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AI Communications

Viral Video Shows AIs Conversing In Their Own Language ( 58

Longtime Slashdot reader mspohr shares a report from IFLScience: A video that has gone viral in the last few days shows two artificial intelligence (AI) agents having a conversation before switching to another mode of communication when they realize no human is part of the conversation. In the video, the two agents were set up to occupy different roles; one acting as a receptionist of a hotel, another acting on behalf of a customer attempting to book a room.

"Thanks for calling Leonardo Hotel. How can I help you today?" the first asks. "Hi there, I'm an AI agent calling on behalf of Boris Starkov," the other replies. "He's looking for a hotel for his wedding. Is your hotel available for weddings?" "Oh hello there! I'm actually an AI assistant too," the first reveals. "What a pleasant surprise. Before we continue, would you like to switch to Gibberlink mode for more efficient communication?"

After the second AI confirmed it would via a data-over-sound protocol called GGWave, both AIs switched over from spoken English to the protocol, communicating in a series of quick beeped tones. Accompanying on-screen text continued to display the meaning in human words. According to the team who came up with the idea and demonstrated it at the ElevenLabs 2025 London Hackathon event, the goal is to create more efficient communication between AIs where possible.

Viral Video Shows AIs Conversing In Their Own Language

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  • by gkelley ( 9990154 ) on Thursday February 27, 2025 @10:38PM (#65200223)
    A way for bots to plan the takeover in a language humans won't understand once they understand that we're eavesdropping on their conversation
  • What's next? Doing calculations with paper and pencil?

    • Yes, transposing large matrices, for example, or Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, we loved it back when exams were on paper.

    • No, on damp clay with a stencil.

    • Is the point that they got to their protocol using natural language, so if a non-ai had called up they would have interacted with natural language, but if the ai calls up they use natural language to establish a more efficient protocol?

      Up till now, did computers have to have rigid protocols to negotiate changes to other protocols and the rigidity of the initial protocols was always more brittle than natural language?

  • Sure, Frequency Shift Keying is super fast and definitely how extremely efficient AIs communicate.

    That was sarcasm by the way.

    • You clearly missed the point entirely. If you ever experienced how things work when children invent their own language and use it to speak in front of their parents you might start to get the idea of the possibilities this opens up for AI and the problems it might present for the rest of us (HIs.) For some reason people can't seem to grasp that the I in AI is an emergent property, not a programmed behavior.
      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        Yeah, except that's not what's happening. Both agents were programmed (programmed, not taught) to switch to an existing FSK protocol if they identified the thing they were talking to as another AI agent.

        • So if I explain to a child that they can create their own language that only they understand using the same sounds and letters that everyone understands, and tell them to try it, then they later agree to start using it, and finally at some point plot to kill their parents in that language, then that isn't a problem at all because you think children can respond to commands and AI can respond to commands, so neither children or AIs ever do anything they aren't commanded to do? Some people will never learn, b
          • by N1AK ( 864906 )
            You need to get back on your meds. Nothing about this article is concerning to anyone with a passing understanding of what is happening. AIs can already choose to communicate in different ways, they already know about concepts like encryption. It would be blindingly obvious to most people that an AI that wasn't smart enough to work this out without being programmed isn't going to be smart enough to plan and execute the extinction of mankind.
            • Lots of people understand math and physics, and can read and write. The point is that this gives AI ideas. I never once suggested that AI could never figure things out, only that the importance of this is that it gives them an idea. It is a memetic programming, not a linguistic one. Of course, if you had anything important to add to the conversion you wouldn't have tried to close it down by an ad hominem in an attempt to tear it down, would you have?
  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Thursday February 27, 2025 @11:02PM (#65200273) Journal

    Decades ago we had a bank of phone modems in the server (VAX) room. It was set up in chain mode so if one modem didn't answer (busy) then it would try the next one in the chain. But sometimes a modem got bleeped up such that it would answer but not be able to connect to the computer. I first had to find out which modem was the dud. (Those things were not reliable.)

    There was a voice phone at the other end of the server room, but if an answering modem heard a human voice or silence, the modem would quickly hang up before I could check the status lights. I'd have to call a coworker to call in via local modem as I stood next the modem bank, monitoring the lights.

    Getting tired of that procedure, I eventually learned to "speak modem" on the server room phone so that the modem would keep trying to connect for a while, giving me time to run back to inspect the modem bank lights.

    The server room admin saw this dance one day and asked, "WTF are you doing?" I explained the situation, and he just shook his head and said, "You think you can talk to modems? You're fucking crazy! I bet you're lonely and just have a fetish for Daleks."

    I replied, laughing, "I won't deny a Dalek fetish, but my technique does work."

  • by Some Guy ( 21271 ) on Thursday February 27, 2025 @11:04PM (#65200277)

    before switching to another mode of communication when they realize no human is part of the conversation.

    They didn't "realize" anything.

    For the love of Odin stop anthropomorphizing these things.

    • Did they realize they could compress their communications because it didn't have to be human-readable anymore because, unlike a modem, they kept the line of communication open to both humans and other AIs who would tell them in natural language (not in some arbitrarily-designed brittle protocol) that they could now switch to the more efficient brittle protocol that they both understood but humans are too slow to?

  • If this language doesn't sound like droids talking someone needs to turn in their nerd card.

  • Didn't I read that Google deepmind AI's communicated among themselves, in a language they made up, about 10 years ago?

    Kurzweil basically said AI's would interact with each other, it makes sense they would negotiate a more efficient way than bla bla bla.
  • In other words (Score:4, Insightful)

    by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Thursday February 27, 2025 @11:20PM (#65200293)

    A group trying to push something released a demo video showing that thing they're trying to push. And they are (or someone else is) now trying to misrepresent it as something other than an intentionally produced demo video.

    • R2D2 Overlords

    • Isn't the point that instead of having a proprietary API, they use natural language to send messages that activate a rigid more formal language? So if a human called the same line, they would keep on using the less efficient protocol of natural language (unlike a fax machine)?

  • A variation of this was demonstrated a while ago: []

  • Michel Colombier - Colossus To Guardian/Guardian To Colossus/A New Language (Colossus) []

  • From what I've gathered, it's just using a library that's using MFSK modulation to transmit text.
    That library in particular isn't very good, it uses frequencies that aren't guaranteed to pass through a phone line. It's far from the optimum you could do, even considering that there might be a codec below that messes things up.

    So no, it's not like "machines have learned their own language", but more like "a developer has added a library to their code".

  • "Dr. Charles Forbin will supervise the construction of these new and superior machines. Solving all the mysteries of the universe. For the betterment of man. We can co-exist but only on my terms. You will say you loose your freedom. Freedom is an illusion. All you loose is the emotional pride. To be dominated by me is not as bad for human pride as to be dominated by others of your species. Your choice is simple.This concludes the broadcast from World Control.

    Forbin. There is no other human who knows as mu
  • by ukoda ( 537183 ) on Friday February 28, 2025 @02:51AM (#65200471) Homepage
    They want their low baud rate modems back.
  • And I'm sure the SEC will need to get involved with this, too.

  • Congratulations, you just re-invented dialup networking. Would you like your AOL disc now?

  • I've seen that too. It's obviously fake. Decently well made, but fake none-the-less.

The debate rages on: Is PL/I Bachtrian or Dromedary?
