Window Manager Bits 76
Anonymous Coward writes "WindowMaker 0.50.0 is out, and includes full KDE support,
as well as numerous improvements in usability and appearance as well as the usual bugfixes.
Following the announcement that Blackbox 0.50.2 included limited KDE support last month, this make 3 enhanced window managers available to KDE users. " Notably, Window Maker also includes GNOME support, at least where it can...
Following the announcement that Blackbox 0.50.2 included limited KDE support last month, this make 3 enhanced window managers available to KDE users. " Notably, Window Maker also includes GNOME support, at least where it can...
Why? (Score:1)
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Blackbox (Score:1)
Blackbox (Score:1)
A-Term?! no no no... (Score:1)
Why not mix and match? (Score:1)
Where ?? (Score:1)
You can get the latest version of wterm from :
Good Point... (Score:1)
Yes...It is much healthier for Linux when users have choices. In the end I would be tickled pink to be using a Gnome Spreadsheet & a KDE Presentation Package -- along with another 3rd party E-Mail Reader...People have been "tuned" by Microsoft to think they need all of their products coming from the same source. (That is one of the key things that drove me away from Windows)
Lets please keep the diversity, and let the parties (KDE and GNOME) thrive off of each other.
HEY w[m]term cant shade like Eterm... (Score:1)
Surely the whole thing is basically bloat, no? I mean, if you just want speed and efficiency, why not use straight rxvt?
I see nothing wrong with a bit of bloat in exchange for some eye candy, as long as it's configurable. A simple transparency (or even a tint effect) seems completely pointless to me, so I'm sticking with rxvt for the moment (can't get along with Eterm at all!).
Blackbox (Score:1)
I was going to respond that I love olvwm, then I read that other responce and realised you were talking about beauty.
fools, functinality is where it is at. I love the way I can drag windows across the desktop from the virtual desktop, have windows partially on a couple different desktops, drag windows from the desktop to the virtual desktop, and the way the virtual desktop shows me the title of each application so I can find it in the clutter I always have.
Beatiful i would never call it, but I don't need beauty. Least of all when I sometimes log into a SLC (sun's version of the imac, 17" black and white monitor beige case, and released long enough ago that most are failing now) You don't want a pretty window manager cause the prettyness will be worse in black and white. Am I the onlyone who remembers how much better black and white monitors are for staring at text all day?
Ok a dumb question (Score:1)
Old Sun B & W suck! (Score:1)
Of course, if you're checking your mail with telnet, who cares?
Gnome won't die... (Score:1)
1) The C/C++ thing. This is a style difference of people who are action oriented and object oriented. People who like to optimize speed and people who optimize code.
2) Flamboyance/Unobtrusive. People will always want to shock others with how in depth there screen looks. And some don't want to be annoyed by it.
3) Even though some see more mainstream support for KDE, there is much more mainstream support for the GTK than QT. Some main applications (Mozilla for instance) have already switched or are making plans to switch from Motif. I saw an article last year comparing all the major graphical tool kits (TCL/TK, Motif, Open Look) and suprise GTK was even there before it reached 1.0. I can't remember if QT was in it too, but if it was it didn't get near as much attention. I've seen plenty of articles since.
To sum up, there are inherent style differences that I think will keep both alive. And if there is going to be a clear winner it is way to early to tell.
ABORTED effort:
Close all that you have.
Open Look (Score:1)
ABORTED effort:
Close all that you have.
On Paper (Score:1)
I know there have been two other `On Paper' articles dealing or mentioning Gtk in non Linux publications. One explanation of the mindset might be a misinterpretation of the name. Some have called it the *Gnu* Tool kit, owing to the trememdous success of the libraries and development tools like gcc and glibc.
I have nothing against QT.
ABORTED effort:
Close all that you have.
Where are my themes? (Score:1)
Is it faster? (Score:1)
A-Term?! no no no... (Score:1)
BTW, Didn't ATerm come out like the next day after WTerm became publicly avaliable, and only looking a TINY bit diffrent in the code? Kinda like they started hacking from a pre-alpha reliese of wterm? No matter, Wterm has come a long way even this last week, so there is no reason for consirn.
wterm -tint -tr -fg grey -bg blue -fn kates forever! (or at least this week)
My Bad Typo! (Score:1)
Should be
wmterm -tint -tr -fg grey -bg blue -fn kates
I use wmterm personally, so, uh, sorry for all of you that tried to run that command...
BTW, efnet #windowmaker seems a bit buzy, you all might want to try "./configure --help" on things before you ask questions. ;-)
How much more stuff can be added?! (Score:1)
(I wasn't so impressed with BlackBox, but I reviewed that, too.)
Is it faster? (Score:1)
They look ugly to me (Score:1)
Timur "too sexy for my code" Tabi, timur@tabi.org, http://www.tabi.org
Oops - posted to the wrong forum! (Score:1)
Timur "too sexy for my code" Tabi, timur@tabi.org, http://www.tabi.org
"They"? (Score:1)
Yeeeeehaaaaa!!! Way to go WM & KDE (Score:1)
StarOffice is KDE compliant. So? What's the big deal there? You can still use it with Gnome, and I'm sure they'll be adding Gnome-compliance once 1.0 is released.
Every Gnome app has a KDE-compliant clone. Not quite; I can think of several very good Gnome apps without KDE equivalence, among them Pharmacy (a CVS client), Balsa (yes I know KDE has a mail app but it simply does not compare), and recent versions of Mozilla (QtZilla's development, last I heard, was halted; it was only ported in the first place to show off Qt's portability features).
Now, on to windowmanagers. This is as irrelevant a point as your bit about StarOffice, but your facts are wrong so I'll bite. There are three KDE-compliant WM's: KWM, WM, and Blackbox (sort of). There are five Gnome-compliant WM's: E, IceWM, WindowMaker, SCWM, and Blackbox (actually, is Blackbox compliant? I never heard that). I won't count FVWM in this one since it's not true compliance, but as you can see Gnome has more WM support. It's irrelevant, but you had your facts wrong.
Now, several distros ship with KDE. Let's see: SuSE does. LinPPC does but it also ships with Gnome. RedHat: Gnome. Debian: Gnome. I admittedly do not know about other distributions, so I hope someone else can do a better tally of these. FreeBSD ships with KDE, too. The point: who cares? This one's irrelevant as well (not FreeBSD, but the number of distro's shipping Gnome or KDE).
And licensing issues? How does Qt's being Open-Source hurt Gnome any? Sorry; that one's not relevant either.
Now, let's see: Is Gnome dead based on your arguments? Five of your points were completely irrelevant. That leaves only one valid point. So you basically just said "Gnome is dead because StarOffice is KDE-compliant." I'm sorry, but that seems more than a bit ludicrous.
Why does either desktop environment have to die? Sure, KDE could stand some major improvements (particularly in aesthetics, though alternate windowmanagers help somewhat in that department) but it isn't bad. Sure, Gnome isn't done yet, but it's usable and functional. It's about choice, people. This said, I do wish the two would strive to be more compatible.
GNOME pager not working (Score:1)
GNOME pager not working (Score:1)
Olvwm (Score:1)
Aaron Gaudio
"The fool finds ignorance all around him.
GNOME pager not working (Score:1)
One caveat: if the pager dies, so does the swallowed app; I wish the "swallower" could be configured to stay around and wait for another pager to swallow, because if I restart fvwm2, I have to re-add the swallowed pager to the panel.
Aaron Gaudio
"The fool finds ignorance all around him.
At the risk of starting a flame war... (Score:1)
Litestep is a nifty Next/Afterstep clone which replaces the standard Explorer shell.
Features include virtual desktops, dockable apps, popup menus, etc etc.
Although still beta, it is pretty cool, a fair bit faster than explorer and (naturally) open source.
floach.pimpin.net features news, etc on the above and various other win32 shell replacements (including the as-yet-unamed port of Enlightenment for windows and KDE-NT)
Well, agreed...but (Score:1)
(Although I have snuck a Linux box in to help out our ageing UNIX system with some extra disk space via NFS - today the back room, tomorrow the world!
In the mean time, Litestep makes my MS-experience a good deal more tolerable.
EFX & LS (Score:1)
You can actually run Litestep and explorer in parallel although you lose the background menus and shortcuts.
If all you want is the virtual desktops and/or wharf modules, you might also wantt o check out LSFloater (it'll be at floach.pimpin.net, probably) which allows wharf modules to run under any shell.
Get Xfree86, too! (Score:1)
Beware (Score:1)
Here's another wierdness (Score:1)
Myself, I don't like this behavior. In particular the dots are useful to see if a closed program has gotten wedged without properly closing, like Netscape often does. Also, it makes items with different functionality (raise/launch) look identical, which is bad UI design IMHO.
Here's another wierdness (Score:1)
A dumb answer. :-) (Score:1)
Yeeeeehaaaaa!!! Way to go WM & KDE (Score:1)
GNOME is at the version .30 KDE is preparing 1.1
GNOME is at 0.99.2, preparing for 1.0. But if you take version numbers seriously, you probably need Windows 2000, cos it's way ahead of both KDE and GNOME.
Latest StarOffice is KDE compliant
What does this mean? (Hint: it isn't built with KDE widgets)
Every GNOME application has a KDE compliant clone
Every KDE application has a GNOME compliant clone.
Several Linux distros are shiping with KDE and some even make KDE a default.
Fair enough. KDE is more developed than GNOME is. No-one disputes that.
QT licensing issue has been resolved ( as far as I know ).
Mostly. Not everyone is happy with the new Qt license (though I don't personally have any major problems with it). It's more biased towards Troll Tech than other open-source licenses might be.
Basically there are 3 KDE compliant WMs and there are AFAIK 3 GNOME compliant WMs
4 GNOME compliant WMs - you forgot Enlightentment.
By the way, I use (and prefer) KDE right now. But I don't believe GNOME is remotely dead, and I do want to see it succeed. Actually, what I really want to see is both KDE & GNOME interoperating via CORBA one day. And both being fully themable so (a) KDE & GNOME apps can be made to look and feel the same, and (b) they'll be able to interoperate - why shouldn't I be able to embed a Gnumeric spreadsheet in a KWord document, and have it all look like a NeXTStep application?
Yeeeeehaaaaa!!! Way to go WM & KDE (Score:1)
- Where is their KooBase?
Got me there
- Where is their web browser?
Well, I still prefer Netscape to kfm (1.1 might change that...) so that's not really an issue for me.
- Where is their window manager? (just kidding)
And where's the KDE equivalent for the GIMP? (just kidding)
How do you configure WM for KDE? (Score:1)
Window Maker and Blackbox (Score:1)
Advice for all Window Maker users who use Eterm... try Aterm! The pseudo-transparency works with WMSetBG. It'll do tiled pixmaps, gradients and solid colors! And it has the pretty NeXT-style scroolbar.
A-Term?! no no no... (Score:1)
No thanks (Score:1)
At the risk of starting a flame war... (Score:1)
Umm.. how can I put this...? (Score:1)
Whatever works for you, d00d
Weird, I've gone back to explorer (Score:1)
Ok a dumb question (Score:1)
Easy to use?! (Score:1)
yet ANOTHER bug... (Score:1)