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Russia Puts Spokesman For Facebook-owner Meta on a Wanted List (yahoo.com) 100

Russia has added the spokesman of U.S. technology company Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, to a wanted list, according to an online database maintained by the country's interior ministry. From a report: Russian state agency Tass and independent news outlet Mediazona first reported that Meta communications director Andy Stone was included on the list Sunday, weeks after Russian authorities in October classified Meta as a "terrorist and extremist" organization, opening the way for possible criminal proceedings against Russian residents using its platforms.

The interior ministry's database doesn't give details of the case against Stone, stating only that he is wanted on criminal charges. According to Mediazona, an independent news website that covers Russia's opposition and prison system, Stone was put on the wanted list in February 2022, but authorities made no related statements at the time and no news media reported on the matter until this week. In March this year, Russia's federal Investigative Committee opened a criminal investigation into Meta.

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Russia Puts Spokesman For Facebook-owner Meta on a Wanted List

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  • He better hope he has a high fortitude save.

  • Projecting (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Yo,dog! ( 1819436 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @01:24PM (#64035507)
    Putin (and Trump) have a bad habit of projecting their own foibles onto others.
    • Re:Projecting (Score:5, Insightful)

      by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @02:01PM (#64035657) Homepage Journal

      This propaganda trick of accusing your enemies of your own crimes is sadly still effective. I think mass media and an ill-informed audience makes it a viable tactic. From the outside I see Trump's strategy as being incredibly lazy and yet I am blown away by how effective it is.

      • It works because the tribal identity becomes the arbiter of truth. Once you hit that point, anything that doesn't have an immediate and severe feedback mechanism is potentially viable.

        Trump frequently changed lies mid-speech if he doesn't get the reaction he wants, and the MAGAs don't care.

        • Re:Projecting (Score:4, Insightful)

          by iAmWaySmarterThanYou ( 10095012 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @04:05PM (#64036167)

          I can explain.

          Because they don't care what he says. What he says is 99% irrelevant. And frankly no one should care what any politician says. They're all huge liars.

          They care what he's done or tried to do. That's it. And they're very loud and upset about the things he's done that they don't like such as pushing Pfizer.

          A liberal buddy of mine keeps insisting Trump has mislead all these poor dumb conservatives into BadThink(tm). He has not. What you saw when he changes mid-speech is trying to zero in on what they want to hear. They drive him. He doesn't drive them. His supporters are in charge. If he changed his message away from their core beliefs they'd drop him like a molten rock.

          The same is true for most politicians, Trump just has a better ear for what his supporters want to hear. I'm not certain he has much of his own political philosophy and if he does he's suppressed it. This guy was a Democrat his whole life until very recently, eh?

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Immerman ( 2627577 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @05:49PM (#64036561)

      In this case, I think it's less projection, and more the fact that Putin *knows* Facebook is an extremist propaganda distribution platform, because he has the receipts to prove it: his own intelligence agencies have been using it as such for most of a decade

      The psy-ops shit they pulled in the US during the build-up to to Trump's election was absolutely appalling. Similarly appalling tactics were used in the UK during the run-up to Brexit, though I don't recall if that was Russia as well. And it's seen similar use in many other European countries as well.

      Of course, given Russia's current... real-fact thin propaganda war surrounding the Ukraine they don't really need any hostile disinformation campaigns to cause a lot of problems for them - the truth is more than enough.

      But I'd be a little surprised if such campaigns weren't being waged against them anyway - the return on investment is far too good to pass up.

  • Changing my name to nec (dots above the e) the bounty hunter and heading to SF for some russian bounty rewards.
  • February 2022? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @01:57PM (#64035635) Journal
    Why does that sound familiar? Oh right, that's when Russia invaded Ukraine. Wouldn't want the Russian people to know about the thousands of dead Russian soldiers killed in the first few days, would we? Or the 40 mile long line [theguardian.com] of military vehicles being picked apart by the Ukrainians.

    What better way to get the word out than through FB which, conveniently, isn't allowed to operate in Russia. A free flow of information is anathema to dictators.
    • That's historically as per norm for now Russians fight.

      They don't always win, of course, but when they do it's commonly after a series of humiliating defeats.

  • by Bruce66423 ( 1678196 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @02:00PM (#64035653)

    There's a case for them to be held to account for that - though, like Big Tobacco, they'll claim they didn't know it. Perhaps a similar approach to the one that won billions from Big Tobacco might, at least, provide some funding for the healing of the victims of their unrestrained behaviour.

    • by Powercntrl ( 458442 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @02:38PM (#64035811) Homepage

      Funny how every time some fascist county does their usual fascist thing, some folks always have to come out of the woodwork and say "at least the trains ran on time!"

      Freedom comes with an obligation of individual responsibility. To use your smoking analogy, I personally don't like cancer sticks and think they smell absolutely vile. However, as long as I don't have to smell it and every box has a warning that it's addictive and will ruin your health, people who knowingly choose to use them should have every right to do so.

      • Even if the trains are running on time, just look where they're going!

      • Funny how every time some fascist county does their usual fascist thing, some folks always have to come out of the woodwork and say "at least the trains ran on time!"

        Oddly enough, I can see a bit of value in statements like these. From what I understand about ISIS, people tolerated them, despite their corruption, because they were supposedly providing better services than their corrupt predecessors in government. If anything, statements like this can act as cautionary tales that if you're so inept or cor

      • The latest allegations against Zuckerberg's traffickers are fairly impressive

        https://tech.slashdot.org/stor... [slashdot.org]

        I don't know where the line should be, but I think there is an issue here. The Big Tobacco case established that the companies were actively suppressing the truth about the effect of smoking, if I remember correctly. I admit that taking a lot of money out of Zuckerberg's pocket is an attractive idea from first principles, but I'm not sure that doesn't make it a valid idea.

      • Funny how every time some fascist county does their usual fascist thing, some folks always have to come out of the woodwork and say "at least the trains ran on time!"

        I am unsure how that saying is being twisted nowadays; however, back in my day, it was a very dark joke and some nuanced acknowledgement of human nature. Do you know WHY the trains ran on time in Germany during World War 2? It is amazing what concentration can do...

      • .. people who knowingly choose to use them should have every right to do so.

        The problem is that everyone else pays for their eventual healthcare. I agree they should have the right to smoke, but actions should have consequences: in this case, if one chooses to smoke, one waives any future treatment for smoking related illnesses unless one pays for 100% of the cost out of pocket.

  • This is what the logical conclusion to lack of free speech looks like. So the next time you are calling for supporters of Palestine or Jan 6 participants to get removed from the Internet, you are working toward bring THAT home.
  • Let's do the math (Score:4, Interesting)

    by presidenteloco ( 659168 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @02:40PM (#64035821)
    Osama Bin Laden
    - Killed around 3000 on 9/11 and 220 in a couple of Embassy bombings.

    Voldemort Putin
    - Killed and wounded around 500,000 so far in Ukraine.

    What were we trying to define again? Extreme terrorists?
    • Over 4.5 million Germans died in ww2 but "only" 500k British.

      What's your point? That we can tell who the bad guys are based on body count?

      Do we stand with Hitler and disclaim the British because more Germans died?

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Bin Laden, from Saudi Arabia, and his terror group members, followed Wahhabism, which is a reformist movement within Sunni Islam, based on the teachings of 18th century Hanbali cleric Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab ( c. 1703–1792).

        This has less than zero to do with the Shiite clerics and leaders of Iran. Shi'ism and Sunni Islam are philosophically completely opposed branches of Islam, and are and were not allies at all.

        Bin Laden was an independent operator.

        Why do you spout such completely false nonse
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • "Iran-sponsored" is the US foreign policy buzzword of the decade. Saying Bin Laden was an Iran stooge is a far-fetched claim that would require extraordinary evidence. of which there is none. USA tends to create its own enemies with its own rhetoric. It's doing a masterful job right now creating China as an enemy instead of a business partner as well. Congratulations, you get the war you stoked up.
  • by PseudoThink ( 576121 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @03:08PM (#64035947)
    As much as this is just an obvious attempt to support Putin's propaganda and narrative, it's also an opportunity to impart a dash of fear unto the Meta bigwigs who probably deserve it.

    Profiting from and leading a company which knowingly employs psychology as a tool (weapon?) to keep children engaged (despite some seriously harmful side effects) may not make you a terrorist, but it does make you someone who is willing to hurt children for profit.
  • Did they take away your propaganda tool and don't let you lie with impunity anymore? Poor you, now throw the predictable tantrum like the little brat in the terrible twos that you are.

  • Waiting for my turn to be on their fake list lol

I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
