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Tesla Now Runs the Most Productive Auto Factory In America ( 198

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Elon Musk has a very specific vision for the ideal factory: densely packed, vertically integrated and unusually massive. During Tesla's early days of mass production, he was chided for what was perceived as hubris. Now, Tesla's original California factory has achieved a brag-worthy title: the most productive auto plant in North America. Last year Tesla's factory in Fremont, California, produced an average of 8,550 cars a week. That's more than Toyota's juggernaut in Georgetown, Kentucky (8,427 cars a week), BMW AG's Spartanburg hub in South Carolina (8,343) or Ford's iconic truck plant in Dearborn, Michigan (5,564), according to a Bloomberg analysis of production data from more than 70 manufacturing facilities.

In a year when auto production around the world was stifled by supply-chain shortages, Tesla expanded its global production by 83% over 2020 levels. Its other auto factory, in Shanghai, tripled output to nearly 486,000. In the coming weeks, Tesla is expected to announce the start of production at two new factories -- Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg, its first in Europe, and Gigafactory Texas in Austin. Musk said in October that he plans to further increase production in Fremont and Shanghai by 50%. [...] Once Tesla flips the switch on two new factories, what comes next? Musk has a longstanding target to increase vehicle deliveries by roughly 50% a year. To continue such growth, Tesla will need to either open more factories or make the facilities even more productive. Musk said in October that he's working on both. Site selection for the next Gigafactories begins this year.

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Tesla Now Runs the Most Productive Auto Factory In America

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  • by DontBeAMoran ( 4843879 ) on Monday January 24, 2022 @08:07PM (#62204377)

    Let's see what the Elon Musk haters will have to say about this.

    • I'm no hater of anything, but I accept your challenge. I hope everyone on the planet wants to drive the same 2 boring sedans and 2 stupid looking cross-overs.
      • Most people on the planet would love to have "a car." As in, any car. In many parts of the world car ownership is an unattainable dream. Making cars efficiently, long-lasting, and low-polluting is the key to opening up car ownership to people around the world. Now given the price of a Tesla they are not the solution, but perhaps their manufacturing and efficiency gains can be used to address this gap.
    • Let's see what the Elon Musk haters will have to say about this.

      Popcorn time!

    • by waspleg ( 316038 )

      Remember when he was a genius because he bought $1.5 billion of BTC with Tesla's shareholder's money and it went to ~$60K/coin? Where are all those people now?

      • there seem to be conflicting reports of whether Tesla sold any of their bitcoin or not, but in objective terms (aka, real US dollars in revenue and profit) they've been doing really good.

        I remember when people were convinced they were on to something when Tesla's announced numbers showed that it wasn't selling all the cars they were producing. Aha, the critics said, Tesla is failing to sell, and when that next bond payment is due Tesla's going to have to declare bankruptcy. Yeah, except that was just before

    • Let's see what the Elon Musk haters will have to say about this.

      Bah! Assan Motors Corporation did 15,000 per month in their Hadleyville Pennsylvania plant.

    • Especially at those prices, it is just a joke.
    • This is what happens when you can exploit workers I suppose.

  • Easier to build them (Score:5, Informative)

    by Klaxton ( 609696 ) on Monday January 24, 2022 @08:22PM (#62204419)

    The Tesla cars probably have an order of magnitude fewer individual parts than ICE vehicles, and apparently there was an intensive and ongoing focus on automated manufacturing. Far less problem with chip shortages because Tesla doesn't have to rely on elderly legacy components that are specific to the automotive industry. From what I am hearing, battery supplies are the main limiting factor.

    Unfortunately, quality control seems to have fallen by the wayside. Consumer Reports ranks Tesla reliability at 27th out of 28 manufacturers. The only one worse is Lincoln.

    • by Osgeld ( 1900440 )

      not entirely sure about the chip shortage, they are subject to all the same AECQ qualified components that any other car maker has ... not like musk went out and formed his own resistor, capacitor, transistor and microcontroller fabs ... which is what is mainly our pain in the ass at the moment in the automotive industry, not o2 sensors which are a bit of specialty wire in a case.

      • by Klaxton ( 609696 )

        The automotive chip shortage does not involve resistors and capacitors, there are plenty of those and they are easy to make. As I understand it, the ICE carmakers have been relying on old-school semiconductors that carry over year after model year and have been made by relatively few specialty factories. Tesla presumably hasn't had to depend on those kinds of components.

        • From what I've read, Tesla has redesigned some of their hardware to take advantage of semiconductors that are available.
          • by Klaxton ( 609696 )

            Smart move, and the other car companies could have done the same thing. They didn't and it is costing them billions.

            • by Osgeld ( 1900440 )

              cept they did which is why I have spent the last year and a half in re-validation hell

              • by Klaxton ( 609696 )

                That's interesting, you are actually involved in qualifying new electronic parts for a car company? Feel free to elaborate.

    • by kriston ( 7886 )

      Consumer Reports ranks Tesla reliability at 27th out of 28 manufacturers.

      This can't be over-emphasized. Efficiency means nothing when quality is still piss-poor.

    • by JBMcB ( 73720 )

      Unfortunately, quality control seems to have fallen by the wayside. Consumer Reports ranks Tesla reliability at 27th out of 28 manufacturers. The only one worse is Lincoln

      Rich Rebuilds has done a great job showing Tesla's endemic quality issues, and the service issues that have caught up with them as well: []

      Some of the nastier recurring issues:

      The lower lip of the back bumper flashing that hooks to the undercarriage faced outside the undercarriage instead of being tucked into the undercarriage, so if you drive through a deep puddle, the exposed seam acts like a scoop and pulls water into the bumper, eventually tearing it off the back of the car

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Was going to say this. EVs don't need most of the ICE drivetrain. No exhaust/emission control system, no fuel injector, no variable gearbox, no complex ECU. A lot of legacy hardware is removed, meaning less reliance on unavailable chips. Beyond that the cars are quicker to assemble because there are fewer parts.

      One metric missing from this comparison is how much remedial work needs to be done, and what the quality control is like. Tesla has been slowly improving, but if you go and read some forum posts from

    • As a Tesla owner myself? I can tell you that poor quality control is a relative thing. If it was really so bad the vehicles were just falling apart on people left and right, they wouldn't be selling nearly as well as they do.

      In reality, the complaints tend to be mostly "fit and finish" related. Lots of complaints of poor quality paint that gets swirl marks and scratches really easily, and body panels that have too large of gaps. The paint issue is debatable. I mean, my car is black and it's absolutely cove

  • Sure (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Aighearach ( 97333 ) on Monday January 24, 2022 @08:29PM (#62204429)

    But Toyota and Ford make a lot more cars in North America than Tesla does. They've got a lot of experience, so they probably have good reasons for making their factories a certain size and having more of them.

    • But Toyota and Ford make a lot more cars in North America than Tesla does. They've got a lot of experience, so they probably have good reasons for making their factories a certain size and having more of them.

      Profit margin apparently isn't one of those reasons, given that theirs are much lower than Tesla's.

      • Profit margin is an easily abused metric. Also it's kind of interesting how one tech company is praised for its high profit margins, yet another is derided for it...

        Basically remember that profit is a sign of market imbalance. It's good if you're the one making the profit, bad if you're the one who is paying more than cost. That profit has to come from somewhere.

        • Re:Sure (Score:5, Interesting)

          by steveha ( 103154 ) on Monday January 24, 2022 @10:38PM (#62204715) Homepage

          profit has to come from somewhere.

          It's very possible for profit to come because you are doing something better than anyone else.

          When Tesla first announced that it was making cars that would use laptop battery cells instead of gasoline, a lot of people thought this was hilariously stupid, and the big car companies paid no attention.

          Then when Tesla released the Model S, and started eating the lunch of companies like BMW and Mercedes, the big car companies... still paid no attention. Brilliant.

          Tesla has been at this for a decade and a half now, and all along has been investing in its future. Now all those investments are paying off, while the big car companies (who are finally paying attention) are scrambling to make BEVs of their own. But the big car companies have lots of problems, the biggest of which is: where will they get enough batteries, and can they build a car at a profit?

          Watch a Sandy Munro video where he or someone from his staff talks about how the engineering in a Tesla is different. Tesla cars have fewer parts, fewer fasteners, shorter hoses, and as a result are more efficient. Tesla is able to make cars with a useful amount of driving range using the heavier LFP battery cells; everyone else is less efficient and is cramming a lot of high capacity cells in to get useful range.

          In short, Tesla has spent a lot of time and money and effort to get to where it is, and it really is doing a better job than anyone else. And it's possible to make BEVs much less expensively than combustion cars, thus giving more profit for an equivalent car.

          it's kind of interesting how one tech company is praised for its high profit margins, yet another is derided for it

          I can't speak for others, but I'm happy that Tesla is sending shockwaves through the car industry. BEVs really are a better solution than combustion vehicles, and the sooner everyone switches over to BEVs the better I'll like it.

          Elon Musk has promised that Tesla will soon release a car that will start at $25K. I'm looking forward to it.

          • The main issue i have with Tesla are all the PCBs and their insane amount of complicity. Most ICE cars will have one main computer design to be an absolute brick that does very little and will last 20 years, be used across multiple vendors and be replaceable. And is usually changeable is 5 minutes. Teslas have a bat-shit insane number of PCBs and their complicity is off the chart. They seem to barely last 10 years. They are all incredibly customised to individual runs of individual models. Their replaceme
          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            Elon Musk has promised that Tesla will soon release a car that will start at $25K. I'm looking forward to it.

            The Model 3 was supposed to be $35k before incentives, but never really was. He doesn't have a great track record on predictions when it comes to cars.


            • The model 3 really was $35k before incentives. Plain standard range, black, no autopilot was available for order starting Feb 28, 2019. They didn't sell many, because they also started selling "partial premium interior" upgrade for $2000 more, and a few months later made it required, then made autopilot required (with the package of the two varying in price, but around $3000 combined), but they did sell model 3 for $35k for long enough to be able to check that box on the to-do list.

              • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

                The Model 3 was $35k for a few months, but you could only get that model if you called them up so they could talk you into the more expensive model.

                It wasn't a real $35k Tesla either, it was the more expensive version with some features disabled in software. The planned low cost interior and removal of some hardware never happened. It's basically a compliance car - to comply with Musk's promise.

            • To be fair, he has a really bad track record on predictions for everything else too.

        • by DeadBeef ( 15 )

          If you have a chance to visit a physical Tesla store, have a look at the deconstructed vehicle they have in there.

          There is so much less crap in their driveline compared to a regular petrol vehicle with gears and radiators, manage emissions and junk to pump fuel around etc, let alone the insanity that is in a hybrid car to make dual drivetrains work which is about the worst of all worlds.

          I would be amazed if they can't make giant margins if they don't go broke figuring out how to manufacture them.

          • Also the driver's instrument panel is much less complex in Tesla cars.

            If there's one thing that I absolutely don't like about Tesla cars is that they're communist (everybody in the car shares the same instrument panel).

        • Also it's kind of interesting how one tech company is praised for its high profit margins, yet another is derided for it...

          I'm a thoroughgoing capitalist. I don't deride anyone for high profit margins, unless they're doing something anti-competitive to obtain them (generally by exploiting government regulation in a way that harms the public). As long as customers are happily forking over the cash and feel like they're getting good value for their money -- something that is obviously true for Tesla's vehicles -- it's good.

          • "generally by exploiting government regulation in a way that harms the public" - you mean promoting government regulation that harms the public...

            "As long as customers are happily forking over the cash and feel like they're getting good value for their money"
            As long as there are plenty of customers happily forking over the cash for alternatives, it's all well and good.

          • I don't deride anyone profit margins, but I do deride people saying "oh I can make high profit margins and it's OK."

            There are also two kinds of profit - there is accounting profit, and there is "real" profit. Accounting profit is simple - it's "I brought in more money than my costs, so I have more money at the end of the time period."

            "Real" profit is, "I built this thing, and now society can do X with less resources or work than it previously required." This is much harder to measure directly.

            In the examp

            • But would society be better off still if Tesla cut their profit margin in half, allowing buyers to spend even less money (resources, time) on the cars

              The answer to this question is a clear and unambiguous "no".

              Tesla's high profit margins also serve the purpose of pushing other automakers into the EV space, spreading the first kind of benefit that you mentioned. As that happens, competition will push margins down. This is how capitalism works, and why it's by far the best solution to the problem of resource allocation that we've yet found. The profit motive incentivizes efficiency innovations and competition spreads the ones that work well across the r

  • Another textbook case of quantity over quality.

  • Quality (Score:5, Insightful)

    by kyoko21 ( 198413 ) on Monday January 24, 2022 @10:38PM (#62204713)

    The Tesla factory is so productive, they don't just make one car one time. They get to make the car, ship it to customer, and in a few weeks get the car back to fix it so they can rebuild it again because it was so much fun the first time around they just want to do it all over again.

  • Elon Musk has a very specific vision for the ideal factory: densely packed, vertically integrated and unusually massive

    And lots of union organizers.

    What's that ... no? But I thought that was the key to success?

  • Does anyone know how many workers each of those plants have? Would be interesting to know the employees per car produced stats.

  • That one man can run both SpaceX and Tesla, and blow away the competition with each.

  • Is it really a factory? Said in February they were building in tents. I don't think a bunch of makeshift tents qualify as a factory.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
