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Highly Educated People More Likely to Fall For QAnon's Conspiracy Theories ( 290

The more educated people are, the more likely they are to believe claims made by QAnon, according to a tracking poll by polling firm Morning Consult. From Politico: Twenty-seven percent of people with a postgraduate degree responded that QAnon claims are either very accurate or somewhat accurate. That compared to 20% of those with a bachelor's degree and 14% of those with less than a college degree. The numbers were similar in Morning Consult's October poll.
But a new survey from the same pollsters also shows fewer Americans believing in QAnon's conspiracy theories. Newsweek writes: While eight percent of Americans still believe the radical conspiracy theory is "very accurate" and a further 10 percent consider its claims "somewhat accurate," this 18 percent figure is a six-point drop from a similar poll in October... Trust in the widely debunked conspiracy listed as a domestic terrorist threat by the FBI is also dropping among Republicans. According to the survey, 24 percent of GOP voters who have heard of QAnon say its claims are at least somewhat accurate — a 14-point drop from October...
And 51% of the adults surveyed also believe social media's spread of conspiracy theories is a "major problem."
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Highly Educated People More Likely to Fall For QAnon's Conspiracy Theories

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 06, 2021 @08:41PM (#61035610)

    Obvious explanation.

    • Obvious explanation.

      And they also didn't control for field of degree. What are the figures for STEM vs traditional humanities vs critical theory junk?

    • by hawguy ( 1600213 )

      Obvious explanation.

      How do they even find people to poll? I don't think I'd ever agree to do an opinion poll by phone or online. I've gotten a few calls that claim to being polls, but I end that call quickly. Have never seen an online poll that purports to be an unbiased poll.

      This is all they say about their participant selection:

      This poll was conducted between January 28-January 30, 2021 among a national sample of 2200Adults. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a targetsample of Adults based on age, gender, educational attainment, race, and region. Results from thefull survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points

  • I've noticed this, too, perplexed, as I imagined greater intelligence would impart an insulation-like effect on conspiracy theories... I guess this is what they meant by too smart for your own good.

    • by Sique ( 173459 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @08:49PM (#61035634) Homepage
      • Being intelligent does not make you immune against wishful thinking.
      • Being intelligent does not make you take responsibility for anything in your life.
      • Being intelligent does not hinder you to project your anxieties and fears onto other people.
      • Being intelligent does not stop you from inventing narratives to overcome cognitive dissonances.
      • Sounds like an argument for not being intelligent.

      • I've always suspected intelligence and good judgement might not be linked... also, and no less importantly, it's been my admittedly small sample-sized experience that intelligence and willpower may not fly frequently in the same flock.

      • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @09:27PM (#61035762)

        Intelligent and education aren't the same thing. Just sayin'.

        • by gweihir ( 88907 )

          Intelligent and education aren't the same thing. Just sayin'.

          There is some weak correlation in there, but yes.

        • by apoc.famine ( 621563 ) <> on Saturday February 06, 2021 @10:06PM (#61035850) Journal

          You can get a lot of education without having critical thinking skills, and you can have critical thinking skills without ever getting an education.

          Where I see the danger is that if you don't have critical thinking skills but get a lot of education, you'll end up vastly overestimating your abilities. I've met a lot of very well educated people who were absolutely certain that they know everything, because they actually do know virtually everything in one narrow field, but they aren't able to recognize that their narrow exceptional understanding doesn't translate to other areas.

          While Dunning-Kruger is definitely an issue, this is the flip side of that. I've been in "the ivory tower", and while it's not an epidemic, it's definitely a real problem. This is compounded by real geniuses who people don't get. I've seen both - the genius who points out some fatal flaw that pretty much nobody understands, and the educated idiot who points out what he thinks is a flaw but it's actually a gap in his understanding. It's easy for the educated idiot to place himself on the same pedestal, because to most observers, the situation is identical.

          I have the most respect for the people who are keenly aware of what they don't know. I don't care how much education they have, if they are aware of what they don't know, that's someone I trust. And it's someone I trust to not make dumb mistakes.

          • by Dr. Bombay ( 126603 ) on Sunday February 07, 2021 @09:24AM (#61036908) Homepage

            Martin Luther King had something to say about this as an eighteen year old college student:
            https://www.drmartinlutherking... []

            Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking. To think incisively and to think for one's self is very difficult. We are prone to let our mental life become invaded by legions of half truths, prejudices, and propaganda. At this point, I often wonder whether or not education is fulfilling its purpose. A great majority of the so-called educated people do not think logically and scientifically. Even the press, the classroom, the platform, and the pulpit in many instances do not give us objective and unbiased truths. To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction.

            The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society. The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals.

          • by kqs ( 1038910 ) on Sunday February 07, 2021 @08:13PM (#61038466)

            I have the most respect for the people who are keenly aware of what they don't know. I don't care how much education they have, if they are aware of what they don't know, that's someone I trust. And it's someone I trust to not make dumb mistakes.

            Amen. And I'll extend that a bit: I respect people who realize that, no matter how sure they are, they may be wrong and will therefore listen to opposing opinions. Doesn't matter if this is about tech, political views, or anything else. I just want a chance to convince them and a chance for them to convince me. Otherwise neither I nor they will ever learn anything.

      • by vlad30 ( 44644 )
        Being intelligent also puts you one lab accident away from being a supervillian
      • There is a distinct difference between intelligence, and wisdom.

        Sadly, society hardly values either of those anymore.

    • You seem to be confusing "highly intelligent" with "highly educated."

      No, they're not synonyms. Nor is one the requirement for the other. Yes, it's possible for highly educated people to be dumb as rocks outside their field of specialization. Hell, it's possible for them to be dumb as rocks within their field of specialization if said field is esoteric enough that noone can understand them....

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        And to make matters worse, many highly intelligent people chose to not apply that intelligence to certain questions hence turning themselves into complete morons. And they do not understand what they are doing because self-reflection is one of those questions. A tool becomes worthless if not applied competently. Intelligence is just a tool.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Independent thinking is not correlated with education or intelligence.

    • Re:counterintuitive (Score:4, Interesting)

      by tmmagee ( 1475877 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @09:47PM (#61035808)

      Not all degrees in higher education inspire the same critical thinking skills. I would be surprised if someone with a postgraduate degree in history, as just one example, fell for QAnon's bullshit, but a Computer Programmer? Ultimately the failure here is in people's ability to think critically about the things they are reading online, and not every academic path helps with that.

      I have two friends, one with a Masters in Italian, another with a PhD in Computer Science. They watched a two hour "documentary" (I won't name it because I don't want to give it press) and afterwards were convinced that 9/11 was an inside job and that George Bush was the mastermind. I watched the same documentary with them afterwards, and challenged them on many of the "facts" it presented. They thought I was naive. I then suggested we both look into it together and do more research. After all, if the president of the United planned an attack on American soil, that would be kind of important thing to understand and organize against, don't you think? They refused. They had seen enough. They were both very well educated, and were just as susceptible to confirmation bias as anyone else.

      The annoying teacher in high school in or college that is constantly challenging students to rethink, rethink, and rethink their beliefs, the ways they read novels, the way they think about history, and the way they think about their own lives is very, very necessary in a functional democracy.

      • Having subscribed to conspiracy myth at a youthful age, I understand the siren's lure and, thus, the fallacy of the belief set it propagates. I am distressed by the lack of critical thinking necessary to believe installing the antithesis of democracy improves the lot of us.

    • I'm curious what the question actually was. "Somewhat" Accurate is a huge wiggle-word, and perhaps more educated people are less prone to stake out absolute positions. So it would be interesting to see if the results to more specific questions were the same. For example the general claim that elites around the world worked to undermine Trump, vs the claim that these elites were perpetrating a big child-sex ring. One of these claims is not like the other.
  • by black3d ( 1648913 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @08:48PM (#61035624)

    Adherents relationship with the truth has always been tenuous at best. Given that desire to be viewed as more special than they actually are is a key tenet of conspiracy theory attraction, there is likely to be some considerable overlap between those who believe such theories, and are willing to falsely inflate their education, income, or other perceived measure of personal value.

    • Most of them probably completed Q's "Masters in Politics" they found online. Or Rush Limbaugh's, which I think is a thing that actually can be found online (trying hard not to write "real" in the sentence)
  • Highly educated people often confuse logical fallacies with inherently bad thinking. Thus they imagine that to refuse to even consider a ridiculous claim from a stupid person is ad hominem and therefore bad. Logical fallacies are certainly important when evaluating formal debates. In day to day life refusing to use the heuristics that lie behind said fallacies will waste your time and energy like nothing else possibly can.

  • This is a poll (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @08:50PM (#61035640)
    not a study. So I'm inclined to think there's some extenuating reason. We know right now polls are a complete mess. e.g. base on the Polls Trump should have lost by a much larger margin and the Dems should've picked up seats in the House & Senate. Some of that is down to voter suppression, though it's hard to believe all of that (also pollsters have been slyly taking voter suppression into account in their models for years).

    The links are busted so I can only guess, but my guess is that the people willing to answer the poll are skewing the results. Either that or people with more education are just more likely to be exposed (which is a worse thought, since it means the numbers among less education could be higher if they could be reached).

    Either way we need to do more to teach critical thinking. It can be taught, but it's a lot of work, it's expensive and outside of preventing the collapse of human civilization it doesn't have any value. It's not like it's a job skill or anything. At least not outside of a handful of fields.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      and this is exactly why.

      "This is one of those views which are so absurd that only very learned men could possibly adopt them." - Bertrand Russell

      "There is nothing so stupid as an educated man, if you get him off the thing he was educated in." - Will Rogers

      This problem is also called Engineer's Syndrome (or Engineer's Disease) -- people assume that because they are highly qualified in one area, they are highly qualified in other areas as well.

    • The links are busted so I can only guess

      Looking at the poll-numbers for the mentioned question gives us this (sum very accurate + somewhat accurate) for some selected demographics:

      GenZers: 1997-2012: 12% (1+11)
      Millennials: 1981-1996: 44% (12+12)
      GenXers: 1965-1980: 22% (13+19)
      Baby Boomers: 1946-1964: 9% (14+18)
      Ideo: Liberal (1-3): 23% (10+13)
      Ideo: Moderate (4): 20% (8+12)
      Ideo: Conservative (5-7): 30% (15+15)
      Very Favorable of Trump: 46% (27+51)
      Very Unfavorable of Trump: 12% (5+7)
      2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton: 19% (8+11)
      2016 Vote: Donald Trump: 37% (2

      • it's about who does and who doesn't answer polls. Polling is a complete mess right now.
      • I figured Millennials would do worst! I read an education study (not poll) on how that generation were the worst at telling fact from opinion! It was about double gen X. They didn't get to gen Z because this study was a while ago.

        Boomers had Nixon etc. and the last of old media... they do seem to aim irrationally for the middle ground on everything from what I've seen.

        Schools can't undo CULTURE. The culture forces us in education to churn out consumer robots at increasing rates and it's not easy to fight

    • This is a poll not a study.

      I was a good /.er and didn't even really read the summary.

      So a poll, where people are able to say they have as much education as they wish they had? Or even more? Where we're 100% sure that there was a representative sample of the population?

    • Either way we need to do more to teach critical thinking. It can be taught,

      100% agree. Someone mentioned that Google should put a short movie in front of controversial videos that describes one logical fallacy in a humorous, understandable way. That way as people get more into conspiracy theories, they also get more understanding of logic.

      I do think the "fact checks" that Facebook puts up are having a good effect (even if the fact checkers have no sense of humor). Posts are getting better at providing supporting links, and are getting sharper in the precision of their arguments.

    • The poll was designed to give an excuse for censorship and to support authoritarianism. "See? Even the educated fall for this shit, it needs to be banned posthaste. For your own good of course."

  • by Jeremi ( 14640 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @08:54PM (#61035644) Homepage

    People who support QAnon are more likely to exaggerate their level of education on a survey-response form.

  • by Sebby ( 238625 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @08:54PM (#61035646) Journal

    Highly Educated People More Likely to Fall For QAnon's Conspiracy Theories

    ....or "Highly Educated People Turn Out Dumber Than Most Others"

  • by biggaijin ( 126513 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @08:57PM (#61035654)

    So you have to be really uneducated and stupid to know that QAnon's ideas are all nonsense?

    • I can think of a number of possible explanations.

      Perhaps the “uneducated” are better versed at separating truth from falsehood because they need that as a survival skill?

      Or maybe they either don’t have the same level of access to the online media often used to spread the stupidity - or are too busy working multiple low paying jobs to waste time online?

      Or, more simply, the poll respondents who are into QAnon are already well-practiced liars.

  • maybe highly educated people don't forget stuff so easily? I mean its not like things like these don't happen [] , can even remeber stuff like that there was more to the epstein scandal than how he died...
    • Wow, that Westminster thing is pretty out-there. Thanks for the link.

      In the context of the q anon stuff though, we should remind ourselves that just because some crazy things _do_ happen, not all crazy conspiracy theories are true.

  • It is not that these people do not have the tools available to check the facts. The problem is that they chose to not use these tools. And at the same time their education gives them a high level of false confidence that they of course see what is going on.

    This is not really a new effect. The number of independent thinkers is not higher among highly educated people.

    Caveat: I have pretty much the maximum in education that you can get.

  • Dunning Kruger (Score:5, Insightful)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @09:47PM (#61035810)

    Or a corollary to that. People with post graduate degrees convince themselves that their education (usually in a narrow field) extends to many other domains. And if they back this up with a small amount of information (or mis information) they reach the peak of Mount Stupid.

    This is also true for investment scams. Smart people tend to get taken in a lot. Of course, scammers tend to target the wealthy, who tend to be more highly educated. But it's pretty easy to stroke someone's ego or convince them that they must be stupid to pass up such a deal. The Left uses this tactic as well. You must be some sort of dumbshit hillbilly if you don't buy into what all the college professors and scientists say.

    • Well, you are some dumbshit hillbilly if you don't listen to what the professors and research scientists say!
      If it's outside their domain and you give them equal trust you are not so bright; however, it is STILL wise to just listen to them for everything!

      If you are too slow to see the error trusting them on everything then it's unlikely that you will do better guessing than them anyway so it's a win to just tell everybody to trust them all the time. Certainly better than millennia of trusting religious lea

  • by BBF_BBF ( 812493 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @10:09PM (#61035856)
    People who believe results based on Polling are more likely to believe QAnon conspiracies.
  • by godrik ( 1287354 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @10:13PM (#61035872)

    Looking at the numbers presented in the poll, it also seems that believing in Qanon in a predominantly white male thing; with about 50% of "ethinicity: black" who say they haven't heard of Qanon.
    Provided the small number of minority who have advanced degrees, maybe that's what we are seeing here...

  • by ErichTheRed ( 39327 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @10:15PM (#61035880)

    I think it's just a case of the truth being boring, and a wild conspiracy theory being more interesting. Combine that with 4 years of Dear Leader telling people that they shouldn't listen to anyone but him, and a highly educated person's tendency to believe they're smarter than everyone's a fertile combo. All of a sudden, they're convinced they've taken the red pill and now see what has been hidden from everyone else.

    Which is more interesting, a global pandemic that killed almost half a million people in the US, or the global plot by a secret cabal led by Jeffrey Epstein from his secret submarine base in Arizona, working with Bill Gates and the telecom companies to implant tracking devices in all humans? Isolated people with a fair bit of downtime can often lead to wandering minds...

  • I suspect while the outrageous claims like a pedo ring is widely rejected, the existence of a "Deep State" sort of makes sense.

    If you take a look at all the political contributions, I think it is the same thing as saying that politicians can be bought.

    Who wouldn't believe that?

    • The most believable lie is a half-truth.

      • We're seeing this logical fallacy a lot lately (I don't know its name, if someone knows it, please tell me). Someone repeats a truth, then another truth, then another truth. Finally at the end, they repeat three lies. Half of what they say is 100% percent true, so by the time listeners get to the false part, they aren't listening as carefully.

    • The craziest thing about the QAnon nonsense is that, as dumb as a lot of their allegations are, if you were to make similar allegations against certain high-profile celebrities and power brokers a decade ago, you would have been met with nearly the same level of disbelief.

      I'm sure you've heard of Jeffrey Epstein, and maybe have an inkling of what Roman Polanski has been accused of. Ever hear of Jimmy Savile? []

      If you were to write a novel following these events, you'd be laughe

  • This is why college/university is becoming a horrible option.
    It's teaching kids to regurgitate what they're told.
    And discouraging the use of actual critical thinking skills.

  • A better title (Score:5, Insightful)

    by gravewax ( 4772409 ) on Saturday February 06, 2021 @11:20PM (#61036038)
    20% of people will happily lie about their educaiton to survey takers to add weight to their whacky beliefs and survey takers are too fucking stupid to realise it.
  • What a waste of 6yrs...

  • by BAReFO0t ( 6240524 ) on Sunday February 07, 2021 @01:10AM (#61036256)

    "Education is not Intelligence"

    Especially when our education is mostly rote memorization without understanding.

    If you are looking for actually intelligent people, try looking for depressed misfits that did not drop out early but dumped *school* because it simply limited them. (Like Einstein, whose grades were C on average.)
    Misfits because they are too advanced for our primitive society, and depressed because all the intelligence can't change a thing about the power of the masses of morons. (Unless they are also sociopaths and don't have that pesky conscience to hinder them.)

  • by bb_matt ( 5705262 ) on Sunday February 07, 2021 @02:56AM (#61036404)

    This has little to do with having a degree, supposedly a mark of superior intelligence.

    It has *everything* to do with critical and lateral thinking.
    The ability to view and research something from multiple angles.
    The ability to leave any cognitive bias (where possible) aside.

    The ability to gather facts, as best you can.

    If you cannot gather all the facts needed to make a valid opinion on something, it is best not to have one at all.
    Nothing wrong with saying "I don't know."
    Lots wrong with saying "This is true!"

    You can fill in small gaps in research, but if you try to fill a gaping hole - to bridge a connection with very little evidence - more fool you.

    But, heck, people do it all the time, out of laziness, cognitive bias and a lack of ability to think and reason critically.

  • by Petersko ( 564140 ) on Sunday February 07, 2021 @04:48AM (#61036514)

    The stupidest people I know are highly educated.

    Stupid and educated are not antonyms.

  • by DarkOx ( 621550 ) on Sunday February 07, 2021 @07:57AM (#61036772) Journal

    Being highly educated means you are disproportionately more likely information worker. While having only a high school diploma means you probably do something on your feet (so to speak).

    If you are information worker, in front of computer likely checking facebook and doom scrolling once every few hours. Your phone is on your desk vibrating as people you follow re-tweet stuff. You spend you entire day being constantly bombarded with both the conspiracy theories and other suspect information that might be the result of error. Its so much you can't filter it all. Some of sticks, you start make connections to badly remembered things you read the other day that seem to confirm the conspiratorial nonsense (which you don't recognize as such because its 'confirmed' by other things you think you know) its authored to work that way.

    On the other hand if you don't have a fancy degree and spend your day ringing people up at the checkout counter or arranging sheets of metal ahead of the stamping press you are not bombarded wih this crap all day. You might school some of it once on facebook when you get home or whatever but you are probably tired and just want dinner, a beer, and some laughs and possibly a rhomp with your spouse if the kids go to bed on time. You know not to believe everything you read just like the guy with PHD does. Life has offered enough disappointments to confirm that lesson and just because you did not spend 12 years in college does not make you moron that misses that memo. You see some of the bullshit posted but *importantly* you did not spend a week and half reading about that pervert Epstine who mysteriously died in prison's political connection. So the yarn that some pizza chain is a tool for the Clintons to groom children sounds more like a yarn to you.

  • by iamacat ( 583406 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @02:38AM (#61039250)

    - Smart people want to know the truth
    - Mainstream media reports bullshit
    So smart people go and find bullshit that is more interesting, or more persuasive or more in line with their worldviews. It's a sad situation, because most of us can't tell if something is true as soon as it's out of our immediate expertise or is taking place out of our immediate neighborhood. Without diligent and minimally biased media, it's everyone having their own truth.

  • You can have a college degree in a subject that doesn't require good critical thinking skills.

    I bet those who believe the conspiracies and have higher education are heavily weighted in these subjects.

Dealing with the problem of pure staff accumulation, all our researches ... point to an average increase of 5.75% per year. -- C.N. Parkinson
