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Google Software

Google Is Adding Flyover-Like Aerial Views To Maps ( 5

Google is adding "photorealistic aerial views" to almost 100 landmarks in Google Maps, the company announced on Wednesday. The Verge reports: The views, which remind me of Apple Maps' Flyover feature, give you an overhead look at landmarks in cities including Barcelona, London, New York, San Francisco, and Tokyo, according to Google. The aerial views are a "first step" toward launching the "immersive view" the company showed off at Google I/O, according to a blog post from Google Maps director of product Amanda Leicht Moore. Immersive view will also include indoor views and information like traffic and the weather layered on the map, Google spokesperson Genevieve Park tells The Verge. At I/O, Google said immersive view would begin rolling out in Los Angeles, London, New York City, San Francisco, and Tokyo "later this year." Google Maps will also feature cycling routes, which will include additional information "like whether a specific road you'll be instructed to travel on is a major or minor road, if your route includes stairs or steep hills, and whether you can expect to hit heavy traffic," reports The Verge. Additionally, you'll be able to get notifications if someone who is sharing their location with you leaves or arrives at their location.
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Google Is Adding Flyover-Like Aerial Views To Maps

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Google Flight Simulator 2022?
  • I can remember using bing maps in 2010 with this exact feature. Google is so innovative!
  • Where thanks to computational photography, photorealism, algorithms and branded tools you can see the world with all the homeless, druggies, needles, piss and shit photoshopped out for a pristine view of how it should beshould’ve and could’ve been.
    Traffic? NBD there’s an app for that. Like all your promises, hopes and dreams branded proprietary tools can reduce your worst nightmare to simple weather report.
    Weather? Even that is being converted into photorealism to make your view of reality

A consultant is a person who borrows your watch, tells you what time it is, pockets the watch, and sends you a bill for it.
