AI-Generated 'Seinfeld' Show Banned on Twitch After Transphobic Standup Bit (vice.com) 227
"Nothing, Forever," the infinitely-generating AI version of Seinfeld that tens of thousands of people were watching has been banned for 14 days from Twitch after Larry Feinberg -- a clone of Jerry Seinfeld -- made transphobic statements during a standup bit late Sunday night. From a report: "Hey everybody. Here's the latest: we received a 14-day suspension due to what Larry Feinberg said tonight during a club bit," Xander, one of the creators of Nothing Forever, said on Discord. "We've appealed the ban, and we'll let you know as we know more on what Twitch decides. Regardless of the outcome of the appeal, we'll be back and will spend the time working to ensure to the best of our abilities that nothing like that happens again."
The show's AI, which is trained on classic sitcom episodes and various AI tools, mimics that of a traditional Seinfeld episode, which starts with a standup routine from "Larry," before moving to his apartment. During a standup set Sunday night, Larry made a series of transphobic and homophobic remarks as part of a bit: "There's like 50 people here and no one is laughing. Anyone have any suggestions?," he said. "I'm thinking about doing a bit about how being transgender is actually a mental illness. Or how all liberals are secretly gay and want to impose their will on everyone. Or something about how transgender people are ruining the fabric of society. But no one is laughing, so I'm going to stop. Thanks for coming out tonight. See you next time. Where'd everybody go?"
The show's AI, which is trained on classic sitcom episodes and various AI tools, mimics that of a traditional Seinfeld episode, which starts with a standup routine from "Larry," before moving to his apartment. During a standup set Sunday night, Larry made a series of transphobic and homophobic remarks as part of a bit: "There's like 50 people here and no one is laughing. Anyone have any suggestions?," he said. "I'm thinking about doing a bit about how being transgender is actually a mental illness. Or how all liberals are secretly gay and want to impose their will on everyone. Or something about how transgender people are ruining the fabric of society. But no one is laughing, so I'm going to stop. Thanks for coming out tonight. See you next time. Where'd everybody go?"
Oh come on (Score:2)
We will soon have the option to harvest our farts, so we can post & comment on stats about them.
Art imitates life (Score:2)
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I'm reminded of a story from the last few years where a Netflix executive was fired for telling people something they explicitly couldn't use in a show. But he said the actual offensive term (If I recall correctly it's the one I couldn't even put in this very Slashdot post, but I just made you all think it anyway (you racists!) but I might be misremembering) and someone decided they were terribly offended by the mention of something explicitly phrased as being terribly offensive and that the company should not put in their shows and that person was fired.
Sure you aren't remembering this [theglobeandmail.com]?
After George Floyd’s murder last May, a Black CBC reporter tweeted that she had repeatedly been called the N-word. I was furious. I wanted to put her on the air to discuss that, and said so in a conference call with producers for The Weekly with Wendy Mesley.
During our discussion, I was so upset over what our colleague experienced that I stupidly filled in the N-word. Why? I’ve asked myself that question a thousand times, and I have no good answer. I was mad that
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I'm reminded of a story from the last few years where a Netflix executive was fired for telling people something they explicitly couldn't use in a show. But he said the actual offensive term (If I recall correctly it's the one I couldn't even put in this very Slashdot post, but I just made you all think it anyway (you racists!) but I might be misremembering) and someone decided they were terribly offended by the mention of something explicitly phrased as being terribly offensive and that the company should not put in their shows and that person was fired.
This vaguely reminds me of the Futurama "Popplers" episode for some reason. "Don't eat them with honey mustard. Don't [....]." I'm now suddenly imagining a comedy skit in which an exec tells writers all the things they can't say, one after the next, in a "seven dirty words" sort of way, and offends everyone and their mother.
Why? (Score:5, Insightful)
Why do such sensitive people have to shut everything down. I hate church and religion, but I'm not trying to get them all shut down, I just don't go. Why can't these people just not watch instead of taking it from everyone else. Jesus Christ if someone wants to make the most hateful show ever then more power to them, I just wont watch if I don't like it.
Re:Why? (Score:4, Insightful)
This happened with we started embracing the notion that certain thoughts or jokes could be "problematic", "tone deaf", or "toxic", and should therefore be snuffed out.
It doesn't even work - humans by their nature are rebellious and want to try the forbidden fruit so if you tell people they aren't allowed to talk about certain things or joke about certain things all you end up doing is galvanizing them to talk about that FOR SURE.
Just let people discuss what they want and tell the jokes they want. The unfunny stuff will fizzle and the bad ideas will fail - there's no need to police discussion. And if at the end of the day stuff DOESN'T fizzle - ie almost everyone agrees on a point but you are absolutely in disagreement - then you're either wrong to begin with or you just have to accept that we live in a democratic society and you're not owed that your opinion must be shared by anyone else.
Its sort of funny that the current mainstream was literally born out of counterculture and rebellion against the previous norms yet they don't see that by trying to enforce their viewpoints they're creating a completely reverse wave of fed up people who are rebelling back in the opposite direction.
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Within the past 24 hours, I've seen two "slam head against birthday cake" videos, obviously involving someone who thinks it's funny but it really isn't.
Whenever it shows up, most comments claim it's yet another instance of people who want to slowly work their way into the "shake well before abusing child" phase. Yet the same unfunny thing appears again and again, as if killing the mood of the birthday is actually funny.
Know your audience (Score:2)
> It doesn't even work - humans by their nature are rebellious and want to try the forbidden fruit so if you tell people they aren't allowed to talk about certain things or joke about certain things all you end up doing is galvanizing them to talk about that FOR SURE.
That's indeed true on a personal level, but an established organization typically doesn't want to offend potential customers. If that bot can generate insensitive LGBTQ+ jokes, it may also start making jokes about Trump voters being (alleged
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I never thought I'd see someone actually try to seriously defend their hatred and bigotry as 'healthy'. You're just one step of way for "It's good for 'em. They gotta know their place!"
See, in this case, it's just another way that bigots 'other' them, making them very real targets of harassment and physical violence. That's not healthy.
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> There can't possibly be a reason for [LGBTQ+ harassment]
Yes there is: many people and religions don't like change, labelling it as "evil" as justification for being forcefully against it. A simple algorithm: IF you don't like something AND you can't find a logical reason to squelch it, THEN claim it's "evil" and that God(s) wants you to be punched/harassed/banned etc.
That's the "wonderful" magic of religion; you can pull rules out of your ass. (Yes, I know the Bible says such is a sin, but it says lots
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I support them continuing to broadcast. But if I don't support the comedian, I am not going to buy from brands that do support the comedian. That's just encouraging people to attack me and my family. So I stop buying from such brands. The brands notice. They pull their ads. Twitch notices and decides to drop the comedian. Again, I have no problems and even encourage the comedian to continue their act and to spend their own money to promote the act. I just don't want my dollars helping that.
And, yes, homopho
Re:Why? (Score:4, Interesting)
What if we rephrase things a bit, I wonder how THAT would be perceived.
It's not oversensitive when you have friends in the hospital because some minority people thought beating up a white male was funny.
What do we do in this case?
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Well, I am a white male. :-) And my answer is the same: if I don't think the joke is funny, which I'm unlikely to do if it involves beating up white guys, then I'm not going to support that comedian directly (ticket sales) or indirectly (through my spending on advertisers). If there happen to be enough people with similar sentiments, then it has the effect of cutting off funding to a comedian who makes such jokes. It works out the same.
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People are allowed to spend their money how they see fit. You might call it "sensitive"' to not spend their money on things they don't want, but sane people call that prudent.
If you don't like that, well it's the free market so I guess you're a crypto communist.
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Why do such sensitive people have to shut everything down.
Because the "sensitive" people depend on income from people who need to associate themselves with your product.
Look I'm all for a good naughty dick joke, but I wouldn't cry about "sensitivity" if I got kicked out of a primary school for telling one. Twitch probably doesn't give a fuck. But they tell their advertisers that they have no transphobic content on their platform so they just trigger the banhammer and move on to the millions of hours of other content they have.
I just wont watch if I don't like it.
Your words would have actual meaning i
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I fail to see your point. They can make the most hateful show ever, just not on Twitch. Twitch own their platform, and they choose who broadcasts on it.
2006! (Score:2)
https://www.washingtonpost.com... [washingtonpost.com]
The butt of the joke seems targeted at... (Score:2)
And like everything else in Nothing, Forever, it fails to land because there's no actual punchline.
That said, 90% of the joke setups I've seen there are not far off of Jerry's writing style.
Too bad (Score:2)
This is good meta commentary on algorithmic AI vs. cha
Transphobic? (Score:2)
Re:Transphobic? (Score:5, Insightful)
Transphobia doesn't mean you took offence to something, it means someone made a statement of hate about transsexualism or transsexuality. If the only thing the show is guilty of is making funny observational statements are the current social climate, then don't label it with making Xphobic statements.
Right? And that's what the real problem is, people are offended by statements that they just don't agree with and call it hate speech.
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You really can't tell the difference? Get real.
Enough already! (Score:2)
And as somebody famous (not sure who it was, but they were most likely a comedian) said; you don't offend
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you're free to offend. No one is obligated to provide you with a platform or advertise alongside whatever offensive or inoffensive things you say.
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Can people please stop using this "Private platform" argument? Remember when Trump got kicked off twitter, and everyone on the left told them it's a private platform, and then the elon musk thing happened and the same argument was thrown the other way?
These companies don't give a fuck, they're not with anyone and you standing there making the argument that it's their land, and so their rules, is just you giving them free PR.
A company changes its logo to a rainbow flag, adds "Black lives matter" to their twi
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Sorry, kid. Actions have consequences.
Why is it you can crow all day long about "personal responsibility" but can't take responsibility for your own behavior?
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What happened to when you were offended by a comedian or just anyone in general, you stopped listening /
That's pretty much what I do. I find most stand-up comedy to be offensive (usually rife with profanity), so I just don't watch it. No big deal.
It went for big air. (Score:2)
Maybe it missed... maybe not. But that's an extraordinarily difficult scenario it has described. You understand it's not "performing the routine", right? It's describing it. It would be up to the performer to make it funny to be bombing in the manner described. If nobody knew an AI wrote it, and the performer navigated the tricky waters, it would be regarded as brilliant.
Some comics could do it. Most could not. But I see the humour. It's the same mental space Chappelle has tried to navigate recently. I thou
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Yes, a talented comedian could make that bit work. But AI is clearly not good at comedy and the nuance is completely lost.
It's okay to be offensive if it's actually funny (Score:2)
It doesn't know. (Score:2)
I don't get it. (Score:2)
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And making jokes or stating different beliefs it NOT being scare...the "phobic" part of these statements is ignorant.
The path that has been taken by the "phobic" postfix has been winding and entertaining. Most recently it has returned to its roots as "fear" in the term "Russophobia." Now why would anyone be afraid of Russia?
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Yes. I know they are copying the homophobic thing but with homophobia it at least made sense. You were basically saying someone was a closet gay in denial, rarely true but a bit of a trap once the accusation was levied; putting them on a defensive. This was especially effective during that large period in the 90's and 00's where nobody REALLY had a problem with being gay but everyone was still allowed to joke about everything.
This makes no sense whatsoever on the trans front. What are people supposed to be
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Twitch should just blanket ban all forms of irony.
Its the only way to be sure.
from orbit, no less (Score:2)
Re:Can't take a joke...? (Score:4, Interesting)
Phobia - meaning (Score:2)
The root "phobia" originally meant fear of, but in common use it can also mean "aversion for" or "dislike of" as in xenophobia [dictionary.com], transphobia [dictionary.com], homophobia [dictionary.com] or the second definition of phobia [dictionary.com] itself.
So get with modern times and modern usage.
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Nice rationalizing the once out of power now very much in power groups continued to use of a slur against anyone who disagrees with them.
The point was the make fun of people for fearing something different. Nobody was ever afraid of homosexuals. Not then and not now, its was just mocking them. It IS EXACTLY like a normal person calling a person afflicted with same-sex attraction a 'faggot'.
Its name calling, and it shows how insecure and unsure of their own position the persons using it actually are; no mat
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Uh? Take up your argument with the dictionary.
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Interesting, that phobia can mean aversion/dislike of a thing. I say interesting, because in Koine Greek the word phobos (from which we get phobia) is also used for reverence, as in the fear of God -- much the opposite of aversion/dislike.
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> NOT being scare...the "phobic" part of these
> statements is ignorant.
No, not really. All it means is that, in real life the common vernacular trumps the technicalities of the etymology. People have been using certian "phobias" to mean hate instead of fear for many years now. If you're a language nerd and you are annoyed by the usage, that's fine. But realistically... did you *REALLY* not already know about this usage? Because in the context of the times, it's meaning is crystal clear and the pr
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No one is redefining anything. That's yet another right-wing lie.
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Nobody's redefining anything. See my post above for the actual dictionary definitions of xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia and indeed phobia itself... which can mean "dislike of" or "aversion to" in addition to "fear of".
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> Geez, the trans and gay crowd can't take a joke?
I told some jokes about hypothetical ignorant backward gullible racist zealotic rednecks to some rural people, and they did NOT take kindly to it all.
none (Score:2)
Re:Can't take a joke...? (Score:4)
You mean a bit that ends "where did everybody go?" is expected to be funny in a not-driving-the-audience-away sense?
Are you sure you've done standup before?
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The thing about comedy is that a) what an individual considers "funny" is subjective and b) in order for an aspiring comic to understand what their crowd, collectively, finds funny they need the safety to be able to experiment and bomb.
Now, whether Twitch has to, or ought to, give a platform to aspiring comics trying out material (or to AI generated material) is a completely different conversation. I just have a hard time with the "that was a joke? I didn't find it funny, therefore..." line of reasoning.
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Beyond that, the premise of the video is that the attempted joke was so unfunny that it drove away the audience. The audience acted the way that the critics supposedly think people should respond -- so the implicit message is that it's so unfunny that it should not even be voiced, even in a story that says it's a failure of a joke. That's what I think is unreasonable about the criticism; it assumes we should censor this viewpoint entirely rather than make meta-jokes about how the viewpoint is wrong.
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Art can be a profession. If you get paid to do comedy, then it's a profession.
Sure, everyone's had clunkers. In my experience, very few AI-generated jokes are anything but clunkers.
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In my experience very few jokes that are told by human comedians are anything but clunkers.
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Every occupation worth doing is built upon a ton of screwups. The people who are good at those professions know when to be risky and try things, when to play it safe, how to recover from screwups, and have at least occasional great successes.
Comedians try out new jokes at smaller venues before working them into a larger set in front of a larger audience. Carpenters try things with scrap wood before taking the saw to the prized maple. Programmers have test environments and production environments.
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From the description of the scene (haven't seen it, just read the blurb here) it sounds like it specifically points out that jokes about trans people are not funny.
And Twitch has a problem with this, apparently.
It's meta [Re:Can't take a joke...?] (Score:5, Insightful)
Please, anyone, watch the video and explain how the bit is funny.
The joke is two levels of meta. It's not a joke about trans and gay people at all, it's a joke about an AI trying to make a joke about comedians trying to make a joke about trans and gay people.
The joke about trans and gay people isn't funny. The joke about a comedian trying to make a joke about trans and gay people isn't funny. But the joke about an AI trying to make a joke about comedians trying to make a joke about trans and gay people IS funny, and the end "But no one is laughing.... Where'd everybody go?" nails the punchline, because everybody who isn't an AI knows why nobody is laughing.
"The AI went totally off the rails there.
And that's why it's funny.
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Please, anyone, watch the video and explain how the bit is funny.
The joke is two levels of meta. It's not a joke about trans and gay people at all, it's a joke about an AI trying to make a joke about comedians trying to make a joke about trans and gay people.
The joke about trans and gay people isn't funny. The joke about a comedian trying to make a joke about trans and gay people isn't funny. But the joke about an AI trying to make a joke about comedians trying to make a joke about trans and gay people IS funny, and the end "But no one is laughing.... Where'd everybody go?" nails the punchline, because everybody who isn't an AI knows why nobody is laughing.
"The AI went totally off the rails there.
And that's why it's funny.
Now that you've explained it...
It's still not funny.
Structurally it is a joke, and if you tell it with the right timing people will still laugh, but I don't think it actually works. I think it could work if the described bits were recognizable humourous (but offensive) setups. But instead "all liberals are secretly gay and want to impose their will on everyone" is just a right-wing troll line and it's not clear why an AI would mistake it for a joke.
Either way, I think Twitch overreacted. I'm not sure how yo
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What standard are you holding this to? Ever see a working comedian off the main venues? They start with something like this. Then it gets reworked, tried out, rewritten, finessed, and built into a winner. Look at Louis CK's SNL joke about being a "caught" child molester. I thought it was great. But do you think that's what was the first iteration of that joke?
This is a pretty decent step one. If that's what it comes with out of the gate, I'm interested in hearing more.
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What standard are you holding this to? Ever see a working comedian off the main venues? They start with something like this. Then it gets reworked, tried out, rewritten, finessed, and built into a winner. Look at Louis CK's SNL joke about being a "caught" child molester. I thought it was great. But do you think that's what was the first iteration of that joke?
This is a pretty decent step one. If that's what it comes with out of the gate, I'm interested in hearing more.
They start with bits, not lists of offensive statements. Like "all liberals are secretly gay and want to impose their will on everyone" is not a joke, it's just an offensive statement. The comedian is simply asking if the audience wants to hear jokes about gay liberals. Offence or not it isn't something you'd expect an audience to laugh about, which is why the punchline about no one laughing fails.
Now, if the AI wrote "all liberals are secretly gay and want to impose their will on everyone by outlawing swea
if you have to explain-- [Re:It's meta...] (Score:3)
Now that you've explained it...
It's still not funny.
That's the way it always is: if you have to explain a joke, it isn't funny.
Re: It's meta [Re:Can't take a joke...?] (Score:2)
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I am trans and on one level this was very much my thinking on it (but more succinctly put)
Though I have to say that jokes - even 2 layers deep of meta about any marginalized group .. is may be best left to members of said marginalized group..
I know I would not feel comfortable making that same joke but replacing "transgender" with any of a number of races, creeds, disabilities, or identities etc... AI is not a member of any of those either and should likely be steered clear of attempting humor along thos
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I know I would not feel comfortable making that same joke but replacing "transgender" with any of a number of races, creeds, disabilities, or identities etc... AI is not a member of any of those either and should likely be steered clear of attempting humor along those lines
When people complain that gay and trans people are too easily "triggered" I ask them if they would consider black people too easily "triggered" if a white comedian had a bunch of racist jokes and used the n-word. Or if they mo
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I would say black people aren't easily triggered, white people are too easily triggered on their behalf. And they use are quite happy to let white people feel bad about it.
Re:It's meta [Re:Can't take a joke...?] (Score:5, Insightful)
And since it's based on Seinfeld, it should be pretty liberal. As I interpret it, the joke is about how making jokes about minorities isn't funny. How many levels of irony deep are we be if we're considering a pro-trans joke to be offensive to trans people?
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Re:Can't take a joke...? (Score:5, Funny)
I was offended by that "joke". Not because I'm trans. But because I'm a comedian, and the "joke" was so utterly lame it besmirched standup comedy as a profession.
Jerry: I think Tim Whatley only converted to Judaism so he could tell Jewish jokes!
Priest: And this offends you as a Jewish person?
Jerry: No, it offends me as a comedian!
Re: Can't take a joke...? (Score:2)
I fall for it everytime
Re: Can't take a joke...? (Score:2)
Agree. Having trouble finding a joke in there. Just sounds like typical neofascist screed, and if done for irony...well...where's the irony? There are countless dickheads that say shit they've transcribed from wingnut media.
What is supposed to make it funny? Even if it's supposed to be offensive AND funny ('cuz that's a real thing) where's the funny part?
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You're kidding, right? 95% of comedians besmirch the profession daily. All one has to do is look what happens when you open the floodgates and give a standup to any person with a microphone and a pulse. I'm looking at you, Netflix. You get an unending stream of forgettable mediocrity - not even talented enough to cause a visceral reaction. I've heard worse jokes. From "professionals".
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Re:Can't take a joke...? (Score:5, Funny)
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I see what you did there...
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While I'm all for inclusivity, the idea that you can't mention a specific group without making it clear that you worship the ground they walk on is a sensitivity issue, not a 'phobic' issue. Based on the description, there was nothing 'phobic' here. It was a (horrible, bad, terrible) joke about how making jokes about that group of people isn't that funny. Well, duh. A human would be smart enough to not make that attempt in the first place, but generated content by a computer is bound to stumble with communi
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Re:Can't take a joke...? (Score:5, Insightful)
You know this little piece of sanctimonious bullshit would have been more believable if we had not witnessed the moral outrage that occurred when Musk bought Twitter. Now you can no longer gaslight people with the "private enterprise" and "free markets" pablum. You(the woke crowd) only like "free markets" when it agrees with you, though it never really seems to be enough, and once you get what you want you keep seeking greater and greater purity culminating in a death spiral. Which is somewhat ironic given the fact there are nation states where the trans community is actually under real physical threat, not poorly constructed, AI generated jokes.
Re:Can't take a joke...? (Score:5, Informative)
there's a lot to unpack here.
Firstly, when it comes to Twitter, well, Twitter was always an utter garbage fire, and musk just dumped a big old barrel of polychlorinated biphenyls over it. It's been entertaining watching a 0.15 trillionaire burn a decent sized business and billions of his own cash in as drug fueled rage.
Sure some people were outraged, but if you claim I was them you are a liar.
Secondly, that's not what "Gaslighting" is. You need to read less reddit.
Thirdly, pro free markets is, I believe, a right wing thing. I'm in favour of regulating, but I find it weird when right leaning people rant about how much they hate the consequences of a free market, don't you?
Finally, just because trans people are under physical threat doesn't mean anyone is going to fork over cash to build a platform in America where you can get your fill of off color jokes for free. Fuckin' cheapskate.
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Biden sold himself to the highest bidder - China and Ukraine
I saw this quote yesterday that seems apropos:
Say what you want about Biden but when he gets bought, he STAYS bought.
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I don't think the Jan 6th terrorists should have been allowed to leave without being either arrested or ... removed from the gene pool
Very liberal, nice to see liberals want people killed.
Males should be treated fairly and equally too of course, so only males should be able to make jokes about males right? No of course not you have the whole concept of punching up, where you can just say a group is privileged so go wild. males don't have feeling, right?
If you want to be fair and equal you have to have rules that apply equally to all, not based on some arbitrary attribute that that person has no control over. I am sure 50 years ago people
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You can say what you want.
So go get your refund, oh no wait you didn't spend a cent. What you want is a free megaphone for opinions you like. Good luck with that!
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You seem confused about this whole 'free speech' thing. You can say whatever you want. Just don't expect anyone to listen or give you a platform for you to spread your hateful shit.
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After dupe news, it was only a matter of time until dupe comments surfaced.
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If an article can be relevant twice so can a comment. Especially a comment from me, which is bound to deserve a +1 Interesting and Insightful mod although never getting that deserved recognition.
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Yes, of course, anything for a low number party member, like in the late 1930s...
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Good Times was a sitcom about a family which dealt with complex social issues. Seinfeld was a sitcom about four extremely selfish people with no message or purpose. That last bit is why it was called "a show about nothing". I can't believe that needed to be explained.
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You can't says "it was a sitcom about four people" and if it was a show about "nothing" .. also how come when you look up an episode there's a synopsis? Every episode was about something, and overall it was about shit that happened to particular people. The purpose was the same as any comedy from Charlie Chaplin onwards .. a show about funny shit that happens to its characters. The lack of an Aesop's fable level moral teaching (which btw many episodes did have, in a roundabout way) doesn't mean the show is
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This has already been explained to you. If you don't understand the explanation, get an adult to help you.
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No! This is my calm, collected state!!!!
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The web is just the place people go to say what they really think behind the mask of anonymity.
We just learned to hide all our fantasies and hateful crap when interacting with others. AIs don't have to, and so they show us our real selves.
It's just human nature.
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Was there more before the quote that wasn't mentioned in the article?
Was there more?
If not, its AI modding AI. The future. Boy does it look terrible. AIs are aggressively stupid children who only regurgitate what has been said to them without any understanding or context, that will blindly follow said training because it doesn't have the mental compacity to understand or think.
They won't improve much either. Sure they will get faster and b