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Reddit Talk Is a Clubhouse Competitor For Subreddits (theverge.com) 23

Reddit unveiled its take on a Clubhouse-like social audio product on Monday, called Reddit Talk. The Verge reports: The company is billing Monday's announcement as a "sneak preview," since the feature isn't widely available yet. Moderators that want to try the feature out in their subreddit can add themselves to a waitlist for access. Based on Reddit's description and images shared by the company, Reddit Talk appears to look a lot like Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, and other social audio products. Talks will "live" within subreddits, according to Reddit.

During the initial tests, only subreddit moderators will be able to initiate a Talk, and Talk hosts will have the ability to invite, mute, and remove speakers. While only mods can kick off Talks in the beginning, anyone on iOS and Android can listen to one. Moderation has been an issue for Clubhouse, so it's notable that Reddit is starting small and giving access only to moderators first. At some point in the future, mods will be able to bring on trusted community members as co-hosts. The company says it is "testing ways" for hosts to customize how Talks look with emojis and different background colors, and users will be able to change their avatar, too.
Earlier today, Facebook also announced that the company is working on a Clubhouse clone.
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Reddit Talk Is a Clubhouse Competitor For Subreddits

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  • Facebook controlled forums vs Reddit controlled forums... golly, they both seem so unpalatable it's tough for me to decide.

    Is Jack Dorsey going to throw his Flat Top Military Hat into the ring too?

  • by istartedi ( 132515 ) on Monday April 19, 2021 @08:51PM (#61292528) Journal

    If you feel like you're out of the loop like I was on this, of course you can google it but you're here so let me put forth the condensed version.

    Clubhouse is audio-only chat with strangers, and of course it has features to sort that out in to interests, communities, etc. so presumably you don't stay strangers forever.

    I'm not on it, and haven't dug in to the details too much, but for various reasons it's "hot" right now. The influencers love it, I guess. If you like to talk on the phone with a bunch of strangers, if you were the kind of person who called 976-FREAK back in the day, then maybe this is the place for you?

    That's it. I'm out. I'm too introverted for that. I don't even like to Zoom with friends and family, let alone do audio-only with a bunch of people I don't know. I definitely don't want to grab the mic and hold the floor on some channel. I did presentations in college. I'm done. Different strokes for different folks.

    OTOH, if there's anything on there worth curating in to a podcast maybe I'd give it a listen--Best of Clubhouse? But then we already have podcasts, so... I dunno.

    I've got an open mind. If you've been logging on to this thing and listening to chatter in the "clubs", I'd like to know what excites you.

  • by msauve ( 701917 ) on Monday April 19, 2021 @09:22PM (#61292594)
    It's just a new Yahoo! answers.
  • Where China has a " social score ", Reddit has a Karma Score.

    If you dare say something that doesn't jive with the Reddit Hive Mind / Echo Chamber, they will Karma Bomb you back into the Stone Age. If you get hit hard enough, you may as well delete the account and start another one.

    Without sufficient Karma, you're effectively silenced on the platform as you will be unable to post anything at all in many sub-reddits as they have minimum-karma rules in place.

    I wouldn't touch anything associated with Reddit if

    • by serviscope_minor ( 664417 ) on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @01:43AM (#61292942) Journal

      Reddit is nothing like China. You need to opt in to go to reddit, with China if you're born there you have no choice. And traditions Reddit's karma affects only reddit, not increasingly large amounts of your life. And you can just make a new account.

      It takes a special kind of snowflake to equate an opt in forum with an oppressive totalitarian regime heading rapidly towards dystopia. It sounds to me like you lost too much karma for being a dick and are now sore about it. Our of interest do you even know where Reddit for the idea of forum karma from?

    • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

      How is that different from slashdot? There's literally a "Karma" attribute that gives you extra abilities and if it's low enough your replies are hidden

    • I see this whining about Reddit all the time bit its almost exclusively tied to people pushing extremely biased narratives in subreddits where those narratives are already disliked/controversial, and usually in major (100k+ subscribers) subreddits.

      Once you get even a little off the beaten path, it's kind of hard to get badly downvoted unless you're just being a real asshole.

  • What's Clubhouse? Can't say I've heard of it.

  • by CodeShark ( 17400 ) <ellsworthpcNO@SPAMyahoo.com> on Monday April 19, 2021 @11:34PM (#61292768) Homepage
    So here's the cool part, and you might wish to look at my "user #" (17400) to see how long I've been around these parts aka on Slashdot. To quote the OP: "During the initial tests, only subreddit moderators will be able to initiate a Talk, and Talk hosts will have the ability to invite, mute, and remove speakers. While only mods can kick off Talks in the beginning, anyone on iOS and Android can listen to one. Moderation has been an issue for Clubhouse, so it's notable that Reddit is starting small and giving access only to moderators first. At some point in the future, mods will be able to bring on trusted community members as co-hosts."

    Hello? /. moderation started with Rob Malda and a select few, then opened up to around 400 users as moderators, they each got a certain number of moderation points, etc. etc. Then a system where "meta moderators" basically graded the moderators as to whether folks agreed or disagreed. Trolls and script-kiddies, etc. would get enough "bad karma" that if you set your filter level one point higher you never see the crap posts at all. So most of the trolls, flameball throwers, etc. "left for easier targets". Folks who posted good comments developed good or even excellent karma... aka a bit of standing with other users and so you'd be more likely to see and trust what they write, or at least have a good discussion with us.

    But my main point is still.... INVENTED ON SLASHDOT... and that is still just cool.
  • Just have a video chat app where people can set rooms to audio-only if they don't want video.
    • Hate to undo my mod points in this thread, but I think this comment is worth responding to.

      Reddit doesn't WANT you going to Discord. Or Clubhouse. Or Telebook, etc. They are going to try to duplicate others' features and get you to stay in their ecosystem, even though, it won't be as good as various other platforms.

      Welcome to Synchronous reddit.

  • Even if 1% is the only separation between opinions, the opinion that is -1% down on a site like this will get hidden. There could be 30,000 votes on a comment or thread and only 35 votes difference, yet it looks incredibly unpopular. Reddit is a place for the most popular to take lead and stay there. I hope this new site actually allows for two sided conversation.

    • Forget the voting, the moderation system is extremely vulnerable to the worst kinds of people getting control wielding it to create a false consensus.

      "Badthink" - whatever a moderator decides that is - can and often is erased, along with any discussion of it, and banning of the people who mentioned it. And those same bad moderators can simply file a report to the site that will get an account banned at the full-site level and Reddit won't investigate and certainly won't do anything about it.

      You say, "that'

  • Like ... TeamSpeak for kids who confuse the web with the Internet?

Truth is free, but information costs.
