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France Uncovers a Vast Russian Disinformation Campaign In Europe ( 304

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Economist: Russia hasbeen at the forefront ofinternet disinformationtechniques at least since 2014, when it pioneered the use of bot farms to spread fake news about its invasion of Crimea. According to French authorities, the Kremlin is at it again. On February 12th Viginum, the French foreign-disinformation watchdog, announced it had detected preparations for a large disinformation campaign in France, Germany, Poland and other European countries, tied in part to the second anniversary of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the elections to the European Parliament in June. Viginum said it had uncovered a Russian network of 193 websites which it codenames "Portal Kombat." Most of these sites, such as, were created years ago and many were left dormant. Over 50 of them, such as and, have been created since 2022. Current traffic to these sites, which exist in various languages including French, German, Polish and English, is low. But French authorities think they are ready to be activated aggressively as part of what one official calls a "massive" wave of Russian disinformation.

Viginum says it watched the sites between September and December 2023. It concluded that they do not themselves generate news stories, but are designed to spread "deceptive or false" content about the war in Ukraine, both on websites and via social media. The underlying objective is to undermine support for Ukraine in Europe. According to the French authorities, the network is controlled by a single Russian organization. [...] As the campaign for the European Parliament elections draws near, France is thought to be a particular target for Moscow. According to an article in theWashington Postin December, Kremlin documents show that Russia has been intensifying its effort to undermine French backing for Ukraine. It also has a clear interest in promoting division in France, at a time when Marine Le Pen is riding high in the polls for the next presidential election in 2027. The hard-right leader, who financed previous campaigns with a Russian bank loan, stands to benefit the most from France's polarized politics

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France Uncovers a Vast Russian Disinformation Campaign In Europe

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  • by Oryan Quest ( 10291375 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @08:09AM (#64236194)

    Come on out and tell us you don’t exist!

  • See Tucker Carlson (Score:4, Insightful)

    by christoban ( 3028573 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @08:10AM (#64236196)

    See Tucker Carlson's recent sycophantic interview with Putin, where they both spread mountains of disinformation. This shit is has spread on the right. I'm deeply saddened that Trump will likely betray the people of Ukraine the second he enters office, judging by the propaganda he's been repeating, like the idea we're running out of ammo or that the war is expensive for us.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by gweihir ( 88907 )

      I really do not get the right-wing adoration for Putin. Is that not basically betraying their own core values? Or is Putin not seen as a socialist leader?

      Well, anyways, the more Trump fucks up the US-Europe relations, the more the Europeans have to get their shit together. Hence it would not be all bad. It would be pretty much the end of the US as the leading western power though.

      • I really do not get the right-wing adoration for Putin. Is that not basically betraying their own core values? Or is Putin not seen as a socialist leader?

        Putin is a fascist, not a socialist, so he is solidly aligned with their actual core values. They claim to be in favor of free speech, but then they fight free expression that they don't agree with, so we know they don't actually believe in that.

      • by Thoth Ptolemy ( 110353 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @09:34AM (#64236380)

        I really do not get the right-wing adoration for Putin. Is that not basically betraying their own core values?

        They have no core values beyond gaining power. Russian money and Russian botnets can influence people and put or keep them in power. It's why they despise democracy; block voting by non-GOP voters, disregarding voter amendments, etc. There's no better bedfellow than someone who also despises democracy.

        • by gweihir ( 88907 )

          Ah, yes. "Conservatives without Conscience", I remember. Basically the scum of the scum and no actually conservative values to be found anywhere. Real conservatives still have moden values and you can find a compromise with them. These people? Not so much.

      • by allcoolnameswheretak ( 1102727 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @09:44AM (#64236412)

        I really do not get the right-wing adoration for Putin. Is that not basically betraying their own core values? Or is Putin not seen as a socialist leader?

        The Russian Ministry of Truth is acutely sensitive to social tensions in the US and the West in general. Every time an opportunity presents itself, they fan the flames of discord and polarization through official social media channels backed up by bot farms.

        Popular topics: immigration, the Woke movement, BLM... the Russian side presents itself as the last bastion of conservative values: a strong-man leader taking care of his own people, with complete contept towards "societal degeneration" presented as gays and wokes. This clearly appeals to conservative and right-wing circles in the West.

        It's all bullshit of course, since Putin is really a former KGB turned mafia boss, whose inner circle is bleeding the country dry with corruption - ordinary Russians struggling to cope, while the ruling class spends their time in yachts and palaces. The ruling class who by the way send their children to the "degenerate West" to live and be educated - it's where they own most of their palaces and where they spend their leisure. Not even they want to live in Russia.

        Then there's of course the full spectrum authoritarian rule - Italian mafia style. Real journalists and political opponents are in exile, in prison or murdered. There is barely a country with a higher murder rate against journalists in the world. Russia is on the lowest ranks in any type of freedom - speech, press, religion - but conservatives turn a blind eye because they admire strongman Putin.

        It's a hypocrisy that is simply staggering in its scope and implications. But it already begins with Trump, who is an admirer of such anti-democratic, authoritarian strong-men, would probably like nothing more than becoming one himself, and is about as far away from traditional, conservative values as you can get, but still the far-right and conservatives love him. There is simply no reconciling all of it. People have been successfully propagandized to the fullest, and its utter madness from there.

      • You have to differentiate between con artists and dupes. Just like priests and parish aren't in it for the same, neither are the right wing drum majors and their patsies.

        The former are in it for the money and power. They see what Putin got in Russia, the freedom to use any kind of power he pleases, the availability of money and amenities for his cronies, and they of course want that too. This is sold to the dupes as a way to get back to the "good old days", you know, when women were property and so were the

      • It comes down to partisan politics. Biden supports democracy in Ukraine, and opposes Russia.

        So naturally, the Right must oppose those things. This is how our political parties make all decisions now.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @09:11AM (#64236320)

      Usually, in America, any mention of "commie", "red" or even "russian" gets you cancelled faster than you can say "comrade". For some reason though, a man, who once said "I think Putin and I would get along very well", who is openly talking about not aiding Ukraine so that "peace can be restored", is a potential president, and polls suggest people actually want him (versus being a crackpot no one wants). I'm not sure how the two things can reconcile as well as they seem to be.

      If you want a larger, more powerful Russia: vote trump.

      • by Pascoea ( 968200 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @11:06AM (#64236626)
        Not to mention his recent comments about encouraging Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" to NATO countries that he feels aren't pulling their weight.
        • Not to mention his recent comments about encouraging Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" to NATO countries that he feels aren't pulling their weight.

          The Orange Asshole is one to talk about paying his way. Rules for thee, but not for me!

          • by Pascoea ( 968200 )
            Oh, believe me, the "You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills." irony was not lost on me. I almost sprained my eye muscles with the inadvertent and uncontrollable eye-roll.
        • by MachineShedFred ( 621896 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @04:04PM (#64237286) Journal

          The biggest things to come out of that:

          1. Trump is telling all the chickenhawks in the GOP that he really will sell out our allies
          2. We have the most ironic piece of audio ever recorded: Trump telling people that they have to pay their bills, without even a hint of self-acknowledgement that he has dodged paying his own bills through numerous "strategic" bankruptcies.

  • by UnresolvedExternal ( 665288 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @08:14AM (#64236204) Journal
    Lookslike they stole someof yourspaces too!
  • Waahhh???? (Score:5, Funny)

    by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @08:32AM (#64236236) Journal

    You mean Russians are lying? That's unpossible! Everyone knows they are the epitome of truth and honesty. Their Russian agent said so. They even had Tokyo Carlson let them tell their truth of history.

  • Get serious (Score:5, Informative)

    by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @08:58AM (#64236284)

    We've known about Russian actions against foreign states for a long time; the Kremlin never gave up on the Cold War.

    Nobody really cared enough to stop it, even when they were using nerve agents to assassinate people on UK soil.

    Russia ought to be treated like a rabid dog .. if you can't put it down, isolate it until it dies on its own.

    • Russia itself is not the problem. The people running it are.

      You're essentially looking at Germany in the 1930s. Same deal. And yes, a lot of propaganda will result in a lot of support. But I think we have by now seen that even Germans can change if you show them in no uncertain terms that militarist conquest is a thing of the past and that they should be more selective when it comes to their leaders, so why shouldn't it be possible with Russia?

      • In terms of international relations, the fact that some Russians are decent doesn't matter. It's not stopping Russia from invading neighbours or spreading agitprop.

  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @09:09AM (#64236316)

    promoting division in France, at a time when Marine Le Pen is riding high in the polls for the next presidential election in 2027

    Marine Le Pen may be riding high in the polls, she'll never become president anymore than her racist, extreme right, antisemite presidential candidate of a father did.

    The presidential election in France is a runoff voting system, in which two candidates are chosen from a plethora of candidates in the first round, and the winner of the two remaining candidates takes all at the second round. Both rounds are direct elections - i.e. the people vote for the candidates directly, unlike the US.

    There's a bewildering number of candidates - sometimes several dozens - in the first round ranging from ridiculous extreme left to ridiculous extreme right (that's Le Pen essentially). Historically, the French use the first round as a vehicle to express their discontent of the current administration by voting for some wild candidate, trusting that two "reasonable" candidates will emerge for the second round, in which the French stop being silly and vote for the most pragmatic president.

    Usually the traditional social democrat and the traditional conservative candidates end up battling it out at the second round, but not always:

    In 2002, Le Pen's father made it to the second round. The French were so horrified by what they had done, they voted the defender Jacques Chirac in with a score worthy of a banana republic dictator.

    In 2022, Le Pen (daughter) also made it to the second round, and again the French voted in her opponent Emmanuel Macron by a wide margin. Because really, when it comes down to it, most French people know it would be an absolute disaster if someone like Le Pen (father or daughter) was elected.

    Le Pen will never become president. If there's something you can count on with the French, it's that.

    • In 2022, Le Pen (daughter) also made it to the second round, and again the French voted in her opponent Emmanuel Macron by a wide margin. Because really, when it comes down to it, most French people know it would be an absolute disaster if someone like Le Pen (father or daughter) was elected.

      Le Pen will never become president. If there's something you can count on with the French, it's that.

      That's what people thought about the US and Trump. Granted, she has a lot more ground to make up, but simple familiarity means she'll look a lot more "normal" this time around. And if you manage a couple well-times scandals the unthinkable starts looking possible.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        That's what people thought about the US and Trump.

        Trump can't happen in France: France has a working education system. By and large, the French are well beyond educated enough to vote a French Trump in.

        In fact, that's how Marine Le Pen manages to do better than her father: Jean-Marie Le Pen was a crass racist and antisemite who only garnered votes from people like him. He started making inroads in the polls when he started pretending he had sophisticated and well thought-out policies, and started to fool more educated voters into believing he might be a se

    • You might be surprised. All of Europe is moving rapidly to the right. There are various reasons, but by far the biggest is the massive illegal immigration (as well as many "asylum seekers" with no legitimate grounds for asylum).

      The leftist politicians have let this get totally out of control. The right is leveraging this for all it's worth. Le Pen may very well be elected.

  • by nickmalthus ( 972450 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @09:36AM (#64236384)

    "Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."

    "There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars."

    "Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." Source []

    • I'm not clear what your point is supposed to be.

      The quote is about manipulating the public into fighting in a war.

      It applies to Russia, since a lot of their pretext is this fantasy that they must defend oppressed Russians in other countries (even though those folks aren't Russian and they aren't oppressed), but the story is about Russian disinformation in Europe so it's not really relevant.

      The quote also doesn't make sense applied to Ukraine since they pretty obviously are being attacked and don't have much

      • Germany declared war on the United States, not the other way around. '"The quote also doesn't make sense applied to Ukraine since they pretty obviously are being attacked and don't have much choice but to fight back or be subjugated." Apparently Ukraine could have avoided a war by agreeing not to join NATO. That is would have meant subjugating themselves to the wishes of a powerful neighbor. I am not sure the average Ukrainian would have suffered much as a result of that subjugation. According to the 200
  • by clickclickdrone ( 964164 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @09:57AM (#64236456)
    Their disinformation blitz worked for Brexit. I'd be surprised if they didn't try again and again to break up any significant blocs that might provide a pushback to their aggressive expansion plans.
  • The French are only discovering the Nazis now? Ninety years late?

    Hint: That Maginot Line thing isn't by going to work.

  • by davide marney ( 231845 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @02:45PM (#64237138) Journal

    And I think the comments thus far back that up.

    A story is "low-information" if it has:

    - Vague, but alarming language: check
    - Uses a pay walled news source: check
    - Is politically oriented: check
    - Contains few facts that can be directly debated: check
    - Supports "The Current Thing/The Establishment": check

    What makes comments similarly "low-information":

    - Knee-jerk reactions to the narrative, not the details: check
    - Me-too-me-too comments, very little debate: check
    - Politically oriented: check

    If Slashdot is ever to regain its shine as a place for technical people to discuss the world, the editors are going to have to do a lot better than this example. There are so many wonderful technology stories out there, there's no good reason whatsoever that we have to wade through politics. Bring back the hard sciences to Slashdot! It was really good there, for a nice, long time. Now, not so much.

  • by RossCWilliams ( 5513152 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @03:01PM (#64237158)
    Disinformation is any information, factually accurate or not, that contradicts my world view or preferred narrative. The internet as a whole is just a giant infomercial that is trying to sell people something whether its a world view or a new gadget. It is nothing but "disinformation" for anyone who isn't buying it. Its only provides useful information if people are capable of reasoned judgment and are both open minded and skeptical of everything. None of us are that way all the time, we all prefer information that supports our existing beliefs and is consistent with our world view. Russian disinformation is no more a threat than the Koch brothers, less if you think global warming is more important than what happens in Ukraine.
  • by zkiwi34 ( 974563 ) on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @04:45PM (#64237406)
    Find truth in European media regarding Ukraine, or for that matter Gaza, well thereâ(TM)s greater chance of finding a needle in a haystack.

Man will never fly. Space travel is merely a dream. All aspirin is alike.
