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The Military Power

Parts of Europe's Largest Nuclear Plant 'Knocked Out' By Russia-Ukraine Fighting (cnn.com) 202

On Thursday the International Atomic Energy Agency's director "warned that parts of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant had been knocked out due to recent attacks, risking an 'unacceptable' potential radiation leak," according to CNN: "IAEA experts believe that there is no immediate threat to nuclear safety," but "that could change at any moment," Grossi said.... Ukraine's nuclear agency Energoatom said 10 shells landed near the complex on Thursday, preventing a shift handover. "For the safety of nuclear workers, the buses with the personnel of the next shift were turned back to Enerhodar," the agency said. "Until the situation finally normalizes, the workers of the previous shift will continue to work."

Energoatom said radiation levels at the site remained normal, despite renewed attacks.

Several Western and Ukrainian officials believe that Russia is using the giant nuclear facility as a stronghold to shield their troops and mount attacks, because they assume Kyiv will not return fire and risk a crisis.

Later CNN added: Ukraine and Russia again traded blame after more shelling around the plant overnight on Thursday, just hours after the United Nations called on both sides to cease military activities near the power station, warning of the worst if they didn't.

"Regrettably, instead of de-escalation, over the past several days there have been reports of further deeply worrying incidents that could, if they continue, lead to disaster," UN secretary general, António Guterres, said in a statement....

Energoatom, Ukraine's state-run nuclear power company, accused Russian forces on Thursday of targeting a storage area for "radiation sources," and shelling a fire department nearby the plant. A day later, the company said in a statement on its Telegram account that the plant was operating "with the risk of violating radiation and fire safety standards."

Ukraine's Interior Minister, Denys Monastyrskyi, said Friday that there was "no adequate control" over the plant, and Ukrainian specialists who remained there were not allowed access to some areas where they should be.... Last weekend, shellfire damaged a dry storage facility — where casks of spent nuclear fuel are kept at the plant — as well as radiation monitoring detectors, making detection of any potential leak impossible, according to Energoatom. Attacks also damaged a high-voltage power line and forced one of the plant's reactors to stop operating.

Tonight the BBC reported on a response from Ukraine's president. In his nightly address on Saturday, Volodymyr Zelensky said any soldier firing on or from the plant would become "a special target" for Ukraine. He also accused Moscow of turning the plant into a Russian army base and using it as "nuclear blackmail"...

Zelenskiy added that "every day" of Russia's occupation of the plant "increases the radiation threat to Europe"....

A BBC investigation revealed earlier this week that many of the Ukrainian workers at the site are being kept under armed guard amid harsh conditions.

UPDATE (8/14): "Ukraine's military intelligence agency said that on Saturday, Russian artillery fire hit a pump, damaged a fire station and sparked fires near the plant that could not be immediately extinguished because of the damage to the fire station," reports the New York Times: Engineers say that yard-thick reinforced concrete containment structures protect the reactors from even direct hits. International concern, however, has grown that shelling could spark a fire or cause other damage that would lead to a nuclear accident.

The six pressurized water reactors at the complex retain most sources of radiation, reducing risks. After pressurized water reactors failed at the Fukushima nuclear complex in Japan in 2011, Ukraine upgraded the Zaporizhzhia site to enable a shutdown even after the loss of cooling water from outside the containment structures, Dmytro Gortenko, a former plant engineer, said in an interview....

"Locals are abandoning the town," said the former engineer, who asked to be identified by only his first name, Oleksiy, because of security concerns. Residents had been leaving for weeks, but the pace picked up after Saturday's barrages and fires, he said.

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Parts of Europe's Largest Nuclear Plant 'Knocked Out' By Russia-Ukraine Fighting

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  • by TheNameOfNick ( 7286618 ) on Sunday August 14, 2022 @08:41AM (#62788102)

    Russia has no right to be there. Fuck Putin.

    • Most nuke stations in Central and Eastern Europe were built, fueled and maintained by Russia
      • Most nuke stations in Central and Eastern Europe were built, fueled and maintained by Russia

        So what? What do you imagine that proves?

      • Most nuke stations in Central and Eastern Europe were built, fueled and maintained by Russia

        This is the standard mistake of treating Russia and the USSR as the same thing. Lots of the universities and experts in the USSR were based in Ukraine, for example. Sure, Moscow was pretty dominant but Kyiv, for example, was also an important centre.

      • Nuclear power stations in Ukraine were, up until the war, staffed by Ukrainians. Including the Chernobyl site.

  • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Sunday August 14, 2022 @09:00AM (#62788140)
    Russia lost the war in Ukraine. To force Ukraine and its allies to negotiate, Russian troops keep shelling nuclear power plant that they also control. Ukraine is not involved in any way in shelling. This is nuclear blackmail by Russia, not "Russia-Ukraine fighting" as the title suggests.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by imunfair ( 877689 ) on Sunday August 14, 2022 @11:25PM (#62790184) Homepage

    In his nightly address on Saturday, Volodymyr Zelensky said any soldier firing on or from the plant would become "a special target" for Ukraine.

    That's an incorrect summary of what he said. He said any Russian soldier. He doesn't care about the Ukrainian soldiers firing on the Russian soldiers sheltering at the nuclear plant, they're doing what he ordered them to, even though he baselessly claims it's the Russians firing on themselves.

    That obviously makes no logical sense given that the Russians are using the nuclear plant as a shield to avoid being fired on by the new US weapons with longer range than the Russian artillery that were being used to suppress the Ukrainian army before. Zelensky can't admit that though or the international community would be outraged that he's shooting missiles and artillery - even high precision ones - very near a nuclear facility.

    "Every Russian soldier who either shoots at the plant, or shoots under the cover of the plant, must understand that he is becoming a special target for our intelligence, for our special services, for our army," the president said.

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
