Help Make Communicator 4.5 Uncrashable on Linux!
The X Windows / UNIX team for Communicator 4.5 wrote
in with a request for linux users. They say
"We are are the team of programmers who are working on
the X Windows / UNIX version of Communicator 4.5 We hate it
when Communicator crashes. We're sure you do too.
We know linux is rock solid, and our goal is to make the
4.5 that run on Linux that rock solid.
We want people who may be thinking about using Linux to
think: "And another reason I should try Linux is the
Communicator never crashes on Linux. Never."
We admit we aren't there yet.
But this is our team's top priority.
Here is what we need from you:
If you found a *reproducable* way to make 4.5 crash, tell us how. We'll fix it. Send mail to, and when make the fix, we'll let you know so that you'll know that it won't happen again.
If you are using a version of 4.5 that has the Full Circle Talkback feature, please turn it on and let us know what you did to cause the crash.
If you don't have 4.5 PR 1, get it here."
Help Make Communicator 4.5 Uncrashable on Linux! More Login
Help Make Communicator 4.5 Uncrashable on Linux!
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