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Former Google Chief Urges AI Investment Over Climate Targets ( 40

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt urged prioritizing AI infrastructure over climate goals at a Washington AI summit this week. Schmidt, who led Google until 2011, argued that AI's rapid growth will outpace environmental mitigation efforts. "We're not going to hit the climate goals anyway because we're not organized to do it," Schmidt told attendees, addressing concerns about AI's surging energy demands.

Data centers powering AI are projected to consume 35 gigawatts annually by 2030, up from 17 gigawatts in 2023, according to McKinsey. Schmidt, now heading AI drone company White Stork, suggested AI could ultimately solve climate issues, stating, "I'd rather bet on AI solving the problem than constraining it."

Former Google Chief Urges AI Investment Over Climate Targets

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  • by bettodavis ( 1782302 ) on Friday October 11, 2024 @12:46PM (#64857051)
    I'm serious. All big AI cluster investment ought to have a nuclear plant in it, ensuring it gets properly juiced.

    And once they're there, lobby to grow nuclear everywhere, so we stop the trend of fake de-carbonization through repentance and self-impoverishment.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      Building a bespoke generator for each consumer is dumb. We have a grid for a reason.

      Nuclear has a twenty-year lead time.

      The last nukes built had massive cost overruns, and there is no reason to believe next time will be different.

      • Nuclear has a twenty-year lead time.

        Hey, you gotta start somewhere/sometime, eh?

        The last nukes built had massive cost overruns, and there is no reason to believe next time will be different.

        I am by NO measure any sort of expert on nuke tech, but, I do seem to be hearing that in all these years, there have been major strides in the tech...and how to build multiple smaller nuke generators that are safer and faster to stand up?

        I believe we also need to review all the red tape for nukes....not to cut regs ju

      • Regular* Data centers already consume enough that they need their own substations and grid infrastructure. It's not as easy as just plug it in the wall. A new data center requires months of planning with utility companies to make happen. AI and crypto data centers often use as much energy as whole-ass powerplants produce. It's an order of magnitude different.

        *you could now effectively call them "low-power" data centers after AI and Crypto started filling racks with GPUs instead of cpus, switches, and r

      • by david.emery ( 127135 ) on Friday October 11, 2024 @01:51PM (#64857217)

        From my observation of a couple nuke projects where our local power company was part of the investment back in the 80s and 90s: A lot of the source of overruns was the impact of delaying tactics and opposition by governments, "public interest" legal lobbies, and local opposition. That's not to say that nuke plants haven't had technical and construction problems. But it's important to recognize the cost impact created by groups seeking to block the construction. And of course, there are no penalties to governments or lobbyists when they cause these massive delays/overruns.

      • by PPH ( 736903 )

        We have a grid for a reason.

        To heat my Aunt Millie's apartment.

        In Washington State, it was common practice to site aluminum smelters just down the road from hydroelectric plants. The same logic should apply to data centers. Except that for many power sources, both their sites as well as the DCs are flexible.

        The last nukes built had massive cost overruns

        The revenue potential of AI should cover that easily.

    • by MobyDisk ( 75490 )

      Don't do that. Then the AIs will still have power even after we scorch the sky.

  • The world uses 3,200 GW of electricity, so the projected consumption by AI is about one percent.

    Most AI data centers are in 1st world countries which are transitioning to renewables.

    • They burn 'renewables' here at our local power plant, wood chips. Isn't that worse pollution wise than coal? They pitch it as green though.
      • by XXongo ( 3986865 ) on Friday October 11, 2024 @02:09PM (#64857271) Homepage

        They burn 'renewables' here at our local power plant, wood chips. Isn't that worse pollution wise than coal?

        Hard to say. If the only criterion were carbon dioxide emissions, growing wood for fuel and then burning it is net zero: the carbon dioxide emitted in burning equals the carbon dioxide captured in growing the wood. So, yes, it's a lot greener than coal in that respect.

        Burning creates other pollution, though. Wood doesn't contain any significant sulfur, so it's lower pollution that high- or medium-sulfur coal. Word burning does have other pollutants, though. And emissions will depend a lot on how it's burned-- how hot, how good the airflow is, whether the stack has scrubbers, etc.

        As a quick estimate, including carbon dioxide as "pollution," I'd say that if the combustion is up to modern standards, it's probably greener than coal, but it's not pollution free.

      • "They burn 'renewables' here at our local power plant, wood chips. Isn't that worse pollution wise than coal?"


        Coal contains fissile nuclear material and it is sequestered carbon.

  • Eric Schmidt (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Savage-Rabbit ( 308260 ) on Friday October 11, 2024 @12:53PM (#64857065)

    Eric Schmidt is a toxic sociopathic narcissist who is now fishing for taxpayer money for AI ventures. No amount of AI will create a world where we ‘solve’ climate change while still de-sequestering exponentially increasing quantities of fossil carbon. The only way to deal with climate change is to move on from this antiquated fossil carbon economy.

    • Eric Schmidt is a toxic sociopathic narcissist

      Sure. But that doesn't mean he's wrong.

      while still de-sequestering exponentially increasing quantities of fossil carbon

      Carbon emissions are growing, but the rate of growth is slowing, and fossil fuels are declining as a percentage of energy consumed. They certainly are not "exponentially increasing".

      • Re:Eric Schmidt (Score:4, Informative)

        by Savage-Rabbit ( 308260 ) on Friday October 11, 2024 @01:59PM (#64857241)

        Eric Schmidt is a toxic sociopathic narcissist

        Sure. But that doesn't mean he's wrong.

        Yes it does.

        while still de-sequestering exponentially increasing quantities of fossil carbon

        Carbon emissions are growing, but the rate of growth is slowing, and fossil fuels are declining as a percentage of energy consumed. They certainly are not "exponentially increasing".

        Really? Even if carbon emissions are 'slowing' they aren't doing it anywhere near fast enough. If we want to avoid a very bad situation we are going to have to more or less end fossil fuel use and the sooner the better, i.e. within two or three decades. Looking at this graph there's a slight dip because of Covid but other than that we seem to be on a path back to more or less exponential CO2 emissions growth: [] What Schmidt is essentially saying is that we should abandon all efforts at reducing emissions, continue to 'Drill baby drill!!' and bet the planet on the fact that the AI Bros will in some future utopia, somehow swoop in and miraculously 'solve climate change' like the the Avengers in a Marvel Comics movie.

        • Really? Even if carbon emissions are 'slowing' they aren't doing it anywhere near fast enough. If we want to avoid a very bad situation we are going to have to more or less end fossil fuel use and the sooner the better, i.e. within two or three decades. Looking at this graph there's a slight dip because of Covid but other than that we seem to be on a path back to more or less exponential CO2 emissions growth

          And that is why we need to try for nukes NOW....and also a "Plan B" for when it warms past the magic

      • by XXongo ( 3986865 )

        Eric Schmidt is a toxic sociopathic narcissist

        Sure. But that doesn't mean he's wrong.


        But, actually, that's pretty much what his supporters say about Donald Trump.

      • Yes, he is wrong. "We won't make any goals, so fuck it, burn it down and let us oligarchs get rich while we can" is a bullshit response.
        Remember, he is the the asshat who said "Google isn't free, the cost is your private information".
    • Eric Schmidt peaked with lex.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    The man has earned enough to never have to work another day in his life and retire gracefully.

    At least Bill Gates had something of an afterlife as a philanthropist.

    • The man has earned enough to never have to work another day in his life and retire gracefully.

      Eric Schmidt has a net worth of $32 Billion and has been retired since 2017.

      At least Bill Gates had something of an afterlife as a philanthropist.

      Schmidt has a philanthropic foundation: Schmidt Futures []

  • Priorities (Score:4, Funny)

    by medusa-v2 ( 3669719 ) on Friday October 11, 2024 @01:01PM (#64857083)
    Stop worrying about life for future generations. There are billionaires who need more money now!
  • by doragasu ( 2717547 ) on Friday October 11, 2024 @01:07PM (#64857099)

    ... (checks notes) let's make things even worse.

  • Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die.

    WTF is wrong with this guy? []

  • I think he is biased.
  • He just doesn't understand anyone who isn't a fellow plutocrat, or acknowledge anyone who he can't manipulate with his vast wealth. Why does every tech bro billionaire become such an uncaring sociopath? Is there a course? Sociopathy 101 maybe?

A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
