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FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio (vice.com) 60

HAM radio operators in Florida have said that Cuba is jamming radio frequencies that prevent them from communicating with operators in the country since anti-government protests began last week. Now, the Federal Communications Commission says it has started an investigation into the issue. From a report: "Too many people around the world are fighting uphill battles to be able to use technology to expand economic opportunity, express themselves, and organize without fear of reprisal," an FCC Spokesperson told Motherboard. "The FCC is committed to supporting the free flow of information and ensuring that the internet remains open for everyone. We are assessing these reports in conjunction with our field agents and communicating with the Department of State as this issue develops." The Cuban government has notoriously controlled communications on the island; until recently there was little internet connectivity in the country and during the protests the government has taken steps to shut down the internet. Cuban exiles living in Florida and other parts of the country often use HAM radio to talk to the mainland.
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FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

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  • by bplipschitz ( 265300 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @03:07PM (#61602053)
    that it's Ham radio, not HAM radio, or am I going to have to?
  • Sounds good, what's the recipe?
    • You simply insert the contents of one pig inside the other, then cool as normal.
    • by sjames ( 1099 )

      Get yourself a pair of coconut halves and go ask in Camelot where they eat ham and jam and spam-alot.

    • by Zak3056 ( 69287 )

      Sounds good, what's the recipe?

      "Ham Jam" really sounds disgusting....I would expect the recipe would go something like: "Take ham and water and put in food processor. Process until smooth. Can as per equipment directions."

      On the other hand, there is at least this [watleyreview.com] to make it moderately appetizing, though the process of getting there sounds almost as disgusting as "ham jam."

      • I used to exotic dance under the name "The Ham Jam".
      • Aspic is sometimes called pork jelly, though in fruit terms it is more of a jam. Head cheese is essentially ham jam, if you disregard its derivation from the head rather than the butt of the pig. The one time that I had it, I liked it.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        "Ham Jam" really sounds disgusting.

        I've had bacon jam. It was pretty tasty.

  • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @03:36PM (#61602161)

    Cuba will regret this. Hams will swarm out of their bases in Florida and Arizona, bingo markers held high, Rascal scooters festooned with oxygen tanks, piling onto their mighty Prevost attack buses to head for the nearest Cuban consulate. Many of them have military experience in the great battlefields of the world: Normandy, Iwo Jima, Chosin Reservoir, Hurtgen Forest, Guadalcanal. They have buffet forks and they know how to use them. Take that, Stalin, or whoever it is now!

  • by mveloso ( 325617 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @03:37PM (#61602163)

    What's the FCC going to do, send them a strongly-worded letter?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...should talk to Twitter, YouTube and the others to find much more effective ways of silencing opposition.
  • Jamaica? (Score:4, Funny)

    by suss ( 158993 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @04:01PM (#61602237)

    The source of the jammin' could possibly be coming from Jamaica... /They hope you like jammin' too.

  • anyone paying attention to modern history knows what the fuck is going on.

  • by Known Nutter ( 988758 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @04:39PM (#61602355)
    "Ham radio" -- HAM is not an acronym in ham radio.... fucking Slashdot.
  • Ham radio is not the internet.

    We're fucked.

  • Not sure why I even bothered to read this summary. My permit says I am an Amateur Radio Operator.
  • The 'ham' in 'ham radio' is often mistakenly capitalized (e.g. 'HAM').
  • If they're skilled at all they should be able to tell if they're being jammed, and from what direction.
    • We can and this is certainly how and why the FCC is aware and is investigating. There are enough public, always recording, full-spectrum tools available to anyone that it's going to be super obvious. Nothing can really be done though without destruction of whatever transmitter is doing the jamming. On a side note, there used to be a gigantic blimp near to Marathon, FL that would jam cuba's propaganda radio transmissions. There are a bunch of commie transmitters in cuba. The Best Korea broadcasts are some
  • Last I checked, the FCC doesn't have jurisdiction over Cuba. If Cuba's is jamming and that jamming is directly impacting US users internally to the US, then there might be grounds for a diplomatic protest or some procedure to be followed at the ITU or something, but in general Cuba has as much right to do as it pleases with radio spectrum in Cuba as the US does with radio spectrum in the US.
  • was this:

    "Too many people around the world are fighting uphill battles to be able to use technology to expand economic opportunity, express themselves, and organize without fear of reprisal," an FCC Spokesperson told Motherboard.

    Right, America???

  • Imagine if they built this horrible beast, the Duga radar, https://www.ststworld.com/duga... [ststworld.com]
  • Yeah FCC can investigate it, but there's nothing they really can do, Cuba is not the US..

And on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.
