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The Military United States

The US Military's Latest Psyop? Advertising on Tinder ( 54

An anonymous reader shares a report: The U.S. military is using ads to warn people across Lebanon not to attack the United States or its allies amid rising tensions across the Middle East. Some of those ads have turned up in an unlikely place: the dating app Tinder. Freelance reporter Seamus Malekafzali posted on X screenshots of the ads seen in the Tinder app, warning residents of Lebanon to "not take up arms."

The ads, written in Arabic, say that the U.S. will "protect its partners in the face of threats from the Iranian regime and its proxies," which operate across the region, referring to groups like Hezbollah located in Lebanon. The ads, which are not clandestine in nature, display the logo of U.S. Central Command and link to a tweet featuring F-16 and A10 fighter jets. These kinds of military psychological operations (or psyops), aimed at influencing the views of a target audience or population, are not new, even if their placement on a dating app is raising eyebrows in the military community, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.

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The US Military's Latest Psyop? Advertising on Tinder

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  • Is the campaign on Grindr in the middle east as well?
  • So no one there on Tinder can be da bomb? How is Cupid supposed to strike? At least no one will get shot down.
  • Rather than intimidating people, it seems to make the US seem like the bigger threat to the world. I wouldn't be surprised if this would have the opposite effect.

    • The US comes across as a narcissist. "No one is allowed to assert themselves without our permission. Now get back to making cheap stuff for us."

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Indeed. My first thought as well.

    • Indeed, I wonder if they considered that they are actually giving people ideas. I assume that they did their homework though. If we figure this out in a few minutes so can they.
    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Such campaigns are more intended to get their organizers promotions than actually reduce a group's motivation to fight.

      They really appeal to people who picture themselves being too morally strong to fall for them but their opponents being inferior and thus likely to know their place.
    • The U.S. will "protect its partners in the face of threats from the Iranian regime and its proxies,"

      Its a warning, and an entirely reasonable one.

    • by jonadab ( 583620 )
      I think the point of the ad was to imply that the US will support Israel. Hence the "and its partners" bit. In principle, everyone who is paying any attention at all, already knows that the US military is big and powerful and scary. But they might be able to convince themselves that the US might stand by and allow certain things to happen.

      Bear in mind, if they actually attack the US military, we don't need psy-ops to solve that problem. The US military can handle that, because standard rules of engageme
  • That's conspiracist language. Only the other guys use propaganda, we have The Truth, Peace, Freedom, *and* Democracy on our side.

    • SO . . . this is propaganda complaining about propaganda. Used this way, military recruiting activities could readily be characterized as 'propaganda'. Just sayin', is all.


  • The A-10 is not a fighter.
    It's a ground attack and support plane.

    • Heaven knows TFA calling the A10 a fighter jet is clearly the kind of deception the United States is famous for worldwide. I'm glad we have users such as yourself to keep /. honest.
    • "Support plane" sounds like a non-combat aircraft, and they probably think "attacker" and "fighter" are synonymous. The line between the two roles isn't always clear, many planes can serve as both, although the A10 definitely leans more towards ground attack roles.

  • by Malay2bowman ( 10422660 ) on Tuesday August 27, 2024 @02:42PM (#64740524)
    When the US military dropped paper flyers with these kinds of warnings out of airplanes, I'm sure a few of them landed in outdoor cafes which were the "dating apps" of the era.
  • the opposite. If you say "Don't do X", your enemies will double down on X.

  • They got the $$$$ (Score:5, Informative)

    by rbrander ( 73222 ) on Tuesday August 27, 2024 @02:54PM (#64740572) Homepage

    Not many are aware that the Pentagon "PR" budget is $6B, larger than the budget of all of Hollywood.

  • 23 years the US Army discovers all it really took to defeat the Taliban was to start catphishing them!

  • This is just an updated version of dropping leaflets telling civilians (in non-specific terms) how to avoid being where we're planning on fucking shit up. Now, I'm a reasonable guy - if there are a lot of people that think this is a psychological operation on the part of our military, I agree they should stop. What good is a surprise attack if you tell people about it in advance?
    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Well, yeah.. and leaflet campaigns are a type of psyop too. The term has been mythologised lately to read as more dramatic than it generally is.
  • what lunacy to think that it can support a genociding regime and not pay a price?

    what lunacy to think they can dictate to those opposing such evil with threats of violence?

    if this was China you can imagine the news headlines.

    I couldn't have said it better - the U.S. has gotten 'Too big for its britches' and nobody in the rest of the world benefits from collaborating with this lunacy than despots, dictators and thieves on the take.

    It never used to be that way, but the last 20 years has been a huge escalatio

  • Appear to have risen 1C in the last 150 years. Recently by 0.0474ÂC per year.

    Does anyone really think this is enough to kill pine forests? Of course it isn't, they have survived much larger fluctuations over the centuries.

  • Do the ads read something like "Do not fuck with us, or we'll pound you, long and hard. We'll bring our friends along to join the action. We'll end up on top in the end."

"How many teamsters does it take to screw in a light bulb?" "FIFTEEN!! YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?"
