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Microsoft The Almighty Buck

Melinda Gates To Resign From Gates Foundation ( 42

Melinda French Gates announced today she is stepping down from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, three years after announcing her separation from Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. With her departure as co-chair, the foundation will change its name to Gates Foundation and Bill Gates will be its sole chairperson, said CEO Mark Suzman. NBC News reports: In a statement posted on her Instagram account, she said that as part of her agreement to step down from the foundation, she will retain $12.5 billion that she plans to put toward her ongoing work supporting women and families. "This is not a decision I came to lightly," French Gates wrote. "I am immensely proud of the foundation that Bill and I built together and of the extraordinary work it is doing to address inequities around the world." In a separate statement, Bill Gates said, "I am sorry to see Melinda leave, but I am sure she will have a huge impact in her future philanthropic work."

Now worth $75.2 billion, the Gates Foundation has over the course of its three-decade lifespan made $77.6 billion worth of grant payments, making it one of the largest donor organizations in the world, with a focus on health and developmental goals. It is one of the largest contributors to the World Health Organization, and played a key role in efforts to address the Covid pandemic.
"After a difficult few years watching women's rights rolled back in the U.S. and around the world, she wants to use this next chapter to focus specifically on altering that trajectory," Suzman said of French Gates.

"I want to reassure you that the millions of people our work serves and the thousands of partners we work alongside can continue to count on the foundation. The foundation today is stronger than it has ever been."

"I know we all wish Melinda the best in her next chapter," he added, noting that French Gates "will not be bringing any of the foundation's work with her when she leaves."
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Melinda Gates To Resign From Gates Foundation

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  • Mackenzie (Score:1, Insightful)

    by stabiesoft ( 733417 )
    I expect Melinda much like Mackenzie will actually spend the money on charity instead of watching the money. Good for these women.
    • Re:Mackenzie (Score:5, Informative)

      by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Monday May 13, 2024 @09:22PM (#64470079)

      From the story: the Gates Foundation has over the course of its three-decade lifespan made $77.6 billion worth of grant payments, making it one of the largest donor organizations in the world

      • In 3 decades, that is around 2.5B/yr. Remind me again how much money Bill has? And Bill also has all of Warren's money to gift as well. And I did not check exact numbers, but I know quite a bit of Bill's giving was giving to schools to buy microsoft product. A bit self-serving. I know he is big on vaccines too, so I give his charity some credit. I just feel it should do much much much more given its resources. Much like Mackenzie is doing. And we really don't know if most of the real giving before was arran
    • The article confused me....

      Is French Gates == Melinda Gates?

      • by Anonymous Coward
        French is her maiden name. The Wikipedia article on her gives the name Melinda French Gates [].
  • I think we've seen this before.... sometimes Melinda is close to Bill, today is one of the times that she moves away to focus on something else.

    Anyway, I've got a certain "women's rights" issue really annoying me right now... so Melinda, if you can, call me.

  • I suppose she got tired of dealing with Bill's pedophile face. Not even her foundation work could overcome the disgust.

  • ..said her, while pocketing $12.5 billion she did not earn.
    • Maybe the first act of charity could have been not overcharging schools, families, grandparents, working people, etc. for Microsoft products? No one gets that rich without exploiting people.
    • ..said her, while pocketing $12.5 billion she did not earn.

      This. Is it her premise that she would be worth those billions had she not married a man who had the money?

      Ironic she used the no fault divorce laws to fight against the injustices for women. But I'm sure if the situation was reversed, she would have gladly given Bill half of her fortune. Right? Right? [] From their headline: "More and More Women Are Paying Alimony to Failure-to-Launch Ex-Husbands. And They’re Really, Really Not Happy About It. “It’s n

  • I can't imagine why she's resign from a company whose main goal is to convince races of people and countries that can't get their shit together economically to not have as many kids. What a noble and inoffensive goal. Why did she leave? I can't figure it out.
    • I can't imagine why she's resign from a company whose main goal is to convince races of people and countries that can't get their shit together economically to not have as many kids. What a noble and inoffensive goal. Why did she leave? I can't figure it out.

      That's the thing of it though. Western foundations like Gates and the Ford Foundation concentrate on lowering Western birthrates. The Third World is an afterthought to them as far as population goes. But Western birthrates are sinking, not growing, as it happens in affluent societies. If anything, the West needs a boost in its natural born birthrates; in Europe especially, the family trees are inverted now. So it's kind of maddening to see people like Melinda Gates so concerned if some woman in Poland or Wi

      • I can't imagine why she's resign from a company whose main goal is to convince races of people and countries that can't get their shit together economically to not have as many kids. What a noble and inoffensive goal. Why did she leave? I can't figure it out.

        That's the thing of it though. Western foundations like Gates and the Ford Foundation concentrate on lowering Western birthrates. The Third World is an afterthought to them as far as population goes. But Western birthrates are sinking, not growing, as it happens in affluent societies. If anything, the West needs a boost in its natural born birthrates; in Europe especially, the family trees are inverted now. So it's kind of maddening to see people like Melinda Gates so concerned if some woman in Poland or Wisconsin has more than two kids, while her crowd seemingly ignores the average Nigerian woman who's having 8 kids.

        The really cool part is that without children, men have been emancipated because there is no reason to form a partnership. That is the final goal and legacy of feminism. There are some issues with baby rabies, and some women are not happy that they won't have a man in their life, but the overarching goal of sexual apartheid is chugging right along. They'll get used to being alone and childless, it is for their own good.

  • by sonoronos ( 610381 ) on Thursday May 16, 2024 @06:08AM (#64476219)

    Bill Gates, among other ultra wealthy people, commonly make statements saying that they will give all their money away to charity. This sounds selfless, until you consider the fact that the charity they choose to give their wealth to is one that they control. In short, these people really have no intention of giving up their wealth, and are merely making a statement about how they plan to deal with the two major problems in their life: managing money and their own mortality. They canâ(TM)t take it with them, and if they just stuff their money into gold bars, it will be taken from them when they die.

    Charity for the ultra wealthy is not about selflessness. It is about immortality.

"For a male and female to live continuously together is... biologically speaking, an extremely unnatural condition." -- Robert Briffault
