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Chrome is Going To Use AI To Help You Compare Products From Across Your Tabs 41

Google wants to help ease the pain of comparison shopping across multiple tabs in Chrome with a new AI-powered tool that can summarize your tabs into one page. From a report: The tool, which Google is calling "tab compare," will use generative AI to pull product data from tabs you have open and collect it all into one table. Assuming it works and pulls accurate information, the tool seems like it could be a handy way to look at a number of different products in one unified view.

But while it's potentially useful, the tool could also take away traffic from sites that collect and compare product information -- which might be especially worrying for independent publishers that are already struggling to be seen on Google. I'm also skeptical that Google will correctly pull all of the finer details about various products into the tables it creates with tab compare. I don't always trust Google's accuracy right now! There are some limits on what tab compare can do. The tables it creates are limited to 10 items because "we've just found the column layout doesn't scale very well beyond that," Google spokesperson Joshua Cruz tells The Verge.
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Chrome is Going To Use AI To Help You Compare Products From Across Your Tabs

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Another layer of shit on top of trying to buy something from scammers and link farms

  • by ZERO1ZERO ( 948669 ) on Thursday August 01, 2024 @12:14PM (#64672858)
    This is amazing since the only thing i use my browser for is product comparison when I'm shopping.

    I don't even use it to post on slashdot,even right now I'm using a potato and a colander to type this message.

    Since i'm comparing products I don't care enough to investigate the details my self, I'll let the online data harvesting overlords do it for me, then I can be sure to pick the 'right' (overlord approved) product.

    • Ah, but which potato and which colander? You don't want to get rooked and end up as just another luser on the russet/aluminum stack. Real savvy shoppers run Yukon Gold on 18/10 stainless, minimum.
      • Yeah on amazon I find different products, 5-star rated, made by ASDRFQWERTY. Quickly, fire up Chrome! AI, we need you!
  • How long (Score:4, Insightful)

    by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Thursday August 01, 2024 @12:15PM (#64672864) Journal

    How long before we find out that some entities were able to pay to have the "AI" search results tilted in their favor?

  • Chrome is tracking everything users do and sending the information back to Google!
    • This MUST be fake news. Google would never track people like that, it must be the deep state. It's the Communists, they're sneaking over the border, it's aliens man, it's those sneaky aliens. They're after our warp core, man, it's aliens! Illegal Space Aliens!
  • by whitroth ( 9367 ) <(su.tnec-5) (ta) (htortihw)> on Thursday August 01, 2024 @12:19PM (#64672874) Homepage

    Glad I use firefox.

    • It's long been understood that Microsoft incorporates (or, at least, used to incorporate) a lot of 'phone home' behavior directly in the MS-Windows OS. They built it straight into the network stack, IIRC. Nothing new under the sun here.

      With that said, even installing FF on Chromebook and making it the default doesn't do any good, FF runs in a sandbox under the Chrome OS. I used to use Orbot until they took the Android subsystem away. Now, I use the TOR browser running in the Linux subsystem (when I nee

  • Wow, that flipped from "This will put publishers out of business" to "I don't think it'll do a good job and there are limitations" real fast. It's fine to not want this but "it's too good, and also it's too bad" doesn't make a ton of sense.

  • Going to be interesting when you're shopping for something and it includes those three tabs with porno sites open.

    • Even better if that gets reported back to the sites so the next time you innocently visit Amazon you get unexpected recommendations "based on products you viewed elsewhere"

  • by ebunga ( 95613 ) on Thursday August 01, 2024 @12:32PM (#64672912)

    I don't want this.

  • My filters block most of the tracking stuff, so anything that comes up on a google search is unclickable. And I don't care. Fuck the internet, it is dead.

  • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Thursday August 01, 2024 @12:38PM (#64672928)
    This feature is third-party cookies on steroids. I don't want data between tabs leaking (but then I don't use Chrome in the first place).
    • This feature is third-party cookies on steroids. I don't want data between tabs leaking (but then I don't use Chrome in the first place).

      How does this leak data "between tabs"? It seems like it's a one-way flow from the tabs you select to the comparison tab, which isn't a leak because you told it to do that.

  • So, we will no longer have to type "product 1 vs product 2" into the google search box? Sign me up!!.

    Is there a way to turn it off?

  • by devslash0 ( 4203435 ) on Thursday August 01, 2024 @12:42PM (#64672936)

    Looks like they think that people use browsers exclusively for shopping. "Hey, I need to open 20 tabs because I can't decide which pair of pants to get. Google, help!" Sure, it's an advertisers' wet dream but that's not what reality looks like.

    • Looks like they think that people use browsers exclusively for shopping.

      Or, more likely, that they think that people sometimes use browsers for shopping.

  • The fortunate thing about Google saying they weren't going to support Win7 anymore is that all this crap doesn't apply to me on most computers. All these "features" only apply to versions supported by Win10/11/whatever.

  • Sound like they still have not found any real application for "AI". I guess if this is all they have, than all those investments will be lost.

    • I think taking fast food orders makes some sense, even if it does suck for the people its putting out of work.

      Limited data set that it needs to be able to interpret, might even allow people to order in other languages, etc.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Possibly. May even bring a few million back of those countless billions invested. Of curse, for society as a whole it will be a loss.

      • I think taking fast food orders makes some sense, even if it does suck for the people its putting out of work.

        Limited data set that it needs to be able to interpret, might even allow people to order in other languages, etc.

        I've been messing about with voice recognition since Dragon Naturally Speaking a quarter century ago. It's like self-driving cars. The first 90% is easy, the next 5% is hard, and it gets asymptotically harder from there. Both fast food and cars have a "limited data set" (cars only drive on roads, roads have rules, this should be an easy problem for a computer to solve!) In a noisy environment, voice recognition still sucks. If someone is trying to order from their cars, it sucks even more. If they have an a

  • by jenningsthecat ( 1525947 ) on Thursday August 01, 2024 @01:17PM (#64673012)

    Chrome is Going To Use AI To Help You Compare Products From Across Your Tabs

    Chrome isn't going to help me do squat. I help myself - and I do that by NOT using Chrome. Also, I don't use my browser primarily for shopping - I don't even use it all that much for shopping. So as usual, AFAIC Google can get fucked.

    Serious question though - has the internet really devolved to the degree that people use it largely or primarily for shopping? Is the Web just the new Shopping Channel? Are people really going to appreciate and make use of Google's latest bit of fluff?

    • by mmell ( 832646 )

      To answer your question, yes - there is a small set of internet users who consider the internet nothing more than the new retail environment. Most of us recognize its true nature as a medium for the delivery of pornographic and gambling services, some of us even read it for the printed articles. Until they can synthesize ethanol on the fly, the internet will have to remain a BYOB party with shopping for a few weirdos and an overall feeling of being completely discoordinated.

      That said, nobody, not even th

  • Can't I give the AI all my information and it just tells me what to buy?
  • by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Thursday August 01, 2024 @02:04PM (#64673140)

    And introduce new types of security issues and spying.

  • It used to be Bing == (Google after lobotomy and ECT)
  • I'm sure there's no way there will be an exploit within like days that uses this to break the sandbox between sites right?
    At a minimum it'll create a nice how do I fool the a.i. game.

  • This is just an advertising company using their product to do advertising. This is why we have a choice of browsers. If you don't want to fight a constant war against data harvesting for ads, use a browser that isn't made by an advertising company.

  • ...for Google to grift more money off of users.
  • Suppose some MBA types concocted this. If you play advertiser games (use Chrome), you win advertising prizes. The crap people put up with. Posted from Firefox.

8 Catfish = 1 Octo-puss
