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Google The Courts

Epic Games Sues Google and Samsung Over App Store Restrictions 16

Epic Games filed a new antitrust lawsuit against Google and Samsung, alleging they conspired to undermine third-party app stores. The suit focuses on Samsung's "Auto Blocker" feature, now enabled by default on new phones, which restricts app installations to "authorized sources" - primarily Google and Samsung's stores.

Epic claims Auto Blocker creates significant barriers for rival stores, requiring users to navigate a complex process to install third-party apps. The company argues this feature does not actually assess app safety, but is designed to stifle competition. Epic CEO Tim Sweeney stated the lawsuit aims to benefit all developers, not secure special privileges for Epic. The company seeks either default deactivation of Auto Blocker or creation of a fair whitelisting process for legitimate apps. This legal action follows Epic's December victory against Google in a separate antitrust case. Epic recently launched its own mobile app store, which it claims faces unfair obstacles due to Auto Blocker.

Epic Games Sues Google and Samsung Over App Store Restrictions

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  • by rlwinm ( 6158720 ) on Monday September 30, 2024 @10:05AM (#64828237)
    The whole concept of app stores shouldn't even be a thing. There is a portable, universal app delivery platform these days: The web. Modern browsers can do almost everything an app can do (and just as secure). Concepts like service workers and IndexedDB have solved the background issue. Modern JITs and WASM mean performance really isn't the same argument it used to be.

    Other than people have "gotten used to it" - I can't think of a single reason for an app store to exist. In fact I use the browser for almost everything on my phone (I almost never download an "app" or even think about apps).
    • apple forcing webkit makes web apps suck and no app store can lead to browsers with no ad block.

    • Re: (Score:2, Offtopic)

      by 2TecTom ( 311314 )

      Cheating shouldn't either yet Fortnite is overrun by cheaters and Epic does nothing. Funny that they should complain when they can't even manage their own. Hey Epic, your game is abusive and unfair and bullies are using it to abuse honest players while you get rich.

      Another example of corruption and classism in our corporatocracy..

    • by unrtst ( 777550 )

      You seem to be arguing that both app stores and apps are unnecessary. What world do you live in?

      There are loads of apps that should remain as apps, from messaging apps to simple flashlight apps. Maybe you're fine with the apps that have shipped with your phone, and/or with what you have installed since getting it, and everything else you can just use the browser for. Even if we reduce your argument to ONLY the browser, I'd still want the option of installing other browsers. So where do we get those other ap

  • google stopped one plus from pre loading the epic store on there phones.

  • People are forced to install the Epic store to install and play Epic games even if they actually purchased those games elsewhere. This is more of an issue than the store phone manufacturers to have on their devices by default.

    Personally I choose to just not play any games from Epic.

    Maybe Epic should just sell their games on the widely used stores instead of trying to maintain their self delusion that given a choice people would use their store.

    • This is not about which store is used. It is about giving Google/Samsung/Apple 30 percent of the revenues of purchases made in the games. Epic wouldn't care where you downloaded the game if it didn't cost 30 percent of the sales.

      • This is not about which store is used. It is about giving Google/Samsung/Apple 30 percent of the revenues of purchases made in the games. Epic wouldn't care where you downloaded the game if it didn't cost 30 percent of the sales.

        That might be true if the games cost 30 per cent less on the Epic store. I don't have their store, and don't play their games, so I can't say for sure. But something tells me buying on the Epic store does NOT give you a 30% discount. Instead Epic likely takes that 30% themselves.

        • by pahles ( 701275 )
          Indeed, this is just one rich guy shouting to another rich guy 'I want to be richer than you'.
        • Epic doesn't care about the customer. This is about the profits at Epic games. Nowhere did I suggest that the savings go to the consumer.

        • by unrtst ( 777550 )

          That might be true if the games cost 30 per cent less on the Epic store. I don't have their store, and don't play their games, so I can't say for sure.

          The games are free to play.

          The purchases are in game purchases for cosmetic items (character skins and such).

          Why should Google or Samsung profit off of those in game purchases? And at 30%!
          Why shouldn't Epic get the full purchase amount?

"Well, it don't make the sun shine, but at least it don't deepen the shit." -- Straiter Empy, in _Riddley_Walker_ by Russell Hoban
