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Netscape The Internet

Netscape pulls in front in corporate market

Zdnet is reporting a study by Zona Research Inc that shows Netscape's dominance of the corporate market increasing, to lead IE by 60% to 40%. Moreover 84% of IE users in companies must do so due to company policy. This is good news for Netscape, which makes its revenues off server software for companies: more browser recognition and usage decrease the hurdles it faces to sell its server software for which its browser is optimised. However the results are bad for other browsers: for the first time since 1996 all the companies surveyed use either IE or Netscape. Thanks to Linux Today for the link.
The initial article contained the statement " Note that corporate users have good T1 connections to the internet, effectively making Netscape easier to choose than it is for home users.". Some readers don't agree with that. I think it all depends on where you live. I have never seen a free CD with Netscape on it -- only IE. And in countries other than the US, downloading a few Megs is prohibitively expensive due to local telephone charges.
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Netscape pulls in front in corporate market

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One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.
