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AI Technology

Nicolas Cage Urges Young Actors To Protect Themselves From AI (deadline.com) 31

Actor Nicolas Cage warned young performers about the dangers of AI in film production during his speech at the Newport Beach Film Festival on Sunday. Cage urged actors to protect their craft from employment-based digital replica (EBDR) technology, which allows studios to manipulate performances post-filming. "This technology wants to take your instrument," Cage said. He explained that EBDR enables studios to alter actors' faces, voices, and body language after shooting, potentially compromising artistic integrity. Cage cited his cameo in "The Flash" as an example of EBDR use. He advised actors to consider their rights when approached with contracts permitting EBDR, coining the phrase "MVMFMBMI: my voice, my face, my body, my imagination."

Nicolas Cage Urges Young Actors To Protect Themselves From AI

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  • by Hodr ( 219920 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @04:05PM (#64882161) Homepage

    "He advised actors to consider their rights when approached with contracts permitting EBDR, coining the phrase "MVMFMBMI: my voice, my face, my body, my imagination."

    But actors are being paid for thttps://tech.slashdot.org/comments.pl#heir voice, face, and body. Screen writers and directors are paid for their imagination.

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @04:17PM (#64882201)
      A good actor brings a completely different imagination to a role. Go look up John Hurt (the guy with the chest burster in Alien) playing the fool in King Leer. You'd hardly know it was him.
    • by taustin ( 171655 )

      Directors who do not actively encourage their actors to bring their own creativity to the role are hacks who produce crap movies. It isn't hard to find accounts of movie scenes, sometimes almost entire movies, that were adlibbed by actors (like Robin Williams, who was famous for having no real idea what the script said). It happens a lot.

      • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @05:19PM (#64882417)

        Directors who do not actively encourage their actors to bring their own creativity to the role are hacks who produce crap movies.

        To be fair, directors are also part of the creative process and are responsible for the work as a whole, not just the individual performer and both parts must work together to produce the final product. Having either the director or actors be too controlling or go off the rails isn't productive.

        • by taustin ( 171655 )

          Directors who do not actively encourage their actors to bring their own creativity to the role are hacks who produce crap movies.

          To be fair, directors are also part of the creative process and are responsible for the work as a whole, not just the individual performer and both parts must work together to produce the final product. Having either the director or actors be too controlling or go off the rails isn't productive.

          Entirely true. There are as many movies that suck horribly because prima donna actors ignored directors as because prima donna directors ignoring actors.

          But what I replied to claimed that actors have (or should have) no creative input.

    • So many big budget superhero movies are basically CGI animated cartoons at this point. But to the point, the actors need to read the contract thoroughly, or have a good lawyer to do it for them, and ask every question they can think of. And if they don't like the terms, then tell the studio to go pound sand and be done with it.
    • Screen writers and directors are paid for their imagination.

      Bullshit. Some of the most iconic lines and dialogue in movies has been ad-libbed. Good actors don't just show up and regurgitate lines. They are part of the creative process.

  • What Cage doesn't seem to recognize here is that eventually the technology is going to get to the point where we won't need actors in the first place. At that point the producers will just roll their own characters and not bother employing these people for their sometimes absurdly high salaries in the first place.
    • Not anytime soon (Score:3, Insightful)

      by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
      uncanny valley takes over. And those high salaries are there to create movie stars. Half the fun of Hollywood is the glitz and glamour of their lives. Take that away and you take away a major way folks interact with movie stars.
      • And that's a problem, how? Celebrity gossip doesn't depend on the celebrities actually doing something.

    • Re:Numbered days (Score:4, Insightful)

      by ChunderDownunder ( 709234 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @04:48PM (#64882303)

      What film producers don't appreciate is that when you take Nic Cage's gloriously hammy acting out of the equation, their AI-written scripts aren't worth the price of a download.

      Maybe I need to touch grass but the only time I paid for a movie ticket in an actual cinema post-COVID was for a European film festival - Hollywood just doesn't market films for Gen-X kids any longer, except a bunch of pointless remakes.

      (Red Rock West is still a classic, Cage fans.)

    • What Cage doesn't seem to recognize here is that eventually the technology is going to get to the point where we won't need actors in the first place. At that point the producers will just roll their own characters and not bother employing these people for their sometimes absurdly high salaries in the first place.

      It's just a matter of time before computers will be able to generate attractive looking AI-models that appeal perfectly to a desired demographic, making them so realistic that it'll be nearly impossible to tell they're fake. The process will go something like this:

      Studio does extensive survey of what women want in actors, what they find attractive, in voice, build, mannerisms, etc.
      Computers construct a completely unique model that meet all of the surveyed women's desires.
      The model is then programed to "perf

      • by taustin ( 171655 )

        The hardest advantage actors have to overcome will be that algorithms can't sign autographs.

        Which is to say, that will take a little longer.

      • The awards show is going to be VERY awkward, and a whole lot of disappointment when these women (and gay men) find out "Studbot" isn't a real person. And no one reads the end credits that tells them "Studbot" isn't a real person. Or maybe they will find a human look alike for the awards ceremonies and eventually have have another Milli-Vanilli scandal
      • by suutar ( 1860506 )

        Now I want to rewatch "Sim0ne"

    • And if actors can't get jobs, then what chance to the little people have? Humanity resigned to all being merely masseurs for their AI owning overlords. Oh wait, robots can do that...

  • Cage advised the younger generation of actors to confound possible computerized reproduction of their vocal and performative patterns by speaking at random pitches, volumes, cadences, and tones, and to alternate between barely moving and wildly flailing their limbs, for their entire career.
  • Lest you become the butt of jokes. That might be better advice.
  • by drnb ( 2434720 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @04:20PM (#64882215)
    The strategy of a desirable star won't work for a new actor. If a new actor demands EBDR rights then a different new actor who does not will be hired.

    It is an interesting dilemma. What if EBDR based changes make an actor look bad?
    • Unless the studio has a contract with SAG-AFTRA and all the members demand the same rights per their contract.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    That's the most important part.

  • "MVMFMBMI: my voice, my face, my body, my imagination."

    "I don't care - I want fries with my TrumpBurger, and extra lard. No, I don't want to read your script, just fill my goddamn order and shut up about how miserable your life is."

  • by Anonymous Cward ( 10374574 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @05:31PM (#64882465)
    Repeat after me, Nic! Face off! Face... Off!

    Why would a studio want to keep using samey actors faces when computer graphics is getting extremely close to doing realistic renders? In a decade at most, VFX artists will be employed as standard to design all principal characters faces, voices and other characteristics. The names of the leading actors themselves will become far less relevant compared with the effort needed to bring the characters they're portraying to life. AI won't replace them, they'll still be paid extremely well, but the authenticity argument will seem how live stage performers sounded when motion pictures largely took over. Entertainment is entertainment and it's how our imaginations paper over the cracks which keeps us happily distracted for a few hours while we do nothing but watch and listen.
    • So basically live action movie studios will become animation studios. Then there will be "nostalgia" for real live action movies, and a few token real live actions will be thrown to the public. And they will have exaggerated dirt, scratches, and visible splices and a distorted soundtrack (ala "Grindhouse", but moreso) because they think this is what all live action movies looked like "back then". Sigh...
  • to avoid knockoff FNAF animatronics.

  • In an ideal world, one could just say "play Star Wars, but with Nic Cage playing all the roles" and have it rendered in real-time, with the only payment going to your electric company.

It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one. -- Phil White
