09:40AM (#60920166)

          More people voted for him than in 2016.

          More people voted for Joe Biden in both raw numbers and electoral votes. That these idiots can't see past this is proof enough facts don't matter to them.

          Add the very, very clear bias of most of the media and online world against Trump,

          Yes, repeating his very words is truly biased against him. It's a shame we have recordings of him saying words and video of his actions. Perhaps, in the future, the media in this country could be more like the media in North Korea and only show what the leader wants to be shown.

        • by Ed Tice ( 3732157 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @12:50PM (#60920848)
          I have no idea how you got modded up unless now, in addition to MAGA mod points, there are Kristallnacht points. Trump ran for president as a Republican but didn't have much support within the Republican party. He lost the popular vote by a landslide but won the electoral vote. There is no circumstances in which such a leader will be seen as legitimate. If he had any real interest in his agenda, he would have spent his four years in office governing in such a way as to earn a mandate for a second term. George Bush did this and got reelected in 2004 (much to my chagrin) winning both the electoral and popular votes. Although I did not like him as a leader, he made an honest attempt to govern. He took centrist positions and even tried to pass comprehensive immigration reform. The bias against Donald Trump had nothing to do with Donald Trump. Certainly "grab 'em by the pussy" and the ilk didn't help. Republicans in 2016 predicted that Trump would be a disaster. But he won the primary. And then in short-sightedness they got behind him. And now they lost the House, the Senate, and the Presidency as they should. It is unlikely that any republican will ever win the popular vote again. And so when they do pull out a "victory" due to nuances of US politics (Gerrymandering, electoral college), they would be wise to actually try to govern in order to improve the party's reputation and then maybe they can have credibility again.
    • Other nations are in awe. Other people are in envy. Can you imagine a company in any other country telling the president to fuck off?

      Sure I can. To quote the Newsroom: "And with a straight face, youâ(TM)re gonna [say] that America is so star-spangled awesome that weâ(TM)re the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom. Japan has freedom. The UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom! So, 207 sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom. "

  • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @02:53AM (#60919102)

    You may not think it's a big deal that the Trump is getting banned from all these platforms but tell me... what do you think will happen when he's banned from every platform except Slashdot?

  • Etsy (Score:4, Informative)

    by battingly ( 5065477 ) on Sunday January 10, 2021 @03:24AM (#60919212)
    I heard Etsy will ban him next, so move quick if you want to buy one of his tea cozies.
  • I've kind of wondered why doesn't the Fed US not just run it's own social media site then? or at least why doesn't whitehouse.gov just have a spot for a president to just micro blog any time with may be an RSS feed?
    • by Tom ( 822 )

      Because owning a radio station and being able to say what you want from your front door are not the same thing.

      Sure, a micro-blog at whitehouse.gov would likely get thousands of subscribers. But that's nothing to the three-digit millions reach that you get on social media, where your stuff is shown not only to your subscribers, but also to anyone some algorithm has determined might be interested in it.

    • That would be too civil. No one would want that.

      Login with your EIN/SSN to comment.

    • The incoming US CTO under Biden is an open-source guy. Suggest it, maybe we can at least get a non-twitter parallel feed going.

  • One of my fave TikTokers, @thebigwierdmom, aka Parler Martyr "reading Parler so you don't have to" got banned from TikTok today. She did a great job sifting through the noise of Parler and summarizing the nuttiest, most dangerous bits so that people who aren't on the platform know what the Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and other Trumpists are planning. I can only hope that they banned her by mistake due to some dumb regex error checking for mentions of the P word. At least she's currently mirroring her stu

What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?
