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Wine Software

Wine project moves forward! 103

zootsuite writes "After an end of year coding rush, Wine-990103 has been released. Any bets on when Microsoft will stop making operating systems, and stick to the apps? "
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Wine project moves forward!

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  • Umm, there are plans to use em86 to run wintel binaries on other platforms.
  • Anonymous Troll wrote:

    Yes, I agree, so REDHAT and caldera can become the next millenia's MicroSluts.

    Yes, both of them are companies, and as they grow, both are likely to suffer the increase in greed and decrease in ethics that has become the norm in corporate America. Neither has what it takes to become the next millenia's MicroSluts. They are going to grow, but not to that level.

    Linux code might be free, but you can bet in years to come that KDE and GNOME will cost you.

    How? KDE is currently GPL/LGPL, possibly to switch to Artistic. Neither license allows for anyone but the copyright holder to switch copyrights. As long as it is under either license, someone will be distributing it free of charge over the net.

    GNOME is currently GPL/LGPL, with most of the core components copyright assigned to the Free Software Foundation. If the Free Software Foundation changes the license, we've got a lot more to worry about than whether or not someone is charging for the package. Again, as long as GNOME is GPL, someone will be distributing it free of charge over the net.

    And of course, all the programs that you will have to run on it.

    There will be some commercial/proprietary apps for both systems. However, both systems have the most important apps (including word processor and spreadsheet), under the GPL. Again, while the program is GPLed, someone will distribute it free over the internet.

    Either you are communist or you are not, you cant play both sides.

    What does communism have to do with any of this?? There hasn't been a real communist in over 100 years. While both Karl Marx and Richard Stallman are fuzzy people, I don't think the GPL was addressed in Das Kapital.
  • Those were nice pictures of Direct3D. I remember back when it first came out that Starcraft was working in Wine. Back then, they said you had to run your X server in 640x480x256 to play DirectX games. Yet I noticed your pictures were just windows with Tomb Raider in em. So, has things improved enough that we can play DirectX games in a window, or does this just apply to your Direct3D work?
  • Unfortunately, modern America is more worried about being able to use foul language and such than doing anything productive. Say you want people to be civil, they do everything they can to not.

    Why can't there be a site where calm rational people can discuss/debate the latest in Linux or Open Source news that I wouldn't be afraid to refer my bosses to do research on this whole Linux thing? Where there's more than just "I don't approve of this mf'ing article, slashdot sucks" or describing varied methods of killing Bill Gates.

    If we want Linux or OSS to be embraced by professional organizations and world dominance, we'll have to work mighty hard to extinguish this image of it being for punk/hippy kids just out to get MS. Linux is powerful in its own right, not just because it's not Windows.

    I guess it's as the old addage, if you want something done, do it yourself... But the scanning for morons would be a full time job. :)
  • Posted by OGL:

    Still runs basically the same apps. Perhaps it's a little premature to start reporting on every single wine release. On the other hand the wine team is doing a great job and I wish them the best of luck.

  • Posted by klaynd:

    Look guys, I really doubt ./ is planning on reporting every release of Wine. However, this *is* the first release of Wine of the year 1999. Compare Wine-990103 to Wine-980104...was there a major improvment? Of course. Hopefully this story will get those who shunned at Wine a year ago to give it another try.
  • Posted by razit:

    Poor language is a major drag to read, and adds absolutely nothing to the strength of peoples postings.

    I agree, clean up the poor vocab guys.

  • Posted by Mojoski:

    So what do you think wine is? It's not just a win32 program loader. It's a lib that you can use to port apps to linux also.. Get a clue before you start speaking, please...
  • Posted by Mojoski:

    That is awesome, BBrox.. You are the shit!
  • Microsoft will stop making an "OS" when...

    They can no longer make money selling it, or make money by using it to force people to use their apps. IOW, never.
  • I hope WINE gets good, really good. ...

    I don't. With the greatest respect to the Wine team, their project is a waste of time. If people want windoze apps, they can buy and use windoze, and buy and use those apps. If they don't want windoze, they can a) generate demand for similar apps on their favorite OS, b) write their own apps to do what they want, or c) pay somebody to do (b). If libwine is used, as Corel has discussed, to port apps to Un*x, then we get lots of crufty, ugly, windoze-lookalike apps. They may not crash the whole OS, but they'll still crash a lot, be hard to use, ugly, and in general everything many of us stopped using windoze for. If wine is used as an emulator, more copies of windoze apps are bought, nothing gets ported, and Microsoft comes out the winner - their OS remains the primary development platform.

    Use wine if you like, but be aware it may cost you in the long run. The massive wine effort would be better spent re-implementing the #1..n most-requested apps in {Motif|GTK|QT|Xaw|even ascii}. I bet they'd run 2-4x as fast, without licensing issues, etc. Because when all's said and done, reimplementing the windoze api is just plain dumb. The api itself is despicable and sickening, and even a really good implementation (Free, even) is going to suck, as are any apps it runs. There are leaner, meaner, cleaner, Freer, and just plain better apis just waiting for in-demand apps to be written in them. Why use such a bad one? Because it's popular? Now re-read the last 3 sentences with "OS" in mind instead of "api." Gotcha.
  • To all the people complaining about the team writing a piece of free software because THEY
    WANT TO WRITE IT, your efforts would be better spent on a OSS project than trawling ./ looking for things to complain about.

    I'm not complaining about it - they have every right to code whatever they want. But the project is a waste of time at best, and counterproductive at worst.
  • If you haven't tried this before (or in a while), please do: run Powerpoint 97 using Wine. It holds up remarkably well at first, especially considering how big of a program it is. If you get a black box showing up on the screen, open a blank page in powerpoint then click on the box to get rid of it.

    For those of you who want to see what it looks like (under KDE), check this [] image out. The command line to do this is "wine -managed powerpnt.exe".

    My only complaint is that 990103 (and possibly earlier ones as well) managed to kill Skyglobe for Windows support.
  • I'm not sure, but if the errorlog below is any indication, it'll be a while:

    [root@obsidian2 Office]# wine -managed outlook.exe
    fixme:security:InitializeSecurityDescriptor (0x40681778,0x1): stub
    fixme:module:FreeLibrary32 (0xbfeb0000): stub
    err:resource:FindResourceEx32W 0x6dff0000(OUTLLIB.dll) "#7a01"("#000e") not found!
    err:resource:FindResourceEx32W 0x6dff0000(OUTLLIB.dll) "#7a02"("#000e") not found!
    fixme:module:LoadLibraryEx32A flag not properly supported 2
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS
    fixme:win32:SYNC_DoWait alertable not implemented
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS
    fixme:win32:SYNC_DoWait alertable not implemented
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS
    fixme:win32:SYNC_DoWait alertable not implemented
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS
    fixme:win32:SYNC_DoWait alertable not implemented
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS
    fixme:win32:SYNC_DoWait alertable not implemented
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS
    fixme:win32:SYNC_DoWait alertable not implemented
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS
    fixme:win32:SYNC_DoWait alertable not implemented
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device VNETBIOS
    fixme:win32:SYNC_DoWait alertable not implemented
    fixme:win32:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device NWLINK
    fixme:module:CreateProcess32A (C:\Program Files\Windows Messaging\newprof.exe,...): CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE ignored
    fixme:module:CreateProcess32A (C:\Program Files\Windows Messaging\newprof.exe,...): lpCurrentDirectory C:\WINDOWS ignored
    fixme:module:CreateProcess32A (C:\Program Files\Windows Messaging\newprof.exe,...): lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop Desktop ignored
    fixme:module:CreateProcess32A (C:\Program Files\Windows Messaging\newprof.exe,...): lpStartupInfo->lpTitle Title ignored
    wine: mutex.c:103: abandon_mutexes: Assertion `mutex->owner == thread' failed.
    sendmsg: Broken pipe
    Client protocol error:0x832cf98: partial msg sent -1/24
    Unexpected Windows program segfault - opcode = 8b
    Page fault in 32-bit code (0x08171fb5).
    Fault address is 0x00000004
    Loading symbols: wine /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/
    /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/
    /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/lib/ /lib/
    /lib/ /lib/ /lib/ /lib/
    NETBIOS.dll NETAPI32.dll mso7enu.dll MSO97.DLL OUTLRPC.dll OLEAUT32.dll
    ole32.dll MSVCRT40.dll OUTLLIB.dll OUTLOOK.EXE USER32 GDI32 KERNEL32
    DeferredDebug for: OUTLLIB.dll ole32.dllUnable to open .DBG file ole32.dbg
    MAPI32.dll RPCRT4.dllUnable to open .DBG file rpcrt4.dbg
    COMCTL32.dll OLEAUT32.dll OUTLRPC.dllUnable to open .DBG file outlrpc.dbg
    MSO97.DLL mso7enu.dllUnable to open .DBG file mso7enu.dbg

    In 32 bit mode.
    Unexpected Windows program segfault - opcode = 8b
    Page fault in 32-bit code (0x0817132b).
    Fault address is 0x00000004
    Segmentation fault inside debugger, exiting.
  • Back when OS/2 was able to emulate Windows software, you must know one fact that seems to be left out quite often; OS/2 required a copy of Windows to perform it's emulation. Also, OS/2 emulated Windows 3.xx, about the same time that Windows 95 came out.

    The resulting lack of Windows 95 tools (especially DirectX) made OS/2's emulation practically useless for current apps, and the dependance on the Windows software itself further reduced it's strength.

    WINE, however, is built from the ground up as a set of Windows-compatible APIs and Libraries, with the ability to translate Windows calls to UNIX calls. The stability factor upon completion of WINE will be every bit as stable as Linux itself, since all Wine does is make Linux /X calls out of Windows calls.

    Also, because the APIs are aiming to be exactly like the Windows API calls, programmers won't have to entirely re-write their code to make the software compliant with some form of UNIX API... simply change a few things,and recompile.

    Think as opposed to win32.dll

    Keep working at it... you will either succeed, or become an expert.
  • I have placed something similar to my views on Microsoft, and their products. If you would like to read it, go to the page at http://www.geocities. com/SiliconValley/Network/5389/tech.html [].

    I have prepared that account of how I see Microsoft, the Anti-MS movement, and their software and even political tactics.

    Take with a grain of salt, however, this is merely a view.

    Keep working at it... you will either succeed, or become an expert.
  • Yeah sure.

    The problem is that I don't see any patch from Corel since November in the ChangeLog. So what's wrong ?
  • Woops thanks a lot !

    Could you say me (us) which Email they are using ? I'm really interested in their contributions.
  • These wine announcements tend to be pretty worthless as they are now. It's basically three words of news -- Wine xxxx released -- wrapped in some filler. There are no details of what's new and fixed, which is the only important information that most people want to know. So, you say, click the link if you want more information. Here is the only acknowledgement of the new version on their news page:

    "Wine 990103 released, site updated. (990104)"

    Real useful. :) Maybe slashdot should start linking these stories to freshmeat -- they seem to have a much better handle on this kind of thing. Here's their take on this new version:

    "This release has improved console support, tons of new stubs, improvements to header files compatibility, more features in Wine server and lots of bug fixes."

    Much, much better! If you're going to do something, you may as well do it right.
  • Its kind of how it always goes, but I think complaining about it is more joining the problem than fixing it.

    Unfortunately, saying "I hate people who hate people," does much the same thing. There is such a lack of attention in the world, people feel like they could blink out of existance without anyone knowing it. Sometimes they just shout to be heard.

    In fact, that feeling of being degected and unnoticed was the feul to the Nazi movement. I fear that not just Slashdot, but most of the modern world is once again beginning to feel that way. Its self perpetuating and growing, and if Godwin's law is obeyed people will not only be depressed they will be ignorant. That combination makes for dry kindling and gasoline waiting for a spark.

    ABORTED effort:
    Close all that you have.
  • WP8 even underlines input, and suggests you use imput in stead.
    ^~~^~^^~~^~^~^~^^~^^~^~^~~^^^~^^~~^~~~^~~^ ~
    ABORTED effort:
    Close all that you have.
  • I won't mind because Microsoft's cruft is so sub-standard even they hate it (and thus Windows 2000 which they will work years on trying to scale back down IMHO)
  • I can't get welcome.exe, calc.exe or anything to boot in wine. Everything dies with Page fault in 32-bit code (0x00000000).
  • I do not know yet about Wine capabilities in full, but my first impression was less than happy. It keeps crashing on every program from it's programs directory. Since I have no Windows installed now, I couldn't check it with native execs yet. Maybe that's pgcc to blame? But then again, I can't install two years old compiler and risk all the problems from this just to run Windows solitaire!

    All I want from thing such as WIne that I could use it without full windows installed. Now I couldn't.

    To sum up, there's a way to go before Microsoft have to start worrying.
  • I just checked out all the windoze apps with a 5 rating, and saw Internet Exploder 4.0.

    Surely this has to be a joke! Does it TRULY run under WINE? If so, that's nothing short of amazing!

    And Microsoft reckon it's an integral part of their shite O/S - yeah right!
  • Somehow, deep down inside, I thought it was too good to be true...

    Well, who'd want to use such crap anyway?
  • Winelib (appart from some quirks) could be compiled non any 32bit platform...

    Unfortunatly for 64bits platform it's may not be possible or really hard, since many functions use a DWORD (32bit) parameter that can be a pointer.
    It's one place where microsoft really screwed for possibility of multi-platform...

    Now I only need to find how microsoft did for the 32bit on the Alpha or how to allocated memory below 4gb with linux/alpha...
  • MickeySoft makes operating systems? You're kidding! I never knew they made.....wait a minute. You're calling that an operating system?! Waaaaaaah!
    (To the overly serious: Just kidding. I just thought it was an interesting statement....)
  • It still doesn't work, but at least with the new version, the splash screen and errror dialogs come up before it crashes , so its closer :)
  • by sheldon ( 2322 )
    (sarcasm on)
    Quit trolling you obvious Microsoft lover!

    (sarcasm off)

  • When you have as many visitors as slashdot does, you've going to find at least a few people on every subject that is completely, and outspokenly against it.

    In other words:
    Given enough eyes, all subjects are hated.

    Dosent' mean everyone here hates everything...
  • The collective mind of the free software community has always been motivated by both the desire to hack, and a rather ugly bitterness regarding the state of the software world. It was motivated by both constructive and destructive influences. I defy anyone to read /. for a few months and not see that the destructive side has won out, hands down.

    First of all, the free software community does not have a collective mind. We are not Borg. The free software community is composed of many individuals, with more distinct opinions than lines of source these days. So any statement about what we collectively think is false from the start.

    Secondly, are you new to the Internet? Either that, or you're particularly dense not to have noted something by now: any Internet discussion forum (be it Usenet or /. or whatever) magnifies the extremes. You seem to be saying that merely by reading /. for a few months, you can determine that some particular side of an issue has "won out". This marks you as fairly clueless. You really can't determine much at all about the beliefs and attitudes of a group as a whole from any Internet forum.

    Finally, as you pointed out, there are both constructive and destructive elements in the community. If you knew anything at all about Internet forums, you would know that if there is any destructive element at all, it will be quite loud, and the sound of it will be magnified manyfold by the medium. If there were only a dozen people in the entire community with these kinds of flaming personalities, I would expect frequent flame wars and negativity to pervade /., as it does. I've seen highly active newsgroups with larger audiences go down in flames from the activities of fewer people than that. In other words, /. would look pretty much like it does now if it were the case that only a dozen individuals felt that way, so it's highly questionable to claim the state of /. today is evidence for any sort of widespread negativity.

    There are those who remember the "Good Old Days"(TM) when Usenet wasn't an open forum for flame wars. They must all be in the 40s or older by now, since I don't remember any such time, and I've been netting since the mid 80s. I suspect those days ended when people could no longer personally remember the email addresses of everyone on the net.

    Starting reality daemon: realityd

  • This is a revolution after all, in the truest sense of the word.

    Look at /.'s coverage: Pro-Apple, pro-SGI, pro-Sun, pro-Linux, pro-Amiga. What unites all these folks? Hatred of Microsoft of course.
    Don't dis it, it's a powerful unifying force.
  • Rebooting into Windows sucks. For some people this is migration tool... not a way to pollute Linux. :-P
  • It saves me a trip to my friends house and most of all it saves me from installing (God forbid) Windows on my hard drive.

    Quicktax is a great program that works great in the Wine enviroment.

    In the contrary, it is very useful.
  • I don't. With the greatest respect to the Wine team, their project is a waste of time.

    YAMM. Yet Another Moralizing Moron. You loser, Wine will be extremely useful as a porting aid; it will allow to port 'doze software, like Corel will do.

  • Please remember that the flaming MS/BSD/KDE/Mac/whatever-haters you see around Slashdot are not the free software community -- they are the Slashdot flamer community. It is very rare to see posters who are actually active in an important free software project, apparently those have better things to do than flaming everybody else.

    If you haven't already done so, read JonKatz's "Luring the Lurkers"-column from a while back ( ml). Apart from implying that most lurkers are newbies, I agree with him pretty much 100%. I have been reading Slashdot myself for around half a year or so, and this is my second or third post during that time. Why? Usually I have nothing to say on the subject, and if I have, I don't want to get involved in the typical flame-fest that is going on around here.

    And no, I don't claim to be an important figure either. Apart from an occasional patch and port, I haven't been involved in any major free software projects. That doesn't mean that I have to justify myself by flaming here either -- I have better things to do, thank you very much.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Slashdot is a wonderful resource. You just need to install a huge mental filter before reading the comments.

  • The bookstore I'm helping to switch to a new computer (dual boot now, hopefully pure Linux soon) uses hoary old HOS programs called Books In Print and Flashback, for ordering books from distributors. BIP is probably already 2 years old, and the last time Flashback was seriously updated was 1995. Neither of these programs have a snowball's chance of being ported to anything else besides Win9x. Yes, I'm hoping Wine gets robust enough to run these two progs (BIP almost works now).. otherwise it means that two people who have zero time to do anything but run a bookstore now will also have to learn a new database program (and phone in orders manually instead), or be stuck with an Albatross called Windows.
  • "Our plans for world domination are proceeding precisely on schedule..."

    -- jra
  • To install, say, Quicken, do I first need to install Windows, then install Quicken under windows, then get back into Linux and then run Quicken under WINE?
  • Or can WINE run the installer (Quicken, in my example) and put the program files in some ext2 directory?
  • hehe, it's real funny that the spell checker underlined linux :))
  • Wine is no way to live. Think of it as "the patch" for users trying to cut down.

    Wine has its place in corporations that rely on lame old home-grown Windows apps for certain key functions they haven't ported to the web yet.

    Around my company, everything is done with e-mail, or the web, so I could get away with one of 17+ platforms, but I've worked in environments where some genius wrote an windows exe that management directed everyone to use.

    You have keep a windows PC around, dual boot, borrow a windows box, or run Wine.

    If you want companies to be able to get rid of Windows sooner than later, you'll want Wine to work.

  • Despite popular belief, skinheads are not a hate group and they are not racists. While there does exist such a thing as Nazi skinheads (aka racist skinheads) they are different from true skinheads and are wrong to call themselvs skinheads. Skinhead's enjoy Oi music and are from every race around the globe, in fact, many of the first skinheads were black Jamaicans. Further, not only aren't skinheads racists, but they are outspoken against it (ever heard of 'Ska Against Racism'). The fact that Neo Nazi's call themselvs skinheads proves thier ignorance. So please, don't make the all too common mistake of calling skinheads a hate group.

  • I would think that to get Outlook to work, they would need to reverse engineer the MAPI API set. I'd be real interested if Wine could ever do this because MAPI is part of the extend Windows 'API' that really only exists to support their own applications.

    MS has changed MAPI in the past when it's served their market needs with Exchange server. One would think that Wine would be playing eternal catch-up to get Outlook 99, 00, 01, 02 to work.
  • In the initial stages of Linux world conquest the two operating systems could share space on cynical peoples hard drives. Eventually as more and more programmers appreciate OSS MS would become a secondary OS, a relic. Then it could whither and die.
  • If you can't get Wine to compile, there are binaries available []. Of course that isn't as much fun as compiling it yourself ;)
  • Well, for one, slashdot isn't my office, nor any of the other posters here. So they are free to harass all they want.

    And secondly, if all you do at the office is _say_ things, it would be awful difficult to bring a case of sexual harassment. The courts are very protective of that freedom of speech principle.

    It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Then it's just fun.

  • I think part of the attitude of Linux/FSF/etc... is that if you don't like the way it's done, instead of raising a huge stink about it, go out and do it yourself in the way you want. People seem to think now that they are entitled to commercial grade free software without any hitches, yet they don't want to do anything themselves. The number of people who cried when corel wanted you to register wp8 to use it beyond 90 days was insane. I registered as soon as I got it; the entire process took maybe a minute. Why did I register? Because corel wanted me to and I figured they were doing a great thing by providing a comerical word processor for free. Yet 90% of the reactions were bad, complaining about libc5 or registering, or the fonts. Grow up! I really hate to use cliches but, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Not that constructive critism isn't good, but angry hatred with no real destination is awful. If you don't like wine and think it's evil, tough crap. Don't use it. There are plenty of people out there who will use it. If you don't like the fact that it only runs on x86, tough crap. Impliment your own x86 emulator and hack wine so it can use it.

    Basically what I'm saying is that free software is a gift, treat it like one. You are entitled to nothing. Don't complain when you have to register something. And don't act like just because you want xyz program to have abc feature that by acting like a 6 year old who can't have any ice cream that you will get that feature added. And please STOP complaining and giving the editors of slashdot hell for some of the articles that they post. Keep in mind that they are doing us a great service and that a lot of hard work has been put into slashdot so we can have a truely great service. If you don't like the articles, go out and find better ones and submit them.

    As much as it sucks the world is ruled by money. It happens. It's the concept that the world works upon. People need to eat, they need to buy stuff, they need some source of income. Deal with it. Stop hating and start helping.
  • I've been working lately on Direct3D-on-top-of-Mesa for Wine. My target application is currently Tomb Raider II.
    You can see some screenshots here [].

    PS: before you search in the source, texturing support is not yet incorporated into the main CVS tree...

  • Well, take me for an example. I decided to join the linux mainly for one thing. I saw a BSOD once too much. I agree I'm prone to bitterness MS products. But then, for those in my case, who wouldn't be? I've seen crashed at the worst moment possible, been directly insulted with their phone support.

    After all, when I think of it, there's no real reason to shout and flame. Maybe there's a reason to cry on what this industry has become.

  • We all know that Linux is better (at least those of us with a brain do), but take a second and look at it this way:

    An "API" like Wine can allow many Windows users to install Linux and run their apps. Certainly.

    But how long do you think it will take before they "graduate" from Wine and start using native Linux apps that are better in comparison?

    Not long.

    But it can certainly be JUST the thing to lower tha barrier to entry to Linux that makes it all possible!

  • The problem is one of market-share. Some stuff will be rather difficult to reverse-engineer or design compatible equals to. Others are simply not worth the bother. By allowing emulation, the end-user gets the best of all worlds: Impressive open-source software, without having to dispose of their commercial stuff until there's an equal.
  • wine c:\\windows\\welcome.exe makes for some interesting screenshots. =]

Sentient plasmoids are a gas.
