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TikTok is 'Digital Nicotine' Meant To Hook Kids, AGs Fume in New Suits ( 28

The District of Columbia and 13 states sued social media giant TikTok on Tuesday, accusing the company of knowingly creating an addictive product and getting children hooked with "digital nicotine." From a report: D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb brought Washington's suit in the Superior Court for the District of Columbia, asserting that the app's design -- including its algorithm, "infinite scroll," push notifications, filters and in-app currency -- boost the company's profits at the expense of children's health. "TikTok's platform, designed to be dangerously addictive, inflicts immense damage on an entire generation of young people," Schwalb said in a statement announcing the suit. "In addition to prioritizing its profits over the health of children, TikTok's unregulated and illegal virtual economy allows the darkest, most depraved corners of society to prey upon vulnerable victims." More than a dozen states brought similar suits against TikTok in their courts Tuesday, including New York, California, Kentucky and New Jersey. Each stems from a national investigation into the company that a bipartisan coalition of attorneys general launched in March 2022.

TikTok is 'Digital Nicotine' Meant To Hook Kids, AGs Fume in New Suits

Comments Filter:
  • and just outright block tiktok, you know you want to, just block tiktok, tell Apple & Google to remove tiktok from everyone's phone & tablets, other nations block undesired apps & social media when they perceive a problem/threat to the public
    • Step by step, we're building a crummy, low effort great firewall of the USA.

      • by Tailhook ( 98486 )

        Step by step, we're building a crummy, low effort great firewall of the USA.


        Nicotine is legal. So is alcohol. So it THC in many jurisdictions.

        Why is TikTok such a fucking obsession? Because it upsets The Powers That Be; there is a frictionless, uncontrolled place for people say stuff. Hillary committed some candor the the other day: She's concerned that "we close total control" without content moderation (Oct 5, CNN.) Telling. These fucking people are losing sleep every night because there is a place you can put shit that they can't just disappear when it upsets th

        • Nicotine and alcohol are highly regulated and taxed, and children aren't allowed either.
          Why should Tiktok be any different then, if that's what you're comparing it to.

          • Primarily because:

            A. that's an obviously overextended metaphor and not accurate to the true nature of online addiction
            B. cigarettes aren't protected free speech, but rather dried plant wrapped in paper.

            • C: Tiktok isn't free speech either

            • B. cigarettes aren't protected free speech, but rather dried plant wrapped in paper.

              Indeed. However....... the advertising of cigarettes (free speech) is heavily regulated.... And, in fact, prohibited in many situations... Under federal law you may not advertise cigarettes on TV or Radio. You cannot hand out free samples (even to people "of age"). Tobacco companies may not use their logo, name, likeness, etc in the sponsorship of just about anything.. (sports games, movies, concerts, art exhibits, cultural events, etc).

              You conveniently left all of that out...

    • "To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker." -Frederick Douglass

      "Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost." -Neil Gaiman
      • "To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker." -Frederick Douglass

        "Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost." -Neil Gaiman

        Like Twitter?

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by geekmux ( 1040042 )

      and just outright block tiktok, you know you want to, just block tiktok, tell Apple & Google to remove tiktok from everyone's phone & tablets, other nations block undesired apps & social media when they perceive a problem/threat to the public

      Are you looking to eliminate the addiction problem, or the competition problem? Asking for a friend named “Yu Toob”..

  • I am amazed that TikTok doesnâ(TM)t cause cancer also
    • by kiviQr ( 3443687 )
      not sure but it probably has "CA 65 warning" (just in case)
    • by unrtst ( 777550 )

      I agree with your sentiment. I'm not about to defend tiktok, but I'm not a fan of *how* some of these people are attacking tiktok.

      Schwalb said, "TikTok's unregulated and illegal virtual economy allows ..."

      Yeah, that sounds more like what's under their skin than any of the ambiguous hyperbole like "digital nicotine". There's money flowing, and the big capitalist companies aren't getting a cut. Can't have that.

      Also, "knowingly creating an addictive product?" Isn't that kind of the goal? Especially given that this has zero chance of being physically addictive. IE: it's not like they'

  • Same methodology (Score:4, Informative)

    by Luckyo ( 1726890 ) on Tuesday October 08, 2024 @04:21PM (#64849529)

    I think the main problem people have with these complaints is that TikTok uses exactly same fundamental mechanisms to addict people (including children) that all Western social media platforms also use. Instagram and Youtube come to mind as almost directly analogous in both what they offer and how they addict people.

    And we have inherent problem with hypocrisy when we experience it as unfairness (i.e. when hypocrisy doesn't directly benefit us). Expression of this is almost certainly biologically encoded, as it's observed in animals.

    So I suspect that these AGs went after Western companies even marginally as hard as they're currently going against TikTok, there would be a lot less complaints. Instead you have maybe one-two lame lawsuits against those that get minimal publicity, while these get widely publicized.

    So I think they're right to go after social media for this specific feature and frankly there should be legislation to protect children from it as their developing minds are far more susceptible to being addicted and being addicted in childhood affects personality formulation in much more dramatic way than in adults. But they should go for all who do it, not just the sole foreign agent in the market.

  • by Malay2bowman ( 10422660 ) on Tuesday October 08, 2024 @04:29PM (#64849555)
    "Digital Nicotine" - we need buzz phrases like this to help get the moral panic going. It worked well with the "War on Drugs", at least for stirring up that moral panic. Now that was an ineffective killer shit show, in the literal sense.
  • Pretty much every video game and social media website uses addictive behaviors to drive engagement.
  • by russotto ( 537200 ) on Tuesday October 08, 2024 @05:19PM (#64849703) Journal
    I wasn't aware that analogy was the basis for a claim nowadays.

Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money. -- Arthur Miller
