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Google Testing AI Overviews in Search Results, Even If You Have Not Opted In 12

Search Engine Land: Google is now testing AI overviews in the main Google Search results, even if you have not opted into the Google Search Generative Experience labs feature. Google said this is an experience on a "subset of queries, on a small percentage of search traffic in the U.S.," a Google spokesperson told Search Engine Land.
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Google Testing AI Overviews in Search Results, Even If You Have Not Opted In

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  • One of the ultimate truths of the new universe is, "If you aren't buying the product, you are the product". Of course Google is going to involve you in their research, whether you like it or not. What else would you expect?

  • Like, can I tell the AI chatbot "OK Google, the items that I'm searching for in quotes must match exactly, also exclude results from sites X / Y / Z" in an attempt to match their 1999-era functionality?

    • by bessie ( 212155 )

      I really wish that were the case; I remember the moment(ish) when Google search results started to be "I think what you MEAN is..." instead of "Here is exactly what you asked for". I do miss those days.

  • Gemini taught them to be more subtle, let's see that pan out as they lose all their top engineers
  • But that might not be considered much of an achievement.

  • My main use for google is syntax of unfamiliar, to me, applications. I don't need to have a 5 year old explain what they're for. I also don't want to watch the last 10 seconds of a 5 minute video, either.

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