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PS5 'Slim' Teardown Reveals Everything Different About the Slightly Smaller Console ( 14

Tech YouTuber Dave Lee provided a hands-on first look at the new PlayStation 5 "slim" and gave a preview of how it looks compared to the original 2020 launch versions. Kotaku reports: One of his biggest takeaways is that the console, while lighter, doesn't necessarily feel that much smaller in contrast to initial predictions. Maybe that's why Sony's not officially marketing the new device as a "slim" version. From there, Lee runs through some of the less obvious changes. A few we already knew about like the USB-a slot on the front being replaced by two USB-c ports, as well as the t side panels split into two pieces to accommodate the new detachable disc drive. Lee actually showed how the disc drive comes out, and it looks really simple and convenient. There's no screws involved. Instead, putting pressure on a tab releases it from the housing while a socket near the bottom is how it plugs into the rest of the console.

Less neat are the new see-thru plastic pegs that stabilize the console when it's laid horizontal. While they've been added to help secure the PS5 given its new detachable disc drive design, Lee was unimpressed. I kind of agree. They're not a very elegant solution. The same goes for the divided panels themselves. I didn't realize this before, but they actually have different finishes. The bottom is a matte white that's a little different from the current PS5 plates and the top has a glossy finish.

Inside the new PS5, Lee pointed out a handful of differences. The top heat exhaust is less stylized, with plain vents instead of a snail shell like spiral. The internal SSD unit layout is also different. That's the piece that powers the PS5's lighting-quick load speeds, and it's not yet clear if the new design will impact performance at all. Lee's initial testing showed there was no real difference. It will also be interesting to see how the new PS5s deal with heat given its the same CPU running in a smaller layout.

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PS5 'Slim' Teardown Reveals Everything Different About the Slightly Smaller Console

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  • by iAmWaySmarterThanYou ( 10095012 ) on Tuesday November 07, 2023 @07:49AM (#63986828)

    Bigger/smaller case doesn't mean hotter/colder. Airflow is everything.

    Intel spent a lot of effort designing small rack cases with great air flow after earlier studies showed that lots of fans and bad flow was hotter than fewer fans and good flow. After a point, extra fans generated more heat than they pushed out of the case.

  • Heat should be fine (Score:4, Informative)

    by edwdig ( 47888 ) on Tuesday November 07, 2023 @11:55AM (#63987248)

    The launch PS5 had the CPU/GPU manufactured at 7nm. Over the next year or so, Sony improved the cooling design and started shipping smaller, lighter heatsinks in the system. Late last year the CPU/GPU started being manufactured at 6nm. Along with this chip change, the cooling system was again redesigned to be smaller and lighter.

    This new model is just Sony shrinking the case because they had already shrunk the internals several times.

  • _ Half of the video was about how he did not like the design. It's very similar to the old one but smaller. Arguably the line he dislikes so much is very functional, make it easier to disassemble parts.
    _ He says it has not shrunk much, I disagree. 30% lighter is no small feat

    Sure it doesn't have revolutionary features but this is not a ps6, no one expected it to

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      _ Half of the video was about how he did not like the design. It's very similar to the old one but smaller. Arguably the line he dislikes so much is very functional, make it easier to disassemble parts.
      _ He says it has not shrunk much, I disagree. 30% lighter is no small feat

      The PS5 design is ugly and useless. The fact that it cannot stand on its own and needs a stand pretty much tells you how bad it is. Granted, it's smaller, but it's still a large piece of equipment to be placed at the very top of a stack

      • I don't know who told you it couldn't stand on it's own, but they were very much incorrect. The stand is for an increased footprint so that you are much less likely to accidentally knock it over.

  • And it's still not worth having. Zero worthwhile games.

    • Uh?

      It has 99% the same games as the other consoles and a few exclusives just like the others have theirs.

      What do you consider a game worth playing?

      • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

        The exclusives are the only reason to buy a PS5 over any other console, assuming you aren't some kind of goblin that buys all of them, and the exclusives for PS5 range between mid-tier and complete garbage. Hence, not worth having.

        • What console do you have?

          • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

            Switch for exclusives that are actually worthwhile, and PC for everything else.

            • What do you consider worth playing? I looked at the switch exclusives list. Didn't see anything at all interesting to me. Ymmv, everyone's preferences are different. You'd probably hate the games I love.

              • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

                Any Legend of Zelda game. Super Smash and Mario Kart if you have friends. Bayonetta series. Other random ones here and there. Everything else worthwhile is available on PC. PS5's best exclusive is what? Last of Us, Death Stranding, God of War? All mid games at best. Final Fantasy 7 remake? Yawn. Hell, there are plenty of good games that I just don't like to play. The rest are objectively bad regardless of who likes to play them.

                • Yup definitely a case of personal preference.

                  I'm apparently one of the rare gamers who didn't care for Zelda or Mario anything. Just didn't do anything for me.

                  Last of Us was really good.
                  I didn't like Death Stranding or God of War at all.

                  Are the other games I play on PC? Sure, some, but my PC is now 13 years old. I'd have to replace everything but the case and power supply. I've Newegg'd a replacement at anywhere from 1300-2100 depending. And since I want to play from my couch on my big ass tv not hidde

                  • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

                    Last of Us is mid because it has next to zero replay value.

                    Streaming from PC to living room couch is also easy and causes no issues unless you are trying to play highly competitive fast paced games like CoD or something similar. I use a controller for some PC games because sometimes certain types of games just work better with controller. FPS give me a kb/mouse all day. Arcade fighter type game goes to controller. Platformers can go either way. The game itself will always determine my input preference.

                    And i

We can predict everything, except the future.
