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Microsoft Technology

Microsoft Is Discontinuing HoloLens 2, With No Replacement ( 9

An anonymous reader shares a report: HoloLens 2 production has ended, Microsoft confirmed to UploadVR. Now is the last time to buy the device before stock runs out, the company has been telling its partners and customers. HoloLens 2 will continue to receive "updates to address critical security issues and software regressions" until December 31 2027. As soon as 2028 starts, software support for HoloLens 2 will end. For the original HoloLens headset from 2016, software support will end after December 10 of this year, just over two months from now. Production of it ended back in 2018. HoloLens 2 launched in 2019, three years after the original, with upgrades to almost every aspect: a wider field of view, higher resolution, eye tracking, vastly improved hand tracking, and more powerful compute housed in the rear of the strap to deliver a balanced comfortable design.

Microsoft Is Discontinuing HoloLens 2, With No Replacement

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  • Apple's magical VR headset was just so wildly successful that MS threw in the towel...or something like that ;-)
    • by HBI ( 10338492 )

      MSFT wanted out of this as early as 2019. It was kept alive for the US Army IVAS program. IVAS was potentially lucrative enough for MSFT to keep the product group running until now. IVAS doesn't look like a winner, so it's being killed.

    • I don’t think Apple will be successful in VR either. AI is the new VR which was the new crypto. These companies have been chasing fads.
    • Microsoft aren't the only ones who zucked themselves.

  • Is Microsoft copying Google so much that they started even copying Google's graveyard? =P

    Seriously though just how big is/was the market for AR? I didn't think it would even last this long.

    • There is a lot of potential in manufacturing. Instead of having to look at a computer screen to understand what to do, AR can overlay the instructions on what is actually being worked on, highlight where something is installed, dimensional inspection of parts, etc. If there is any safety concern during manufacturing or maintenance, AR can provide the ability to do their job, while having both hand free e.g. someone fixing something at height (phone tower, wind turbine, etc.) can use their hands for doing th
  • Probably because ... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by JackAxe ( 689361 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2024 @02:34PM (#64831731)
    Microsoft is partnering with Meta: []
  • I have two, and it's just not easy to use. Can't connect to a private 5g network, so no 'reliable' usecase in a factory environment. Waiting for next gen technology.

God made machine language; all the rest is the work of man.
