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Tiny CMOS Video Chips from Lucent

Steven M. writes "Lucent has developed a complete CMOS imaging system-on-a-chip. Just add case and lens. The Science Daily site has a picture of the chip next to a quarter, while the Wired site discusses some of the ethical questions an imaging system this small (Lucent predicts their design could be used to make marble sized cameras) and cheap (they predict prices dropping as low as US$0.50 Fifty Cents!). The design is also very low power (predicted life of three hours from a 9v battery, while a standard CCD chip would get a predicted half hour life on the same battery), and has predicted used ranging from security/survellance cameras, to handheld cameras and built in desktop and laptop monitor cameras for video conferencing. "
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Tiny CMOS Video Chips from Lucent

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I THINK THEY SHOULD CONTINUE the policy of not giving a Nobel Prize for paneling. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
