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Microsoft Technology

Microsoft's Tweaked Army Goggles Worked Well in New Test, US Says (bloomberg.com) 26

Microsoft's improved combat goggles have passed their first round of intensive testing by soldiers, and the tech giant has been awarded an order for another batch to be used for a make-or-break combat evaluation in 2025, according to a US Army spokesman. From a report: The first 20 prototype IVAS 1.2 goggles were delivered in late July and assessed by two squads of solders in late August to check for improvements in reliability, low-light performance and how well they fit without repeats of the nausea and dizziness that halted the deployment of earlier versions. The devices, based on Microsoft's HoloLens "mixed reality" goggles, "demonstrated improvements in reliability, low light sensor performance, and form factor" in tests last month at Fort Drum, New York, and "soldier feedback was positive," spokesman David Patterson said in an email.
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Microsoft's Tweaked Army Goggles Worked Well in New Test, US Says

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  • FFS Slashdot, stop it!

  • by sinkskinkshrieks ( 6952954 ) on Wednesday September 13, 2023 @05:29PM (#63846384)
    And does it nag to install updates and for a reboot?
  • by HBI ( 10338492 ) on Wednesday September 13, 2023 @06:24PM (#63846520)

    Ok, key takeaway here is that the internal Army proponent, PEO Soldier, are the ones making this announcement. They are going to be as postiive as possible [army.mil], since their responsibility is to get it approved and fielded.

    The ones who have to pass off on this, and who nixed it earlier, are the Army's Operational Test Command. The Director of Operational Test and Evaluation had a lot to say about the things, not much of it good [breakingdefense.com]. Some of the stuff in that report was pretty damning. The stuff about 'we'd be all dead if we were using this thing in combat' [futurism.com].

    A direct quote from DOTE in 2022 was “In the ops demo, the infantry company was more successful accomplishing their operational missions with their current equipment than with IVAS 1.0,” and “Soldiers hit fewer targets and engaged targets more slowly with IVAS 1.0 than with their current equipment on the buddy team [live] fire range.”. In other words, ineffective.

    This just means a new iteration of testing, with the same risks as earlier tests that did not succeed. It's mandated by law, and I get the impression that DOTE is still not thrilled with the device. Also, they talk about the new version (1.2) being heavier on the helmet, as the compute device is moving from the chest to there. Now, I don't know about you, but the idea of carrying more weight on my head doesn't sound overly appealing to me. That's the kind of thing that will show up in a future operational test.

    I'd be shocked if this effort succeeded at the end of all this.

    • So what you're saying it will be a long while before we see Heinlein's powered suits [erau.edu] in operation.

    • when I was a soldier at Ft. Drum, back in the 80's, our officers always required us to write positive reviews of ALL the experimental gear we were issued, even when we trashed the gear because it didn't work!
      • by HBI ( 10338492 )

        I've noticed that in OT environments, the instructions aren't that. In non-OT environments, what you experienced is common. So the response to the program of record from the small-scale tests in August is to be expected.

        • by OT I presume you mean Operational Test? We were an infantry unit (Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division) tasked (sometimes) with taking gear to the field to test to see if it was something the Army should buy. We got all sorts of crap that Congress thought was a good idea. As an enlisted man, I was an actual user of this crap. Perhaps our officers were authorized to give actual honest reviews?

          Example: some moron CongressWeasel came up with the idea that as we neve

          • by HBI ( 10338492 )

            Yes, OT = operational test, DT = developmental test. I would classify the August event as a DT, whose results are pretty much irrelevant for the reason you cited above.

            The ecotat story rings true with my experience. I've worked in the Army's communications electronics development for various programs of record for close on to 25 years. I also got deployed to Iraq in 07/08 as...technically a LNO for a custom sat package, but in reality I took the place of a 250N (networking) CW3. Spent a lot of time in K

            • yeah. well, I was a low level enlisted grunt, and I understand 100% about soldier proof. I mean, when we were issued light weight gear to test, it wouldn't survive one deployment, you'd be dog-tired, worn out after a forced movement and collapse on the ground, only to then realize that you had ripped your gear. It is less a matter of soldiers not following directions, than it is a fact of life that soldiers are expected to perform at 100% regardless of the amount of sleep and/or chow missed. Once on a train
  • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Wednesday September 13, 2023 @07:08PM (#63846596)

    How many of those lenses above the visor are IR emitters? Because any number greater than zero means they make a great way to build a sentry gun that shoots American soldiers in the face and leaves everyone else alone.

  • No doubt the Army will pay 10 times the cost of an Apple Vision Pro for a device 10 times less capable.

  • Regardless of what you think of the company and of the tech, those things look sick AF...definitely futuristic.

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