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OpenAI Buys Remote Collaboration Platform 'Multi' ( 9

OpenAI has purchased Multi (previously Remotion), "a five-person startup based in New York City that focuses on screenshare and collaboration technologies for workers using Mac computers," reports VentureBeat. The latest acquisition comes just days after the AI company announced it had acquired enterprise analytics startup Rockset. No details were provided on the terms of the deal. From the report: Multi's co-founder and CEO Alexander Embiricos posted on his X account today stating specifically that he (and presumably the entire Multi team) has joined OpenAI's "ChatGPT desktop team," the unit at the company responsible for building the ChatGPT for Mac desktop app that was unveiled back in May 2024. Multi broke the news first to its users and followers in a blog post, writing: "Recently, we've been increasingly asking ourselves how we should work with computers. Not on or using computers, but truly with computers. With AI. We believe it's one of the most important product questions of our time. And so, we're beyond excited to share that Multi is joining OpenAI!"

The news has users on X speculating that OpenAI will use Multi to allow its AI models such as GPT-4o to "take over" a user's computer and perform actions on their behalf based on text or voice prompts. So you could say something like "ChatGPT, create a spreadsheet of my latest hours and send it to my manager" and it would try to do this. Based on what I've learned about Multi (see final section of this article below) and zero insider knowledge, I think it is at least as likely that OpenAI will seek to use the acquisition as a means of souping up and adding features to its ChatGPT Team and Enterprise subscription plans, as those are already more focused on providing tech for teams to help all the individuals on them work better together.

However, Multi also broke the news that it is "sunsetting" the current version of its software and will end support for it in one month: on July 24, 2024, as well as delete all user data. Egads! Multi states in a short FAQ in its blog post that users should go ahead and export their data before that time, using the "Export Session Notes" setting under the URL: It is also opening the door to users asking for extensions to the deletion date of July 24, 2024 for their individual or company accounts, if they email Embiricos himself directly at Multi also says its team members can help recommend alternatives through the same email address.

OpenAI Buys Remote Collaboration Platform 'Multi'

Comments Filter:
  • Embrace, Extend, Extinguish

    • Embrace, Extend, Extinguish

      OpenAI adds a step: aggregate data. Whatever these companies have access to? It's now going to be fodder for ChatGPT. That's most likely what these moves are for. These AI companies are even more obsessed with user data than the other tech companies. More users = more data = better computer god potential.

  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Monday June 24, 2024 @05:00PM (#64574573)

    from their sugar daddy Microsoft's book. They've acquired a few companies lately, Microsoft-stylee.

    Which, considering the stake Microsoft has in OpenAI, can be construed as Microsoft using OpenAI as a proxy to buy more companies and consolidate their monopoly without raising the Antitrust Division's attention.

    Because really, it's Microsoft's money OpenAI is spending here. And what the hell does OpenAI need a desktop sharing company for anyway? It sounds more like Microsoft buying out a potential Teams competitor.

    • by engun ( 1234934 )
      That doesn't sound improbable when you look at this: [] It looks like basically the same features have been added to Microsoft Teams, with the main difference being that "Multi" uses Zoom infrastructure and probably has a greater head start. I guess we'll have to wait and see whether there's something more innovative afoot.
  • Excellent choice, OpenAI.

    I've never heard of Multi and I don't even use ChatGPT.

    As long as you are wasting money, I'm happy.

  • Don't zoom, WebEx, and teams work on a Mac?

In space, no one can hear you fart.
