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'The Big Delete:' Inside Facebook's Crackdown in Germany (go.com) 78

"Days before Germany's federal elections, Facebook took what it called an unprecedented step: the removal of a series of accounts that worked together to spread COVID-19 misinformation and encourage violent responses to COVID restrictions," reports the Associated Press.

The crackdown, announced Sept. 16, was the first use of Facebook's new "coordinated social harm" policy aimed at stopping not state-sponsored disinformation campaigns but otherwise typical users who have mounted an increasingly sophisticated effort to sidestep rules on hate speech or misinformation. In the case of the German network, the nearly 150 accounts, pages and groups were linked to the so-called Querdenken movement, a loose coalition that has protested lockdown measures in Germany and includes vaccine and mask opponents, conspiracy theorists and some far-right extremists.

Facebook touted the move as an innovative response to potentially harmful content; far-right commenters condemned it as censorship. But a review of the content that was removed — as well as the many more Querdenken posts that are still available — reveals Facebook's action to be modest at best. At worst, critics say, it could have been a ploy to counter complaints that it doesn't do enough to stop harmful content. "This action appears rather to be motivated by Facebook's desire to demonstrate action to policymakers in the days before an election, not a comprehensive effort to serve the public," concluded researchers at Reset, a U.K.-based nonprofit that has criticized social media's role in democratic discourse....

Even with the new rule, a problem remains with the takedowns: they don't make it clear what harmful material remains up on Facebook, making it difficult to determine just what the social network is accomplishing. Case in point: the Querdenken network. Reset had already been
monitoring the accounts removed by Facebook and issued a report that concluded only a small portion of content relating to Querdenken was taken down while many similar posts were allowed to stay up... Facebook initially declined to provide examples of the Querdenken content it removed, but ultimately released four posts to the Associated Press that weren't dissimilar to content still available on Facebook...

Reset's analysis of comments removed by Facebook found that many were actually written by people trying to rebut Querdenken arguments, and did not include misinformation.

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'The Big Delete:' Inside Facebook's Crackdown in Germany

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  • Why did they do this right before the election and not four years ago?
  • Now do it all the time Facebook.
    • That would cut into Suckerberg's wallet, though. He makes far, far too much money off misinformation and hate groups to actually put the kibosh on that stuff. #zuckerpunch
      • by DrXym ( 126579 )
        I wonder though if he does make much money though. I don't believe that these groups represent a huge demographic to Facebook and there would be ways and means to allow these fuckwits to live on FB without the stupid metastasizing to a wider audience.
  • by BAReFO0t ( 6240524 ) on Saturday October 02, 2021 @09:43AM (#61853553)

    Facebook still exists.

    (And thinks it is a physician or virologist too.)

  • by Ostracus ( 1354233 ) on Saturday October 02, 2021 @09:45AM (#61853561) Journal

    Reset's analysis of comments removed by Facebook found that many were actually written by people trying to rebut Querdenken arguments, and did not include misinformation.

    HTML needs a



    • by Entrope ( 68843 )

      If Facebook deletes posts they agree with, based on mistakenly thinking there is misinformation in those posts... how can we hope the company will be accurate when handling posts they disagree with?

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Saturday October 02, 2021 @09:46AM (#61853567)

    Facebook is putting on a performance for an audience in Beijing. If they jump through enough hoops with sufficient grace and poise, they might be allowed to play in the biggest walled garden there is.

  • ... ve had to burn ze books in ze town square.

    Now the kinder must stay off my lawn.

    • by ffkom ( 3519199 )

      ... ve had to burn ze books in ze town square.

      And just like then, a mindless mob cheering around the pyres applauds the silencing of opposing opinions, feeling elated as representing a majority, not realizing how quickly the same repressive mechanisms will be turned against them, eventually.

  • "harmful" (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by gillbates ( 106458 )

    The very notion that certain ideas, however misguided they may be, are harmful to society and must be controlled, is all the evidence I need to know that the West has fallen.

    If you think ideas are "harmful", thank a teacher. I remember my teachers taught us to think critically, to brush off insults, to question everything. Apparently, critical thinking is no longer taught, and you can't trust society to think for itself.

    Apparently, today's society believes anything, falls for everything, and hasn't s

    • Re:"harmful" (Score:4, Interesting)

      by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Saturday October 02, 2021 @12:43PM (#61853959)

      The very notion that certain ideas, however misguided they may be, are harmful to society and must be controlled, is all the evidence I need to know that the West has fallen.

      So then you're fine with people posting that a concoction of arsenic will help cure covid, right?

      If you think ideas are "harmful", thank a teacher.

      No, thank Republicans. When critical thinking is taught suddenly people become "libtards" because they do think, they see the truth behind the matter, and they do question what they've been told. Don't believe me? In Tennesse, parents are upset [cnn.com] their children are being taught about the civil rights movement, how white people were shouting and cursing at black children being allowed in schools with whites. Why? Because their children might be uncomfortable hearing the truth about what happened.

      Two tell the story of Ruby Bridges, a 6-year-old who integrated an elementary school in New Orleans in 1960. "Ruby Bridges Goes To School," written for elementary school students by Bridges herself, is fine for kids to read, Steenman says. But she says teachers should not be allowed to lead discussions of the pictures in the book -- one of which is the famous Norman Rockwell painting of Ruby, the US Marshals who had to protect her from an angry segregationist White crowd, and the ugly slur hurled at her by adults.

      "There's no need to emphasize it," she says of the slur. "Just, you know, if they want to read 'this book has a famous painting,' fine. And then just move on."

      Apparently, today's society believes anything, falls for everything, and hasn't sense enough to challenge authority

      As witnessed by the multitude of people who still think hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin have any effect when it comes to covid, who refuse to get a covid vaccine because of its "side effects", who still think the election was "stolen", who literally raised up a golden calf [cnn.com] for a failure, yes, large portions of today's society believes anything, falls for everything and hasn't any common sense.

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday October 02, 2021 @01:04PM (#61854011)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Mr307 ( 49185 )

      Wish I had mod points.

      Was having a good discussion with a few people recently and we were all lamenting how some significant segment of our population will surrender their freedoms for the belief that someone else will make them safe. We all had different perspectives and experiences of this phenomenon.
      The sincere belief of something along the lines of 'we have the right to be/feel safe' completely disregards all of history and well reality.
      The way I put it to a lawyer friend of mine (where we were talking

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by ebvwfbw ( 864834 )

      What? The US?

      They all do it. Every country wants outcomes to be favorable to them. That is usually done behind the scenes. Even private citizens such as George Soros is widely known to influence elections abroad. He's proud of it I understand. Some other countries would love to get their hands on him in fact. Russia is one of them. I'm sure there are many others that do the same thing. Bill Gates comes to mind though I don't know if he does or not.

  • always seem to happen right before the event that's driving all the traffic (in this case an election) takes place. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they've already gotten millions of ad impressions as a result of the misinformation and lies. Equally a coincidence that after the event page views were going to drop off anyway...
    • by fazig ( 2909523 ) on Saturday October 02, 2021 @11:40AM (#61853787)
      Reminds me of the basic rule of reporting bug exploits in online games.
      First you make sure that it's really a bug exploit by testing it out thoroughly. Then when it's no longer lucrative enough you report it and make yourself look like a good guy.

      Well, wherever the COVID misinformation was, it doesn't seem to have had a really large effect. But an effect might be there. Over 80% of the votes were for parties that do not support that misinformation stuff. The AfD, the only *major anti-science party by denying Climate Change and supporting a lot of COVID misinformation, got 10.3%. Then there's also the newer party "Die Basis", which outright calls the vaccines genocide which got 1.6%
      The AfD lost about as much votes as the Basis gained, so there's some speculation that they've lost voters to that party, but since ballots are secret, there's really no way to be sure.

      *There's also quite a bit of science denial among the "Grüne" party when it comes to things like GMO, but that's minor compared to the rest at the moment.
      • Heh, I did that when I found something positively game-breaking in Guild Wars 2. Found a temp power that you could use on a later world boss that would one-shot it, and nobody seemed to try that until I did. So I did it what, ten times? Then reported it. Had to be sure!
      • "Die Basis"? Really? "The base/foundation"?

        Or, in Arab, "Al-Qaeda"?

        Please tell me you made that up.

        • by fazig ( 2909523 )
          I wish.
          Yes, it's exactly as in "The Foundation". They brand themselves as "We are the 99%", grass roots."
          Allegedly the movement was started through anti-COVID19 measure demonstrations. There's quite a bit of disgruntled people there.

          Their web presence: https://diebasis-partei.de/ [diebasis-partei.de] take a look at your own risk using a translator.
          • A party that essentially called itself the German translation of Al Quaeda was up for election and was, if I get their "program" right probably mostly elected by people who are in the "Querdenker" movement which is akin to the QAnon stuff in the US.

            The irony is just too sweet. Please tell me some German comedy news show picked up on that.

            • by fazig ( 2909523 )
              Can't say much about German comedy these days because I haven't really following German TV or even their stuff on YT.
              I haven't seen anything humorous in the news papers I still look into now and then besides of the general narrative of depicting the "Querdenker" as Nazis.

              From personal experience, there are certainly some of that calibre among them, with people who are Holocaust deniers and some others that made statements like "Now I know how Anne Frank felt". But all in all it's not a homogeneous group
              • They're not Nazis. The Nazis had an "and then what" plan, as in, they had an idea what they wanted to do instead.

                These stupid fucks only know they don't want that. What instead, they don't know, but NOT THAT. I get reminded of a small child throwing a tantrum to whatever food you want to give them, then throwing yet another one for being hungry.

                • by fazig ( 2909523 )
                  Having looked at their webpage before I posted it here, they do want one thing, since they're mention it a couple of times.
                  "Schwarmintelligenz", the concept of collective intelligence based decision making where the 'truth' is up for election. After all they brand themselves as the 99% and following that logic, what they think must be correct, right?

                  Of course if you look further, their definition states that only members of themselves are allowed to participate in that. So what they want as "base democra
                  • Reality isn't a democracy, though. It's not up for election. Else there would be no gravity in the US anymore with all the lard asses certainly voting against it.

    • Elections in Germany - no idea about the rest of the EU - are not a topic on Facebook.

      During the elections - every reporting on it - is prohibited. I think the only exception is, mentioning how many people seem to go.

      So only private persons can start posts about it, which is legal, ofc.

  • "Querdenken" = QAnon (Score:3, Informative)

    by TheNameOfNick ( 7286618 ) on Saturday October 02, 2021 @11:31AM (#61853771)

    Just in case that wasn't clear.

    • by ffkom ( 3519199 )
      Have you read the manifestos of either organization? The one of "Querdenken" is pretty tiny, and if you need an English translation, here it is: https://querdenken--711-de.tra... [translate.goog]

      Now please tell me how you come to the conclusion that this movement is similar to Qanon in any meaningful way?
        • by ffkom ( 3519199 )
          Your first link is to an article about QAnon, without any references to "Querdenken". Your second link is to a comment that insinuates that some people who helped flood victims at Ahrweiler might have done so to promote political ideas that the commenter somehow associates with "Querdenken", without providing any evidence for such a link. And then there is a picture above that comment which is sub-titled as having been shot at some demonstration in August 2020, showing one person holding a banner with some
    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Not really. The "Querdenker" are mentally defectives and mental underperformers that believe they are far smarter than everybody else. These people mistake their personal feelings and unfounded fears for facts. They believe nonsense like that the vaccine is really a WHO campaign to kill a majority of the population and similar complete nonsense. In a sense, these are people where education has failed, because these people are universally Dunning-Kruger left-side cases.

      Now, the QAnon idiots share some charac

  • The oil & auto industry is being weakened by green movements. The new emerging leader is the pharmaceutical industry.

    Smoking, drinking, aging population, sedentary lifestyle, overeating, malnutrition, lack of sport grounds, etc. are facilitating this process. The sales are in trillions.

    The oil & auto have changed our cities and our life immensely.
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  • I'm glad FB is protecting me by cleansing reality to make it sweet and marketable. I had no idea how stupid I was until they came along. Thanks for doing my thinking for me FuckBook!
  • I for one welcome our new ... er, glorified blog overlords. What could go wrong?
  • I've left FB for good. Their white-supremacist pro-insurrection "community standards" moderators understand the incendiary language being used by the right-wing trolls and they stifle any counter-claims or push-back under the guise of community standards and random banning for things that you may have said months ago and were never notified or banned-at-the-time for, but now they'll use it against you. Without equivocation: Facebook is right-wing Neo-conservative fascist and white-supremacy-oriented per M

"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
