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Why the Owner of Finally Pulled the Plug ( 232

All the content at has now been replaced with a single post, explaining that the mod team had been struggling to deal with a flood of content from "a small group of extremists."

The Washington Post tells the story of the 41-year-old Army veteran who owned the domain — and ended up hosting the entire community that had been banned from Reddit's TheDonald forum.

"You might be happy being some ethno-nationalist, but I'm not," said Williams, recalling his exchanges with a handful of particularly hardcore moderators. "I don't want anything to do with this...."

Williams finally took decisive action on Jan. 21, two weeks after the Capitol assault, after waking to news that a group of other moderators had started their own site and used it to attack him. Soon, Williams used his power as the Web address owner to knock TheDonald offline. Then he defended himself publicly against his former compatriots, who had criticized him as a "rogue" and a selfish coward. Williams, who lives in Texas and has three young children, also endured death threats, online harassment and FBI questioning, he said...

The November election, followed by Trump's baseless claims of widespread electoral fraud, further intensified the viciousness on TheDonald. Williams said he'd become increasingly aware of what he believed were intentional efforts by nefarious actors to push the site's boundaries...

[E]ven as a Trump loyalist, scenes of Trump's supporters — some of whom almost certainly met and organized themselves on TheDonald — overrunning the Capitol depressed Williams, he said. The site soon featured in critical news reports, criminal investigations and articles of impeachment for Trump. The domain registrar, Epik, warned that the site would get kicked offline after a flood of complaints about hateful, threatening content. Incoming queries from the FBI, Epik and journalists writing about TheDonald's role in the Capitol attack inundated Williams, for whom moderating the site already had become something of a full-time job. Williams also knew that members of TheDonald community had indeed used the site to instigate the assault. "People definitely used the site to communicate and coordinate," he said, echoing the conclusions of independent researchers...

He now is spending his time caring for family and trying to get a new site,, up and running. Unlike TheDonald, it will not offer unfettered discussion. It will be, he said, more of an aggregator of what Williams considers important content about free markets, individual liberty and other "common patriotic causes."

He has a parting message for those who might still be caught up in the roiling forums of the sort he once joined, then moderated, then killed off: Things often are not as they seem. QAnon is not real. What may look online like a magical, mystical voice of secret wisdom may just be a guy hiding behind the Internet's veil, trying to keep it all going, hoping it doesn't spin out of control.

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Why the Owner of Finally Pulled the Plug

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  • by h33t l4x0r ( 4107715 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @08:36AM (#61039678)
    Who knew?
    • by rudy_wayne ( 414635 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @09:02AM (#61039724)

      It's all fun and games, until the FBI shows up at your house and holds you responsible for what you said and did.

      • by Shotgun ( 30919 )

        So when is Schumar, Pelosi, Waters, and Cortez going to be held accountable?

  • by Admiral Krunch ( 6177530 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @08:42AM (#61039686)
    they finally got sick of winning.
  • I asked Rob to comment [], because that's not how Epik rolls.

  • Is that code for "racist"?

    In a society where "racist" gets abused for all kinds of ridiculous things, including *being* actually racist while calling others that distorted "racist"...

    • Not quite, you need to be a racist to be an ethno-nationalist, but it means a person who supports the establishment of an ethnostate. There are online dictionaries with all these words in them. You may also want to look up "racist" and "colorblind" and see that they're not opposites.

      • Not exactly opposites no, but for those who believe skin color matters for anything, yes, discriminating on skin color is the exact opposite of not discriminating on skin color.

        • The actual, literal, definition of racism (From the OED 2nd Edition; so pretty much as definitive as it gets.) though, is that it's a synonym for racialism which, in turn, is race-based prejudice based on the belief that one's race is superior to the other's. I got curious and looked it up when people kept saying that it's impossible for anyone who's not white to be a racist because racism requires a power dynamic where one race holds power over the other(s).

          So while the SJW crowd is wrong because racism d

          • There is actually one particular dictionary from the '70s that basically defines racism as being synonymous with white supremacy, which the people who say that only white people can be racist keep using.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      No, it's code for neo-N@zi. They tried to rebrand themselves because N@zi has some PR issues attached to it, and it lets them get in with MAGA and other slightly more moderate groups.

      That's how they recruit. Get in with any group they can, political or video games or anything at all. Pretend to be something else, present their ideas in a more moderate form before they get to the genocide part.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by cusco ( 717999 )

        Amusingly they also think that all European cultures are homogeneous and somehow resemble US culture. Sure, in Spain they dance Flamenco and in Germany they Polka, but they're all just like us, right? At the turn of the 20th century there was still quite a bit of disagreement in the US as to whether the Irish and Italians were actually "white".

  • by The_Assimilator ( 7344480 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @08:54AM (#61039704)

    ... is not because he is a good person who doesn't believe in QAnon BS. This is a man who was a moderator on r/TheDonald, posted pictures of bullets in response to Trump's claim of vote count fraud, and tweeted that Trump supporters should "siege the corrupt Federal Apparatus that seeks to chain you all up" using the hashtag #DCMustFall. I'm pretty sure the only reason he wasn't at the Capitol on January 6 is because there isn't an aircraft powerful enough to transport his fat ass.

    No, Williams' change of heart only happened after the FBI came knocking and it finally dawned on him - as many other Trump supporters - that shitty actions have shitty consequences.

    Fuck this fat sack of shit for enabling other sacks of shit like him. If there is a hell, he will burn in it.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 08, 2021 @09:00AM (#61039716)

      I'm pretty sure the only reason he wasn't at the Capitol on January 6 is because there isn't an aircraft powerful enough to transport his fat ass.

      No, Williams' change of heart only happened after the FBI came knocking and it finally dawned on him - as many other Trump supporters - that shitty actions have shitty consequences.

      “Whether or not Williams condones racism and anti-Semitism is irrelevant. His site helped incite and facilitate one of the most egregious assaults on American democracy,” said Rita Katz, executive director of SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors online extremism. “He doesn’t get to pretend he wasn’t part of the problem.”

    • No, Williams' change of heart only happened after the FBI came knocking and it finally dawned on him - as many other Trump supporters - that shitty actions have shitty consequences.

      It's easy to be self righteous, but Trump's last actions as President convinced many who fell for the Qanon tripe that they were actually just used as useful idiots and cannon fodder. And what dawned on quite a lot of them was that shitty actions were actually shitty actions. Which they were not aware of.

  • by spiritplumber ( 1944222 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @08:56AM (#61039706) Homepage
    They moved to []
    • Can't wait for his legion of "pedes" (apt name) to publicly own themselves while he whips them up into a frenzy again and this new site gets taken down. As it's been pointed out here already plenty of times, this guy only had an attack of conscience when the FBI turned up, and he had no issue with the violence and spite for over a year. Again, the fascists are all full of it until they have to face consequences.
    • by jmccue ( 834797 )

      Did you see that site ?

      I almost went blind when I visited it, it looks like one of the old 90s AOL sites. All they need to add is blinking text to give it that true crazya** look

      I then hand to deep scrub my cache so that terrible look will not infect other WEB sites.

      • by shmlco ( 594907 )

        I believe it once had blinking text but too many people kept thinking it was actually blinking in Morse Code and kept trying to decipher the secret signals...

        • by cusco ( 717999 )

          It's a sad day when I can't tell if you're being satirical or not. If you were that's funny as hell, if you were being factual then that's just plain depressing.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      That might be confusing to fans of the New England Patriots. :P
  • So the jerk, who called on all the other jerks to join him, found out that they were even bigger jerks than he was. Now he's gonna take his ball and go home. Good riddance.
    • That makes me think of Flat Earthers... Let me re-cap and explain:
      The Ex-VPOTUS known as Al Gore, unaware that most people think he is an asshat, decided that HE should be the voice against Climate Change. He used science to back his message.
      Because he was already seen as a political shit nugget by both Republicans and many Democrats, people attacked him and his message.
      But, how does one refute "science"? -- With "bullshit." Deny science. Deny truth.
      So Climate Change became political. Science became
      • You think Gore started the GQP's descent into lunacy? The initial response to HIV/AIDS. Reaganomics (aka "Voodoo Economics" as coined by HW Bush). Young Earth Creationism. The belief that life begins at the moment of conception. Leaded gasoline.

        There is a very long history of conservatives denying reality when it conflicts with Christianity or Ayn Rand (as though the two are even remotely compatible).

      • by cusco ( 717999 )

        At least some of the Flat Earthers are serious. I remember checking out their web site in the late '90s, the kind of thing a complete computer newbie could create as a first attempt in Web Design 101. Big blocks of text and some hand-drawn maps of how they thought it all worked (aircraft travel faster around the edge than in the middle for example, which is why it's only a few hours between Sydney and Singapore even though they were on the extremely stretched edges). I'm sure the movement is different no

  • by BAReFO0t ( 6240524 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @09:20AM (#61039764)

    The terms he uses are staight out of their propaganda textbook.

    What they actually mean, is

    1. Extremist libertarianism. Where "freedom" means the freedom to not care about *your* freedom. Like removing worker rights, environmental protection, and even human rights. Dismantling all the social amenities our great-grandparents fought so hard for, and go back to a job situation like in China or during the Rockefeller era.

    2. Mooching on society by using all their amenities, but paying nothing for it, so that we have to pay for all of it. Aka "no taxes" (for them and only them).

    3. "Privatization". Taking everything from your society (for free, of course), and making it theirs, until you live in a company town, and a company planet, and in permanent debt that makes you unable to get out of slavery. (American students and home owners already somehow know that from somewhere. As do Indian farmers that were forced to buy patented crops.)

    They are a Swiss-based global group of over 500 openly fascist lobbyists, forum trolls and terror cells.
    And responsible for so much shit, they make China and Russia look like powerless banana republics.

    • by lenski ( 96498 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @11:33AM (#61040212)

      mod +1 for the historical reference.

      until you live in a company town, and a company planet, and in permanent debt that makes you unable to get out of slavery.

      One of the groups most commonly associated with "Trumpism", that being Applachian populations, should be familiar with that concept, and I cannot figure out for the life of me why they don't see the connection. They are voting and protesting in support of exactly the people and social structures that kept them down for centuries.

      From "Sixteen Tons" written by that revered social commentator Merle Travis, and performed by Tennessee Ernie Ford:

      St. Peter don't you call me, 'cause I can't go
      I owe my soul to the company store

    • Dont forget, take what the society built for free, extract profits as much as possible, running the infrastructure to ground.

      Then skip town leaving taxpayers with the bills.

  • > "a small group of extremists."
    Any small group of people hardly can cope with a larger group of people.
    Being the latter extremists or not seems irrelevant.

    • by shmlco ( 594907 )

      Not sure of your point here. Pretty sure the problem was the fact that a "small group of extremists" outnumbered the mods.

      • I think the point might be that the "small group of extremists" wasn't all that small and that the somewhat-extreme are outnumbered by the totally-extreme which isn't a surprise at all because you can't really stay somewhat extreme. You either realize that you are wrong and stop being extreme or double-down and become batshit crazy extreme so the group of somewhat extreme is ephemeral as people quickly transition one way or the other. So you can't really have a group of somewhat extreme moderators because
  • And stayed for the popcorn.
  • by cfalcon ( 779563 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @01:00PM (#61040584)

    The site is still up at "". The admins gave their side of the story there- they claim they couldn't contact the guy, and everyone had agreed to share ownership, but that never worked out. They said they were worried about the guy turning it into some doxxypot thing, and that was their reasoning for migrating the whole site over to

    The real question I have is, why is any of this not mentioned in the summary- which is a relatively big summary. Specifically:
    1- The fact that the website is still up at
    2- The fact that there's an entire team of moderators and administrators running this, with their own take on events

    It's less strange that the site is being cast as if it tolerates or promotes racism or fascism- generally, anyone who has supported Republicans has been accused of this for decades, and any savvy reader of the press will be used to these accusations, I hope. It's still odd to see it accepted uncritically as a summary, of course.

  • by SvnLyrBrto ( 62138 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @01:51PM (#61040798)

    If he *really* wanted no part of those ethno-nationalists; if he *really* didn't support the "stolen election" narrative; if he *really* didn't believe in the qAnon lies; if he *really* didn't support Trump's attempted coup on 1/6; if he *really* didn't support the kidnappig and murder of democratic representatives and senators, if he *really* didn't want to throw away democracy and set trump up as an authoritarian dictator... why did he set up the site and parrot, promote, and support all of those talking points in the first place?

    This smells of mere damage control and an attempt to dodge responsibility (Ironic considering his party's "personal responsibility" fetish.) after the FBI started looking at him and lawsuits by the voting machine manufacturers started to emerge.

  • I, who normally oppose New Rules propose the following new rule for all social media sites, and any general news outlet sites:

    The top 1/4 of the screen shall have an image of the "On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog" [] cartoon, and it shall stay in place on the user's screen without regard to any scrolling or panning.

    For four+ years, "mainstream" media and their websites pushed a massive lie that Trump had colluded with Russia and stole the 2016 election, based largely on "anonymous sources" and so-c

  • He pulled the plug because ad revenue was tanking and will never recover. Trump was only interesting while he was in the white house. Now that he's lost and out, his appeal is way lower.

    This, and all the other stuff where internet companies are suddenly finding their balls and banning him, it's all because his star power just dropped by an oder of magnitude and will NEVER recover. It's all about the $$$$ and not a single sliver about principles. Where were their principles 12 months ago?
  • by Jerry ( 6400 ) on Monday February 08, 2021 @05:50PM (#61041652)
    running again. I doubt that he will. If he does he'll be 78 when he starts campaigning, and 79 IF he actually won. He'd be in the same mental shape that Biden is in now, which is pretty bad: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] and there are soooo many more examples. When Biden couldn't remember which EO's he was signing Harris told him to just sign them anyway. The Dems can't "25" Pres Biden now, or it would ruin Harris's chance to hold the office for 12 years. So, I predict that on Jan 24, 2024, Biden will be let out to pasture for being in the middle or late stages of dementia or Alzheimers, or he'll have an unfortunate stroke, and Harris will become President. She'll hold the office for 12 years. By then, the successful execution of the Cloward–Piven strategy to flood the country with illegal immigrants who will be given government assistance and voting priviledges, which will mean that only Marxists will win future presidential elections. Who's not going to vote for the free stuff? The real life lessons will come later. TINSTAAFL.

Things are not as simple as they seems at first. - Edward Thorp
