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Source for Pov-Ray modeller now available! 40

Twyst writes "Well, it's not for Linux yet... but Denis Olivier, the author of Povlab has released the source code to his modeller. PovLab is a DOS based modeller for the Persistance of Vision Raytracer. Does anyone wants to have a go at porting it to Linux?"
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Source for Pov-Ray modeller now available!

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  • Posted by Mephie:

    Anyone use this? I have a few questions:
    If I want to add a evil loop or if statement, do I have to save to .pov and then open an editor? or can I do it from PovLab?
    Can I open an existing .POV?
    What is the highest supported resolution? (I'm spoiled, I like 1280x1024).
    I couldnt find any of this info on the Features page and I'm at work now so I can't grab it. Would like to know if it's worth it.
    Oh, and currently, I dont use a modeller, I've tried a few, but their bad points severly outweigh their good.
  • Posted by Federico Mena-Quintero:

    Unfortunately, POV-Ray is not free software. If you look carefully at the license, you will see that it has many limitations that prevent it from being considered as free.

    You cannot use portions of the source code in other programs; if you do use the source code, it must be for a "custom version", which "is defined as a fully functional version of POV-Ray with all existing features intact" (this really sucks). You cannot re-archive the contents of the POV-Ray package. You cannot charge more than a specific amount for distribution on CD-ROMs and the like. Also, if you intend to bundle it with commercial software, you must first ask permission to the POV-Ray team.

    There are other limitations in the license; you can look at them in

    For a free raytracer with plenty of nifty features, you can use SART (Scheme Aided Ray Tracer). It is available at
  • Posted by Mephie:

    Hand coding is the reason I use POV, I just dont like modellers in general, way too hard to model some of the things that I can do in a loop.
  • The Win32 version has a GUI, which is what I think he was talking about...
  • The title, I'm sure, should read 'Pov-Lab', since PovRay's source has been open for quite a while, I believe
  • Now, if only Moray could be ported over..
  • You're looking at PovRay, NOT PovLab.. There are NO good modellers for linux..
  • Nah, it doesn't have to be a security risk. I have a few passwords that I consider "insecure" since anyone who knows me could probably guess them. Those are the ones I use on all the web-based login thingies. After all, it's being transmitted in cleartext over the 'Net -- I'm not gonna use my *real* password, for cryin' out loud! At any one time, I might have the same password on three or four different web-based login thingies. I mean, if someone sniffs my password with a packet-sniffer somewhere, what are they gonna do? Pose as me on Slashdot? I'm not important enough for anyone to bother, and it would only be a minor nuisance... So having the same password in multiple places doesn't *have* to be a security risk.
  • If it works so great, why aren't you logged in???
  • Where is it? Site's very slow from here. URL???
  • Well, I see no reason to port this monstrosity to Linux. I mean, why on earth would I pour my effort into this when there are so many really free software projects out there that need coders? Take a good, long look at the license. If I'm going to put effort into porting this, I'm going to want the freedom to port only a part at a time, and release my early attempts - this is the only way I can see a collaborative porting effort working.

    Ok, granted it is nicer than, say, some license that prevented any local modifications at all. And having the source is certainly much nicer than not having it at all. If it existed on Linux, I suppose I'd use it when I wanted the functionality, and for some reason couldn't get it from Moonlight Creator. Still, I see no incentive to spend time porting this.

  • by WWWWolf ( 2428 )
    At last a decent modeller for PoV-Ray... hope it gets ported soon.
  • Excuse me for interrupting, but I believe you have your rodents mixed up. Gophers do not consume trees at all.

    I'm sure you really want your signature to say: "Save a tree. Eat a beaver."


  • Amen to that. I would even *buy* a Linux version.
  • How does this affect the registered versions? PovLab was originally shareware. Is he releasing the crippled code (shareware version) or the fully functional code?
  • How's this work under WINE? Enjoyed it before I deleted win95, but haven't had a chance yet to try it out myself under Linux.
  • Then GPL it, for gods sake!
    And can you tell why can't we see the PovRay 3.1 source?

  • Apparently, there is a Linux version ready for downloading at the website. Did I miss something or did you, Sengan? :)
  • Well, a linux port of PovLab would be really nice.
    I just had a short look at the code: it's written
    for Watcom C/C++ 10.6, so at least it's 32-bit!
    Now we'll have to see how their graphic library
    can be mapped onto svgalib or X11. I think I read
    that the Watcom graphics were supposed to be M$ C
    compatible; can anyone comment on that?
  • What do you know, for once one of these posts is correct.

    Force Recon Half-Life TC: Check it out []
  • Go to there working on MFPOV (Modelor for POV) So far it seems to be real awesome! Email Deimos on that page and show him that your real interested (that way he'll start coding more on it)
  • This NEEDS to be said, due to the number of posts that seem to be referring to Pov-Ray.

    Pov-Ray is a renderer. It's been available for many platforms( including Linux) for quite some time.

    PovLab is a modeller. It's a DOS-only program, and the source was just released today.

  • I have an almost entirely functional port of POV-Ray 3.1 to Linux on my web page [], and I should have the rest of the functionality up within a few hours. Feel free to look at the source code; it required very little modification.

    FWIW, I would just as soon see POV-Ray GPL'ed, though I'm not going to rant and rave about it. As I see it, there are two reasons that POV-Ray 3.1, which was officially released for a variety of other platforms several months ago, still doesn't have an official Unix version:

    1. The POV-Ray team has historically hung out on CompuServe. When the previous Unix guru bowed out, it was difficult to find qualified Unix hackers hanging out on CompuServe.
    2. POV-Ray has been following a rather closed development model, in which there are public beta tests for which the source is not publically available. The rationale is to reduce the burden of supporting users with outdated, buggy versions (the beta executables are timed to expire). In practice, it meant that the Unix users weren't able to start porting the POV-Ray 3.1 code to Unix until POV-Ray 3.1 was officially released for other platforms. This meant that Unix users didn't get to participate in the beta testing. It also meant that users were unable to find bugs in the source until after it was already released and the developers were on vacation. Based on my experience, this is a flawed model. Users have found bugs in my version, users have found fixes for bugs in my version, and the amount of work I have had to do is minimal as a result. Still, following the POV-Ray development model, POV-Ray 3.1 for Unix still isn't out, and I have no idea when it will be. I can only hope that the POV-Ray team takes a look at the code on my web site.
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to upload my latest bug fixes. In case anyone is interested, I'm told that it works fine on SunOS with only minor (and obvious) modifications to the makefile.

    -Mark Gordon

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
