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GNOME Ubuntu

Developer Creates 'Dark Style' GNOME Extension for Ubuntu 23.10 ( 18

In GNOME Shell there's a dark background for the Quick Settings menu, the calendar applet, and desktop notification-- but in Ubuntu 23.10, "the default Yaru theme uses a light style for GNOME Shell elements," according to the blog OMG Ubuntu.

"But there's a new GNOME extension that lets you change this without affecting the rest of your desktop..." You can make GNOME Shell dark in Ubuntu by turning the 'Dark Style' toggle on but that also makes apps use a dark theme too. Not everyone wants that; they want a 'mixed' look... [I]f you would like to use dark GNOME Shell elements in Ubuntu 23.10 without using the dark mode preference (which, as said, will turn your apps dark too) then the Dark Style GNOME extension is exactly what you need.
It only works with Ubuntu 23.10 and GNOME 45.
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Developer Creates 'Dark Style' GNOME Extension for Ubuntu 23.10

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  • by linebackn ( 131821 ) on Sunday September 24, 2023 @09:20PM (#63874289)

    What the blazes ever happened to color preferences? And applications that actually respected them? Oh, I guess that was too boring and predictable.

    • by slack_justyb ( 862874 ) on Monday September 25, 2023 @12:13AM (#63874489)

      What the blazes ever happened to color preferences?

      The DEV team and many of the more modern apps for GNOME decided collectively that theming needed to go away. [] The whole GNOME group and app devs for it have all become pretty mono-cultured at this point, so there's little talking sense into them. The thing was that libadwaita brings with it a ton of quirky ways it does things, this is evident by going to Xfce and having NONE OF THE BULLSHIT THAT GNOME DEVS COMPLAIN ABOUT. The problem wasn't crazy css settings in themes, it was that libadwaita wants things one particular way and if you don't have it that specific way, then your app looks like shit. Which is why literally no other DE is having the massive UI styling issues that GNOME is having. The devs have picked perhaps the dumbest way to move forward and by GOD they are going to fucking quintuple down on that call. I mean literally, QML exists on the Qt side of things. No QML app that uses a ton of custom CSS for the UI breaks any other app, nor does the Qt theming break the QML app, that's because Qt actually thought about how to implement QML in a sane way.

      I mean, GNOME is now pretty much for folks who really love GNOME. And don't get me wrong, for those who love it, more power to them. That is the road the GNOME devs decided to go down, it's their ship to sink for all I care. But the short explanation is that because GNOME devs have decided to super charge libadwaita in the GNOME DE toolchain, and because libadwaita does things that assumes that only the built-in GNOME theme is being used, many of the apps break if you use a GTK theme and thus GNOME decided to not fix libadwaita but instead remove theming.

      Nobody else is having anything remotely to the same level of breakage that GNOME is having and that is mostly because all the other DEs carefully think out how to apply underlying theming to their applications. The reason GNOME is having all of these issues is distinctly because of decisions that the GNOME dev team have collectively made. People are free to indicate if they feel those calls were good or bad, but for my two cents, I can't make heads or tails of the logic that the GNOME dev team put forward on a lot of their stuff. They're free to make those calls, I wouldn't, but I'm not a GNOME dev and clearly I don't need to be one.

      • I mean, GNOME is now pretty much for folks who really love GNOME. And don't get me wrong, for those who love it, more power to them.

        Also the hardcore non-customizers. There are people who will spend hours winging about how shit GNOME is but won't install a different DE. People who know their way around bash and commandlines. I don't get it. But they exist in quantity. This is why gnome is "popular": if you're the default people will use you no matter how awful.

        The GNOME style is very much "our way or the hi

        • GNOME being shit does affect its non-users a lot, as most programs use GTK which kind of turned from a general-purpose library into libgnome.

          The worst part being "client side decorations", which mean 1. you can't conveniently deal with a hung program as its UI won't respond, 2. it ignores your theme (because of that "don't theme our apps bullshit"), 3. you can't move window decorations somewhere else, resulting in eg. Phosh being unusable in anything portrait mode because the two horizontal toolsbars take 7

          • Yep.

            The worst part being "client side decorations", which mean 1. you can't conveniently deal with a hung program as its UI won't respond, 2. it ignores your theme (because of that "don't theme our apps bullshit")

            OK, fuck client side decorations.

            3. you can't move window decorations somewhere else, resulting in eg. Phosh being unusable in anything portrait mode because the two horizontal toolsbars take 75% of vertical screen real estate on eg. PinePhone (which is supposed to be its primary hardware -- except

            • The best thing about the GNOME project is that it keeps those developers away from any of the other DE's.

              Personally I hope they keep enjoying coding it but I'm not going to ever touch it again - no matter how long a barge pole I have to hand !

              • Their dominance is leading other things to get fucked up.

                Couldn't code X for shit, so they've been pushing on the Wayland system. You know the one that's not "legacy" and "doesn't suck" and "actually has people working on it" has failed to displace X in 13 years, is barely functional and doesn't solve any of the major problems with the X ecosystem, and doesn't solve many of the problems that X does, such as screen recording and 10bpp colour...

  • by Anonymous Coward

    People actually use GNOME desktop?

    People still use oh-snap Ubuntu?

    • I wonder if they've brought back server side decorations yet, proper title bars and a menu bar.

      No? Then I'll stick with XFCE.

  • by Fly Swatter ( 30498 ) on Monday September 25, 2023 @10:05AM (#63875295) Homepage
    I mean things like this were the thing back then. And considered news because it was new...

    Now? The news is that anyone bothers to try and mod GNOME.
  • Gnome 2.x was great, then they aspired to do tablets and cellphones--running it into the ground. I prefer Cinnamon. Though, we Linux desktop users are a fickle lot. If they work to make it better, we might still come back--in spite of what you have done with 3.x. I would like to see a truce between Cinnamon, Gnome, and even MATE. Put down your all-about-my-vision and make us vital Linux desktop that's used on 20% of all computers.
    • That's all very true but unfortunately it's not very likely. It's just way easier and more practical to use XFCE or KDE and forget that GNOME still exists.

Without life, Biology itself would be impossible.
