Rio MP3 Player On Hold
Kevin writes "The Diamond Rio is being put on hold due to a court
order. I really don't understand how it is even possible.
If this is successful can they outlaw CD players and VCR's
just because they can play illegally copied material? "
Personally, I'm willing to buy one of those Rio's just to
make a statement against the RIAA goobers who are making
this messy. Note to RIAA:The way you do business is
going to die. The Rio is just the
first step- wait until Radio moves to the Internet. Why would
I listen to WXYZ when wxyz.com will play my exact choice of
music? Why would I buy a physical object at all? The
future is gonna be great: on
demand media will make accessing music better for the
everyone. Stop trying to protect your ass with lawsuits and
instead try to win the new game by offering consumers what
we want. Release all your music as MP3 and figure out a
better way
to profit then the existing distribution system
that rips off the artists, and makes things unecessarily
expensive and difficult for consumers. Soapbox mode off.
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Rio MP3 Player On Hold
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