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China Apple

Apple Faces Trademark Battle With Huawei To Use 'Vision Pro' Name In China ( 23

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MacRumors: Apple may be forced to change the name of its new mixed reality headset in China unless it can come to an agreement with Huawei, which already owns the "Vision Pro" trademark in the country. Originally spotted by MyDrivers, the trademark was originally granted to Huawei on May 16, 2019, and gives the company exclusive rights to its use in China from November 28, 2021 to November 27, 2031. Huawei actively uses the trademark in China, and offers a number of products under the Vision name, including smart TVs and smart glasses. If Apple intends to sell its headset in China and call it Vision Pro, it may have to enter into negotiations with Huawei to release the trademark for a price. Apple has had a similar trademark issue with a Chinese company in the past. "Apple in 2012 paid Proview Technology $60 million for the rights to the 'iPad' trademark in China," reports MacRumors. "The payment followed several court cases in which Apple unsuccessfully argued that it had already acquired the rights for the name as part of a deal with Proview's Taiwanese arm."
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Apple Faces Trademark Battle With Huawei To Use 'Vision Pro' Name In China

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  • Vision PolitbuPro

  • With a name that generic, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Apple has purchased the use of the name in other markets as well.

    • Heck, they cause naming conflicts even vs feminine menstrual products.


        > You can legally prevent others from using the same or a similar trademark for **related goods or services** without your permission.
        • This was how Apple was allowed to be named Apple -- by swearing that they do only computers, not music. And we know how it ended.

  • Why would Apple be spending money and effort to create and promote brand confusion in a market so far removed from their sales in other countries?

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      China has been one of Apple's main growth markets for some years now. The US and European markets are saturated, but the Chinese market (as well as Indian and Brazilian) is still growing.

    • by keltor ( 99721 ) *
      China is a huge market and one of Apple's largest markets with plenty of disposable income at the top.
  • Give your products an apple theme, at least.

    Vision Pro sounds like a camera sensor.

  • by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2023 @09:59AM (#63601676) Journal

    I would be curious if whichever lawyer or firm that's getting a no-doubt exorbitant fee from Apple to, you know, research proposed product names for trademark conflicts actually suffers some consequences.

    This is an actively-used name by another firm in a major marketplace.
    One might ask WTF this company/individual was doing with their time if they didn't ever notice the name was heavily in use?

    • by keltor ( 99721 ) *
      Generally they are well aware and probably have been in negotiations about it - while technically active, Huawei doesn't really have any important branding here and might welcome the cash. Apple is also Huawei's main phone competitor, so they might also have messed around with the name.
    • by ljw1004 ( 764174 )

      One might ask WTF this company/individual was doing with their time if they didn't ever notice the name was heavily in use?

      I'm sure they noticed. Just like I'm sure they noticed when launching Apple Music that "Apple" was already a huge name in music, formed by The Beatles to sell their music, amongst other things. I get the impression Apple simply doesn't consider such naming conflicts an obstacle -- they pick the name they thing will land best with customers, sure in the knowledge that they'll be able to make deals that resolve name conflicts.

  • with any luck they'll screw over Huawei like they did Cisco by "sharing" the name.

    Cisco had a claim on "iphone" for one of their cordless voip phones when Jobs went ahead and announced iPhone anyway.... They settled on sharing.

  • and get their tame politicians \ judges to cite national security on this one
  • Why use iVision? :P Didn't Apple do its research first?

...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
