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Apple Seeks To Drop Its Lawsuit Against Israeli Spyware Pioneer NSO (msn.com) 24

Apple asked a court Friday to dismiss its three-year-old hacking lawsuit against spyware pioneer NSO Group, arguing that it might never be able to get the most critical files about NSO's Pegasus surveillance tool and that its own disclosures could aid NSO and its increasing number of rivals. From a report: A redacted version of the filing in San Francisco federal court cited a July article in the Guardian, which reported that Israeli officials had taken files from NSO's headquarters. The newspaper said the officials asked an Israeli court to keep the action secret even from those involved in an earlier, still pending hacking suit against NSO filed by Meta's WhatsApp. Israeli ministry of justice communications that were hacked showed that officials were concerned about sensitive information reaching Americans, the newspaper said.

"While Apple takes no position on the truth or falsity of the Guardian Story described above, its existence presents cause for concern about the potential for Apple to obtain the discovery it needs," the iPhone maker wrote in its filing Friday. Israeli officials have not disputed the authenticity of the documents but have denied interfering in the U.S. litigation.

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Apple Seeks To Drop Its Lawsuit Against Israeli Spyware Pioneer NSO

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  • get compensation from Apple for pursing this nuisance lawsuit for three years?
    • Re:So will NSO (Score:4, Informative)

      by Fly Swatter ( 30498 ) on Friday September 13, 2024 @02:17PM (#64785787) Homepage
      Why? If it was truly a nuisance it would have been dismissed by the courts already. If you do reading comprehension the problem for Apple is that they would have to divulge further security details for the case to move forward and they do not want to actually aid the evil cancer that is NSO group.
    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday September 13, 2024 @02:22PM (#64785789)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Fly Swatter ( 30498 )
        But they are criminals. The NSO is like a gun manufacturer that also goes around shooting people for hire.
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by detritus. ( 46421 )

        NSO is an Israeli company and they were implicated in the murder of journalists in Saudi Arabia and Mexico. Like hell they're not criminals - maybe not in US jurisdictions yet, but NSO’s case is unique because it sells surveillance tools directly to government clients, and it’s plausible that it might be aware of their misuse. International legal frameworks are developing to hold companies accountable for providing tools used in human rights abuses, including targeted killings. They can't stan

    • by Shag ( 3737 )

      More likely they'll quietly get an investment from some closely-held company you never heard of, that makes that company 51% owner of NSO.
      That company, of course, will be quietly majority-owned by some other closely-held company you never heard of.
      And that company will be owned by Apple.

  • If NSO doesn't hack Apple, someone else will. AMIRIGHT fellow Israeli's?

  • by schwit1 ( 797399 ) on Friday September 13, 2024 @03:02PM (#64785907)

    Deep state agencies use NSO software.

    Nice company you have there. It'd be a shame if the IRS or SEC were to do an audit.

  • by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Friday September 13, 2024 @04:02PM (#64786063)

    You get a similar experience when you want to opt-out from marketing companies and data brokers, you have to give up the very information you are trying to protect. Not my fault that these businesses would not work on an opt-in basis.

    • It sounds like you have absolutely no idea what this story is about. For starters, why don't you read the summary?

      • > Apple Seeks To Drop Its Lawsuit Against Israeli Spyware Pioneer NSO... arguing that it might never be able to get the most critical files about NSO's Pegasus surveillance tool and that its own disclosures could aid NSO and its increasing number of rivals

        Which part did I miss?

  • Pay one of NSO's competitors to steal the files. What are they gonna do, complain?
  • officials were concerned about sensitive information reaching Americans,

    They get carte blanche to kill Americans and attack American ships, why not keep hidden all the kompromat they have on American elected officials who do their bidding.
  • They gave the USA vital secret information about Russia over the years. How do you think they got that info? By giving Russia vital secret information about the USA.

Natural laws have no pity.
