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Windows Microsoft Operating Systems

Windows 3.1 Is Officially 30 Years Old ( 142

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Windows Central: Windows 11 may be the latest operating system from Microsoft, but [Wednesday was] about Windows 3.1. It's the birthday of the classic OS, marking 30 years since its launch on April 6, 1992. Windows 3.1 introduced several key components, many of which have digital descendants on Windows 11 and imitators on other operating systems. Windows 3.1 brought PCs the CTRL+C and CTRL+V shortcuts for copy and paste. It added TrueType fonts and came with screensavers and a media player as well. Gamers had two options for games that preinstalled games: Solitaire and Minesweeper.

Selling over 3 million copies in the first three months it was on the market, Windows 3.1 was considered a success. It was more user-friendly than Windows 3.0 and introduced many people to the idea of a personal computer in their home. Sadly for those that miss the days of the MS-DOS and command line being king, Windows 3.1 reached its end of support in 2001.
Further reading: Windows 3.1 Turns 30: Here's How It Made Windows Essential (How To Geek)
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Windows 3.1 Is Officially 30 Years Old

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  • Actually keep it to move old data archives off 5 1/4" floppies, now just use it sometimes for the nostalgia. Can't seem to find a good web browser for it ;)
    • NetScape?
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Friday April 08, 2022 @09:29AM (#62428432) Homepage Journal

      Windows 3.11 actually lived on much longer than most people realize because it was used for the installation of Windows 95, 98 and ME.

      The graphical installer you see is a small Windows 3.11 installation running from the disc, with a Windows 95 skin.

      It was only with XP that consumer versions of Windows moved to the Windows NT installer.

    • Mosaic?

      Seriously, who cars about 3.1? 3.11 for workgroups was a renaissance for those of us who couldn't afford $2000 for new hardware that ran 95 BADLY
    • There is something of a problem with the numerically controlled machine business. Thirty years old is a reasonable service life for a lathe or milling machine. With good maintenance, that could easily be extended. But the control software? Big problem there. There is a precision machining company I know, that had Windows 3.1 controlling many of their machines. It is not that they are Luddites, resisting progress. They have stuff that works, and want to keep it that way. Scrapping a perfectly good machine to

  • by GoJays ( 1793832 ) on Friday April 08, 2022 @09:16AM (#62428406)

    As a 10 year old, Windows 3.1 blew my mind. My home computer at the time had MS-DOS installed. I could start applications (mainly games), browse the file system, modify autoexec.bat but that was about it... Then my friend got a 486 and it had Windows 3.1 (with a sound card too!) installed on it. I previously had had interest in computers but Windows really drew me in with the GUI. Just being able to change the colour scheme for example, was something that really started me thinking "what else can I do with this thing?" and really helped push me towards a career in IT.

    I know a lot of people like to hate on windows, but it has done a lot of good for computing in general over the years.

    • "modify autoexec.bat "
      and config.sys
      People used to have multiple versions of them, and select and reboot in specific configurations (the most possible amount of base memory 640kB for some games, expanded or extended or extruded or ... for other games, loading or not the mouse drivers, moving them to one or another memory, ...)

    • Re:So it begins... (Score:4, Informative)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Friday April 08, 2022 @09:38AM (#62428458) Homepage Journal

      It's interesting how different people had different experiences back then, before the internet made screenshots accessible to everyone. If you had never seen an Amiga or Mac or Acorn then Windows 3.11 must have looked pretty impressive.

      Meanwhile those of us who had Amigas were a little bit surprised at how crap the Microsoft OS was in comparison.

      Mac OS 7 came out the year before Windows 3.11 and did support true multitasking, something Amiga users had been enjoying for 6 years at that point. RISC OS never got true multitasking at all. So I guess by the standards of the day the Amiga was an outlier, and Windows 3.11 wasn't actually quite as archaic as I thought at the time.

      • While you are dead on about the Amiga relative to win 3.11. MacOS didn't support true multitasking until OSX when it gained support from the BSD kernel.
        • Re:So it begins... (Score:4, Informative)

          by _merlin ( 160982 ) on Friday April 08, 2022 @01:36PM (#62429306) Homepage Journal

          Depends on what you mean by "true multitasking". Both Classic MacOS and Windows 3.1 primarily used cooperative multitasking between applications. Windows 3.1 in '386 enhanced mode would preemptively multitask DOS programs, though - each running DOS program got one time slot each, and all the Windows programs shared a single timeslot between them.

          MacOS had a crude form of preemptive multitasking since System 7 as you could run stuff at interrupt time. You were limited in what you could do (e.g. couldn't do anything that would move memory, couldn't call sound manager, couldn't directly do GUI stuff), but this is how stuff like MP3 players worked and kept the music playing even when the foreground application was being badly behaved, or you did something that prevented cooperative task switches, like keeping a menu open.

          Classic MacOS on PowerPC got so-called Multiprocessing Services, originally developed by Daystar to support their dual CPU upgrade cards, but sold to Apple. This allowed applications to create preemptively multitasked threads. It was most useful for multi-processor Macs, as all cooperatively multitasked application code and code running at interrupt time would be limited to the first CPU. However, it did work on single-processor Macs as well, so you could use it if your application was easier to structure that way. Of course, there were limits on the Toolbox APIs you could call from preemptively multitasked threads. Classic MacOS never really got away from the assumption that there was one thing running per "tick", and 68k interrupt levels were baked into the OS so hard that interrupts were dispatched through the 68k emulator right up to the end.

          The weird thing with AmigaOS is that despite its preemptive multitasking and all, it never had a concept of application heaps. Classic MacOS had this from the very beginning. If an application crashed or had to be killed (Option-Command-Escape), its entire heap could be freed. Yes, it could be very annoying that application heap sized had to be set before launch and they couldn't grow. However on AmigaOS, all memory was allocated from the system heap with no tracking of ownership. If an application crashed, any memory it had allocated leaked until you rebooted. It always seemed bizarre to hear Amiga users boasting about the wonders of their OS when it lacked such a basic feature.

      • by Bert64 ( 520050 )

        Exactly this, your perspectives depend what you're used to.
        Having used Mac, Amiga and several Unix (DEC, Sun, SGI) systems i always found windows/dos to be a very poor offering and wondered why anyone would want to use it, especially once i learned all the headaches people had configuring ISA cards and setting up games to run.

        I had a relative who was a mainframe programmer, and she scoffed at the tiny amounts of memory and storage in any of the home computers of the day too.

      • by Curtman ( 556920 ) *

        If you had never seen an Amiga or Mac or Acorn then Windows 3.11 must have looked pretty impressive.

        Yes. My Amiga 500 from 1989 has spent a lot of time in a lot of closets over the last few decades but we've dusted it off and I'm finally getting around to upgrading it to 1 whole megabyte of RAM with ECS graphics... Its amazing to me that there is so much new hardware and actively developed modifications for this thing 30+ years later.

        PiStorm []
        RGB2HDMI []
        2MB Ram expansion for A500 []
        Minimig []

      • Re:So it begins... (Score:4, Interesting)

        by StormReaver ( 59959 ) on Friday April 08, 2022 @11:35AM (#62428934)

        Mac OS 7 came out the year before Windows 3.11 and did support true multitasking...

        My first home computer was the CoCo 3, which used the 6809 CPU. It had preemptive (interrupt-driven) multitasking back in the early 1980's. While its graphical abilities were okay at best, its raw processing abilities at 1MHz were easily equal to, and in some cases better than, the 10MHz 8088 of the time.

        Running OS9 Level 2: I ran my BBS, played games, and wrote software (mostly in BASIC09, but a fair amount of Assembly, too) at the same time. I also wrote a miniscule multitasking kernel, just to understand how the preemptive multitasking worked. I loved that system, and was heartbroken when I realized it had become a dead end. Moving to the Intel world was a culture shock, as the Intel CPU designs were terrible.

      • If you had never seen an Amiga or Mac or Acorn then Windows 3.11 must have looked pretty impressive.

        That was my case. I was a teen used to PC-AT and XT computers running MS-DOS on green phosphor CRTs, and before that to CP/M machines, Apple IIe clones, and TRS-80 clones using standard TV sets for display, so I had no notion about how GUIs were other than having at most seen B&W low-resolution photos while browsing magazines. One day I was walking the electronics-selling street in town, and I saw a computer running Windows 3.1. I was wide-eyed in surprise, and in playing around on that machine found my

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I did not have a positive attitude to a graphical user interface for general use. I got pretty fluent with DR-DOS, and various applications that were controlled by the keyboard. Having switched to Linux at about the time of Windows 98, I am in happy zone with my terminal interface, based on Bash. I use applications with a graphical UI, for CAD, for example. But I like the idea that you write stuff on the command line that makes stuff work, rather than clicking around the options made available by some UI de

  • by Calinous ( 985536 ) on Friday April 08, 2022 @09:16AM (#62428408)

    Road bicycles look similar (though they went from 2x7 derailleurs with small rear cassettes to 2x11 with large rear cassettes and from thin steel tubes to thicker Aluminum or carbon).
    Phones meanwhile changed even more - cordless phones existed, but most were just a handset tethered by the coiled cable.
    Cars look relatively similar, though there are huge changes in both esthetics and functionality.
    Planes (commercial) are basically the same, round tubes with wings (and much wider engines).
    Houses are larger, though, and with larger windows.

    (I have actually used more the 3.11, Windows for Workgroups IIRC).

    • TVs were still analog, mostly with big bulky CRTs. Whenever I see those scenes from the LA riots where people are looting CRTs, I just laugh at the fact they don't know they're throwing out their backs and risking jail for something that's going to be left out front of houses with a "FREE" sign in 10 years.

  • ... in regard that Windows 3.1 (released in 1992) introduced copy&paste hotkeys.

    You could use those commands as early as in Wordstar (released in 1978).

    Its creation is associated to Larry Tesler and Tim Mott in Palo Alto around mid-70s.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Kremmy ( 793693 )
        Macs did it all before Windows 3.1 came out. Even 'Windows 3.11 for Workgroups", it didn't work anything near as well as AppleShare did in those days. You could literally plug two Macs in to each other with a printer cable and file sharing just worked. Microsoft was not very impressive in comparison.
      • but you're right that they predate Windows. IIRC the first to bind CTRL C and V to the functionality was Wordperfect,

        I started to learn keyboard accelerators and shortcuts - including Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v - when I started to learn (by RTFMing) Word for DOS, at version 5.

        Word? Yes, the Microsoft word processor.

        For DOS? Yes - that's where it started.

        After M$ introduced WinWord (and completely stopped selling Word fro DOS, forcing people to use Windows), it took 5 to 7 years before the UI and usability of Win

        • Word processors themselves have sort of gone the way of the dodo at this point, as digital documents aren't predicated on how they look on a printer much anymore.

          • That's not what my clients say. PDFs needed for the archive and to send to the government, but we'll have ink on dead tree, 6 copies. UV-resist ink on drafting film for some documents.
  • Before that, they sucked bigly. Even GEM was better than Windows 1 and 2.

    Fortunately, my labs had real computers for me to use (VaxStation II and Sun 2/120 plus terminals to the Univac 1100, Vax11 and IBM 370) so only students had to be subjected to Windows.

  • Since Windows 3.x didn't have the X to close a window, there was a shortcut to do so that still remains to this day. If you double left-click the app-icon in the upper left of a window, it will close. It's fun to think that it still exists in Windows 10 for us 15 people or so who remember this.

  • I remember switching floppies 6 times per hour.

  • It came on several floppy disks, you had to pop one in at a time. If one was damaged the whole thing would not work

  • It'd match the version, numerically.

  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Friday April 08, 2022 @11:49AM (#62428958) Journal

    I remember those days. 3.1 was the first Windows version that crashed less than 3x a day, and it spread quickly. Employees fought tooth and nail to get enough RAM to not have slug-paced software: "The Great RAM Wars". One jerky manager accused our group of swiping RAM from his printers for Windows -- a lie, he just didn't know how to use printers right and needed a scapegoat.

    Before that, everyone knew GUI's were the future, being Mac had been around almost a decade already, but it took a while for the hardware to catch up to affordable mass GUI's. Microsoft's keep-trying-until-its-good-enough strategy paid off, making them the dominant work platform.

    It also taught MS to subsidize products until competitors whither. Their DOS cash cow supported wobbly Windows 1-to-3.0 until it was viable. They used a similar strategy against competitor spreadsheets, LAN databases, Delphi, Netscape, OS/2, Geoworks, and others.

  • I started in IT as a PC tech in '93 with Windows 3.x already having been established. Another tech I worked with gave me the best advice for Win 3.x that almost always worked: "If Windows 3.x is having issues, it's ALWAYS the video driver." I'll be damned if it turned out that over the years most issues customers had with their 3.x systems were video driver related. More often than not video card manufacturers had monthly to bi-monthly updates to correct all the issues that would arise with new software.
  • Talk about missing the low-hanging fruit.

    And no, I'm not going to search for the joke the moderators missed.

  • Windows 3.1 introduced several key components, many of which have digital descendants on Windows 11...

    Just wondering if Windows still locks up the OS when it can't read a floppy disk, access a previous network share, or find a file linked to a short-cut.

  • Windows 3.1 wasn't an OS, classic or otherwise. It was a graphical shell that ran on top of dos. Show me a computer that ever booted Windows 3.1

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