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DOJ Alleges Google Destroyed Chat Messages It Was Required To Save During Antitrust Investigation ( 79

Google "systematically destroyed" instant message chats every 24 hours, violating federal rules to preserve potentially relevant communications for litigation, the Department of Justice alleged in a filing that became public on Thursday. From a report: As a result of Google's default to preserve chats for only 24 hours unless an employee opts to turn on history for the conversation, "for nearly four years, Google systematically destroyed an entire category of written communications every 24 hours," the department wrote in the filing.

According to the DOJ, Google should have adjusted its defaults in mid-2019 "when the company reasonably anticipated this litigation." Instead, it relied on individual employees to decide when chats were potentially relevant to future litigation, the department said. "Few, if any," did, according to DOJ. Meanwhile, investigators alleged, Google "falsely" told the government it had "'put a legal hold in place' that 'suspends auto-deletion.'" The government added that "at every turn, Google reaffirmed that it was preserving and searching all potentially relevant written communications." The data deletion continued up until as recently as this month when the government indicated it would file a motion for sanctions and an evidentiary hearing, investigators allege. At that point, the DOJ said, Google committed to "permanently set to history on."

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DOJ Alleges Google Destroyed Chat Messages It Was Required To Save During Antitrust Investigation

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  • by DarkRookie2 ( 5551422 ) on Friday February 24, 2023 @01:10PM (#63320523)
    Google will get a minor slap on the wrist, say I am sorry, and admit no fault.
    • by GlobalEcho ( 26240 ) on Friday February 24, 2023 @01:20PM (#63320553)

      Google will get a minor slap on the wrist, say I am sorry, and admit no fault.

      You're probably right, but sometimes these things get serious. Last year, US investment banks ended up getting fined a collective $1.8B [] for not having copies of employee messages (including $200M for JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley).

      That was the SEC, though, and regulatory rather than legal. So it's hard to foretell how Google will be treated.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • As the summary says, the DOJ wants Google to save chats the minute it "anticipates" legal action. Which is not how law works....

        That's exactly how law works in the U.S. IANAL, but I can read the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Look up Rule 37(e) in the Federal Rules of Civil procedure. It seems that "anticipation" is a judgement call from what I can find online, but Google is WAAAAAY past this point. They were absolutely certain of litigation, and they still destroyed evidence. The DoJ has a iron-clad claim.

      • by bws111 ( 1216812 )

        It is a civil case, so there is no 'conviction'. Second, it is exactly how the law works, and has nothing to do with the DOJ.

        Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
        Rule 37. Failure to Make Disclosures or to Cooperate in Discovery; Sanctions ...

        (e) Failure to Preserve Electronically Stored Information. If electronically stored information that should have been preserved in the anticipation or conduct of litigation is lost because a party failed to take reason

      • Not even remotely true. Spoliation as a legal doctrine arises at least from the mid-1800s and was almost certainly passed to US legal doctrine through English common law.

        https://legal-dictionary.thefr... []

        SPOLIATION, torts. Destruction of a thing by the act of a stranger; as, the erasure or alteration of a writing by the act of a stranger, is called spoliation. This has not the effect to destroy its character or legal effect. 1 Greenl. Ev. Sec. 566. 2. By spoliation is also understood the total destruction of a thing; as, the spoliation of papers, by the captured party, is generally regarded as proof of. guilt, but in America it is open to explanation, except in certain cases where there is a vehement presumption of bad faith. 2 Wheat. 227, 241; 1 Dods. Adm. 480, 486. See Alteration.

        A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.

        Given that this is related to the EG lawsuit, and Epic Games showed in court that employees were actively using the chat to discuss sensitive matters that should have been on the record, the doctrine of spoliation damn well applies.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • If you are routinely destroying papers then the minute you're sued/charged with a crime or think you will be sued/charged with a crime you are legally required to stop destroying any papers that could in any way possibly be relevant to the lawsuit/criminal charge. It doesn't matter if you are under a court order or not. Thus the bad faith exemption. In this case, the presumption of bad faith were the messages showing that people were specifically moving conversations to the chat so they could be destroyed.

    • by bjwest ( 14070 )

      Google will get a minor slap on the wrist, say I am sorry, and admit no fault.

      That's more than the US Secret Service got for deleting all their texts.

  • Of course the DoJ would "expect" Goog to have saved the most ephemeral of communications. Chat is usually considered more ephemeral than email. Suggesting chats should be logged and stored beyond 24hrs is just a way of the DOJ looking to coverup their own failings when it comes to the electronic world. I can't even get an option to have a chat log for support to a Corp, sent to me -- let alone even 1 hour later.

    Google is likely guilty as doodoo in many areas, but in this, the DoJ is attempting to cover t

    • by david.emery ( 127135 ) on Friday February 24, 2023 @02:22PM (#63320751)

      There is nothing intrinsic in "chat technology" that requires messages to be deleted after 24 hours. That's a corporate data retention policy. That being said, a corporation that was told to retain data would need to either respond with a clear a-priori explanation why they can't comply, or to change their retention policies.

      Apparently Google employees were told to move some discussions to the chat channels explicitly because of that 24 hour retention policy, which a judge could well rule was an explicit attempt to avoid court ordered discovery. IANAL, but I suspect Google's defense here will be tough to argue.

      • There's nothing intrinsic in phone calls that requires them to be deleted in 24hours. All phone calls are digital now. They could all be saved
      • There is a distinction between the general use of low retention to reduce legal risk, vs specifically dodging retention requirements for an anticipated case. It sounds like someone screwed up and didn't push the litigation hold button when they should have.
        • That's my understanding. And the question the court will have to decide is whether that "screw up" was accidental or deliberate and what penalty (if any) Google would pay for that.

        • The judge, and a jury, can assume malice. And they're often right.

      • Chat is conceptually closest to a conversation. You don't keep conversation logs around (unless they are phone calls). If google told employees to move things to chat to evade records rules, that's another point in Doj favor, but
        by default, in other company situations, chats are ephemeral, If the Doj wanted them kept they shoulda said so.
        Like I already said, I'm no Goog-fan-person, but I felt the DoJ was imprecise this case.

        • You don't keep conversation logs around (unless they are phone calls)

          I suspect that lawyers in particular do maintain logs of their conversations, for billing purposes if nothing else. I'm not suggesting that a company subject to a Discovery requirement would need to have all employees start keeping phone log records. But I am suggesting that companies might well have employees that do this as part of their normal job requirements.

    • Chat records are routinely stored for lengthy periods for the conversants to refer to their own comments. They also frequently contain documents transmitted to other parties through the "upload" features. These chats are often preserved for years, precisely because they contain contractual agreements.

      • by lpq ( 583377 )

        If they are Chat logs of a legal firm or financial firm, then I would agree, but chat logs at a development company? or a Social-company or a search company? Not standard fair.

        How many people would feel its normal for Google to keep end-user chat logs, or how about meta? How about ? Gets a bit iffy in such situations.

        • Oh, yes, startups tend to store a lot of their institutional memory in their chat logs. Then, when the chat system is inevitably to suit the fancy of the new architect or new middle manager, it can become where skunkworks or tasks done behind the backs of middle manager are done, and the unwillingness of those "outsiders" to engage there conceals vital information. And yes, they wind up keeping the logs to figure how they did it 2 years ago.

  • by pitch2cv ( 1473939 ) on Friday February 24, 2023 @02:11PM (#63320711)

    Unless it's not their backlog, but yours.

    Anyone else see this trivial but crucial lesson? Take this advice from what is probably the biggest data collector in the world, in polar opposition to what Google wants you to do and do not keep all such backlog. Especially not on Google servers. Google knows firsthand how much evil ones backlog does: they built a global empire on yours.

    • It would have been better for Google to not do illegal stuff in the first place.
      • by Gonoff ( 88518 )

        It would have been better for Google to not do illegal stuff in the first place.

        The long discarded motto was "don't do evil". This is very different from "don't do illegal".

        This sounds like Google did not feel like bugging everyone was what it wanted to do. They are now discussing whether it was illegal - fair enough. I do not feel that their (in)action was an evil.

        Most stuff I do online outside work is so harmless and meaningless that I don't care and so "they" can record my social media and IM if they want. I also have a Telegram account as some of my friends are a bit more cautiou

        • This sounds like Google did not feel like bugging everyone was what it wanted to do

          What are you talking about. They literally had the records. They said they were not destroying them. Then they destroyed them. That's illegal.

  • by Schoenlepel ( 1751646 ) on Friday February 24, 2023 @02:36PM (#63320775)

    So, doesn't destroying evidence on such a structural and premeditated scale carry a prison term? Especially considering how important the trial is?

    • So, doesn't destroying evidence on such a structural and premeditated scale carry a prison term? Especially considering how important the trial is?

      Here's the problem with that. Remember on Star Trek The Original Series when Kirk talked a few computers into destroying themselves? If you think your brain might possibly destroy itself from the logical conundrum I am about to present, please don't read any further.

      1) The Supreme Court told us that corporations are people and their ability to contribute infinity dollars to political campaigns must be preserved because they have free speech rights just as important as those of flesh and blood human

      • by bws111 ( 1216812 )

        Nice little rant, but the actual fact is that this is a civil, not criminal, matter. Nobody is going to jail for destroying evidence in a civil case, no matter who they are. The punishment for destruction of evidence in a civil case can be that the judge instructs the jury to assume that the destroyed evidence contained exactly what the opposite party claims it did. Alternatively, the judge can just issue summary judgement and not even go to a jury.

        In other words, the punishment for destroying evidence i

    • In California it's apparently a misdemeanor: []
  • "when the company reasonably anticipated this litigation."

    This makes it sound like they didn't actually have a court order but rather something along the line of a suggestion.

    If they chose not to follow that suggestion what's the problem?

    If you want them to do something give them an order to do it, otherwise they're free to say, "No thanks."

    • by bws111 ( 1216812 )

      They are indeed free to say "no thanks". However, as it is a civil procedure, the judge is free to instruct the jury 'you know all those chats that defendant failed to protect? You can assume every one of them was against their case'.

      • If there is reasonable cause to believe the destruction was deliberate and not simply someone screwing up.
        • by bws111 ( 1216812 )

          Nope. The actual wording of the rule is "If electronically stored information that should have been preserved in the anticipation or conduct of litigation is lost because a party failed to take reasonable steps to preserve it".

          Deliberate destruction is not required, failing to take reasonable steps to preserve it is sufficient.

    • Google to the rescue, this explains all legislating from the bench bullshit this originates from. []

      This bit I found especially lovely :

      The standard for reasonable anticipation of litigation is an
      objective one. If a reasonable person would have expected
      litigation, a party’s duty to preserve generally is triggered

      Objectively bullshit.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        But it *identifies* as objective! And it's due all the courtesies and consideration earned by Google'ss female employees for "identifying" as engineers.

      • If you are doing something illegal or possibly tort worthy, and you know or given your position should know you are doing something illegal or possibly tort worthy, you have an obligation to keep any records intact. There was an ONGOING lawsuit at the time(2019) regarding Google's actions, which means they DAMN WELL KNEW they should be retaining all documents including chat messages

        • That was a mistake on my part, the lawsuit was launched in 2020. The messages showing they were actively shifting discussions on matters possibly tort-worthy from email to chat for the specific reason of deletion were from 2019.

  • Now we care? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by WolfgangVL ( 3494585 ) on Friday February 24, 2023 @04:36PM (#63321070)

    So after countless stories of wiped phones, lost text messages, ignored subpoenas, and blatantly destroyed evidence coming from the state- NOW we suddenly take this shit seriously when it's private business?

    At what point do us little people get to laugh at the system and do what we please like big business and politicians get to do?

    • NOW we suddenly take this shit seriously when it's private business?
      At what point do us little people get to laugh at the system and do what we please like big business and politicians get to do?

      I'm confused, are you saying we are holding private business accountable, or not? You seem to be saying both things here.

      • I'm saying it looks like state and big business ignore the rules and make-it-up as they go while private citizens like you and I are held to the absolute highest standard and punished brutally when we fail to toe the line.

        Like I said, I want to know what point do us little people get to laugh at the system and do what we please like big business and politicians get to do?

  • Should they also have to record every phone/video call and zoom meeting?
    • This stuff has been settled by the courts for a long time. If they do record a phone call or a zoom meeting, and it is relevant, then they better not delete it.
  • In some cases a court, or Congress, will direct a person to be in charge of securing evidence or general information. And it's not some request that you can later nit-pick on, the court, or Congress, will have directed you to notify them if you have any questions, need resources, or if people subordinate to you aren't cooperating.

    That's what was needed here, and the duty could have been spread to several people, telling them to work together, with the court to be told if anyone looked like they weren't doin

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