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Does Mozilla's New Logo Bring Back Its Dinosaur Mascot - in ASCII Art? ( 21

"A new Mozilla logo appears to be on the way," writes the blog OMG Ubuntu, " marking the company's first major update to its word-mark since 2017." The existing logo, which incorporates the internet protocol "://" and chosen based on feedback from the community, has become synonymous with the non-profit company. But German blogger Sören Hentzschel, an avid watcher of all things Mozilla, recently noticed that a different Mozilla word-mark was accompanying the (unchanged) Firefox logo on Mozilla's 'Nothing Personal' webpage [upper-left]. Some digging uncovered a number of recent code commits readying and referencing a refreshed word-mark and symbol for use in the navigation areas of Mozilla websites, landing pages, and so on...

However, what's most exciting (to a nerd like me) with this new logo is the ASCII symbol at the end. It could be viewed as a flag on a pole. Sort of like Mozilla planting its values in the ground to say "we're here, come join". But it's more likely a nod to the original Mozilla mascot (inherited from its Netscape beginnings), which was a red dinosaur (an interesting logo of itself as it was designed by Shepard Fairey who created other seminal design works, and the skate brand OBEY)...

Between the inclusion on a live webpage, code commits readying new logo for Mozilla websites, and the fact people can buy official Mozilla merchandise emblazoned with the new design, it seems a formal rebrand announcement is fairly imminent...

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Does Mozilla's New Logo Bring Back Its Dinosaur Mascot - in ASCII Art?

Comments Filter:
  • by ( 463614 ) on Sunday August 18, 2024 @03:22PM (#64716418)

    I like it. It's cute.

    But it won't make me like the Mozilla organisation again. That'll take actual focus on and delivery of well-engineered products that's built for the users and has competitive edge and not delivering half-assed products that are second fiddle to Google (firefox) or reskinned other web services like Firefox monitor (Haveibeenpowned)...

  • It looks way to similar to the Chrome dinosaur that appears when the page can't load.

  • I think you need a bit of Unicode magic to type that logo on a keyboard.
  • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Sunday August 18, 2024 @03:58PM (#64716474)

    This is what they've been spending money on? How many man hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars has this cost so far to make this insignificant change?

    As the article relates, this time and money could have been spent on 'nuts and bolts' things such as getting rid of the incessant harassment of a new update being available. How about the underlying engine? Since it's not Chromium based, shouldn't they be making tweeks and updates to their engine so it blows those two piles of yak manure out of the field? How about a small marketing campaign to let the average user know they have alternatives, the upgrade is three clicks away, and oh yeah, there a ton of extensions to customize it, including several different ad blockers.

    Maybe true geeks will get "excited" over this change, but for everyone else, wtf?

    • At first glance, for some reason this reminded me of how CEO Marissa Mayer spent her own time personally working on tweaks to the Yahoo! logo while the company continued to fall apart around her.

      However, after I thought about it, I realized that - to this point in time, anyway - Mozilla itself doesn't appear to be making a big deal over this (or, really, making any noise about it at all). This is all coming from some random blogger. So I'll hold off on the outrage until I see there's actually something to g

      • At first glance, for some reason this reminded me of how CEO Marissa Mayer spent her own time personally working on tweaks to the Yahoo! logo while the company continued to fall apart around her.

        She raised the stock price by 150% and effected a sale. I expect the shareholders and board (i.e. her actual employers) were happy with that. It's not like Yahoo was on an upwards trajectory when she joined...

    • Of course we're supposed to be excited. I remember the last time they redesigned their logo, and they specifically lauded the "branding experience".

      I also still remember Lightspeed. *shudder* Perhaps if they're busy making new logos, they won't have time to screw something else up.

    • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

      How about the underlying engine?

      They laid off the Servo team, this should tell you what they think about the underlying engine.

  • How have you been Mozilla? I see you've been working on you're new logos... How does that make you feel? Moving on. See how I don't care how you feel about making logos? I think you may have taken a message from the our last session that resulted in an affectational response. Does it make you feel accomplished to put on new clothes? So do little girls, but for a child there is no other aim in it, just fun. With you, Mozilla, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to be frank here, well, I think you're trying to d

  • Yer cleaning...Get to it.
  • I like the idea but dislike the font. Liked the old dinosaur, didn't like "moz://a". Also, keep in mind the dinosaur was/is a symbol for Mozilla, not for Firefox, not for Thunderbird, not for SeaMonkey, as in for the geek community, not for general public.

  • Mozilla wasted hundreds of millions yearly for stupid projects, management 'bonuses' and ignored users while optimizing for google-dependency-income .. probably on purpose, with the only aim to simulate a rival in monopoly law while actually never really competing as on real market pressure.

    It's time to fork Firefox by someone else. Everyone not beeing google should support that new organization.

    Mozilla should be history. Deserved.

  • I only ever knew the "I-can't-believe-it's-not-Godzilla" logo. Don't recognise the other one at all.

I've looked at the listing, and it's right! -- Joel Halpern
