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Facebook To Bring in Mandatory Distances Between Virtual Reality Avatars ( 143

Mark Zuckerberg's virtual reality business is to introduce a mandatory distance between people's digital avatars after warnings that the social media tycoon's plans for a metaverse will lead to a new wave of online harassment. From a report: Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is making a multibillion-dollar bet on VR as the next source of growth for his empire but his strategy has already been dogged by warnings that virtual worlds are rife with abuse. In December a user testing Horizon Worlds, a VR app owned by Zuckerberg's Meta business, complained of being groped online and called for a protective bubble around their avatar, or digital representation of themselves. "Sexual harassment is no joke on the regular internet but being in VR adds another layer that makes the event more intense," said the user.
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Facebook To Bring in Mandatory Distances Between Virtual Reality Avatars

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  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:13PM (#62237879)

    Social distancing and masks, so we can all relive the COVID good times in virtual reality.

    • by splutty ( 43475 )

      You really want people to wear masks, because good lord there are some ugly ass avatars out there :D

      • And the things they say!

        Why don't we all just disappear into separate single-player AR worlds where we can script the behavior of all the NPC's to tell us how attractive and charming we are.

        Come to think of it I think The Matrix had to invent a rationalization for why it wasn't like that, but I thought it was kind of mumbo-jumbo.

      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        You really want people to wear masks, because good lord there are some ugly ass avatars out there :D

        Alas, the ability to force someone to use a "generic skin" will be never implemented, because those who use it will never see the fancy bling the whale user just paid millions for. So having the viewer be able to strip everyone's avatar down to a generic avatar, while a good idea, will probably never happen.

        Of course, that would probably be a feature users will hack in.

  • by systemd-anonymousd ( 6652324 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:17PM (#62237893)

    VRChat has had this for years, and they call it "Personal Space." You can turn it off and 99% of people do.

    Why are we playing this game where we pretend that Facebook is in any way ahead of the curve on social VR? Is it ignorance of the authors? Big money?

  • VR is just pixels (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ickleberry ( 864871 )
    It's fake. It has no bearing on real life. The pixels cant do you any damage. These kind of statements only serve to add sense of realness to it that it doesn't have.
    • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:27PM (#62237945)

      Well you know, virtual groping is like hentai paedophilia and non-binary gender fluidity: insane is the new normal.

      • ...insane is the new normal.

        While I agree with you, there used to be far less humans on the planet voting for that insanity, to lead and control all of us.

        The problem isn't watching the societal pendulum swing. That's normal. The problem is when Greed N. Corruption are found giving it a violent push because profits. When the pendulum swings this hard in one direction, the I've-had-ENOUGH backlash be just as damaging.

        We keep this up, and Fucking Insane won't just be illegal in the future. We'll issue hunting permits and trophies.

    • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:31PM (#62237961) Homepage Journal

      Putting caps on the annoying behavior of griefers is considered a QoL improvement in any other game.

    • by Reiyuki ( 5800436 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:31PM (#62237969)
      I notice a lot of younger people that grew up with ubiquitous Internet have issues distinguishing between cyberspace and meatspace
      • exactly

        this thing happened to them in a fantasy land

        they dont like that thing

        so they call for real world action to save them from their troubles that are within that fantasy land

        this is sort of like pleading with the federal government to solve your local isp issues that are caused by the local government you voted for
        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Facebook requires users to use their real names. Their avatars are tied to their public profiles. It's not a complete fantasy - in fact its USP is that it's an extension of reality.

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • Facebook requires users to use their real names. Their avatars are tied to their public profiles. It's not a complete fantasy - in fact its USP is that it's an extension of reality.

            The odd thing is that not allowing the avatars to get close to each other will simply open a venue for services that do. And will be an impediment to widespread adoption.

            Pr0n drives this stuff, and people who get damaged and demand that Facebook adopt 21st century sexual harassment of pixels are creepier than the people who would enjoy their avatars to engage in sex.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Wouldn't the victim need to have been wearing some sort of force-feedback full-body garment to feel being groped (or does making the game controller buzz count)?

          No. Consider say, asking a woman out that you work with. If she finds you attractive, she might say yes. If she doesn't, you might get an invitation to get a different job by HR.

          Sexual harassment is sometimes in the mind of the person claiming it. There are obvious cases, and there is the more subtle stuff, like our sexual harassment counselor telling the men that telling a woman you liked her earrings was harassment.

          Most women won't, but we were told it was harassment if a woman said it was. Luck of th

    • by reanjr ( 588767 )

      Neither does calling someone a "nig*er" or "fag*ot" harm them. But in polite [moderated] society, we generally frown on anti-social degenerates.

      • Unless it's their actual name [].
      • Neither does calling someone a "nig*er" or "fag*ot" harm them. But in polite [moderated] society, we generally frown on anti-social degenerates.

        If you had an avatar, and another one winked at you - have you been damaged? Kissed you? Talked to you? Had the wrong political party?

        Perhaps in the spirit of 21st century sensitivities, the damaged people might be issued digital sidearms, so the can take a digital second amendment solution to the avatar sex offenders. Or at least have the human behind the avatar charged with sexual assault and jail them. Really, trying to equivocate the harm to an avatar with calling someone what you suggested is kinda s

    • by Dragonslicer ( 991472 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @03:06PM (#62238109)
      I would assume that basically nobody is suggesting that VR groping be treated the same as real forced sexual contact. However, harassment does not require physical contact. Harassing someone in a VR system is no less serious than harassing someone with phone calls or by yelling from the street in front of their home.
      • by lsllll ( 830002 )

        Harassing someone in a VR system is no less serious than harassing someone with phone calls or by yelling from the street in front of their home.

        I agree, but how far should this go? in ESO, you can block someone so they can't talk with you and you won't see their chat in the general zone chat (or even groups if you happen to fall in one with them). So you block them in VR. But you can still see them, and they constantly come in front of you and take off their clothes. So then VR develops an option to not see them at all. So then they write on a blackboard "Larry Laffer is a faggot" and you see that. So does VR need to allow you to block from s

        • It might be nice if that was a feasible solution, but as you've pointed out, it's difficult to implement effectively.

          Harassment is a criminal matter, regardless of the medium used. There's no need for any new laws or rules for it.
          • In MOBAs and other similar games, battles and such are recorded, allowing for a review if bad players are reported for griefing. Given that CCTV is ubiquitous in physical establishments and most Internet services are effectively privately owned public services why not create a temporary “recording” of a short span of time automatically when a player reports something?

            Caching is required to track object state and synchronise laggy clients anyway, so, adding a temporary persistent snapshot to c
          • It might be nice if that was a feasible solution, but as you've pointed out, it's difficult to implement effectively.

            Harassment is a criminal matter, regardless of the medium used. There's no need for any new laws or rules for it.

            Right - I take it you believe that if a male avatar on Facebook kisses a female avatar, he should be arrested, and when found guilty sent to prison, and register as a sex offender.

            • Is a person arrested and sent to prison for making harassing phone calls? When I said harassment in a VR system should be treated the same, that's exactly what I meant.

              The inappropriate use of the sex offender registry is a separate and much larger topic.
          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • Typical tech company secrecy & anonymity make criminal investigations difficult & costly. Your answer to that?

              Search warrants. There isn't nearly as much anonymity as you think.

    • It is fake, but it is real enough to disturb a person. If one were in real life fondle or grab someone in the genital area, or even just flash them, it could based on the circumstances create an emotional harm, even if it doesn't create a physical harm.
      While VR is fake, it is real enough to disturb a person. An old VR trick is having them with VR glasses try to walk across a plank over a cliff or skyscrapers, there is no real danger, however the person does get real fear from trying it.

      • It is fake, but it is real enough to disturb a person. If one were in real life fondle or grab someone in the genital area, or even just flash them, it could based on the circumstances create an emotional harm, even if it doesn't create a physical harm. While VR is fake, it is real enough to disturb a person. An old VR trick is having them with VR glasses try to walk across a plank over a cliff or skyscrapers, there is no real danger, however the person does get real fear from trying it.

        We need to arrest these people, charge them with sexual assault, then prison and lifetime registration as a sex offender.

        The really cool part is that any time the digital rapist moves, (assuming they aren't living under a bridge) they will have to tell all the neighbors that their avatar kissed another avatar.

        Interim punishment, until we make all sexual offenses capital crimes, and cure the problem once and for all. When men know they will die if they inflict avatar damage a woman in any way, then mayb

    • by jrumney ( 197329 )
      90% of sexual harassment is psychological It doesn't make it any less real if the other 10% is missing.
    • by ljw1004 ( 764174 )

      The pixels cant do you any damage.

      "Pixels can't do you any damage."
      "Words can't hurt you."
      "A bruise doesn't hurt much and gets better soon, but cruel words can last a lifetime."
      "PTSD isn't real (or doesn't count as real damage)."
      "If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass."

      All of these aphorisms sound plausible, but they're unsubstantiated (or, they depend so crucially on your definition of "damage" that they amount to a definition of the word and hence are tautologies).

      How about some fac

  • Pool's Closed 2.0? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by crotron ( 7617930 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:27PM (#62237947)
    Does that mean you can get a bunch of people to block off areas of the metaverse, Habbo Hotel-style?
    • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:51PM (#62238043)

      Does that mean you can get a bunch of people to block off areas of the metaverse, Habbo Hotel-style?

      Very likely. Seems Meta has no clue what they are doing. You could probably also capture people by standing around them as a group. There is a good reason many MMOs allow avatar overlap.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Well yeah. Remember in Everquest when a single Ogre could stand in the door frame of say, the bank? It basically shut the whole area down until a GM came along. That's the best reason for not having collision detection in those kinds of environments.

        Still, collision detection has it's uses in other types of games or single player.

    • by pr0t0 ( 216378 )

      My guess is the "bubble" is simply an area in which other avatars disappear. So the avatars can move through each other without blocking and without being able to interact within a certain radius. Your avatar can't grope another or feel as if your avatar has been groped, because you can't see anyone within an arm's reach.

      If 1000 avatars went to a single virtual ticket counter at the same time to buy a virtual ticket to a virtual concert, each person would see they are the only avatar standing there. No queu

  • by DanielRavenNest ( 107550 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:29PM (#62237951)

    Others don't. Second Life solved this problem 15 years ago. You can wear (as in clothing item) an invisible shield, like a simple transparent cylinder. Then other people can't get too close. Avatar sex is very popular, so that group of users will want to get right up close. Make it an option, then people can do what they want.

    • Avatar sex is very popular

      Yes, I too used to paint my left hand blue and call it Neytiri in the basement. But one day I discovered real sex with another person and my mind was blown!

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • I'm not sure ads are going to be a prominent source of income. Facebook has already milked that tit.

        Metaverse (I never met a verse I didn't like), no matter the vendor (Microsoft, Google, Apple ...) will thrive on in-app purchases similar to Farmville.

        My avatar: Where'd you get the cool flight jacket?

        Another avatar: Over at the clothing store, but be ready to pay a small fortune.

    • I am a 76-year old retired IT guy. The first problem I would have predicted is some guy removing all his clothes and masturbating in "public."

      Next would have been verbal harassment like today's trolls.

      Grabbing erotic zones would have been last.

      But ToS have evolved such that they cover all this shit starting a long time ago.

      • The best part of these sorts of "virtual worlds" is that it's rather trivial to have a client-side "kid's mode" or "I'm an easily offended jackass" mode where a "naked" avatar is fully clothed, profanity is removed, pronouns replaced, and gestures/dances displayed differently or not at all. It won't solve all the problems but it goes a long way, and the fact that Facebook didn't think about this kind of stuff before launch indicates they don't really have a clue about what they're trying to build.
    • by Tom ( 822 )

      Not going to happen in omg-female-nipple-alarm! Facebook. It's gotta be Disneyfied so he doesn't need age restrictions.

    • by jwhyche ( 6192 )

      I have been active in Second Life for over 10 years and I have never had a problem with a avatar getting to close or in my avatars personal space. Honestly, I've never even thought of my avatar having a personal space. This is not a problem.

  • by ZipprHead ( 106133 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @02:30PM (#62237957) Homepage

    Personally, I have a very large mandatory distance I keep between myself and anything that company creates

  • This is just the top of the iceberg of issues that the metaverse will have. Why not join the metaverse as a Zuck clone? You do not need to be 'close' to cause damage and harass people.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      This is just the top of the iceberg of issues that the metaverse will have. Why not join the metaverse as a Zuck clone? You do not need to be 'close' to cause damage and harass people.

      Indeed. Normal sane adults or teenagers will just give any would-be harasser the finger and ignore or report them after that. It is people with mental problems that are at risk here and most of them can be damaged and harassed from a distance, often even better.

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  • Non-existent virtual avatars needs "space".... no, the human race is a failed experiment, time to restart the planet with something new...

  • They're just preparing for the day they introduce the new Nasalus Sniff VR nose set.
  • Asking for a friend.

  • by Tom ( 822 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @03:36PM (#62238231) Homepage Journal

    Or, you know, you could just let people filter other people out?

    It's not a competitive online game. There's no reason why the system can't make people I've blocked totally invisible to me. Bonus: If I'm not in the mood for social interactions, I can just block everyone and enjoy a peaceful day. :-)

    • There's no reason why the system can't make people I've blocked totally invisible to me.

      Straight away you haven't thought through the 3rd person perspective. It's one thing to block someone from your life, it's quite another to witness the strange sensation of a one sided blocking. In the 3D world that would translate to you likely standing inside someone without realising, or if actual collision detection is on, not having a clue why you have an invisible wall in front of you, bonus points if the latter is on purpose and the "hidden" person gets to continue to troll you.

      • by Tom ( 822 )


        First, the block should work both ways, of course.

        To a 3rd person, there's no reason the system can't give them yet another perspective, subtly shifting both mine and yours (assuming I blocked you or vice versa) avatars a tiny bit so they're not superimposed.

        • To a 3rd person, there's no reason the system can't give them yet another perspective, subtly shifting both mine and yours (assuming I blocked you or vice versa) avatars a tiny bit so they're not superimposed.

          Because the ultimate form of realism in our new meta VR world is two people who have blocked each other walking through a door and one clipping through a wall?

          Again you haven't thought this through. The smallest of changes have consequences for a game. Just ask Bethesda what happened when they made it so that bees could be picked up.

          *In case you don't know, this simple insignificant change resulted in changes to the collision system in the game as there needs to be collision present to interact with an obje

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • It's not a competitive online game.

      You're right. It's not.

      If the richest most powerful people on the planet became that way with 2-3 hours of your day, just imagine how wealthy they will become with 8-10 hours of your day. Still think you're going to have the power or right to "block" your boss when you want to have "invisible" time?

      Twitter was just another communications platform, until it became THE platform, big enough to influence Free Speech. Even in America.

      Facebook was just another social media platform, until it became THE social

  • Just require an math and science test prior to being allowed on the internet.

  • Let every avatar have an alias, but tie their real world verifiable name to their avatar also. It's been shown over and over, you remove the veil of anonymity and suddenly people behave.
    • you remove the veil of anonymity and suddenly people behave.

      Yeah. They also stop protesting and questioning the government in the same volumes as well..

      NO THANKS.

      • If they're protesting the government in an online game, they're doing it wrong.
        • If they're protesting the government in an online game, they're doing it wrong.

          I didn't limit it to that and your opinion on where people protest is irrelevant. You don't make the rules. Protesting and discussions should be available everywhere. A statement to the effect of "If you're protesting on Slashdot, you're doing it wrong" is just as goofy.

          The more privacy and anonymity is stripped from the internet, as a whole, the less effective of a tool it becomes.

  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @04:50PM (#62238525)
    And make them wear masks! I don't want no digital virus from CHINA
  • After all, if mining shitcoin doesn’t finish us, having everyone and their dog render 3D worlds for 10+ hours per day just to be able to communicate totally will. It is bad enough that we shifted everyones otherwise lightweight computing on to hefty 24/7 server farms, while simultaneously creating piles of toxic e-waste by incentivising cheap biannual pocket computer upgrades.

    I fear that converting all normies into glorified “IRL gamers” will screw up their mental health even more than
  • by ogdenk ( 712300 ) on Friday February 04, 2022 @06:09PM (#62238749)

    The same generation that will literally burst into tears because a "griefer" killed them in an online game without asking first.... then write blog posts and post videos about how awful, traumatic and sexist it was was that the game was played as intended....then have their viewers harass the game publisher....even when a single player mode in the same universe is available. And that's just a space trading sim. Kowtowing to social justice posers and professional victims just results in shitty games.

    If you can't handle a fully clothed avatar "touching" your fake character or doing the teabag dance without crying, you are too fragile for an open communications platform or video games. A command to block users is all that is needed. Anything more is just further down the slippery slope. They will never stop until everything is sterile, soulless, unfun and totally "inclusive".

    • I've dealt with a few "professional victims" in my life. They are some of the most toxic, self centered, shittiest people you could ever have around you. You just want to throw the fuckers off the top of a building.

        Yeah, I'm more than happy to give them something real to cry about. Fuck them.

  • that means no more tea bagging?

  • So far with this "metaverse" nonsense and just off the top of my head, Facebook... sorry, "Meta"... have utterly failed to comprehend various mistakes made by, and lessons they should have learned from: Ultima Online, Everquest, Second Life, Habbo Hotel / 4chan, Eve Online, The Sims, Cyberpunk 2077, and of course Snow Crash itself.

    If not for the fact that I am at this point convinced that the Zuck is not really a human being, but actually some sort of pod person or "male" blow-up doll; I would call this a g

  • by bjwest ( 14070 )
    ERP is out in the Metaverse?
  • Is it groping if you can't physically feel it?
  • Now people can never experience a virtual crotch grab from a 50 foot viking/caveman being.


"I couldn't remember things until I took that Sam Carnegie course." -- Bill Peterson, former Houston Oiler football coach
