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Why does God play dice?

The New Scientist is carrying an interesting article about the link between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity.: keeping a chaotic deterministic system relatively coherent over a whole Universe. Also in this week's issue, HAL's 30th birthday is celebrated by Netropolitan. Our current efforts are also described. William Tanksley wrote in to tell us of another publication to reach the net: Chemical and Engineering News, one of the most reliable and timely technical news sources he knows of:" Their first complete issue will come out on the 24th. They were the first people to carry news about the negative results on testing for life in the Martian metiorite, and they're the only ones I've seen that carried the news of the recent development of efficient organic LEDs and LECs (light emitting capacitors --- charge 'em up and let 'em glow). "
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Why does God play dice?

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