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All-in Summit: Interview With Elon Musk ( 74

All-in summit -- a conference hosted by Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks and David Friedberg, who also operate a popular weekly podcast by the same name -- interviewed Elon Musk on Monday. In the wide-ranging interview, Musk talked about Twitter's bot problem, governments, immigration, and among other things, gave more insight into the scale and ambitions of Tesla and SpaceX.
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All-in Summit: Interview With Elon Musk

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  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Monday May 16, 2022 @11:17PM (#62541378)

    Elon Musk is transforming from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. He’s forgotten how carbon credits, which were a gift from the left, got Tesla out of its darkest days. He won't recall that nowadays or even express any kind of appreciation. The traditional car makers didn't throw a big hissy fit like he threw when they recently got credits for using union labor. As did bailout money (which he paid back, but doesn’t change the fact he was given the money at the time he thought he needed it.)
    He makes provably false claims that 10% of the right wing is mad at him. That's total BS, he's doubled down on going after the left. Nowadays he is so far gone to the right that he even seemingly pandered to climate change skeptics. He went from proclaiming himself a socialist as recently as 2016 to being a full-on right-wing extremist in 2022. Heck as recently as last year he even said he doesn’t want Trump back. But now he is in full right-wing appeasement mode. He claims he is center but if so, why isn’t he saying or doing things that anger the right wing? He is also displaying signs of paranoia common with right-wing nuts. I mean The Onion made one joke about him and he permanent-cancelled them. If this were truly about free speech, that would be cool. But realistically we know that right-wingers are the kings of censorship. I mean whenever I post comments on right winger websites like Alex Jones .. I get banned pretty quickly. Meanwhile he leaves whacko Sandy Hook denial comments on there saying he doesn't want to censor free speech, That's how Republicans operate. They want their own free speech, God forbid you try to counterpoint any of their misinformation. They claim counterpoints to their lies as "censorship" and remove those.They opposed net neutrality, but wanted twitter declared an essential service and taken over. Meanwhile healthcare, food, and housing are not essential to those fuckers. He can't control his anger towards the extreme left and the result is total abandonment of centrist/humanist/left values and strong pandering to the right-wing. The measure is the fact that they all heap tons of praise on him. I don't know if he needs Yoda to train him on anger management or what. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if Elon shows up at a Trump rally in 2024.
    And yes it is clear that he considers normal left eh same as extreme left. I mean, I can delineate the two with this chart:

    Extreme left: You get canceled for using the wrong pronoun without malicious intent.
    Left: Unintentional misgendering is OK. Acknowledge that gender is a spectrum. Which it is, btw, gender is controlled by hundreds of genes and variants of transcription factors such as SRY which may or may not always be on the Y-chromosome.

    Extreme left: Tax unrealized gains of ownership in companies.
    Left: Tax income. Tax high income at a large percent.

    Extreme left: Make all health care public. Nationalize hospitals and medical research.
    Left: Ensure everyone can get healthcare, by paying for private or public insurance. Subsidize insurance payments for the poor, allow private enterprise and competition in all aspects of health care (insurance, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals).

    Extreme left: Immediately get rid of ALL fossil fuels and halt anything that has the word nuclear.
    Left: Phase out fossil fuels, regulated nuclear power plants and nuclear fusion research is OK.

    Extreme left: Cancel someone for unintentional bias.
    Left: Educate people to eliminate their biases, but be tolerant of misgendering that is not deliberately intended to insult.

    Extreme left: Do not use robots for anything, hire only union labor.
    Left: Use robots, and improve worker conditions. Government should implement UBI based on taxation of corporate profits and robot usage.

    Extreme Left: Allow physiologically male athletes to compete in women's category if they state that they identify as a woman.
    Left: Allow reasonable tests to ensure that gender-specific hormones have always b

    • When you have to provide an hour of land mine instruction to define any political party, it's probably best to stay away from the whole damn field of destruction. You have tried and failed to delineate here. Elon may be many things, but he isn't a moron. Most can't even interpret what he mocks in a coherent manner, so it's not surprising to find yet another example. You'll probably be one of many who is shocked or appalled upon finding out that Elon never intended to actually buy Twitter too.

      And Govern

    • TLDR

      You can be totally against carbon credits or other government subsidies which only ever end up retarding growth of an industry, while also being smart enough to take free money the government is handing out.

      The inflation we are going through now is the child of endless subsidies we've had for a while. At some point you do more harm than good by continuing to hand out money, and any other car company COULD have done what Musk did when he did it - remember they chose not to.

      • by Klaxton ( 609696 )

        There were some subsidies during the height of the pandemic but they sure weren't "endless". And they didn't cause the present inflation 2 years later.

        • And they didn't cause the present inflation 2 years later.

          Showing you do not understand the momentary system at all. Good luck buddy you're gonna need it!

        • No, what caused the present inflation was the "We will print an extra $2.2T, which will surely fix our inflation problems".

          Face it, inflation is what happens when you increase the money supply without increasing the supply of things you can buy with money.

          And no, adding $2.2T to the money supply does NOT cause more things to be made quicker....

          • by Klaxton ( 609696 )

            It was either that or a serious economic collapse.

            “So the combination of the government support and supply chain bottlenecks has resulted in inflation,” says Triest, a former vice president and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. “That’s not necessarily indicative of a government mistake, because the economy actually performed quite well. We didn’t have an economic collapse.

            “It’s a judgment call whether there was too muc

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Musk has recently praised Chinese workers for "burning the 3AM oil" and lamented that Americans are too lazy to do that: []

      The guy is just another billionaire asshat who is too convinced of his own genius. I wish someone would list all the predictions and promises he made over the years that didn't come true, or ask him about that crappy deathtrap tunnel he built.

      Twitter is toxic for people like him. He has an endless stream of useful idiots kissing his arse on there, talking

    • The carbon credits helped some, but they're hardly the reason Tesla was kept afloat. Handouts don't keep companies afloat. When Tesla was teetering, Elon was eating and sleeping at the office, working on Tesla around the clock, and he got others to do that as well. He invested everything he had into keeping his 2 companies going when his advisors were all telling him he had to save 1 or lose both. That kind of dedication, along with an inspiring mission of accelerating the adoption of clean energy, is what
      • What do you mean they are hardly the reason .. they provided hundreds of millions of revenue, when Tesla was almost bankrupt and "eating and sleeping at the office" .. if they didn't have that money coming in the company would be toast -- that's a fact. They wouldn't have been able to pay creditors and suppliers, they would have been done. Reference: []

        • Tesla is successful because of good management, smart engineers, and a mission people believe in. Making the environment for Tesla a little less sucky doesn't make up for all of the barriers thrown in their way, it's like a parent beating their child and then taking credit for their accomplishments.
          • According to Elon himself they BARELY made it through certain years. .. including 2017 .. when they had to bring back a CFO from retirement to help them make it. Which means literally every dollar mattered. You are saying that they would have been OK without a hundreds of millions dollars of cash infusions due to carbon credits every quarter? Between 2010 and 2019 they got $2 billion dollars in payments from regulatory credits. And that's not even counting the $7500 tax credit customers used to get per vehi

            • I'm not a climate denier, I think some kind of carbon credit/tax makes sense; I actually prefer both.

              I'm also not a Republican, more of an old school progressive or libertarian.

              The barriers I'm talking about are all of the crony capitalism that helps big interests and locks out small ones.

              These credits are just a small part of the economic landscape. Given all of the other mess, these credits made a difference, but Ds are hardly saviors.

              These credits were not made for Tesla; Tesla was helped by gene

    • "Extreme left: Tax unrealized gains of ownership in companies."

      I remember when the extreme left wanted to nationalize all large companies without compensation.

  • by javaman235 ( 461502 ) on Monday May 16, 2022 @11:40PM (#62541414)

    Then proceeds to talk about how fantastic the present is. We are headed from a world where clean water, land to live on, fresh air were free, to a world where you stand anywhere you must pay to be there. The clean water will be privatized, and you must pay for things you despise, like cars, because society demands them. All this makes everyone obese and sick while they spend their lives making other people things they dont want but have to. If they make enough, they may gain the privilege to walk in the woods their ancestors lived in. It sucks. The greatest problem civilization is facing is the fact that everyone in it wouldnt wish it on their worst enemies, and so dont want to have children.

    • you must pay for things you despise, like cars, because society demands them.

      Cars are just the technological evolution of riding on top of a smelly animal to get somewhere faster (which in its day, caused its own set of problems []). It's actually quite nice to be able to get into a little climate controlled box, listen to your preferred music, and transport yourself somewhere and back, on your own schedule.

      The problem is that it's a luxury made affordable only by externalizing the true costs. Once you fully internalize the costs of private vehicle ownership, you end up with a price

      • I used to live in the city on the west coast, using only bike and bus for years. I was way fitter. Out in more rural areas I live now, and in many states, you simply a need a car now, and we built things that way.

      • It is the technological evolution of riding on top of a smelly animal, but it might (I think) also be a evolution of lack of empathy. I mean, to domesticate a wild animal for your own use .. that might have required we see our own needs as more important than the animal's. I mean, our ancestors used to hunt animals and eat them, so why would they care about capturing and enslaving one? Note domestication of the horse was probably not the same as domestication of the dog or cat. The dog or cat probably hung

    • He says declining populations are biggest problem. Then proceeds to talk about how fantastic the present is. We are headed from a world where clean water, land to live on, fresh air were free, to a world where you stand anywhere you must pay to be there. The clean water will be privatized, and you must pay for things you despise, like cars, because society demands them. All this makes everyone obese and sick while they spend their lives making other people things they dont want but have to. If they make enough, they may gain the privilege to walk in the woods their ancestors lived in.

      You can buy a thousand acres in Canada for pocket change and walk through the woods for an entire day without seeing another living person. So what's stopping you? You're not doing it because you don't want to. And same goes for everybody else, including Canadians.

      The number of people bitching about land, water, and air while sitting on a comfy chair in a climate-controlled room with a fucking nonfat, no whip, no foam, three pump peppermint, one pump skinny mocha quad venti bullshit coffee at their elbow

      • by k2r ( 255754 )

        The number of people bitching about land, water, and air while sitting on a comfy chair in a climate-controlled room with a fucking nonfat, no whip, no foam, three pump peppermint, one pump skinny mocha quad venti bullshit coffee at their elbow without even a hint of irony is mindboggling.

        Nobody would put so much energy into making up two lines describing this kind of coffee - I bet you either consume or serve this kind of "beverage" :-)

        • Nobody would put so much energy into making up two lines describing this kind of coffee - I bet you either consume or serve this kind of "beverage" :-)

          Neither. I looked it up samples on Quora. :) And adapted one by deleting some elements. People go further than that, routinely.

      • You can buy a thousand acres in Canada for pocket change and walk through the woods for an entire day without seeing another living person. So what's stopping you? You're not doing it because you don't want to. And same goes for everybody else, including Canadians.

        Why should anyone want to do this? And how much have you yourself purchased? Oh, really? Why not?

        • Why should anyone want to do this?

          I dunno. Because they want to build their mailbombs in peace?

          And how much have you yourself purchased? Oh, really? Why not?

          Irrelevant. I'm not the OP. I already have land with trees, with clean water, and with tolerably clean air. I'm not the one bitching.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        People would like to do that stuff, but they also need to eat and pay the bills. The reason that property is so cheap is because it's difficult to live there unless you can already afford a really good quality of life somewhere else anyway.

    • a world where clean water, land to live on, fresh air were free

      Sorry, the world has never been like this. Land to live and fresh water have been paid for over and over again in wars, for generations. I hasn't changed a bit. Civilization means we don't kill eachother that often, but the competition is still there. As for fresh air, you can have it, there is plenty. The price you pay is not being where the rest of humans live. As has always been.

      • That is not true. In fact when this country was founded, much of the land was settled by homesteading, free land if you developed it. Now, land is decoupled from the idea that actually using it gives you rights, so even cheap land is gobbled up by investors who raise the price while it sits empty.

        The larger point is I am not some weirdo. Loads of people are saying they dont want to bring children into this world, so population is declining, suicide rates are up, etc. My gripe may be fringe, but for all thes

    • The greatest problem civilization is facing is the fact that everyone in it wouldnt wish it on their worst enemies, and so dont want to have children.

      Nonetheless, I much appreciate being alive today rather than in the middle ages. If it weren't for modern medicine saving my life years ago, I would have suffered horribly and died slowly.

      We are headed from a world where clean water, land to live on, fresh air were free

      And we killed each other over said water, land, and air, just like the current situation in Ukraine. At this point in history, I'd have expected war to be obsolete... but some people prefer to live in the past.

      All this makes everyone obese and sick while they spend their lives making other people things they dont want but have to.

      Well, that's because they are stupid, self-entitled, and spoiled. In my case, I was reasonable. I worked hard

  • Elongate Muskrat strikes again.
  • Need more Musk? (Score:4, Informative)

    by ElizabethGreene ( 1185405 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @09:57AM (#62542600)

    If you need more Elon Musk, "The Everyday Astronaut" just posted a 30-minute walk-and-talk with him around the Texas campus on YouTube. In that they talk about scrapping the cold gas thruster system, the new ullage thruster system, plans for S24, the tricky business of unloading Starlink satellites out a small door ("Like a PEZ dispenser"), catching starship with mechazilla, the layout of the heatshield, future optimizations to the front fins, why they still have grid fins on booster, and a lot more.

    If you're not a fan of Mr. Musk, there's content for you too. He gets distracted while talking and almost gets run over by a boom truck

    I haven't felt that plugged in to a rocket company since Armadillo Aerospace (RIP). I'm not an EvAs Patreon, but I'm going to find a way to slide him a couple of bucks for this. It was that awesome.

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