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Pentagon Awards SpaceX With Ukraine Contract For Starlink Satellite Internet (cnbc.com) 40

The Pentagon has announced that it will purchase Starlink satellite internet terminals from SpaceX to provide communication capabilities to Ukraine as it defends itself against a full-scale Russian invasion. "We continue to work with a range of global partners to ensure Ukraine has the satellite and communication capabilities they need. Satellite communications constitute a vital layer in Ukraine's overall communications network and the department contracts with Starlink for services of this type," the Pentagon said in a statement to CNBC. "For operational security reasons and due to the critical nature of these systems -- we do not have additional information regarding specific capabilities, contracts or partners to provide at this time," the statement added. From the report: The first Starlink terminals in Ukraine arrived four days after Russian troops poured over the nation's border in what became the largest air, land and sea assault in Europe since World War II. Ukraine digital minister Mykhailo Fedorov, who had previously asked Musk for the capability on Twitter, posted that Starlink was "here" in Ukraine -- with a photo showing more than two dozen boxes in the back of a truck. Musk said in October that SpaceX wouldn't be able to continue funding use of Starlink terminals in the country out of its own coffers "indefinitely," after a report from CNN said the company had asked the Pentagon to cover the cost.

Western officials have previously hailed Musk's decision to equip Ukraine with Starlink internet, citing the colossal and indiscriminate Russian shelling on civilian infrastructure that has left large swaths of the country without communications. Musk reportedly told the Pentagon in October he would no longer finance the Starlink terminals in Ukraine as the country prepared to fight through the harsh winter months. However, the billionaire reversed course and did continue to fund the service.

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Pentagon Awards SpaceX With Ukraine Contract For Starlink Satellite Internet

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  • Soon Starlink satellites will start to go offline, and we'll have our first war in space. Elon is on a slippery slope.
    • by cowdung ( 702933 )

      That's true. I'm not excited that Starlink be used for warfare. It just becomes a target for Russia and China and also limits what countries may want to use it for civilian uses.

      This is not a good thing.

      But I guess they're after some juicy Pentagon contracts.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Russia, China, and probably the EU and others, will all want their own satellite internet constellations. It will become a type of Mutually Assured Destruction - if anyone attacks anyone else's satellites, the resulting Kessler Syndrome makes space unusable for everyone.

        Unless Russia starts shooting them down first, in which case Musk will cancel all military contracts and disable the service over Ukraine. If he's willing to give in to Turkish demands for censorship of Twitter, he won't lose Starlink and li

      • Don't worry, like Turkey, he'll cut it off at a certain point when threatened.

        Kind of like when Mr. Free Speech Absolutists ended up bowing and scraping to Turkish censorship.

        Be interesting, after he dies in 40 or 50 years, to see the internal files of these discussions. Then we can see if he was cravenly obsequious to dictators, fascists, and conspiracy theorists for profit or if he really believed their bull.
    • Starlink satellites are also evolving into space-based weapons platforms for "missile defense" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wik... [wikipedia.org]
    • by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

      "As of November 2022, there are 3,271 Starlink satellites in orbit, of which 3,236 are operational"
      https://www.space.com/spacex-s... [space.com]

      It's a mesh so they'll need to take out more than a few.

    • Between digging tunnels under LA, selling flamethrowers to LA and developing high tech vehicles and space ships,and taking over a social media platform, I half expected him to be a real life super-villain, and his first commercial ventures into space being, I dunno, holding the moon hostage or something. =)

    • Good thing the US created the Space Force.
  • > Musk reportedly told the Pentagon in October he would no longer finance the Starlink terminals in Ukraine as the country prepared to fight through the harsh winter months. However, the billionaire reversed course and did continue to fund the service.

    Where would Musk be without tons of Gov money?

    • Heaven forbid the government pay for a service. Though they're paying for it with our money anyway

      • What about tax subsidies on electric cars? Those don't benefit electric car makers?

        Musk is a master of government funding.

        • Tax subsidies for electric cars is to encourage the public to buy electric cars. What's the issue?

          • > What's the issue?

            Musk is rich and famous and often does stupid shit, so a lot of people don't like him, so they attack him for any reason they can think of, which are not often good reasons.
  • Did Starlink just become an officially sanctioned weapon of war, therefore opening up to Russian attacks (whether cyber or physical)? Will all Russian attacks on SpaceX now be considered part of the war against Ukraine, as opposed to an act against a US company - same as destroying any weapons in Ukraine which were provided by the USA?
    • by ljw1004 ( 764174 ) on Thursday June 01, 2023 @07:45PM (#63569069)

      Did Starlink just become an officially sanctioned weapon of war, therefore opening up to Russian attacks (whether cyber or physical)? Will all Russian attacks on SpaceX now be considered part of the war against Ukraine, as opposed to an act against a US company - same as destroying any weapons in Ukraine which were provided by the USA?

      I think you missed a few steps in your logic. If I understand your reasoning, if the US bought Dasani water bottles for its troops in Iraq, then Dasani was now an officially sanctioned weapon of war, and Iraqi attacks on Coca Cola would be considered part of its war against the US, as opposed to an act against a US company?

      If this application of your reasoning isn't right, could you lay down a few more definitions/limits to your reasoning so I understand how widely it applies?

      • My understanding of the argument is that the equipment is actively being used for military purposes, so it makes sense to disrupt it.

        Whether the argument itself makes sense etc etc meh

      • I'm more interested in M&Ms. They were originally conceived as a way of bringing chocolate out as rations in the Spanish Civil war without melting. After the Mars family fell apart, one of the Ms moved to England and started Mars bars... specifically for British soldiers.

        If there's any weapon of war, it's chocolate :-)

      • Ok, now imagine some country is providing supplies to anti-US terrorists to enable them to perform attacks on the US. According to your argument, those supply transports are not a logical target for the US, did I understand you correctly?

        And yes, any Dasani water shipments to soldiers of the enemy army also become a target once deployed in the theater or war. If Starlink is actively used for military purposes in a war, it is logical that it will become a target. If ISIS would start to jam communications b
    • Umm, attacking US property/soil .. that's literally starting WW3. Putin isn't dumb enough to do that. If he wanted to do that, there are other more impactful targets.

  • How else will they maintain the technocratic hellstate they have planned out to rebuild Ukraine once we're done destroying it? https://newleftreview.org/side... [newleftreview.org]
  • What happened to Elon supplying the equipment and connections for free?
    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      He ran out of money? I remember he had to cut that down for the war. :(

    • My recollection is that when SpaceX started supplying Starlink free-of-charge to Ukraine, Elon stated that he/SpaceX was willing to do that for 6 months rather than indefinitely.
  • Nevermind all the rejected, negative Twitter I.T. management failure story submissions this year. Of which there have been many.
    • To be honest, we got a couple and then there stopped being anything new. Musk fucked up Twitter royally. If you need a daily reminder read a tabloid where they rehash the shit everyone already knows. We don't need a running commentary of every stupid thing he does either.

      Also this isn't favourable news. If anything this is anti-Musk as the government is stepping in to do something good he's backing out of.

  • Since Space X is now taking US tax dollars, I guess they should be tagged as a "state-affiliated business".

    • Right, so are you being a worthless troll or do you genuinely not understand the ethical considerations and moral hazard of a news organization receiving anywhere from a large percentage to most of money from the government and why the consumers of said news organization's output might want to know that information?

  • Musk doing what he does best: Taking gobs of tax money without putting any in.
  • got his corporate welfare check,

"Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!" -- The Ghostbusters
