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White House Threatens Patents of High-Priced Drugs ( 151

The Biden administration is threatening to cancel the patents of some costly medications to allow rivals to make their own more affordable versions. The Associated Press reports: Under a plan announced Thursday, the government would consider overriding the patent for high-priced drugs that have been developed with the help of taxpayer money and letting competitors make them in hopes of driving down the cost. In a 15-second video released to YouTube on Wednesday night, President Joe Biden promised the move would lower prices. "Today, we're taking a very important step toward ending price gouging so you don't have to pay more for the medicine you need," he said.

White House officials would not name drugs that might potentially be targeted. The government would consider seizing a patent if a drug is only available to a "narrow set of consumers," according to the proposal that will be open to public comment for 60 days. Drugmakers are almost certain to challenge the plan in court if it is enacted. [...] The White House also intends to focus more closely on private equity firms that purchase hospitals and health systems, then often whittle them down and sell quickly for a profit. The departments of Justice and Health and Human Services, and the Federal Trade Commission will work to share more data about health system ownership.

While only a minority of drugs on the market relied so heavily on taxpayer dollars, the threat of a government "march-in" on patents will make many pharmaceutical companies think twice, said Jing Luo, a professor of medicine at University of Pittsburgh. "If I was a drug company that was trying to license a product that had benefited heavily from taxpayer money, I'd be very careful about how to price that product," Luo said. "I wouldn't want anyone to take my product away from me."

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White House Threatens Patents of High-Priced Drugs

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  • by Powercntrl ( 458442 ) on Friday December 08, 2023 @10:14PM (#64067691) Homepage

    Nope. Don't have any pharma-bro stocks. Once again, the conservative, sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor!

    I guess that means I'm all for this. Can we do copyright length next?

    • You could always play options and win if they tank. I don’t know though, they only donated $285,957,864 []. That’s not very much, they need to pick up the pace if they want Americans to keep paying double, triple, or more what anyone else pays.
  • by YetAnotherDrew ( 664604 ) on Friday December 08, 2023 @10:50PM (#64067763)

    Which half dozen did they carefully select so as not to harm big pharma but so as to also appear as "crusaders for consumers?"

    There's an election coming up and Biden's not polling well. Especially for a sitting President.

    • So yeah it'll help. This is a signal that if the pharmaceutical industry doesn't get their act together and stop price gouging more action is going to follow and it's going to be much worse.

      This is similar to how we created the ersb here in America. When an industry is doing something horrible we never just move in and regulate them. You're raised during the critical 4 to 14 to oppose that so it takes a lot to get our voters on board with government regulation even when they're in desperate need of it. S
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Don't worry, Hunter. Your dad won't threaten the supply of your favorites.

  • "If I was a drug company that was trying to license a product that had benefited heavily from taxpayer money, I'd be very careful about how to price that product," Luo said. "I wouldn't want anyone to take my product away from me."

    If someone is going to arbitrarily wrestle your product away from you (1) jack up the prices and make as much off it as soon as you can before that happens (this is in fact exactly what you see happen to prices when patents are about to expire) (2) stop all future investment in these sorts of products - even if you're okay now you can't guarantee what the rules will be in the future. Law that needs majority legislature support is relatively stable; law that depends on the whims of a single person - who cou

  • Sigh, anything to avoid addressing the real problem.

    All drugs sold in America should be sold under a "most favored nation" law. In other words, no American can be charged more than the cheapest cost the drug is sold for overseas, at risk of prison time for violators.

    • Sigh, anything to avoid addressing the real problem.

      All drugs sold in America should be sold under a "most favored nation" law. In other words, no American can be charged more than the cheapest cost the drug is sold for overseas, at risk of prison time for violators.

      Politics is a series of compromises. Using the argument, that you benefitted from tax payer money, provides the necessary strings for drugs companies to have a harder time ot push back on.

    • That would screw developing nations, a lot.

      Maybe something like, "no American can be charged more than the cheapest cost the drug is sold for overseas, adjusted in proportion to relative per capita GDP" would work while not ending up as a "fuck you, we got ours" to most of the rest of the world.

    • Or, you know, remove the restriction that the government tells you canâ(TM)t buy overseas. If the FDA and government regulation were to disappear tomorrow, your costs would go down.

  • Family Business (Score:2, Interesting)

    by kenh ( 9056 )

    The White House also intends to focus more closely on private equity firms that purchase hospitals and health systems, then often whittle them down and sell quickly for a profit. The departments of Justice and Health and Human Services, and the Federal Trade Commission will work to share more data about health system ownership.

    Isn't that what James Biden, brother of Joe Biden, was doing five years ago []?

  • All medical corporations should be non-profit. It's immoral to profit from disease.
    People are dying because of corporate greed.

I don't do it for the money. -- Donald Trump, Art of the Deal
